


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 21.31.19.png (738x598, 243K)

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as what, riddler?

There are those who would contend he hasn't made a bad film since his Twilight days.

mouse shills are seething

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Pattinson is ugly though


>another faggot Brit
Easy pass


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As Yea Forums's foremost expert on Batman, I approve of Pattinson. He'll do great.



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I am not excited for another batman movie, let alone another capeshit flick.

I don't think modern WB will make it good

For you.

Attached: robert pattinson batman.jpg (1080x1341, 76K)

Looks like a fucking midget with a giant ape face

Is DC bringing back the late 80's early 90s yellow batman logo?

Jawlet detected

God I hope not. Jim Lee's symbol is best

not that other user but i wasn't convinced before either
but this
yeah i feel it

They better not give him a faggy looking fat suit.

He has the same frame as Bale. No reason he can't bulk up on the Hollywood roids and workout program.

no it's just both a trademarked one that dc likes to promote and a popular one in recognition so they use it as a place holder for bullshit like this or random batman merch.

He actually has a jaw that would suit the mask, just needs to bulk up a bit n take the neckpill

Looks like a young Affleck fused with Matt Damon here.

>Nolan is making a movie starring Rob Pat
>Nolan made Batman kino

ready for kino

Attached: D42BEbNXoAI7s_O[1].jpg (779x585, 55K)

kino shot

DC redemption arc now

i'm ready, been waiting for this for a while now

Holy shit, that's perfect.

Hes a good actor.

hello kirsten


He is ugly though. Dirty face and smells.

lol I like Pat but damn he looks like shit in every one of these fake Batsuit images.

I don't mind this.

Kirsten, listen to me, you're a decent actress but please, for the love of God, stop browsing Yea Forums and build your career. The clock is ticking.

Is there a difference between Batman and "The Batman"?

One is your angel and one is your demon

Robert is ugly. He smells bad and looks it. He's no Bale.

can you post feet? asking for a friend

>DC post-Snyder
>No Affleck
Not interested.


Is there any difference between Batman, The Batman, or The Dark Knight?

Attached: robert pattinson batman.png (1083x1210, 885K)

No. Fuck off.

How do you know what he smells like? How is this a valid criticism?

I hope they give him a decent Batmobile. We're long overdue one.

Attached: Batman batmobiles.jpg (750x750, 85K)

Literally perfect.

Has there EVER been anyone who was miscast for Batman? Personally I don't think so.

why does he have an ugly girlfriend?


My nigga Rob out here fucking extra terrestrials. Based tbqhwy

they broke up a few years ago
now she's fucking /ourguy/ shia

>Dabbing on the blacks by fucking one of their own
Based Robbo

have sex

agreed but I'm sure he'll get big for it

who was the other one they were considering? can't even remember his name now

I had a toy of the Keaton one as a kid. Still my favorite.

Ageing old aids ridden faggot !

You cape shit are ...

>Robert Pattinson is 6'1" with a chiseled jaw in skeleton mode
>Batman is 6'2" with a chiseled jaw in beast mode
All Robert Pattinson has to do is LIFT

Is he finally going to fuck Wonder Woman though?

Attached: pKWsP6D.jpg (3800x5000, 2.55M)

Keatonmobile is simply the best and i don't even like those movies that much.

based keaton user

Attached: batman returns bat signal.webm (1920x1072, 2.41M)

>and i don't even like those movies that much.

Based and check'd stroke poster.

Who are they going to replace her with when they reboot the whole thing in a year or so?

He's right. Movies are shit. Watch Kinos™ instead.

he's got the arrogant facial expression down,so he should be a good fit for bruce wayne.

as batman he's wearing a mask anyways. maybe just needs to bulk up a little.


he young bat at the start of career
more detective work

>So Fatffleck is thrown to dumpster

he's still present-day batman

Why did they delete this post? Are the mods racists?

kristen stewart

No, they are craycists!

Attached: cute.jpg (792x1818, 743K)

literally the most based choice they could have made

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Although, she would actually make a great Catwoman


ye they is

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He looks like Matt Murdock there



I hope so


Cant wait for another 2 years of his face shopped on batman suits


That's imposible tho, because Avatar is owned by Disney

jacked Pattinson will be megakino

Just hope there's a sequel where he faces off against Phoenix's Joker

i really don't care who do the batman... as long as they make him a fucking detective for god's sake

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It's unironically against the rules to be racist outside of Yea Forums. It's rarely enforced unless it's caught or is reported.

He was great as a piece of shit in Good Time. He'll be great as a piece of shit Brucey Boy.

cope Marvel Nigger

It's a Whodunit surrounding a Gotham figurehead being murdered. Batman has been Batman for a few years and he's confronting villains to put together what happened. It'll be Hitchcockian with everything being told from Bruce/Batman's perspective.

You're welcome.

Even if he doesn't goes all Batman Begins-level swole (which I think he will considering how autistic he is with his roles), the costume department can always make some ripped suit full of crazy tech shit that makes him look large as fuck.


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any clue on the main villain?
...i hope it'll be Scarface

My body is ready.


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I want the next one to be a suped-up coffin-type

>still coping this hard
it's over user, Affleck made the statement himself, it's done and done

Truly based and redpilled
You happen to have the picture that compares marvel comic writers and dc comic writers.
Literally skinny numale sjw's vs fit alpha males and fit fem

Fuck. Yes.

best move for them is just shoot multiple movies.
They are a bigger and superior studio, they can still shoot all these prequels and solo movies while continuing their timeline and throwing spinoffs in the mix. It's the best move for them since phase 4 of marvel is definitely full onion if it isn't already

I don't even care at this point - DC is so broken that he can't be THAT bad.

In fact I have this stupid suspicion that he'll end being really good and all of us that were like "NOOOOOO" will have to eat our shit.


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You had me at Big guys

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Both Tom Hardy should ditch DC/Sony and move over to Marvel proper. Hardy as the Wolverine. Cavill as, Captain Britain or someone.

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Warner Brothers doesn't seem to care 1 bit about making a quality film. Ben Affleck and now this turd burgler.

okay mouse shill

Why does this have a twitter filename?
Are you a nonwhite?

Easy to call out fake stuff, right? It's not fake.

No idea. This is a typical "I have a friend that knows something." case. But real.

What the hell, is that real? That's a big dog

>That's a big dog

For you.

Attached: Tom Hardy Venom.jpg (960x1280, 183K)

Batkino is back on the menu boys, Pattinson is a great actor and a pleb filter for fags who can't get over Twilight

Zack doesn't have anything to do with it does he?

yes, a mediterranean

>That's a big dog
Tom Hardy is a manlet

marvel shilling
reddit spacing
$0.50 has been deposited in your disney dollars account.
And as part of your negotiation efforts, here's some leddit gold

Perfect for Wolverine.

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