Do you ever feel like you understand the author's work better than the own authors do?

Do you ever feel like you understand the author's work better than the own authors do?

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Death of the Author is very real, yes.
With that said:
holy cringola

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So Drumpf did Chernobyl?

Trumpcucks seething LMFAO

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can somebody explain what's going on in this pic to me

Sounds like Kyle Morris needs a safe space ;^)

I do love how Trump consumes every bit of their lives, they even try to blame Trump for Chernobyl. Trump derangement syndrome is real.

Republicucks BOILING

Yes, when the author is the writer of masterpieces like Superhero Movie, The Hangover part 3 and Scary Movie3, I do

magapedes rise up. lets show this asshole what happens when your not grateful to the based and redpilled god emperor. BOYCOTT THIS TRASH!

Based Big Dimes Craig working magatards into a seething shoot.

>the own authors
Do you ever feel like English

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Seething Trumpcucks spotted

Kek this

Stephen King said HBO presents Chernobyl is about how evil Trump is, the shows creator agreed and called him “smart ;)” then Twitter conservatives said it was the libs fault, etc.

Based Orton poster

Yeah, that's what Hollywood wants you to think

I don't think you understand

>using a self-own to dab on the other side

I thought this level of brainlet would only be found @ Yea Forums and if you don't understand why it's a self-own you're hypnotized by propaganda.

how is chernobyl about trump

based retard

>do thing
>"you know what this makes me think of? DRUMPFTH
This is what they call "obsessed"

Shitty nation leaders are reminiscent of one another and Chernobyl is about some horrible leaders

incels are so disgusting
why cant you just have sex?

im not even gonna ask why do you think trump is shitty just gonna say that
>Shitty nation leaders are reminiscent of one another and Chernobyl is about some horrible leaders
is retarded statement

but trump is based and redpilled and own the libtards epic style???

>American can't watch any piece of media without thinking about Trump
>if you don't you're a trumpcuck

>nuh uh socialism didn't cause this. it did, well not my socialism. i just donated half my rent, whose with me bernie bros!

In tying it to Trump to make it political they played themselves by highlighting one of the many negatives of socialism. Of course, the cognitive dissonance is so strong someone will still try and argue this isn't the reality and fact of what just occurred.

15 threads later and still zero answer. Libs use their tactic of getting a train of delusion and hysteria going based on nothing. Just like the mueller report. I remember talking to a brandead lib cuck who was adamant that trump was a legit out right racist. Asked for evidence and the guy ran in circles for 10 minutes. These deranged people are funny to watch

Ya fuming?

>trump maga democrat indictment trumpian magaism impeach trump democrat smart folk trump

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It’s about shitty systems.

Chernobyl wasn’t Gorbachev’s fault as national leader, the shitty Soviet system was already in place.

>Chernobyl was a Russian made disaster.
>Trump was a Russian made disaster.
Holy shit, the fucking pottery.

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Neat how that happens yet its everyone else who is SEETHING. Really gets the old noggin' a joggin'.

Gorbachev's responsibility was to fix the system before a catastrophe like this could occur

why are americans so obssesed with their president's cock
im euro and it seems that americans can't stop thnking about trump

They will never stop being mad about 2016, they literally can't even watch a show without obsessively thinking about trump. They are literally mind broken

I'd probably feel pretty embarrassed about Trump if I was a mutt tbqh

>this level of reading comprehension
Jesus fucking Christ. You are missing the larger point. It's about human behavior, mistakes, bureaucracy, about blind faith in figures of power and the ruling party, about patriotism and self sacrifice despite all of the shit. He's correcting mouth breathing partisans that treat politics like sports that the show isn't about mocking the russians and if you ever thought it was then the joke is on you.


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Comparing Gorbachev to Trump is very offensive to me.

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>fix decades of Soviet issues in less than three years

He was only human.

if not even the engineers in charge of the system knew they had fucked up how would gorbachev

Canadian and European leaders are among the most embarrassing on earth. They don’t stand up for their own countries and import their destruction

You're just an NPC running the regurgitatememe.exe program. The new age say something dumb then go "nuh uh I was just trolling" Yea Forums user. Why would I be fuming because lefties just played themselves because 3 years later they're still too dumb to not engage in reactionary politics? The only thing that could get me mad is thinking about how stupid other people that use this site are but I've been used to that for years. Did you want to post some blacked porn while your at it so I SEETHE or whatever?

Allie Beth Stuckey and Kyle Morris absolutely fuming
Dab on them Trumpcucks

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Trump isn't a horrible leader though.

you haven't seen euro leaders telling us that we have to take in millions of niggers from africa becasue in Syria there's war

He said it reminds him of Trump, not that it's literaly asbout the POTUS to which Mazin agreed. if you can't see any similarity between that buffoon and other inept figures that failed upwards more power to you.

What Stephen said can literally be applied to any leader or manager, it was so vague. The only people it couldn't be applied to are omniscient leaders that know everything. He had to be extremely general with it to make a weak comparison to a show about the failures of communism.

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>still on the collusion train that ran for 3 years, cost tens of millions, and came up with nothing
How does it feel being on the same level as a literal schizophrenic

>comparing the politbüro to the american president

can this shit be over already

Check and mate for you.

>can't go a minute without thinking about and getting upset over trump

It's highly ironic that Stephen King of all people is talking about "mediocre intelligence"

Seething Trumpcucks spotted

as a slav from a former USSR colony it's funny watching burgers thinking trump is anything close to shitshow we had to endure for half a century
you faggots don't know shit about incompetent leaders

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King is a genuine brainlet.

It only reminds him because hes obsessed with Trump

Epic larping

>american leftists are pussy betas and women
>trump is an alpha male (literally)
>american leftists envy him and his alpha male followers which manifests as hatred
pretty simple really. i've been following the situation from europe and it's a classic case of beta male saltyness.

drumpf did hall of cost

What is Trump's Chernobyl?

You made this exact same post in a similar thread this morning.

Mazin agreed. Keep seething, simp.

Believe me, not every American is insane and insensitive enough to actually think our lot in life is anywhere near what happened in the Soviet Union.


Most Former USSR citizens in the US are trump supporters

I'll make it again, if I see this cringe tweet. Get used to it.


Seething so.yboi spotted

At times, yes, I believe I see it more clearly.

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>lets have the kids run a train on her down in the sewers man

>Death of the Author is very real, yes.
Do you understand how stupid it is to appeal to authority while dismissing said authority?

Based filter going over this jabronie

Man, Steve King has been posturing so hard the last 4 years in an effort to get his novels taught as serious subject in universities. Never gonna happen Steve.

>Not showing the unredacted report to anyone is them coming up with nothing.
Trumptards everyone.

chernobyl meltdown had nothing to do with politics it was a failure in the design that they didnt take into account when making it


Where, in that post, am I appealing to authority, my brainlet friend? You might want to google "Death of the Author" before you reply further.

how does it feel to be a dumb nigger
luckily not

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>Chernoshit generals suddenly stop


you've been exposed as leftist faggots


>muh trannies
rent free

>libtards don't understand actual history while making a dramatization of said historical event.
Nobody is surprised and you're retarded if you think the events surrounding Chernobyl has even a vague connection to Trump.

Of course it could be applied to other incompetent leaders and managers, Trump is no exception, he's just in the spotlight. The difference here is the cult of personality around him, you say shit about other lousy leaders and only a handful of people will get mad. The minute anyone implies Trump is anything less than perfect you all get triggered as fuck and jump into defense mode.

Twitter deranged syndrome. Nice obsession OP.

When King expressed that we should set aside our political differences and try to be friendly to one another at the end of the day and the leftists on twitter absolutely lost it I wonder if any part of him realized how fucking stupid he's been.

rent free

>rent free
Oh the ironing

That's what you get when you're a fuckin partisan loser lol.


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Yes this is about Trump but let's not forget the most important thing it is about is love can conquer all. If we stick together has one HUMAN race we can stand in the face of nuclear disaster and rise from the ashes. I for one will start the clean up of chernobyl even if no one else will. Let's find the real monsters behind who caused this, and by real monsters I mean REAL monsters they hide they bite important cable lines carrying the nuclear gas and responsible for the lives of men, women and even children. Let us get together find these "beings" and bring them to justice through the ukranian court systems. With me? Yes? With me? No? Doesn't matter, these pipeline munching monsters will be caught and tried for their crimes.

um sweetie trump working with the russian mafia since the 1980s is well known. he was probably involved in the plants shoddy maintenance. how else do you think he recovered from all his bankrupticies and got vladimir putin to instal him as US president?

>Someone makes a thread crying about tweets making fun of Trump
>I reply to it
Not rent free

>No one is talking about trannies
>Trannies get brought up in the middle of a thread that has nothing to do with them
Rent free

Learn the difference, it could save your life

Yeah, South American fag here, by 3rd world countries standards he's pretty mild.

>Of course it could be applied to other incompetent leaders and managers
Nope, what he said can be applied to ANY leader or person in power, they don't even have to be incompetent. No leader will understand everything about everything that is going on. The only thing they can do is make decisions.

He's the most criticized person in the history of Earth outside of a few war criminals. Believing every historical disaster is an apt metaphor for Trump's presidency is inane and generally nonsense

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>btw look up this essay!!!
IQlets, your kind has arrived.

Ah, so when you memespeak for no reason it's ok but when someone else does it it isn't allowed. Such tolerance, many cases.

Bringing up trannies out of nowhere in a topic not about them is completely different from replying to the subject of the thread, yes. I'm glad you are smart enough to understand this.

>comes to thread to dab on DRUMPH
>dude he totally hasn't lived rent free in my head the past few years there's a big difference

Nice cope.

Is dilation painful?



>muh trannies
no charge

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You should see the first episode's podcast. Around the 40 or 50minute mark he goes off about CNN being called fake news is on the same level as USSR covering up Chernobyl. It's honestly amazing the show didn't turn out worse.

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I didn't think Chernobyl was about the incompetence of russian leaders, but rather about how little was known about the technology and the repercussions of a disaster on chernobyl's scale.
The leaders who are confronted with the facts (Boris) very quickly come to realize what they are facing, and do whatever's necessary to fix the problem
The other leaders who aren't intimately familiar with the issue are even willing to cooperate (Gorbachev)
The only obtuse one would be the KGB guy whose name I forgot, and even he claims that he is "being watched", I took this as him saying that he HAS to act that way or he'll be sacked
Overall I just thought Chernobyl gave an interesting insight in how humans deal with tragedies they can't comprehend rather than being a piece of propaganda aimed at any contemporary case

Shitposting is still shitposting on or off topic, just writing seethe or some other one-liner is totally on topic, though. Infallible logic.

>CNN being called fake news is on the same level as USSR covering up Chernobyl.
i hate americans so god damned much, you have it 10 times better then we do in shitholes around the world and you are wasting that potential

The author disagrees, to him it's about Russian government, lying, and Trump somehow.

That's not what he said.

It's not, people just make it about that. Even the fucking creator couldn't keep his dick from getting hard to virtue signal on twitter. It's like JK rowling coming out a decade later saying "btw they're gay".

Are you false flagging and going to write samefag next? Pathetic. Also, dilate.


>Chernobyl happened
kek, they will forever be mad he won in 2016

>t. tranny

Death of the Author is a meme for the mentally cucked who believe that art can exist on some magical apolitical plane where people can let go of their differences, hold hands and dance in a circle as one united race. Guess what, faggot? Everything is political, every decision or choice you make, every creative idea or artistic project you embark upon - all stems from your political worldview, which, in turns, is just a summary of your cultural/aesthetic/moral character. It's quite literally impossible to be a liberal soicuck and create a piece of art that wouldn't, if even involuntarily, include elements of liberal faggotry in it (Chernobyl is a very clear example of that with its stronk vagina person character). Art, as a whole, is an expression of human genius, a fruit of imagination. And if that genius and imagination belong to a faggot, Art in turn becomes a fruit of faggotry.
So yeah, if you keep watching things produced by demonstrably despicable people for reasons other than perhaps pure curiously about the minds of degenerates, then you're a cuck.

and he will win again

Imagine getting new memespeak and not running it into the ground as fast as you can. I already know what you're going to reply with or it'll be something synonymous being the high class comedians you are.

>Ilhan Omar criticizes AIPAC's swampy hands all over DC
>Trump deliberately takes her words out of context and tweets out she's antisemitic
>Fox News runs coverage of this alleged antisemitic terrorist for weeks
Now picture some Russian names here and there.

Lot of butthurt magapedes ITT. Funny, I thought it was supposed to be the liberals that got triggered.

I know there's a meme about "durr voting Trump just to dab on leftists" but that's exactly why he's getting my vote. It's hilarious watching so many people have zero awareness.

It's not triggered when it's redpilled and based memers such as ourselves doing it

Liberals are like Hulk with getting angry, they stay triggered but again, it's totally the same thing. Great point, user!

how can you be so obsessed with trump that you see his presidency in everything? i wonder if all the coke fucked up his brain permanently
also the scientists behind chernobyl weren't of mediocre intelligence working on something that they didn't understand

>blind faith in the system is a small government larper's position
I don't presume to say I understand the metaphor more than the author but I can safely say that doesn't make the metaphor accurate.
If I write an allegory about how voting republican is support for eating small children between the ages of 2-6 that doesn't make my allegory some indictment of the republicans. It just makes it not true.

Getting triggered to trigger the libcucks

Oppa epic styele



>A Literal what

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Can we get Trumpcucks filming themselves sending their HBO subscriptions down the toilet like they did with Gilette?

estrogen will fuck a guys brain up


We need to make a petition to get this Craig Mazin fired for insulting the dear leader

>makes joke back
>you're so triggered, SEETHING, we slayed 'em queens!!!!!!

True, but so many people could have avoided serious radiation exposure if it weren't for the politics.


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>spend three years obsessing about how Drumpf is a secret Russian agent
>literally every day of your life revolves around this
>get absolutely BTFO
>pretend like nothing happened

You people are schizophrenic. Trump will win again due to the economy and you will all kill yourselves.



quite a fantasy you've got there.

You're obviously seething

>people who watch chernobyl are discord trannies raiding Yea Forums

who would've thought that the only people who participate in generals are redditurds

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I just want to see them meltdown worse than in 2016 again. That was hilarious

That Trumpcuck is seething harder than Kevin Nash's asshole in the summer of 92

The difference is in America no one is afraid to call Trump a fucking moron.

In the USSR they throw you in the gulag for looking at the party wrong.


OP never said anything about refusing to watch the show.
Where did you pull that from?

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don't insult mentaly ill user

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What part?

Kyle Morris in OP's picture, my dude, that's what I was referring to. Not OP himself.

>who would've thought that the only people who participate in generals are redditurds

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You're obviously COPING

>no one is afraid to call Trump a fucking moron
They literally had to cover up the McCain's navy ship so he wouldn't rant for an hour about the guy's tumor.

>if we force this stuff on people, then they'll like it
That's not how things work at all. What the fuck?

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Alex Jones fan btfo