Name a movie with a more dishonest marketing campaign

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Other urls found in this thread: thr/news (The Hollywood Reporter - Top Stories)

Snow Dogs

blade runner 49

>Snow Dogs

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The Hateful Eight

>mfw i got thrown out of that matrix sequel out at the same time and had to watch kangaroo jack with my lil sis

It was honestly more enjoyable than that shitty matrix film.

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what was dishonest about this movie?

well for one its a fucking snuff film, they could have said that during the ads
seriously i may have enjoyed kangaroo jack chainsawing that cartel member's head a bit more if i walked into the theatres expecting it

how did you get thrown out? were you whacking off in the auditorium?

it’s a soccer movie

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Best scene

some walrus bitch had taken my seat and started screaming at me when i asked her to move. they just threw everyone out in the end. took 4 security guards to drag the crazy bitch outta there.

i did get a refund tho.

I have the distinct memory of my mother locking me in a room with this stupid fucking kangaroo film. The rap is deeply engraved in my memory,
Its not even kid friendly! Its like some fucking mafia film turned buddy film with some shitty kangaroo shoehorned in.
Fuck this film
Fuck Christopher Walken for being in it

the third cannibalization scene was a bit unnecessary.

Its called football you handegg-playing reprobate.

>Hateful Eight
A spaghetti western styled movie in the snow shot in 70mm with Ennio Morricone scoring it. Except its by Quentin Hackatino, therefore the whole movie takes place in a little cabin where all they do is talk.

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It was advertised as a comedy movie about a cool talking kangaroo.

That is exactly one scene and it's a dream. The rest of the time it's a relatively gritty heist movie involving homocidal gangsters in the outback

El Cangarou

whatever Muhammad

it was advertised as a fun, family-friendly movie with a wacky kangaroo character.
instead, it was Wake in Fright from the kangaroos' perspective

I liked both of these movies as a kid

The Invention of Lying
>hah wow this guy invents lying and uses it to do all sorts of wacky stuff like get laid!
>movie is actually a giant fedora circlejerk about how God isnt real


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My eight year old self just called you an idiot

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well this was depressing.

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I enjoyed how much the film didn't seem to give a single fuck about being entertaining but the trailers were so misleading

Not technically dishonest, but I watched Dusk Til Dawn with no idea what it was about beforehand. So when the crime roadtrip movie suddenly became VAMPIRES OUT OF NOWHERE I was truly shocked.

there was a cartoon show too, i believe it was the same characters but more wacky

>kid me thinks its gonna be a cool fantasy world adventure like narnia
>its just dude the girl dies lmao

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This shit right here. They marketed it as Heisenberg versus Godzilla the Movie. Godzilla and Cranston are barely in the movie. All we got was quicksilver trying to get home to Scarlett witch and their incest baby.

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My mother put me and my sister in a room to watch it, I hated it. She did the same thing with Master of Disguise. Also wasn't there a scene in Kangaroo Jack where he grabbed some woman's tits?


This was actually a good thing. It was mostly 2D so the 3D stuff was just bait.

>Will Smith grieves about his dead daughter, writes letters to Love, Death and Time, and the Moefications of them show up to help him through his trauma

>Will Smith grieves about his dead daughter, writes letters to Love, Death and Time, his employees intercept his letters, they hire actors to pretend to be Moefications of Love, Death and Time and help him through his tramua, while they plan to get him fired by filming them talking to Will Smith with a cell phone and somehow editing them out of thin air to make him look crazy, except the actors who were pretending to be Moefications of Love, Death and Time actually are the Moefications of Love, Death and Time and were also helping them sort their shit out too.

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zoomers don't remember how hard that one dream sequence was shilled and how it had nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Fucking sad.

And then there was a DTV animated sequel that actually was about the kangaroo.

>All we got was quicksilver trying to get home to Scarlett witch and their incest baby.

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That's hilarious. I never saw the movie so I've still always thought it was a talking kangaroo movie. Whenever I see OPs pic i can hear that "hip-hop" song in my head. It was heavily advertised during kid show hours.
Is the film any good?

Godzilla King of the Monsters 2019. He didnt start out as a king, and the movie overall sucked since barely any *monsters* as the humans were the real monsters here with that robotic like acting

>The dream sequence in question is, in fact, a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment that was added at the end of production specifically so it could be used in the trailer. The poster for the movie also shows the kangaroo wearing clothes and sunglasses and acting very human. Basically, the studio was afraid that they had a bomb on their hands with this film, so they made a crass, calculated, last-ditch effort to salvage the film by selling it to the public as a children's film (which actually worked somewhat as the film managed to do reasonable business at the box-office and a sequel was later made)
-TV Tropes

You tell me

Shitty remake of Lagaan.

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What was so dishonest about it.

I hope everyone involved in that decision dies in a car crash.

This any good? Poster piqued my interest

Depicting my future wife ASR dying should be illegal

yeah this was so shit i got really pissed by it

Schindlers List.

not a ghostbusters movie

It was marketed as female ghostbusters.
It turned out just to be females.

wtf? i watched it multiple time when i was young and i dont remember any of the things you guys said
its just a fun movie

Creating a Pavlovian connection between the film and women's rights, painting any detractors and critics as evil nazis.

Primeval. I recall the trailers being like Jack the Ripper.. 6 kills. Zodiac.. 7 kills. Gustave... 300 kills!!! without showing anything else. movie turned out to be about a giant gator

I remember being so fucking disappointed as a kid. I wanted a goofy talking kangaroo. Instead I got dumbasses running from gang members.

It was advertised as a comedy.

Then you realized it was a tragedy?

why? It saved the bottom line, it's hilarious.

>girl suddenly dies in the middle and entirely changes the tone of the movie because FUCK KIDS
Absolutely based writers.

>those cheesy as fuck responses
I wish we could go back
Try to respond with anything like that and you're flamed by zoomers and edgy r/Yea Forums tryhards

This. I was pissed I didn’t get this dancing catchy song spouting kangaroo and instead got some like, secret agent, Thief movie? I don’t know. There’s a Kangaroo in it and that’s about it.

Were you really that disappointed? A talking kangaroo. Even as a kid I had higher standards without realizing it, let alone being 'fucking disappointed'

This sounds better than the trailer?

Godzilla 2014

lmao oh nevermind you were on it

>le wacky dog and dolphin team up movie?! oh hilarious!
it was the most emotional and most touching romance story ever captured on film

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That’s actually based

Dude, fuck off. I was 10. Maybe I'll go watch the sequel. Scratch that itch.

Yes but after I thought it was a documentary

I tried to watch this. I like movies like Free Willy that feature a real live exotic animal, if for nothing else than the stock footage of the animal interacting with the actors. This was like a Lifetime movie written by the writers of Dora the Explorer.

Am I the only one who thought that this was just footage from the climax the whole time? I legit got confused how my friends thought that was the whole movie when we watched it.

Are you for fucking real? I mean, from the trailers it seemed super cheesy, but that makes even ten times worse.

Not a movie per se but... I was livid. Granted I missed the first 10 minutes + the disclaimer I thought dragons were fucking real for an hour, that’s what the ads said too.

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>Patrick is fucking yoked

Is that that dragon mocumentary?

you're thinking of Sahara, which is kino

Dude I envy you. When I was ten I was getting disappointed from s10 simpsons. I wish I wasnt so cynical early on so I could be retarded enough to enjoy simple shit for longer.

lilo and stitch was the most dishonest movie marketing for me as a kid where he crashes all those disney movies in the trailer , and i thought that that looked awesome as a kid and it was completely different and shit

Nigger, same shit happened to me, I missed the beggining where it explained that it was a mockumentary and had to go to school so I missed the last couple of minutes as well so I believed they had found dragons for a couple of days, even telling my friends so and whatnot.

Got BTFO by my biology teacher when I said it in class and she wouldnt accept it so then I looked it up online and she was right.

Holy shit this was like a modern war of the worlds, I totally thought they found that shit until the end when they ran a disclaimer or something

I expected the episode to be about Homer hitting people with a glove and battling duels, I was so wrong.

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I remember this. The dream sequence was used for the commercial. The movie sucked balls

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Is she hot? Is she single? Got pics of her feet?

god this was so fucking boring
All the extra stuff they could've done about cavemen and it's a straight up footie flick

I can't believe TvTropes is still clinging to the term Big Lipped Alligator Moment after even Doug Walker himself isn't using it anymore.

Jack did the white power sign
god damn even kangaroos now what's up

I felt the scene of him shooting those 2 unarmed black suspects in cold blood while screaming racial slurs and his superior officer covering it up and bribing the judges was a bit over the top.


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>Not 2 unarmed pit bulls
One job.

What is this exactly?


This movie is fucking horrible.
Just depressing movie about a schizo girl bullying and getting bullied by other people.
Movie tried to market itself as a fun kids movie but its absolutely fucking dreadful all the way through

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This sounds so stupid that I'm actually now interested in it



Saw it on tv as a kid. Same feeling. Gave me nightmarea though. Funny looking back. Also, FEEEEEEEEEET

Who is Polly?
WHAT is Polly?

Detective Pikachu
>go see it thinking it will be Deadpool: Pokemon Edition
>get some mutt's stupid personal issues forced down my throat
I don't care if your daddy didn't love you or if you couldn't be a fucking Pokemon trainer, I'm here for the Pokemon and the comedy, you retard.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was marketed like a rom-com in my country
I am pretty sure the TV ad had the announcer describing it as a "laugh out loud comedy"

Even though I was also fooled I still watched this movie at least 50 times because we had it on VHS

If you like Aardman previous works then it's definitely worth a watch, other than that you can skip it.

>be a little kid
>this move is on TV
>"oh so it's like Narnia"
>lol nope, qt3.14 dies and rest of the movie is the guy overcoming his guilt and depression
>spend the rest of the week traumatized by this shit
Whoever came up with this is a genius.

It was the same guy who created Rugrats

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>Pan's Labyrinth was marketed as a family friendly fantasy adventure a la The Chronicles of Narnia. It isn't. [It really, really, isn't.] In addition, the trailers and promotional material kinda left out one detail: The movie's in Spanish with subtitles. This resulted in so many complaints along the lines of "It's in the wrong language! I want it in English!" that movie theaters (and rental stores, once the film hit DVD) had to put up signs saying "Pan's Labyrinth is in Spanish and that's the way it's meant to be".
>TV Tropes

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>Pan's Labyrinth was marketed as a family friendly fantasy adventure a la The Chronicles of Narnia.
That's utter bullshit. Never happened

>It is notable that many squicks and nightmares were induced by this movie due to it being advertised as "family friendly." Especially in Europe, trailers shown only mentioned the fantasy parts. The fact that it takes place during Franco's regime is completely ignored, as is every mention of gruesomeness.

it was a shit movie, that's what matters

In English speaking countries this definitely wasn't the case, at least

What did you expected ? Jesus fighting Buddha ?

Absolutely kino movie, and depressing af

>Advertise 3 hours movie
>get the inferior 2 hours movie instead
I see the point

Bullshit the Trailer here even started with the Franco part and the Officer/Soldiers

>I won't watch a film with subtitles
this is a mindset I'll never understand

Sucks man, when I watched this in high school history class, we got stuck the theatrical version

Guess it was an international thing.

Yeah, it definitely wasn't the case in all of those two English speaking countries in Europe.

kangaroo jack made me a furry. Maga.

I didn't know Jared Harris played a mullet-wearing fat redneck.

no, fuck you, we're not discussing this shit

both of these movies must've been marketed by the same people

>Just depressing movie about a schizo girl bullying and getting bullied by other people.
That's exactly what was advertised in the trailer. How the fuck did you not pick up on that?

The predecessor to Snow Dogs.

A dream sequence trying to sell a shitty Cuba Gooding Jr comedy

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YES! Jesus, I was so angry as a kid when I rented this shit. This and also OP's film. Fuck those movies.

>It was the same guy who created Rugrats
it was made by gabor csupo? of klasky csupo? I learn something everyday didn't even know he directed this

I mean the predecessor to Kangaroo Jack

The very same.

>Kirk spends most of the movie in the space riff thing and then gets crushed by a bridge

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Hang on, that movie didn't have wacky talking dogs tormenting him? I remember being young and not wanting to see it because of that. Was it actually just about him doing that Alaskan dog race with regular dogs, like that other dog race movie?

In the UK it was very much advertised as a football movie, they put trailers out during half time at games and stuff. Not sure how it was portrayed in the States.

Kangaroo Jack is probably the biggest lie I was ever told

>me and brother were fucking HYPED by this movie after seeing trailer
>we really, really believed it would be about a rapping Kangaroo
>we used to hop around our bedroom for several hours at a time shouting fake rap lyrics we made up
>nothing offensive just Kangaroo related stuff like 'You,me and daddy are gonna go see Kangaroo Jack; And you, me and daddy are gonna laugh until our hair turns black; and you and me and daddy are gonna see that Kangaroo; and you and me and daddy but not dead mummy too'
>ought fucking kangaroo costumes to go to the cinema and see it
>went in, so excited and the movie plays
>almost no fucking talking Kangaroo whatsoever
>we get so annoyed that we star to actually believe the Kangaroo is talking when on screen and IS rapping even when its just a Kangaroo standing around
>spent weeks telling each other about all the great lines and basically convinced ourselves it was rapping Kangaroo kino and every other line was an awesome Kangaroo rap, even had quotes scratched into our wooden bunk bed
>got the DVD
>remembered the truth
>brother actually started crying as we watched

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>kids watched this
Back in my day the book was required reading for grade schoolers.

>we really, really believed it would be about a rapping Kangaroo

It was MUCH better than that though, I'm glad you and your pleb brother got blown the fuck out.

I mean, kudos to the marketing team. They literally saved the film.

I don't know about marketing in terms of trailers, but from what I read about this I expected magicians using classic sleight of hand, misdirection, prop construction and mentalism to con or heist their way into money, and a James Randi type guy telling the cops how they did it. Instead I got shitty CGI magic and a revelation that ACTUAL magic was real all along and there's a secret club, and the cop had actually pulled the greatest trick off ever by orchestrating the whole thing after planning it for decades? Or maybe it was just more CGI magic that was meant to look realistic, with how the makers obviously didn't even consult any real magicians it's hard to tell what they thought looked like a real trick.

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The soccer part was only advertised here AFTER everyone decided to see Black Panther that weekend

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Inglorious Basterds

I only saw the quick TV ads, never a full trailer, but I had the same impression you did. I watched it after it released on home video and was fucking disappointed that it was just CGI magic. Apparently the sequel is even worse.

Those parts where left out in American trailers. The Canadian ads were more upfront with all of that

Wow sunds like a normal godzilla movie

But it was supposed to be like that

I was expecting some cheesy GIRLZ RULE action and instead I got.... whatever that was....

No wonder it got beat by Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2

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In Mexico the promos were mostly "Salma Hayek is half-naked in this. Go watch it!!!" so the whole vampire shit was a nice twist.

All I've seen of the sequel is that scene that was posted on here all the time, where they're making a microchip control card that conveniently handles exactly like a springy playing card fly all over the room while they're being searched, instead of just giving it to the dude who's just been searched. That's all I ever intend to see of it, because not even there could they make it simply and believable.

Who the fuck looks at a magician pulling off great cardistry that makes the cards move and disappear in incredible ways and think to themselves that it'd be better if the card was CGI and just flying through people clothes and tossed across the room without anyone seeing it?

what a weird movie
it's super complicated and lore heavy, every single thing has it's own weird name and they go into great detail to explain their fantasy owl culture and backstory
you'd probably have to elect a university course to understand what the fuck is really going on it's so convuluted
and it's a kid's movie


It was a different time for Disney

God I wanted to fuck young asr so bad

>Man Beating Mule

Is there anything he can't do?

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I fucking hate that I didn't get that experience. I can't remember whether I watched it on tv after they called it a vampire movie, or whether I got it on dvd with a vampire on the cover. Either way I just wondered when they were going to get to the vampires.

I vaguely remember when i watched it on CN that the kangaroo was throughout the whole film.

You got Mandela'd. Return to your proper timeline before it's too late.

I don't remember any comercial or anything, but in my country the posters were just Carrey smiling so people assumed it was another "wacky Jim Carrey comedy".

Inglorious Basterds was advertised as Brad Pitt and Fassbender going Nazi hunting movie.

It was not.

you're probably thinking of Kangaroo Jack: Good day USA.

I liked the first half of the film a lot. Really sleek visual style, and interesting character interaction. The atmosphere builds fantastically up to Salma Hayek's introduction, which is perfectly done.

And then the vampires are revealed, and suddenly the film is shot like a budget TV special, really flat and dull. Did they have trouble getting interesting angles on the prosthetics?

>they didn't call the sequel "Now You Don't"

fucking imbeciles

Came here to post this. Even though I liked it as an experience and as a domestic struggle allegory. I don't care one bit about the hippie shit Aronofsky and Lawrence were spouting about it though.

Let's be honest here. The only ones who'd watch it are the ones who liked the first one. And the people who actually enjoyed the first one wouldn't be able to connect the dots and get that it's a sequel if they changed the name that much.

I go in expecting Full Metal Jacket but instead I get a boxing movie

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I seriously didn't see this one coming.

Also, Full Metal Jacket itself

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This only really applied for the very first trailer where it looked like it was going to be a soft reboot that took place in a New York where all the events of GB 1 and 2 took place
Beyond that it was exactly what it said it was on the tin, which was a shitty comedy about fart jokes and queefing

could they defeat brightburn

The main character was actually some white kid

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>In Mexico the promos were mostly "Salma Hayek is half-naked in this. Go watch it!!!"

Damn, based Mexicans.

I think it was a deliberate choice, the big twist. The whole movie dramatically changes genres halfway through, and that's the point, that you're supposed to think WTF.

Kangaroo Jack is unironically my favorite movie. I have a dedicated viewing once a year, and get a bunch of popcorn and theater candy from CVS.

Brain Blast moment. Imagine being the guy who came up with that.
pure child exploiting kino

Yeah but their fight was fucking good.

>That CGI

The exploited kids were really stupid to think that was real.

>advertised as dreck
>was actually kino

I think the assumption was that they were seeing a Spanish dub of an English movie, not that the subtitles were the problem.

I randomly think of this from time to time. I don't always remember the movie, I'll just suddenly start thinking about being stuck in that situation and isolation, watching a movie on repeat just to hear your own language.

Did you have someone else sitting with you that told here "that seat is taken"

Was it one of those theaters that you reserve seats?

Because if not, you don't have YOUR seat, if you get up before the movie to buy popcorn that's your loss. Only exception would be if you left in the middle of the movie to pee, then I'd say that's your seat, but still

The movie is actually great (with a David Bowie cameo to boot), but Summit was all like "One of the High School Musical girls is in it, so let's pretend it's High School Musical!"

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Hey someone else watched this movie too.
>tfw she was actually a schizo and the movie wasn't fantasy
Was kind of hoping the entire time that it would be.

Did you not watch documentaries about dinosaurs and other extinct animals back then? They all had shit CGI "reenactments" in them. Kids didn't think they were watching a real animal being filmed, they thought they were watching a reenactment just like in all the other shows, with the facts being real and dragons once having walked the earth the same way mammoths and saber-tooth tigers did.

God I hated this movie, can't believe it got a sequel.

That's one of the best parts. That's exactly what all animals documentaries looked like in the 2000's. The fact that it had the same level of copy-paste CGI and shitty editing was one of the things that gave it credibility, because it was absolutely indistinguishable from the actual documentaries on actual animals that existed at the time.

literally fucking Reddit in here

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The American poster could have been worse though.

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>5 years ago

This story is better than the movie.

Dude redditors breathe

Sucker Punch was kino

she's a roastie

Why couldn’t the plot just be that Will Smith was the only one who could see Love, Death and Time, and others really thought he was crazy?

>Now You See Me 2: Now You Don't
I sit up at night thinking about this sometimes.

>he browsed reddit so much that he started looking at posts from 5 years ago
Have you considered just staying there?

T-Rex was gonna win if those fags couldn’t belch fire.

This was the first "sad" movie I saw as a kid. Honestly kind of started to change the way I looked at the world


The VVVVVitch and Silence both had wildly misleading trailers. It's understandable because they were both slow, but still how can they produce a trailer that's just a blatant lie?

It’s a movie about a little girl and a parrot named Polly. The ads made it look funny and had the parrot talking but it was a drama about foster care or some shit.

The band is infinitely better

Yeah, but that movie tricked you into seeing a decent movie.

it was the opposite
>first trailer: great, this will be like BvS
>later trailers: oh, this will be like GotG
>actual movie: it was like a CW show

Fucking this. Too bad the movie sucks complete dick too. Kinda funny to see ASR play an atheist despite being like a mega Christian now.

This was released relatively close to a Narnia movie, right?

All of my gay male friends love this movie for some reason.

Speaking of slow movies, I looked up the Drive preview, remembering that woman tried to get a refund because she thought it was going to be Fast and Furious, basically, and found this. Just imagine being such a pleb.


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In Spain it was called “Forget about me”

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Hippie shit they were desperately spouting in a lazy attempt to convince people this draft-1 drek was much more artsy, important, and of a higher quality than it actually was

Cast user and his brother

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>bought fucking kangaroo costumes to go to the cinema and see it

this made me laugh really hard

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>Big lipped alligator moment
Is this 2009? The alligator appears later again in movie anyways, he was wrong.

My mom took a group of ten of us to see Snow Dogs for my birthday. It was a bad movie.

>Pan's Labyrinth was marketed as a family friendly fantasy adventure a la The Chronicles of Narnia
I suspected my mum may have fallen for this (she's into fantasy occassionally aside from horror) and invited us siblings to watch along when it came on a movie channel here in Malaysia. Boy, what a surprise I had watching (though not terrified) even as the movie got slightly censored for was more on Captain Vidal's ruthlessness rather than the paranormal

Holy shit what a rotten trailer. I didn't have Goose fever back then so I may not have watched it if I had seen the trailer first.
The Mandy trailer was another one. Decent movie (wildly overrated) but I saw the trailer afterwards and couldn't believe how awful it made the movie look, while also spoiling any surprising parts of it.

It was 2006, generally the mindset has changed a little bit. Wall E managed to be a success despite no dialogue for 50% of the movie.

Drive didn't feel slow to me.

>cop is the bad guy chasing the magic group
>skeptic also the bad guy
>but then the cop was working with the magic group to stop the skeptic
>joins secret magic society in ending

How was it exploiting kids?

It was a "what if" documentary about dragons.

>tfw family hated Wall-E and said it was weird

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was it code for the jews

Heh. I was married to this girl, and we were visiting her very Christian parents at their rural home, and they put it on. That Captain pounds a hole into that dude's face in the first five minutes it seems. They didn't like it very much.

>slo-mo fights for 1.5hrs
>tick over to the last few scenes
>DUDE they were in a MENTAL HOSPITAL and they were getting RAPED
so deep, so great. no bankruptcy and total mental degradation fueling this at all

Even in my shithole country you are given a specific seat when you buy a ticket.

I would slam her band

>the cop had actually pulled the greatest trick off ever by orchestrating the whole thing after planning it for decades
I was about to let it go as some fun popcorn movie until the twist happened...that really pissed me off since:

1. it came out of nowhere - Mr. Hulk didn't even show himself to be part of the act, not even a self-aware wink to the audience or something.

2. There's no way he could be that certain if things went as planned - what if the safe company bankrupted, or whether certain institutions just went defunct? What if he didn't get the job as a cop because of some minute detail?

Heck, I thought the French Interpol agent was suppose to be the mastermind since she got all showy with the magic findings he was interested in...

>and you and me and daddy are gonna see that Kangaroo; and you and me and daddy but not dead mummy too'

Funniest part of this whole thing.

I swear to god we’re all living the same life

i just googled the same question the op asked you stupid nigger fuck

Why couldn't the plot be that Will Smith kills Love, Death, and Time?

Jesse basically has a glorified cameo in this, infact he sued the makers over it. thr/news (The Hollywood Reporter - Top Stories)

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You guys would hate the twist for the sequel, it really does come out of nowhere.
Morgan Freeman's character was also in on it, he was Mark Ruffalo's dead dad's magic partner pretending to be a skeptic debunker to build hype.
So effectively they put him in prison for no reason.

Is this any good?

>The cover makes it look exactly like every other silly kids' movie about dogs ever. The summary of the movie describes it as " a heartfelt tale about a boy and his dog who set out to solve the death of the young boy's father." What the summary, the cover, and the movie's title fail to tell us, however, is that the dog is dead for most of the movie. That's right, not even a quarter-way through the movie, the dog is run over by a car. The whole movie is actually about helping the dog fulfill his final desire, which is solving his master's murder, so he can cross over.

You can’t make this up

bro are you me? I was convinced for a week.

It’s good for Modern Spongebob, given that Hillenberg was involved

Didn't Eight Below do the same thing?

What is ASR?

>uses reddit post from 5 YEARS AGO to call others reddit fags
if your so ashamed of using reddit, why bother? you really dont belong here

Idris Elba
Peter dinklage

>watched this in cinema when i was a kid
>thought the girl was cute as heck one of the first tfw no gf of my life
>she fucking EATS SHIT
that was a journey

For a while I thought RLM made this movie up, or deliberately mixed scenes from 2 movies with similar looking actors.

It was advertised as shit but it turned out to be fucking shit

I first heard about this film on Yea Forums - apparently the graphic novel was supposed to be "Star Butterfly the Giant Slayer" or something and fans of the source material hated how grimdark the adaptation went...

They rebooted Paulie and made it serious?

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This is incredible

Lol r u eastern European?

It's Watership Down with owls

That alligator even appears in other Disney movies.

you're* fucking mongoloid. visiting Reddit might do you some good. teach you some fucking grammar

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There was a coprophagia scene? Was this the ueropean cut?

Wasn't the whole plan in the first one to get revenge on Freeman's character? Or am I remembering the point of the movie wrong?

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I refuse to believe this is true.

I quite like Kangaroo Jack as a buddy comedy.

>Hype up Avengers/Thanos rematch
>Instead they kill Thanos easily in the first half hour and fight another Thanos from the past

Not that I’m complaining

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They didnt even mention CIA, instead focusing on this d-lister

Man I fucking loved this

Okay, this is a little epic


Nice perfume
What is it, scent of death?

>Expect a movie about Spider-Man

>It’s really just nazi propaganda

Jesus Christ, Raime.

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I don't think I ever watched the movie but I did read the book. Good stuff, I hope they still have kids read it

I like these kind of threads. They're comfy.

We should have another one after this.

NONE of the trailers mentioned being turned into bears at ALL
There may have been shots of bears but they didn't say it was her goddamn mom

>Wasn't the whole plan in the first one to get revenge on Freeman's character?
Yes exactly, but he just took it without explaining he was actually the dead guy's best friend the entire time.


Don't remind me. Hell even when I went to school most kids didn't read the assigned books, at most they would skim through when reports came up

So the second movie shows that Ruffallo's character spent a decade or something planning a perfect set-up, but he was stupid enough to frame the wrong guy all along? What the fuck.

Also this to a certain extent
Great movie though

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>'You,me and daddy are gonna go see Kangaroo Jack; And you, me and daddy are gonna laugh until our hair turns black; and you and me and daddy are gonna see that Kangaroo; and you and me and daddy but not dead mummy too'
haha WHAT

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We read this in like 2nd grade (Age 7, I believe) fucking way before the movie came out. I don't know why anyone was surprised by this.

I thought this was about the Hanna-Barbera Birdman

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You're like the 5th person I've seen get that impression. Thank god it wasn't though, I fucking loved that movie.

Brave was fucking awful. They could’ve done some great shit there and they completely shat the bed.

I just read that kangaroo jack actually took the snow dogs marketing strategy as a reference

Meanwhile the actual Hanna-Barbera gets regulated to another DTV Scooby-Doo movie.

At least he wasn't in a DTV Tom and Jerry movie.

How? I feel like if you had seen the trailer it would have shot that notion down.

In Australia we cringed to hell with this movie's existance, didn't see it at all and were glad when it left cinemas. How come Americans remember it?
Branded as a found footage documentary and ends up just being Herzog droning on and on

This thumbnail.

I thought this was some crazy Hollywood redesign of the H-B Birdman costume, and I shrugged it off as some attempt to cash in on the MCU.

Then I actually learned more about the movie.

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toon force > all

It turned out to be a diatribe on climate change

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The British made up the fucking word, you nonce.

>According to the DVD special feature: "Behind the gas". The hardest scene to create sound for were the farting camels. So the sound designers have tried many failed attempts to create farting sounds they tried Whoopie cushions, blowing in jello cups, armpit farts, all the way down to using their mouths. In sheer desperation the sound designers ate bean burritos, tacos, beans and drank milk, so the sound would come naturally.

Not even cranston character died in the first 20 minutes. He died doing nothing. There was no purpose of his character since the government already knew about godzilla.

Are you me? My older brother make me see the truth

>movie advertised itself as bloody action movie with lots of references to 24 and Die Hard
>is a slow moving drama with hardly any gun battles

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I'm going to make another thread for this right now.

There's 200 posts left until bump limit.

I can't even be mad. It's funny.

This is Yea Forums, the bump limit is 310 or something close to that.

This. I'm still confused as to whether they're in these costumes the entire time, or if it's just a certain scene.

>Got BTFO by my biology teacher when I said it in class and she wouldnt accept it so then I looked it up online and she was right.
holy shit user you fucking retard

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My bad, I saw /got/ general was at 350 but didn't go into the thread to see it's already autosaged. I swear they changed it at some point

The moral of this movie is that going after the old hag is always a mistake.

That general is FAST. It was especially fast during Season 8.

*smacks lips*

This sounds like another florida man story cooking.
Please don't fuck a kangaroo

The MC should have been the one to drown for his shit taste in women.

This movie was raped by producers because they shitted their pants after seeing the thor ragnarok trailer. It's a shame.
I remember when I saw the first teaser, looked kino as fuck.

New thread, let the comfiness continue

It was a Crime Comedy where the Kangaroo was only in one brief scene.

I remembered this movie coming out way before Thor Ragnarok was even a thing.
What the fuck?

Of course you would think that ultra Satan.

>linking the previous thread
Nah, suck a dick, generalfag.

there wasn't any ads for this in the states

It dropped from every theater near me in its second week

Thanks Lionsgate

Event Horizon

The preview made it seem like a generic sci-fi action movie when it was a goddamn horror film with gore about opening a portal to hell.

>from the co-creator of Rugrats


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that's because you're stupid I'm afraid
the talking kangaroo scene was literally a couple minutes in a dream
the rest of the time it never talked

Tarantino directed up until they cross the border. Then Rodriguez directed all the rest. Tarantino saw it as not one of 'his films' so doesn't take a directing cred at all.

The difference in their styles is absolutely blatant imo.

It was on Netflix for a bit. It’s definitely real.

I'm from /sthg/, it's an impulse.


>its a family movie
>scars you with a childhood of nightmares and the feeling that he is standing next to your bed at night

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Why? It was shit. Literally, nothing even happened. Cap/Hammer foreshadowing didn’t matter, D-Strange was used as a dam, literally nothing happened. And Thor was a Big Lebowski reference the whole movie? Is there a Big Lebowski 2 coming out they wanted to plug? Like that was lost on me. No one did anything, it was retarded. Iron Man/Cap stuff was so forced because of their contracts narratively it was cringe. That sucked.
t. Infinity War was baller

Snow dogs wasn't exactly a bad movie, but it did not have talking dogs like advertised.

goddamn my fucking stomach hurts from reading this

I saw this movie on my 17th birthday with my gf at the time. I was so hyped because I fucking love Godzilla and Breaking Bad, and I was hoping to see more of Bryan Cranston. I was so fucking pissed when they killed him off so early.

My gf wanted to get frisky in the theater but I was like "not today, bitch" because I was getting ready to see some kaiju action. And so I waited, and waited, and waited. The ending was great but they blue-balled me for the whole movie, so badly that I blue-balled myself in anticipation of ANYTHING cool happening. To this day I wish I had just leaned back, closed my eyes, and got the blowie. Fuck Godzilla 2014.

I want to see a movie where a kid's dog gets reincarnated as his dad, and the kid has to adapt to his dad acting like his dog.

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you know, I admire the movie for what it tried to do, but it fell flat for me.

Great use of that M83 song in the trailer though

So it's basically Suckerpunch except without the good parts.

I just watched it with my family,
they saw the harry potter producer name and thought it would be similar

I want to believe

>Working title: Republicans = Bad

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how could the dad be born after his own kid?

Maybe the dog and the dad get into a car accident and then the dog's consciousness ends up in the dad's head or something stupid like that.