Tywin+Arya scenes

Tywin and Arya scenes in season 2 were not in the books and they were well written. D and D shown they can write good original dialogue not in the books so where did the writing talent go for seasons 7 to 8?

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>"What killed the dinosaurs?"

They're just lazy imo.

>loyalty bad
>vengeance good
bravo debid

They got sick of the show and wanted out.

Some of the best Bobby scenes were D&D original, too. They lost their minds somewhere along the line.

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Not really. How did he not know who she was? Or at least have a hunch about it?

That loyalty bit is very cringy

Makes sense a 13 y/o edgelord would say it then

I wonder if this a change GRRM actually likes

He certainly knew she was pretending, she wasn't very subtle about it and he caught on pretty quickly.
Maybe because word hadn't reached him that Arya had escaped so he though she was still a "guest" in King's Landing?

I think they were just hiring their dumb friends by the end

It is, but Ayra kind of is intentionally cringe in the books, with her rejection of femininity and rejoycing in violence. So in S2 I thought it was self-aware and good characterisation. Retroactively, however, I'm not so sure.

But it wasn't loyalty, it was Ned's autism. In fact, had he been loyal to his king and exposed Cersei as a cheating incestual whore, he'd be alive

those scenes worked because Charles Dance is a good actor.

When she said loyalty he should have immediately realized she was Arya.

>Or at least have a hunch about it?
He may have had. He could tell she was pretending and at one point called her out on it, although all he could figure out was that she wasn't a southerner.

They were good at making TV when they still had to rely on the books for the main plotline.

It was loyalty TO JON ARRYN that led him to investigate his death and thus to uncover the incest and thus to get rekt

harrenhal is an indefensible ruin. he knew it was arya, he knew no one else would figure it out (they’re all morons), and he knew if he told anyone and formally imprisoned her, news would get to rob and rob would beeline for harrenhal. He figured she wouldn’t be able to escape, because she was surrounded by an army.

Then plot magic happened and zippitybopdowop

>implying D&D wrote all the dialogue in every scene themselves
>implying there wasn't a room full of artschool dropouts each voicing their equally irrelevant opinion on how to better fuck up the story and characters

Pure cringe. No wonder thet wrote it.

>were not in the books and they were well written.
No. Why the fuck would Tywin even look at a fucking low born girl, absolutely retarded.

They stopped caring, simple as that

They had to write 100% original content while balancing a massive cast. Add to that they wanted to move on to starwars and you get an extremely rushed series with characters behaving in strange ways to make the plot move faster.