Disney is Abandoning the Sequel Trilogy timeline

Even the Rat Corporation has realized that they've created an unsalvageable piece of rubbish. Notice that EACH AND EVERY product in the works, outside of Episode IX, takes place outside of this particular timeline.
- Fallen Order - Video Game - right after Order 66 - Prequel Era,
- Mandalorian - TV series - right after RoTJ - Original Trilogy Era ,
- Unknown Trilogy #1 (KOTOR) - Movies - Jedi Civil War Era,
- Unknown Trilogy #2 - Movies - Takes place in a completely different part of the galaxy - probably revolves around Ezra Bridger,
- Basically every comic series - Original Trilogy Era,

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>Disney is Abandoning the Sequel Trilogy timeline

So let me get this fucking straight, first they say EU isn't canon, now all those books I got from Disney canon are now declared not canon.

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>Blablabla Star Wars
Grow up, let past die. Leave this boomer franchise.

Yeah once Episode IX flops they will put the movies on ice and will reboot it.

They use this line in one of the new Darth Vader comics as a giant fuck you to Rian Johnson.

Yay now they can shit up the rest of the franchise.

No you dumb fuck. It's the exact opposite.

They built an entire theme park worth billions in the ST timeline. And it will change as the new movie episode IX is released.

Fucking clueless bitter faggot.

Why is this surprising? They fucked up Star Trek as well.

Just stop watching, stick to the original trilogy. They can’t fuck that up, at least not the Laserdiscs.

>all those books I got
Did they come with free goybean milk?

Only the Solo twin YA novellas are canon. Not even the original trilogy.

Didn't you hear the news, user? That park is a disaster, with barely any Star Wars at all in it.

But there have been plenty of novels put out in the Disney era already.

what are you talking about? was just there with my gf and her son. we all had a blast. It was very Star Wars

Watch them close it in a year or two and blame the consumer for not paying for the privilege of going there.

>my gf and her son

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they already announced that like 10 years ago

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Master & Apprentice is honestly really fucking good. Gives Qui-Gon the development he deserved.

me downing the bottle

>Jedi Civil War Era

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I can't wait for KOTOR era to get destroyed as well.

with whoopi goldberg cast as Kria

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>is a disaster, with barely any Star Wars at all in it.

So, exactly like the Disney Wars movies then?

This is what soi boys are thinking they look like when they make that face

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How can anyone truly take it in yet when you have crowds of people that large? Of course it’s not going to “feel” like Star Wars when you have landwhales clogging it up to the point where wait times for everything are 6+ hours.

Are the crowds hired?

Ever been to Disney? People will line up to get slapped in the face if it’s a brand new attraction.

The only thing that would make star wars good is if they went down the route of the comics. Where the whole reason Palpatine created the empire was because he had former knowledge of an alien race coming to wipe everyone out from another galaxy. So he tried to unite humanity and build super weapons to deal with this coming threat. Palpatine was doing everything for the greater good.

But disney will never go down this route.

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All Disney Star Wars movies are fan fiction with a big budget. They are non-canon because:
1) Not made by Lucas
2) Vastly different intent to the original creator
3) The story does not make sense as a continuation of the original films

Into the trash they go

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And what about these upcoming products that take place during the Sequel Trilogy timeline?

>Star Wars: Rebellion Season 2

>Force Collector
>Resistance Reborn
>Spark of the Resistance
>Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire

>Star Wars: Allegiance
>Star Wars: Age of Resistance

Because it's fucking stupid, user.

>get slapped in the face
to be fair, it depends on who is doing the slapping.

That's why the old Jedi Academy trilogy of novels would have been the best jumping off point for a sequel trilogy. All the OT characters are where you'd expect them to be at that point in their lives. Luke is building his academy, Han and Chewie are New Republic dignitaries getting tired of all the pomp and protocol of political life, Leia is a very high ranking member of the NR and is charged with reuniting wayward systems and Lando is absolutely loving the perks and privileges of being a NR dignitary. It would have been perfect.

Based and Lucas pilled.

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>D&D writing KOTOR
>Outer Rim being written by Onions Lord
No they haven't learned their lesson yet. We need to take boycott deeper. Take back everything we're owed.

>hurr durr star wars

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Alas, what was not.

>tfw haven't bought an EA game or given a dime to Disney Wars since 2012

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You know what would be awesome?
They do a movie on a stormtrooper. No, I don’t mean a trooper who runs and later teams up with a jedi and get more lightsaber shit, I mean a troubled man who has a good heart but is still loyal and does grey area actions.

But that’s nearly impossible in todays hypercharged political climate. Would be looked at as humanizing facists.

First day on 4channel?

*turns 360 degrees and walks away *

D&D are great when they have source material though.

>Take back everything we're owed.

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>ywn see Tamith Kai bully teenage Jacen, setting him up to be manipulated by Vergere and Lumiya down the line

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I miss Kyle

>KOTOR movie

ITT baby faggots don't understand the concept of writing a treatment or just farming out script writing as a way of throwing anything at a wall to see what sticks.

In more simple terms:

They ask people to write a script. They look at the script, gauge the economic argument and look at the budget/schedule, and then start the slow lumbering process of considering whether to consider if they should consider starting the process of pre-pre-pre production.

This is meaningless. There probably are 50 KOTOR scripts sitting on a stack.

If there is any other reasons its that. They want a contracted writer whose IP they control to write *the very hypothetical* script that they might someday consider using.


KOTOR will never happen and it was never canon. Your tears are delicious.

.... yeah?

No EU shit has been canon since... well fuck... ever!


ET the Extraterrestrial is a star wars character and the plots of every video game you have ever played must go in the garbage.

Its a shame the new land is based around the Nu wars not the old. 40 years from now no one will give a shit about nu wars but only care about vader and luke

>ITT don't understand the concept of writing a treatment or just farming out script writing
I'm glad somebody finally gets it. Production companies go through thousands of scripts what we see is like the 10%.

>KOTOR will never happen and it was never canon. Your tears are delicious.
Yeah because Disney hates money and shittily recycling old ideas.

From what I saw, sets looked nuwars-anlien-face drab. No pazzazz left in this. Flat Wars.

OP eternally BTFO. She will not respond to this post.

>Unknown Trilogy #1 (KOTOR)
I can't wait for the disappoint of EUfags once they find out that the trilogy is OC and has nothing to do with their shitty vidya

Really? because it's seem they are doing exactly what they have been doing aka use OT nostalgia for everything

Yeah, which is why they just opened a Billion dollar theme park based on the new trilogy

Laughable fucking idiot

Cool, so now they can shit up everything else including KOTOR.

Based redpilled bro


>Haven't paid for a single Star Wars thing since the buyout

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>gf and her son

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>KOTOR will never happen and it was never canon. Your tears are delicious.
>Disney will never ruin KOTOR
The only tears are tears of joy.

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Why would they need to? Bioware already did.

How stupid can you be? They won't explore VI to IX until IX is done then they will move to that space.

>everyone's reactions when the games are inevitably superior

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>everyone's reactions
Yea, people are just tripping over themselves as they rush home to play a game from 20 15 years ago that only EUfags care about.
This is just like the Snoke=Plaguies faggotry, you kids always overestimate the popularity of your niche EU shit.

>Yea, people are just tripping over themselves as they rush home to play a game from 20 15 years ago that only EUfags care about.

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Dude, it's on lots of best game ever lists, won tons of awards, kotor's a big name game. I remember it being one of the xbox's bragging rights besides halo.

And it's not important to ever get an adaptaion, and never will. And will be forgotten within a generation.
So sad.

It's still beloved today. Game Informer Issue #211 had it in their top 100 games list. TIME had it in theirs in 2012. That tv show Rebels even made a reference to it in one of their episodes.

>And it's not important to ever get an adaptaion
>Heir to Empire didn't
>Republic Commando didn't
>massive numbers of best selling EU things didn't

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zzzzz still playing it safe and going to the past wore others have already wrote or worked on before. Disney at it's best.
Only onions raise their kids with this garbage

>It's still beloved today.
By nostalgia fags who played when they were teenagers. It doesn't matter, it's not important enough to adapt, and it's popularity is on waning.
Plus, the fags that care about it are already Star Wars drone so there is no reason to pander to them as far as marketing is concerned.

The truth hurts and these delusional prequelshitters that can’t get over TLJ will plug their ears like a bunch of children. Thank you for being one of the few people on here who isn’t retarded.

I've seen new players pick it up. It was also ported to IOS. itunes.apple.com/ca/app/star-wars-kotor/id611436052?mt=8

>source: my incel wishful thinking

You’re more likely to see a remake than a movie adaptation.

I would like to think that they wouldn't fuck with the Star Wars Rebels timeline in the movies. The story that was created around Lothal and crew was pretty tight.


Have sex

KOTOR is like Marvels Civil War as people (normies) are aware that thing exists but don’t know shit about it. It has status as a big event or era of the particular space of something they know (Star Wars/Iron Man). To downplay this is fucking dumb especially because the nerds are gonna be the ones to help push the hype.

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It’ll be set in The Old Republic but it’s not gonna follow jack shit from the games.

Kotor is a bad video game loved by people who played it as kids. It's completely unfilmable too, but that's not what it won't be made. It's because it's just a derivative video game that draws upon the most popular elements of the movies.

Not as good as Jedi Apprentice, kiddo

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Good, those books were my fucking childhood

lmao this thread is so retarded

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This is now a KotOR thread

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I don’t care.

I already abandoned Disney Star Wars when they killed Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.

Pt shouldn't even have been made

You just know we're gonna get a SW movie that takes place on Earth at this rate

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A surprise, to be sure

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Because they're going to let whoever writes/directs the sequel trilogy decide what the future of Star Wars is going to be, not some dipshit writing ancillary material for a video game, comic book, cartoon, or streaming series.

That's the fucking joke, retard.

KOTOR is overrated with a really hacky story anyway.

There are so many things wrong with this image I don't know where to start

>Rat Corporation
Someone's trying too hard to fit in.

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Paradise Snare was litty