Complains that movies suck now

>complains that movies suck now
>only watches capeshit
Every time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>complains Yea Forums sucks
>post anime

>posts big fat milkers
>doesn’t post more

Damn... Neji look like THAT?

>complains about capeshit
>watch anime
kys weeb

it goes for all mediums
>Waah games suck now
>only plays big PS4 titles

>waah music sucks now
>only listens to music on the radio

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That bitch has the rinnegan

But the big PS4 titles range from decent to great. It's the endless cross-platform and f2p shit that's causing the medium to stagnate.

Cope seething nintendildo

what if she used almighty push to push you unto one of her milkers and me on the other one haha that would basically make us brothers

AAA games are in the shitter too. The fact that people creamed themselves over God of War still depresses me.

imagine her smell tho

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>But the big PS4 titles range from decent to great.
>bloated budgets
>watered down as fuck
>"go here you dumb fuck" game design
>graphics that people somehow think is good because they only play consoles
>loot boxes even in singleplayer
>always online
>that you have to pay for

What is this from? Is this the Evangelion remake or something related?

she has a nice pair of eyes

anime pusy
a a a anime pusy

hotaru is a CUTE!

What's wrong with that game?

dagashi kashi

post more hotaru you fucks

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Go back to containment animetranny.

Kino anime tiddies

>But the big PS4 titles range from decent to great
lmao the cope

I don't trust white boys and gooks when it comes to recommending anime. Only nigs and muslims watch the most based shows that accept anime as a juvenile fantasy with roided men beating the shit out of each other.

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It's better than botw, seething nintendildos have no games on their shitch.

who doesn't like smash bros?

>>complains that capeshit is awful
>>only watches kino and is an adult
>Every time.

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He didn't say anything about anime.

He didn't say anything about anime.

He didn't say anything about anime.

Dagashi Kashi, a mediocre anime with good girls

People who have taste.

But you're a white boy, what if you recommended yourself anime?

But are there adult videos?

I watch rom-coms actually

cope more weeb

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There was no cope. Prove that I'm a weeb.

>it’s this guy again
Have sex

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Kotoyama actually did a Marvel cover once.

>complains about hollywood not pandering to incels
>pirates all media

Hang yourself, leftist.

You're an autist.

You're an autist.

You're an autist.

Autism doesn't exist.

I've been seeing her alot lately. What's her appeal?

t. seething tranny leftist
Have sex

>What's her appeal?

she's a cute. A CUTE!

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eat shit motherfucker

eat shit motherfucker

eat shit motherfucker

>lost faith in western movies
>Cameron comes along and does a slam dunk
>faith in hollywood shit restored
Maybe they can still make good movies.

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You are projecting.

Disprove all of the actual research and findings found in the DSM-5.

Nigger Nigger Nigger

Nigger Nigger Nigger

Nigger Nigger Nigger

Why are you attacking me for pointing out the fact that OP did not mention anime?

Prove that autism exists. Prove that you are qualified to perform diagnosis over the internet. Prove that I have autism. Prove that it is of any relevance to anything.


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why is everypony being mean ITT?

>Why are you attacking me for pointing out the fact that OP did not mention anime?
Because I want to see you suffer for defending a retard that probably likes anime and made a terrible thread not worth a shit

YOU are projecting. Have sex!!


He didn't mention anime, so why bring it up?

You are projecting.

No he isn't.

Now you are bringing up you retard fat nigger.

He didn't mention anime, so why bring it up?

So you agree that the DSM-5 exists, you agree that the modern iteration includes behavioral disorders such as autism and that by the definition found in the manual you check every box? Okay, glad I can help.

I'm sorry your loving mother and years of being bullied on and offline rendered you incapable of accepting reality but there's nothing I can do for you.

>op didn't mention anime
Except he literally posted an anime image when making this thread.

I agreed with no such things. Since you are resorting to such blatant lies, you are conceding that you are wrong about everything and I win the argument.

Can you read? I said that now YOU are bringing the anime to the discussion. I hate OP for making a shit thread and I hate you for being a genuine moron

That's irrelevant.

I did not bring up anime.

>I hate you for being a genuine moron
Why am I a moron for pointing out a fact? Are you stupid?


100% based.

>only watches good movies
>doesn't waste life whining about capeshit
no one on Yea Forums

>That's irrelevant
How? It's irrefutable proof that OP brought up anime.

Have sex leftist.

No he didn't. He just posted an incidental anime reaction image.

Prove that I'm a leftist. Protip: you can't. You are just projecting. A typical leftist trait.

God I fucking love Minakami's art. Jesus fucking christ AAAAAAAAAAH I WANT A FUCK A CHUNKY ANIME GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRL.

>He just posted an incidental anime reaction image
Which is what the first guy was referring to when he said OP posted anime. What more do you want, for OP to run around screaming his favourite animes as loud as he can?

>"that's irrelevant, he just posted an incidental anime reaction image"

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OP didn't say anything about anime.

That's what I said.

Indeed. This is why I spend money on good movies: Even if they use some of that money to make bad movies, spending money on what we actually like sends the most powerful signal that we can send as consumers.
/alita/fags in Norway bought out half an IMAX theater just to get one last screening there tomorrow. That's the sort of thing that makes movie companies sit up and take notice. The booking department at Disney probably choked on their coffee when they got that order in from the theater.
Sure, some of that money is going to end up with the theater, and some of it will end up with Disney to spend on distributing capeshit and nuwars, but at least some of it will also go to the makers of the actual movie. It's the most we can do without actually financing movies ourselves.

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>I agreed with no such things.
Yes, you did because you can't disprove it's existence. The DSM-5 can be obtained as an actual tangible manual used in the field of psychology, compiled with a myriad of different psychological and developmental disorders. All of which was found by research and analysis. In it you can find what autism is and why you are a clear fucking autist.

Go ahead and tell me that it doesn't exist again, go ahead and tell me it's a Yea Forums spook, you dishonest piece of garbage.

You have conceded that you are wrong and I win the argument.

OP posted an anime image, therefore he brought up anime. This is irrefutable and you can't do anything about it, unless you can prove that OP did not post an anime image.

It was an incidental anime reaction image, not an invitation for people to start soapboxing about anime.

>He can't prove that OP didn't post anime image
Therefore I am correct, therefore I have won this argument.

I never claimed he didn't, and you did not win the argument. See You are just so obsessed with attacking anime that you'll take any possible excuse you can get. You are mentally ill.

Thank you for ending the debate, now I don't waste my time. GG, autist.
>A-Autism doesn't exist.
The DSM-5 says otherwise.

I ended the debate by winning it. Autism doesn't exist, and you just admitted that it doesn't.

You have admitted OP posted an anime image, therefore you have admitted I am right. There is nothing else to discuss.

Fuck all y'all, have sex with me

I didn't "admit" any such thing, because I never denied it in the first place. I did not "admit" you are right, and you aren't. The fact is that OP didn't mention anime and you are just mentally ill.

>The fact is OP didn't mention anime
Can you prove that OP did not post an anime picture?
If not, your argument is incorrect, thus I am correct.

Sure thing, autist.

I never claimed he didn't. I said he never mentioned anime.

You admitted that autism isn't real. You admitted you lost the argument. You are a loser.

>I said he never mentioned anime
Can you prove that OP did not post an anime image?
If not, your argument is incorrect, thus I am correct.

Gotcha, autist.

You are mentally ill. I never claimed he didn't post an anime image. You are completely delusional with no grasp on reality.

You admitted that autism isn't real. You admitted you lost the argument. You are a loser.

Hear you loud and clear, autist

You admitted that autism isn't real. You admitted you lost the argument. You are a loser.

>I never claimed he didn't post an anime image
So then he did post an anime image?

You are extremely mentally ill. I never said anywhere that he did not post an anime image. This was never a debate. You are crazy. You belong in a padded cell.

God I want to suck on Hotaru's titty

Rodger dodger, autist

You have posted illegal content, and I am going to report you. Where is the illegal content, you ask? The simple fact that I am accusing you of posting illegal content means that the illegal content exists because you posted it.

Prove that I'm a leftist. Protip: you can't. You are just projecting. A typical leftist trait. Have sex.

>I never said anywhere that he did not post an anime image
OP posted an anime image, therefore OP brought up anime. You are admitting this, so you are admitting that I am correct. OP posted an anime image so when the first poster said OP posted anime, he was correct in saying so, and you were incorrect in saying he did not bring up anime.

The only on-topic posts in the thread:

You're welcome. They're all about either Alita or Video games. Only Yea Forums and /alita/ provides the quality discussion in Yea Forums it seems. Have sex.

Crystal clear, autist

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Typical idiot leftist. Can't even argue.

OP did not bring up anime, he only posted an incidental anime reaction image. We already went over this, but because you are so extremely mentally ill you cannot comprehend what is happening at all. I never admitted you are correct anywhere. You are delusional.

Posting anime image is posting anime. You are admitting he posted an anime image so you are thus admitting he posted anime, thus admitting I am correct.

You should stop posting illegal content, you could get banned. After all, it is a fact that you have posted illegal content. I said so.

He did not mention anime and you cannot prove that he did. You are 100% delusional, mentally ill, crazy, deranged. I never "admitted" he posted an anime image because I never claimed he didn't. This was never an argument. You are insane.


Stop posting this brainlet meme.

So do you admit OP posted an anime image or do you deny OP posted an anime image.

Stop trying to get the last word in with a self-admitted retard. He'll only bring you down to his level.

Peachy keen, autist.

You are insane. You are crazy. You are delusional. You have zero comprehension of any of my posts. You are so fucked in the head that you cannot understand a thing I'm telling you. You just keep repeating the same crazy nonsense over and over and over and over again. You should be put in a facility.

Why do you keep posting illegal content?

The only on-topic posts in the thread:
You're welcome.

Mind yours, homo. I'm talking with my friend here, who unfortunately happens to be autistic.

>gives up on argument and just insults me

I did not give up on anything. You are insane.

I like boobies

Ah, the aroma of shitty japanese candy

OP posted an anime image, and yet you keep saying OP didn't post anime. You are the delusional one, who refuses to face the facts.

He did not mention anime. This is an irrefutable fact. You are insane.

Who fucking cares?

do people actually do this?

I complain about music but I only buy cds of artists I like. I complain about how movies suck now so I mostly just watch older movies. I complain about how tv is shirt so I don't even own a tv and just stream what I actually want to watch (no I don't pay for that).

>he did not mention anime, this is an irrefutable fact
Pic related, OP posted an anime image, this is irrefutable. Posting an anime image is posting anime, this is also irrefutable as the fact that OP posted an anime image is irrefutable.

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> flawless
> has no ass

Why must you continue to be an autist?

I never claimed he didn't post an anime image. You are 100% insane.

Posting an incidental anime reaction image does not qualify as bringing up anime.

>posts anime
>is an autist

Unfortunately, some people deliberately buy tickets to bad movies just so they can watch the train wreck and complain about it with their mates.

Why do you keep posting illegal content? And don't try to claim you don't; since I am saying that you are posting illegal content, it must follow that you actually are. An accusation is instantly valid without any further explanation needed.

>Posting an anime image is not bringing up anime
Yes it is, if I post gay porn does that mean I'm not bringing up gay porn?
>inb4 prove it

He did not bring up anime. You are insane.

M'kay, autist

Your only remaining argument is to simply deny it without providing any proof to back up your denial.
I have won this argument, you cannot prove I haven't.

AAA titles in general suck fat cock now. I just hope the popularity of darkest dungeon doesnt castrate darkest dungeon 2 to the shithole

Have sex cuck


>being this much of a seething autist.

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The only way to fight an autist is to become even more autistic my man

I want to suck an anime's titties

this t b h f

One day anons one fucking day

cringe weeb autist

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum
I see redditors are on the loose again

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He didn't have to weeb