How can anyone continue this story after Rian Johnson ruined everything?

How can anyone continue this story after Rian Johnson ruined everything?

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I can certainly tell you that I dont give a shit anymore what happens.. and I was on track to be a lifelong starwars fan lol
Now I'm embarrassed to admit in public I ever enjoyed it. Its embarassing.

I'm quite excited to see how badly this movie does, I'll bet it tanks hard

Plan on watching another film to see this film.

>this story
what story? why would anyone care about these characters?

The more I think about it, the more I like Rian for what he did. He managed to singlehandedly cuck Disney for being art-killing greedy kikes by running their precious 4 billion dollar franchise into the ground.

Is Rian an incognito /ourguy/?

Is he the hero we deserve but never knew we need?

It's certainly possible.

I always said TLJ was a sabotage act, no one can make a movie that bad if it's not on purpose. Lack of talent only gets you so far

I'm split between Rian intentionally sabotaging the whole thing or Rian having a grudge against JJ and taking it out on the movie by doing everything opposite of what JJ would have wanted.

Exactly. I literally cannot recall their names. Well except Leia. Absolute zero characters. No wonder all merchandise sales tanked.

Oh wait. Finn is the black guy. I think.

>sublimed everything

You can't.

But I don't think it was an intentional fuck up. I don't think Rian wrote it either. I think it was the Story Group of wine aunts out of San Francisco that wrote it with Kathleen Kennedy's input. Which is why so many people defend the movie, picking fights with the audience regardless of optics. Ryan's a magnificent kissass that made Kathleen Kennedy feel comfortable and the crew she put together to run Lucasfilm finally got a chance to do the Star Wars movie THEY wanted, and these dumb fucking diversity hires sunk a franchise Disney paid over $4 billion for. I'm sure Rian was behind the epic fight scenes though.

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I still don't understand why they didn't do some retakes for this scene.

>But I don't think it was an intentional fuck up.

I agree, these people are in such a bubble they probably think they created fine art on the scale of the Godfather or something.

"there was a concentrated effort to destroy the standards of Star Wars "fandom", because the bean counters at Disney realized that authenticism as a culture is a barrier that just prevents more people from buying things. By making the standards of 'enthusiast' non-existent, they ensure that people feel comfortable buying things without feeling like they aren't really a part of that thing. Everyone is a fan by default, so therefore everyone can buy the merch."

It doesn't matter if they're bad, Disney is going to keep making Star Wars movies with the current progressive talking points because it's safe to do and nets them good boy points with customers. Ultimately, weather or not it's good doesn't even matter because at this point it's a status symbol to see the newer movies and say you like them as a sort of signal to your social group that you're "the right sort of person". Quality is something that will happen by accident because someone who might actually care might be given the smallest amount of power, but it's a foregone conclusion otherwise that whatever comes next will be shit and it'll just keep coming.

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Is this actually the case though? I don't think I've met anyone in university or work that actually cares about these flicks

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Imagine having The Godfather as your go-to "fine art" movie.

Why did this meme work so great on Batman v Supeman but it's pure cringe when used on TLJ?

They don't, at least not in the superficial day to day politics of their life, it's the social moments where it's important. Social media does magnify the issue to some extent but it's still something that will eventually come up in conversation. "hey man, did you see the new Star Wars" was all people asked me for months when they started making new movies because hey, he likes Star Wars. There's a very real chance that if you start talking about how the overall quality of the series has gone down someone will call you a variety of "ists" before the conversation is over. You can't even point out how there's obvious political propoganda in the film without people losing their minds.

Chances are if more than 3 people are just sitting around someone's gonna talk about recent films and now, in classic disney form, that includes Star Wars.

imagine hating women so much that you can't even fathom a world where something you dont enjoy wasn't created by women.

just fucking have droids pilot kamikaze x-wings.

wars over

>Rian Johnson ruined everything
OP confirmed for brainlet pleb

Like is a perfect example. Granted that they're retarded and probably shitposting, but I've heard that exact sentiment drop out of someone's mouth in real life and I was floored. The movies are objectively bad and written poorly, but you can't criticize the sacred cow.

Probably because BvS was widely accepted as a bad movie, so it was funny to do the contrarian thing as a fun shitpost. Whereas it's just embarrassing to defend TLJ because so many corporate tools do it already while even getting paid for it.

Because it serves the story, the red guard are complicit of Rey, hence they do not hit her, but Kylo doesn’t know so they have to pretend fighting.
It’s in the comic, but you guys don’t read it

Disney knows perfectly well they've ruined THIS storyline. Notice how each and every upcoming product, whether computer games, series, or movies, outside of Episode IX, has nothing to do with the sequel trilogy era?
- Fallen Order - set some time after Order 66,
- Mandalorian - set right after Return of the Jedi,
- Untitled trilogy #1 - adaptation of Knights of the Old Republic,
- Untitles trilogy #2 - set in an unknown part of the galaxy - this one I suspect will revolve around Asoka and/or Ezra Bridger.

Oh, I forgot:
- basically each and every comic series - takes place during the Galactic Civil War (original trilogy). By the way, the only Disney Star Wars product I can heartily recommend are the two Darth Vader series, which are really good.

>adaptation of Knights of the Old Republic
just because they have someone writing a screenplay doesn't mean it's been green lit. There are thousands of screenplays production comapnies works on that you never see.

Wait until it's in pre production.

lmao on your life pleb, he is actually writing the future of sw :)

Here's the thing though. It doesn't matter if it's been ruined. People will still buy tickets and every Star Wars movie will continue to print money for Disney. I don't see this changing any time soon, no matter how terrible the movies become. Face it, we've lost.

he killed the franchise no one even talks about star wars anymore

Star Wars has gone from "cultural phenomenon" to "just another capeshit franchise". Yes it will probably make money, but never at old Star Wars levels and it will never have the same cultural impact as old Star Wars.

The Force Awakens ruined everything. A sequel to Return of the Jedi was always a shitty idea no matter who was in charge of it, though. Star Wars as a story was finished. It didn't need sequels.

Maybe, but it'll take more than one more movie.

>every Star Wars movie will continue to print money for Disney
Solo only earned a little less than 400 million. That's one hell of a nosedive since TLJ's 1.3 billion. Even Rogue One, another not-main-story movie, earned a solid billion.

Disney will absolutely end up losing money if they keep doing what they're doing.

thats the reason why you autistic neets are flooding the board with sw shit every fucking day

>makes movies with b-movie actors literally 0$ production cost compared to marvel
>makes billions
waste of money sure based retard

You're not supposed to watch/care about starwars past the age of 17

like this faggot, I used to love it until fat rian messed it up, now I just get a boner watching them fail.

The hyperdrive ram scene was literally the death of the series.

>Lack of talent only gets you so far
Not true. Look at Seth Rogen.

>TFA - 245 million budget
>RO - 200 million budget
>TLJ - 315 million budget
>Solo - 300 million budget
They're going to want a big payback from those costs.
And Solo didn't even earn its budget back 1.5 times. That's fucking awful, especially for Star Wars.

>0$ production cost compared to marvel
Nigga, wat
>Doctor Strange - 165 million budget
>GotG - 170 million
>Ant Man - 180 Million
>Spiderman Homecoming - 175 million
>Thor Ragnarok - 180 million
Marvel movies are kinda cheap compared to Star Wars.
The only ones that exceed Star Wars movies are Infinity War and Edgame, and in return both of those raked in more than 2 billion.

You mean to tell me the fight was so laughably bad they had to dump it on the fringe writers to reason it out? I know they command the fans to do homework on shit like why the Empire 2.0 were so powerful, telling fans to buy shitty books if the want an explanation. But they had the gall to do it over a fucking fight scene?!

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How can you still care enough to make threads about this shit? It's a bad movie that's been out a year and a half, why can't you move on and stop shitting up the board with your Disney obsession?

Feels good.

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Has there been a Disney/Marvel movie that did NOT make its money back? Even Capt Flatass faked in the bucks.

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Easy Shekels. However that theme park in Disney Land looks kinda dope.

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The sequel trilogy has no story

Can't think of any. Even the regularly panned Ironman 3 made over a billion.

So I guess Captain NoSmile's earning aren't such a surprise, despite how meh it was. Comes with being part of Marvel, I suppose.

>I always said TLJ was a sabotage act, no one can make a movie that bad if it's not on purpose.
I'd say you're 50% right. Rian comes off as someone whose feelings about Star Wars seem to be this odd mix of contempt and awe, without any true passion for it or understanding of it. Plus he seems rather nihilistic and doesn't have any strong moral principles.
So some of the shit he put in the movie like Luke milking spacecow tits, is just that contempt showing through.

But mostly the writing for TLJ just screams complete and utter laziness and incompetence. Rian sharted out a first draft, Kennedy OK'd it, and that's what got made into a movie. And that's why it's a piece of shit. But because Rian Johnson and Kennedy are so arrogant they had no idea they were making complete garbage which is why Rian et all doubled-down on attacking the fans when they objected. Rian thought he was making a subversive masterpiece. He thought he was upsetting people like Empire Strikes Back upset people.

What's gonna happen in a few years when the 'sequel era' is clearly outdated? Does Disney expect it to have the same lasting appeal of the OT?

the choreograhy was servicible to good. No John Woo levels of great but servicible for the story. Why would they redo one of the better parts of the flick

You can only do it with some fantasy story about reversing time or something

I'm still blown away by the "your momma" joke.

Remember, Disney was also probably looking at Star Wars on a macro level, when developing TLJ. They probably figured they had all their bases covered. "If old fans hate Episode VIII, we'll reel them back in with Solo, and that Obiwan movie."

The same way they continued a beloved series of movies. They'll pump out a steaming pile of boring nonsense, and if you don't like it you'll be painted as the bad guy by their overfunded PR team.

If it was on purpose there is no way he'd be on Twitter defending it like a raving loon constantly.

The way these red guards fight is confusing and strange, is that an exotic way to confuse the enemy?

You’re spot on and they succeeded in that with several of the Marvel movies, particularly Black Panther and Captain Marvel. You make a mediocre movie with a big budget, then you make it an “event”. People are excited for the event, they talk about the event, they want to participate in the event. After the money is spent and a few weeks have passed, it’s on to the next event, conveniently hosted once again by Disney. The fanboys and autists who used to eat these things up aren’t part of the marketing scheme because they’ll make their entire lives about one thing and never move on to the next event. Not without a lot of questions and standards, at least.

Its remarkable how one movie managed to make me stop giving a fuck about a franchise I've liked for over a decade. Still haven't seen Solo and have no interest in IX

Abrams ruined it first. Johnson just ruined it in a different way.

>that image

Abrams mess was salvageable. Rian’s probably isn’t.

Who's the girl on the right

>How can anyone continue this story after Rian Johnson ruined everything?
Money user. Money

Rian definitely wrote it. No one seems to understand the actual story relation between the story group, KK and the film's director.
The story group comes up with themes and characters, references and relations that they want in the next film.
KK greenlights certain things they say and vetos other things, maybe adding her own ideas into the mix.
The director gets given this and writes a script around what they've been given, mostly free to do their own thing.
KK checks the director's script and approves it or asks for changes.

With JJ on TFA, it's interesting because apparently he told KK to fuck off from the start along with the story group and just wrote his own thing. I'd be interested to know what, if anything, he was "required" to include.
With Rian, he was less hostile and worked with KK and she loved everything he did so much that she approved his first draft with no changes. But watch any interview with him and you can see him describing the characters he wrote (like Holdo and Rose) and feeling so proud about them. So even though he didn't invent Holdo, her arc was clearly something he did himself. I mean the story group might've included a note asking for Holdo to be included as the rebellion's battle captain or some shit. But nothing as specific as her entire arc.
The other directors... yeah, the less said the better.

Abrams fundamentally ruined the sequel trilogy by rehashing the OT. That's why it seems like all of the old characters got shit on. It completely undid everything they accomplished.

imagine being able to follow a conversation and participate without being a butt pirate for no reason

You don't even need the droid. The ships have onboard computers that can fly them, at least on a straight path. Their efforts would be put to better use devising an effective cloaking device so they can hyperspace torpedo their enemies from the comfort of their rebel bunkers.

The problem is whether or not star wars is making enough of a profit though. When TLJ, the flagship entry of a $4b franchise, only makes a couple hundred million in profit, then shareholders won't be happy

>believing this
Rain is just an idiot who Disney hired because he did whatever they wanted him to do.

Some of our greatest achievements and arts were created under limitations. There's a chance JJ Abrams can make a good film. As much as people hate him, he has the ability to make good films. As long as he doesn't pander to SJWs as hard as TLJ did, it'll probably be fine

Lucas told Disney to destroy the series because he hates the fans.
It was part of the deal.

Well, it’s not *in* a comic, but it was rumored that the explanation was the one have above


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Solo's full budget was never disclosed, but we know it was over $300m before marketing. Given that Blockbusters have an average marketing budget of $200m, this would put the cost of the film higher than its box-office.
When you consider that Disney only gets ~50% of box office earnings, then even with home video releases, Solo probably didn't earn its budget back.
It might have slowly earned it back by now, but also consider that *every* film eventually makes a profit (random b-movies from nobodies notwithstanding)

Also, A Wrinkle In Time did poorly at the box office, along with the most recent Mary Poppins

They may as well canonize the Christmas special if they considering shit like "Solo" and the sequal shits canon...

This is the most dishonest, blatantly shill post I've read in a while.

It'll sell like crack and reinvigorate the franchise in the eyes of normal people tired by the yearly movie format Disney was attempting. Yea Forums of course will seethe at evil SJW boogeymen raping their childhood.

I wish all the posts with quotes from this show/channel were real, it'd be amazing. Though I think that one's real since iirc the giveaway is whether the box with the subs is see-through or totally black (pic).

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You aren't missing much with Solo. It's "Le epic kessel run meme: The movie". There's no stakes, He gets a love interest that isn't leia because why the fuck not, she ends up being a sleeper agent because shoe-horned plot has gotta shoe horn. It's a dumpster fire.

I liked it

Most of the people who defend TLJ do so by attacking the personal motives and character of those who criticize it ("You don't like Rey? Why do you hate women so much?"). The defenders of the film seem less to genuinely appreciate the film, but rather defend and praise it as a status signal, similar to how hipsters adopt and identify with brands not for their artistic merits but for the social cachet they carry. The product itself is secondary. What is primary is how it allows you to package and advertise yourself. I think this is the core reason why nerds and hipsters hate each other so much, and explains the kind of insults they use for each other. A hipster will call the nerd an incel and loser, because his admiration for a work is cringeworthy but genuine. While the nerd will call the hipster a cuck and basedboy, because his affiliation with a product is superficial and only a means to an end. (Though to be fair it is more complicated than that, since crying youtuber exists and is obviously genuine, as is the backlash he inspired.)

So by liking the film, you show that you are not a cringeworthy unhip incel nerd. But rather that you share the values of the upper tiers of corporate and cultural hierarchy. Which (at least according to perception) boosts your opportunities for social advancement, with the money and sex that inevitably flow from that.

You see the same phenomenon in video games, where journalists/developers signal their appreciation of games that lack gameplay. Or in science fiction, perhaps the best historical demonstration of this principle in action, where an entire field transitioned from adventure/science works with strong stories, to works that are primarily about identity and literary/nontraditional narratives. Which coincided with the crash of the science fiction market in the 80s, and its replacement with video games and films like Star Wars.

Yeah, but you forgot that corporations do not pay taxes on losses.

See the Disney accountant are clever, but when the creative teams up with them, they are just undefeatable. That’s how Solo actually MADE money for Disney, by allowing them to not pay taxes on, I dunno , the BILLIONS they are making from the MCU

So yeah, Solo was a success

Has anybody ever answered the question of why the people on that casino planet would want child slaves. For one perfectly functional droids exist and are readily available since even galactic shitholes have them in abundance. That and droids just work much more efficiently then sentient life forms especially children who are small, weak, and whine.

Because they're evil capitalists.

Slaves are cheaper than droids.

It's not shown much in the newer movies, but droids are a luxury item. You might have one or two for a specific business, but that's all normal folk will see. Droids runing all over the place is not typical, and you only see it in posh areas or military sites. Shit work like bartending/cleaning/etc. is still done with elbow grease.