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Wayne. Bruce Wayne
Asher Brooks
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Brody Parker
i was team edward then and im team edward now
Juan Rivera
Perfect casting
Asher Reyes
>Deadline hears.
Where is official WB statement.
Jackson Foster
He's a good actor. Shame it'll probably still be shit.
Daniel Turner
Cast the alpaca as a villain too. He's jobless
Tyler Brooks
The fact that they also considered Nicholas Hault for the role makes me excited. They're looking for a talented young batman, and they know how to look for it.
The Joker also turned out great according to critics.
Is this the comback of WB?
Juan Kelly
I hope it's good. Pattinson is a great actor.
Charles Lee
This is all about attracting women to watch their shitty movies, because men will watch them no matter what they do.
How does it feel that movie companies see you as worthless, brainless zombies dudes?
Jayden Adams
>Old women, 40+, his fanbase from twilight. Young women today are into the stranger things kids, Tom Holland and Timothee Chalamet
Daniel Diaz
Never saw this fag in a movie. What did he do beside the vampire movie for teenage girl ?
Matthew Mitchell
>casting announcement happens
>tons of angry nerds bitch about twilight
>other nerds bring up Good Time, High Life, The Lost City of Z, etc
I've known for years now that Robert Pattinson is a good actor but it's funny now watching people bring up his decent indie work to such a larger crowd
Isaac Mitchell
>>Old women, 40+, his fanbase from twilight.
Twilight didn't come out 30 years ago. Those fans are in their 20s.
Carter Morales
>young batman
>prob another origin story
Boring. I want the old grizzled batman in the later justice league universe, who's miserable because he's just a man who wanted to beat up street thugs but now he has to fight gods and aliens who completely outclass him, so he feels useless.
Caleb Wilson
Most people who watch star wars and capeshit and 40 year old white males.
Nicholas Scott
>How does it feel that movie companies see you as worthless, brainless zombies dudes?
Makes me laugh, because the companies clearly lose their shit when I go on social media and say I don't want to watch their crappy movies.
Jaxson Sanders
So how will Warner ruin Batman by Marvel-fying it?
What sort of Aquaman and Shazam hijinks can we expect as they chase the Marvel money?
David Cox
Are you getting paid for this?
Cameron Russell
Yeah, WB has been defined by Snyderesque edgecore stupidity for too long now, it looks like they're rebranding away from that Hot Topic aesthetic finally for something cooler or smarter and up ti date. Whatever it is I will give it a shot if Pattinson is onboard. And it'll be better than Marvel by default.
Luis King
Matt Reeves has already said what the basic plot will be
Luke Sanders
All those fags are so ugly compared to Pattinson
Why do women have such shit taste?
Jackson Murphy
>the old grizzled batman in the later justice league universe, who's miserable
We just had that, and found out that it works for a "graphic novel" specialist audience who will read any depressing crap if the hero dresses like Batman, but a mainstream audience just wonders why Batman sucks now.
Christian Mitchell
I'm cringing hard. Kike, this isn't how people talk on Yea Forums. Lurk more before you shill.
Bentley Hall
It reminds me of Kilmer being cast. Pattinson will be great
Zachary Long
Believe it or not, lots of people like both Batman and fun. It's possible to be interested in DC properties and still want to enjoy yourself.
Charles Gomez
I think Hoult was wrong for Batman, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in this movie in some capacity considering it will pitch the Batman against a bunch of his rogues.
Tyler Bell
>I'm cringing hard.
>how people talk on Yea Forums
You fool, you reveal yourself with your own words.
Robert Cruz
>No u!
Fuck off jew
Aaron Torres
There have been descriptions of this movie floating around already and it's not Marvel-y. Nor is it that schlocky Aquaman style. Supposedly this is more of a take on Batman emphasizing his detective side, and in his story as a detective type story.
So I think the idea is more like this Joker movie - a tasteful arty standalone reboot.
Benjamin Martinez
Hoult would have been great if he built muscle, better face in some ways than Pattinson, but it's done.
Colton Nguyen
>Supposedly this is more of a take on Batman emphasizing his detective side, and in his story as a detective type story.
FINALLY they get it. Now all they need to do is set it in his original period. They won't, but it would be good.
Zachary Myers
>imagine trying to fit in while writing anonymously on a website
Gavin Bell
>Batman literally invented capecomedy
Jason Hughes
>What sort of Aquaman and Shazam hijinks can we expect as they try to make something that neurotypical people will actually pay to see?
Carter Lee
Hoult is a really big guy and he has the charisma for it (see Skins season 1, even though he's a kid then). I don't doubt he could pull it off, it also seems that WB are doing a different take on batman than the usual one, not the hypermasculine
Andrew Hughes
I heard they're making the Pattinson Bruce gay.
And Robin will be a gay black, middle aged man. They will both be in a homosexual relationship.
Zachary Rodriguez
Bruce's lover interest will be an ugly negro like every modern DC film.
Samuel Jackson
Asher Rivera
I don't hate the idea. We should give him a chance.
Cameron Edwards
reminder that he proudly fucks ugly niggers. that makes him gay because anyone who would fuck an animal like that wont differentiate as long as it has an ass
Ethan Phillips
I actually think Pattinson could be good. He was really good as Cedric Diggory, it's just a shame Twilight happened and forever tarnished him
He'll be really good if he can bulk up a bit
Aaron Russell
I think that other homo would be a better choice he was in a better movie with Kristen Stewart and he looks like Tim Keaton
Jeremiah Williams
The guy has been making kino consistently ever since Twillight, could be good. Disneyshills are going to start one of their shill smear campaigns soon though
Mason Morris
That guy who was with Hugh Grant in a movie as a kid is such a better actor. I heard he got some porno actress pregnant he's a baby daddy now. and he fucked HW's whore at her prime. much better suited for batman than this homosexual negro lover
James Bailey
Still wish he was Nightwing
Jayden Long
Patterson hated that role and spent almost every moment trashing the movie, trashing the character and trashing the fanbase. He only audition just so he can hit on the female lead.
Brayden Kelly
He's gonna do the same with this franchise, he's gonna trash it like he did Twilight
Owen Cook
good job turning her lesbian faggot ass. he was pretty shit in Twilight and I sort of liked those movies. looked like he was constipated all the time.
Daniel Rogers
>mousecucks going over the top with the edgyness to try to fit in because they think all Yea Forums is /pol/
Peak cringe
Oliver Lewis
BaSeD & ReDpIlLeD.
Carter Rivera
Aaron Baker
Should've been this guy.
Jose Stewart
Kevin Perez
Why would he trash it? It'a not like hates Batman like he did with Twilight.
Cooper Green
Nightwing isn't 31 years old. He's about 27.
Carter Green
And now the shitskin DC tourists from twitter will pretend they've liked his post twilight work even though just a few weeks ago they called people pretentious hipsters for saying high life is better than redditzam
Mason Long
anyone know which story they're adapting? I hope the plot isn't going to be Bruce solving his parents murder. Would love to see calendar man for once
Jack Turner
another british batman. based
Christian Nelson
He's gonna hate it when little kids and autistic nerds start calling him Batman on the streets when he's out with his nigger lovers
Kevin Bailey
Which porn actress?
Landon Moore
>Pattinson as Batman
>Phoenix as Joker
Finally some capekino in the menu, it has been a while since Nolan left
Tyler Collins
I haven't seen a single movie he's been in
Kevin Stewart
Nicholas Hoult would be a terrible Batman. He'd make a good villain though, Scarecrow.
Parker Richardson
Easton Evans
Yea Forums loved the rover and good times at very least though, you shouldn't post if you're this new
Jaxon Cruz
Sorry to disappoint, is a lingerie model not a porno one . Bryana Holly.
Isaiah Edwards
ur mom
Jaxon Gomez
>t. taylor lautner
Austin Butler
Do you think they'll recast harley to make her way less of a whore?
Also I really need a source on this pic
Henry Adams
Harley isn’t in this movie so I don’t think so.
Jaxson Morris
>Not Idris Elba
big disappointment
William Phillips
who cares. not only is DC trash but capeshit in general is trash
very rarely is a capeshit movie even watchable