from their parents
protect sneed
I love how triggered /pol/cels get when they see this. Imagine being upset about PROTECTING. CHILDREN.
Powerful, so brave to wear that in a place where everyone already agrees with you
from themselves?
When did idris Elba get so BASED???
So if I’m an adult but I want to identify as a child am I a trans-kid?
I'm in a quandary, gentlemen.
Are you Messrs. Bullock and Star?
>wish I knew how to read
God protect us
Like hating trannies on Yea Forums?
God has left the group chat
No, that’s just funny.
>tfw your nose is as wide as your mouth
Ook ook.
Kill trans kids
protect kids by castrating them goyim
Protect sneed
Don wtf
cool haha i love donald glover
They kill themselves eventually
Don’t know why it took me so long but I realized Cheedle and Tim Meadows are not the same person
No.Protect white women.Oh wait,I forgot blacks only care about dat boypucci
Wtf is that thing?
Tyautr, you illiterate bastard.
goddamn, is that visceratio?
Trans kid are mentally ill and do need protection. They are being exploited by the media and abused by their parents. Doctors who are sworn to help them are drugging.
Protect trans kids from what? Getting sucked up into that niggers sewer drain sized nostrils?
Look at the schnoz on that guy. Looks like he has two mouths, one on top of the other.
>not "Cage Trans Kids"
Don Sneedle
Haha you subverted expectations, have a (you) and then kys
IKR! We should allow these beautiful colorful people to protect and guide our children!!
I wish but, even here we have to deal with the TIDF. The only difference here is the management is lazy and neglectful in their kike duties.
Unhand me
protect me from those nosetrils
this one aged well
I agree with War Machine. Throw their parents in jail for child abuse.
there’s one race. the human race.