
What were the most kino moments?

What kaiju, Toho or otherwise, do you want to see make their way into the monsterverse?

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Gamera and Space Godzilla.

Mecha Godzilla would be nice too.

Dogora is unironically my favorite Ishiro Honda movie. He needs a remake.

>See the giant spider in Kong
>"Oh fuck it's Kumonga!"
>It's not actually Kumonga

>See the giant spider in KotM
>"Oh fuck it's Kumonga!"
>It's not actually Kumonga

Being a Kumonga fan is suffering

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I just wanted less human talking among themselves. I also wanted clearer fighting scenes.

Mothra glueing Ghidorah to a building with the reflection of Godzilla getting nearer was kino

And I really want Destoroyah to be monsterverse's final boss, his smaller forms could save human side

a godzilla and mothra moment for over 2 hours screen time very please!

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The humans were great in this one

I actually feel like this movie handled the humans better than any other Godzilla movie to date


I think it was Kumonga. Just a pretty radical redesign.

It's not. He's given a new name on one of the monitors

Wouldn't go that far, but Watanabe was great


That can’t be right

only came to this thread to say this is the only patrician ideal you can post

Yeah I was really disappointed when someone pointed it out to me.

Oh well. Apparently Toho is stingy as fuck when it comes to letting other studios use their monsters so Im just going to be happy with what we got

Based mechachads

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IMAX 2D, or Titan Luxe with Dolby Atmos?

They can't use Kumonga because they didn't license him.

Does IMAX not use Dolby Atmos?

I wonder if they will make him fat

There were no kino moments. That's G 2014's department.






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All of Rodan’s impressed me the most. I was so happy to see him in action like this. Wish we saw more of Rodan and Mothra’s fight though
I’d love to see more space monsters and aliens like Gigan and the based cockroaches from Nebula M Space Hunter

Not sure - I actually don't know what Titan Luxe is, but there aren't a ton of IMAX theaters near me, so I'm trying to figure things out.

Is there any question what monsters are worthy of being in the monsterverse?

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yeah, kino for nigg audience because the whole thing is literally black.



Fuck yeah

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IMAX generally has great audio and the seats are usually better than the standard fair. I'd just go with IMAX or standard.

>dougherty said Rodan was going to be a badass rogue
>literally just a bitch who bows to whoever's king
>doesn't even have his fearsome roar

user, you will marry Morthra

Starscream is badass rogue and does the exact same thing.

I'd rather a Mothra mommy

So I guess that mountain Kaiju wasn’t actually Anguirus??

Maybe it was a placeholder until they can get the license. Same with the Anguirus look alike.

I mean, it could have been. As long as they don't name him outright they arent beaching contract

I don't think they showed who came out of Fuji.

Ther OC ones were big Muto, some spindly thing and Pröööööh :DDD who was the only good one.

so how the hell are they going to have kong being a viable opponent against godzilla
it took godzilla 3 fights and 2 power ups to defeat ghidorah
he even (barely) survived an oxygendestroyer missle.
meanwhile kong bled from m60 bullets and got knocked out by a put together napalm explosive

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Unfortunately no. The 4 advertised seem to be the only licensed Toho kaiju. There are 4 or 5 other new/original monsters though.

>Not a Milf Mothra to get the best of both worlds

He's a stand-in for Anguirus, spider is a stand-in for Kumonga, and the mammoth is a stand-in for Snuffleupagus.

I thought the mammoth and spider were both really great designs. Much better than the original designs in Kong.

The mutos are still a little too sleek in my opinion, but then the new redesign was cool

It’s going to be a BvS scenario where they team up to fight someone else. Maybe Mecha Ghidorah? Though I have a feeling they’ll be saving that for the next Godzilla movie.

I think it still could be, depending on how licensing goes in the future. We never got a good look at it so it could be anything.

How do you guys feel about original Legendary monsters? So far the only two with any screentime have been Muto and now Behemoth. I think Behemoth could be a decent secondary creature in another movie, but I do hope they're willing to try new designs. Pacific Rim 1 showed that their artists can do interesting stuff if given the chance

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>What were the most kino moments?
"Goodbye, old friend."
The whole battle in Boston.
Godzilla's crowning as King of the Monsters.

>What kaiju, Toho or otherwise, do you want to see make their way into the monsterverse?
There's a lot of classic kaiju they could reinterpret with the more animalistic approach they have given the monsters so far. In this respect, Anguirus, Megalon, Titanosaurus and Megaguirus readily come to mind. But also, we need to see Gigan, Jet Jaguar, Mecha-Godzilla and more of the robotic dudes.

See it on the biggest, loudest screen possible.

The mutos feel like they were designed with the mindset of designing a gaming keyboard.

It's not BAD, but putting it alongside the other monsters really makes them feel out of place

Give me one good reason why Power Rangers and Godzilla shouldn't exist in the same universe

Post yfw the OG theme started playing when godzilla rezzed and also when he charged Niggora

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I like the Mutos a lot, sleek look and everything. Behomth was definitely cool and honestly a bit unsettling in the best way, so I'd like to see it show up again at some point.

They absolutely should and I'm disappointed they got such a shitty reboot not too long ago because I would have liked to see them in the monsterverse

I actually really like the MUTOs. They were really endearing in 2014 and I think they have a pretty cool design.

Can't believe they nuked the Seatopians. Does this mean we'll get Megalon?

Yeah, something is kind of creepy about a giant hairy kaiju that's as big as Godzilla and on top of that has sort of humanoid arms.

My adrenaline was pumping full blast for nearly the entire 2 hours. Seeing it again with a group of friends on Saturday. A couple of them are big G-fans. Can’t wait to see their reaction.

Kek. Who comes up with these names

>post yfw Hollow Earth

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>the humans were great in this one
All of them were atrocious aside from Charles Dance and Watanabe what are you smoking?

It's from ancient tablets, user. The ancients tried to warn us.

>Charles Dance
Waltzes in like he's going to be a really cool villain and literally does nothing for the rest of the movie. Wow, such character.

Eh it was fine, close enough

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As far as Godzilla movies go they were fantastic

Nah, they were pretty good.

>What kaiju, Toho or otherwise, do you want to see make their way into the monsterverse?
I hope I can see my boy Megalon again, along with Gigan and Jet Jaguar. Anguirus needs to come back. He's a good lad that needs more love.
>What were the most kino moments?
>King Ghidorah's awakening
>Rodan's chase
>Mothra emerging from her cocoon
>Serizawa's sacrifice
>Ghidorah's power up
>Mothra protecting Godzilla
>Godzilla going super sayin
>Rodan and all other monster bowing to Godzilla
This film was kino galore and I loved every bit of it.

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They really weren't. Even the last movie had better humans. The dialog is worse than Capeshit.

I hope so. Imagine Megalon and Gigan teaming up again to take on Godzilla and Kong next year!

>Even the last movie had better humans
What?? What are YOU smoking?

I thought the way they used Concerned Handsome Dad was really odd, how he stuck around with everyone else for like 90% of the movie rather than fucking off to find his daughter as soon as they killed Godzilla with the oxygen destroyer.

Also like 60% of his lines should have gone to Ken Watanabe, but I suspect they decided that Ken's accent is still a touch too heavy to be understood by a lot of burgers. He should have just spoken in subtitled Japanese.

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it was interesting that another female muto showed up
mothra was cute and a pretty badass fighter
rodan was alright but he became ghidorah's bitch way too fast

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All the characters are literally just quip-spouting cliches with fake character arcs. They're funny but that's about it.

I hope he plays Superman when they recast

>Seeing it again with a group of friends on Saturday.
Took my work buddy to see it yesterday. He's just getting into the franchise / fandom and he came out begging for a place to start. Felt good, bros

the music was great in this movie

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I thought it was wierd to see Ghidoras heads nipping at each other and clearly sharing separate conciseness.

I always thought of the extra heads as an extension of Ghidora, not actually 3 separate minds

>thinking Americans can read

Fuck yea, I absolutely can not wait to see this one again.

I like how he kept pulling the "squinty-eyed hero" face that his character did in King Kong 2005

They probably only had a couple days to film with him. He's clearly ever only on a couple sets, like Bryan Cranston in 2014.

At least make him kill someone else or do something to remind us he's the bad guy though, damn.
it would have been really cool if when Millie Bobby Brown was trying to escape, that he sees her and tries to pursue her and catch her.

Do you guys have that clip from the film of them mentioning the mech on Skull Island?

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Has anybody seen a 4DX showing? worth it? Does it also have an IMAX screen for it, or is it mutually exclusive?

theater near me has some, i'm curious if I should see it in Imax or 4DX 3d.

I also know there's RPX, how does it compare to those two? there's not an RPX showing near me though so i'd need to travel if I were to see it

I don't understand why they didn't just do and leave it unamed so everybody can assume it's kumonga, but no, it's cofnrimed to be a new monster named scylla, which is dumb

Yeah, or with that end credit bit with all the monsters moving to Skull Island, Kong is more or less pissed that his home is being taken over by homeless drifters and takes it up with the King hobo.
Of course they're going to team up in this.

It could always just be a placeholder name. Their names stand out so much compared to the main four, that it just feels like they don't have anything better to call them right now. It took them till just this movie to find out Ghidorah's name, till that point, he was Monster Zero and so on.

RPX and IMAX are very similar. If you would have to travel for RPX you might as well just see IMAX. Can't speak for 4dx


so what creature could force godzilla to team up with kong?
mecha king ghidora seems far fetched, as godzilla ate and vaporized ghidora's remains.
destroyah? if they can get the licence.
a new OC creature?

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They were weird and elongated too, along with the trunk. Effective design, really.

>Has anybody seen a 4DX showing? worth it? Does it also have an IMAX screen for it, or is it mutually exclusive?

Regal doesn't have IMAX in 4DX because not many people want winds blowing and water being sprayed in their faces while simultaneously being hit in the back of their head while Godzilla battles Ghidorah.

So what do you think would be best, IMAX or 4dx?

I guess I'll see it in both, but which do you think would be the better first impression?

well the chinese woman (Zhang Ziyi) did mention in the movie that it seemed the ancient civilizations whent out of their way to try and erase any mention of ghidora

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It's likely going to be an OC for this, because I don't think we've discovered any new license out for a Toho monster for the KvG film, and that's coming out in March next year. So unless we get some spoilers soon, it's going to be something new.
I still don't think Ghidorah is done in this series, because the freakishly fast regeneration it was given and the usual space origin leads me to think he'll come back. And man, I'd love to see a Mecha King Ghidorah vs. King Ghidorah fight.

Whatever Charles Dance is going to brew up with Gidorah's severed head.

For me, it's Hedorah.

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Imax for it's larger screen

>Poor little moth kaiju

Well Destroyah is literally anti-Godzilla kaiju so he needs help by definition.

I doubt they are bringing in the ayys.

Or Destroyah

>I doubt they are bringing in the ayys.
Honestly, the realization they came to with Ghidorah really felt like that possibility opened up way more, especially if Ghidorah came here for a purpose. If the "Changing the world/area to his liking" was more than just a nesting response, and more akin to something like an invasion and clearing tactic, then it could be. Because I'm sure they'd start looking into where the hell in space he came from, because if most of the natural monsters on Earth seem to be able to live with humans, the monsters from space are the real danger.
Well, that and any man made monster in the mean time, which I'm sure will happen.

I suspect that the premise of Godzilla vs Kong is that Kong doesn't like that Godzilla controls all the monsters. Like he doesn't want to yield to an Alpha he's never met or something.

I seriously hope they never try to pull the Jurassic World shit where it's just some Raytheon executive who wants to turn Kong into a weapon. That shit is played out and never has the Satiric Element they think it does.

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ah yeah i just got back from seeing the movie, but i didn't stay for the end credits extra scene.
perhaps a fusion of ghidorah and other titans will be created

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>mecha king ghidora seems far fetched, as godzilla ate and vaporized ghidora's remains
It literally shows him growing back a head in like five mins. I imagine that head could grow the rest of the body.

>They start splicing cancerous Ghidorah growths onto other monsters making them go berserk

true with the space angle that could also up the door for more ghidora's or space godzilla

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the body regrows the head yes.
but the cut off head that charles dance buys from the fisherman in the scene after the credits. wasn't growing an intire new body. it was dead

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I don't get why King Kong vs Godzilla gets a pass when nobody would ever fathom that King Kong could stand even a slight chance against King Ghidorah



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Mothra giving her power to Godzilla.

Or like every kong film.
Getting slaughtered.
I want godzilla vs kong no interruptions.

It'd be pretty sweet to see Kong use his agility to swing off of Ghidorah's necks and shit though.

>one will fall
yeah, fuck king kong

You get that KK was just a young ape, right? His parent's skeletons were huge.

"Dead". It has significance for being shown. I can't see eco terrorists being able to fund the construction of a Mecha or some sort of DNA splicing job, let alone in private

besides obviously growing bigger (kong was 100 feet in skull Island, while godzilla is over 300 feet)
kong will need a serious upgrade in the defence department.
m60 bullets, a helicopter blade made him bleed.
a put together napalm explosive wounded him badly and knocked him out.
meanwhile godzilla tanks rockets, missles and pretty much nearly anything without flincing

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Godzilla could just blast him from 2 miles away.

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They had a big stack of these posters just outside the movie, so I just took the whole stack

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They'll more than likely end up joining forces against a greater threat.

Considering how Kaijus are generally seen as a force of good if bit uncaring I doubt it is too easy to find a government level backer for resurrecting the one who is most definitely pure evil. Besides he pretty much already won, kaijus are fixing the environmental problems and a lot of people have been removed.


Real talk? Was amazed at how they managed to give every monster personality purely by body movement and shit.
Mothra was the standout for me, she doesn't even really have a face but she pulls off this motherly caring attitude that makes her super loveable. My gf described her as "monster Virgin Mary" and got legit sad when she died

How did they pull it off, lads?

Are you a nigger?

Mad cause you didn't get a poster?

Now compare him to the recent Godzillas

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I did get a poster. But I also left enough for other people because I know I have no use for a pile of them and would rather other people get one too than take them all for no reason other than because doing things you aren't supposed to is edgy.

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Really liked the interactions between Ghidorah's heads.

Also When you clearly see backing out of fear when Godzilla goes meltdown

I love how goofy Godzilla Earth is, but man that series was awful.

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Isn't 2019 Godzilla now slightly taller than Shin?


how many kaiju in this?

How is something so cartoonishly large even considered?

Like one footstep destroys the entire city, people are ants that dont play into the picture. It's boring.

Going to see that movie tonight. What's Yea Forums's opinion on it ?

Damn user, I took a couple but not the whole fucking stack. I guess if the staff gave a fuck, they would've had a guy on standby making sure some fuckhead didn't take them all. They are simple posters so they should have more of them anyway.

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7 total I believe with 4 getting actual focus

Tusky boi was the best OC monster


In the end credits cene I think they showed a newspaper headline that said that some kaijus were "mysteriously" going to Skull Island, so I think they are both Alphas that will fight for dominance.

Absolutely fucking kino. Especially if you are a Godzilla fan


This. vs Kong will be a Destroy All Monsters affair with multiple brawls, and in the end ALL the monsters will have to team up to fight the biggest bad.
Mothra is resurrected and saves the day at the last minute for some hype.
Kong and Zilla shake hands and they all settle down on Skull, now Monster, Island.
And the Godzilla FUCKS Mothra

That biggest godzilla is from a trilogy where Earth is already long destroyed by the kaiju

Ya, you are.

Why not make him a million billion miles high because bigger is better?

Isn’t the idea that Zilla killed Kong’s parents?

It's great. The only problem is quips.

All we need is destroyah mang.
With dethklok music in the background. Thats something to toke to.

Godzilla vs Dogora would actually be pretty based.

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Looking forward to March.

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They already implied she resurrects with the egg mentioned in the credits.

No, it was the Skull fuckers in Skull Island that ganked his parents.

Rodan's emergence sequence was kino as fuck though.

This movie seriously has some of the absolute worst quips ever heard in any movie.

>oh my god...

>they learn Ghidorah's name
>she said gonorrhea!

It was an ankylosaurid, but it really looked nothing like Anguirus. Its face looked more like Orga to me.

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I got one of those too. I think I am gonna get a frame for it.

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He's going to be in GvK

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Zhang Ziyi was the best new character.
Brainlets are complaining about him, Mothra, and Rodan not getting enough screentime when they're obviously going to be recurring characters in the next movie.

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This the movie would have been fucking kino if they just got the characters right. Even Charles Dance and Watanabe were lack luster because the movie just didn't know what to do with them up until Watanbe's sacrifice which while good still felt kind of forced till that point. The movie even introduces a fuck ton of cool ass concepts into the series lost human civilizations, hollow earth, the oxygen destroyer, global terrorism, and alien life which is all executed so poorly and just sort of brushed to the side. Why are these monsters even all in hibernation (especially Ghidorah whose frozen under Antarctica)? This is never once explained.

Yeah, that was definitely a new take on the character. I guess they figured they would use CGI technology to their advantage, and do something that was almost impossible to do before with suitmation and puppets.

unless it’s battra

yeah for me the jokes were so painfully bad that it nearly ruined the movie, if the good parts weren’t so good they would have. that gonorrhea joke took an entire point away, actually, Silicon Valley guy and the white haired Jew guy made a nearly 10/10 movie an 8/10

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wtf is 2017 godzilla

This from the credits?

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Vs Kong will be a Hollow Earth uprising of Skullcrawlers. Godzilla shows up at Skull Island to fuck them up, Kong challenges him because it's King's territory. They fight more Skullcrawlers and descend/fall into Hollow Earth together in a callback to their original ending. End scene is Dance unveiling his masterplan now that Godzilla is out of the way.

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Planet of the Monsters.

It's an animated trilogy about a post-apocalyptic earth after the kaiju destroy everything


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I thought the jokes were less obtrusive in this movie than they usually are in Marvel movies. Marvel "humor" has devolved into pop culture references and interrupting dramatic moments with stupid behavior.

>godzilla summons a giant bee kaiju to kill dogora

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Should I see the new movie in IMAX or RealD 3D? Is IMAX 3D an option?
I know these are stupid questions but I can't find an answer anywhere.

>mechanized giant

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the anime godzilla is one from hundreds of years in the future and is part plant/tree like

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>He binge-watched all 30 Godzilla movies to prepare for his role
Why is he so based, bros?

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>tfw you will never look or sound like Kyle Chandler
why even fucking live

>By Steven Martin
Just one more reference in a movie absolutely packed with them. There's so much attention to those details across KOTM.

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I saw it in IMAX 2D. I hate 3D movies since I wear prescription glasses, but I think if I was going to pay to see any IMAX 3D movie, it would be this one. Sadly, my local cinema isn't doing IMAX 3D for it.

The humans build Mecha Godzilla as a "true" defender for humanity. Mecha Godzilla is built using the severed head of King Ghidorah as a base model, Ghidorah regains control of it's senses, grows two extra heads and starts tearing into Kong and Goji as Mecha King Ghidorah.

Based. I really enjoyed his sincerity and the fact that he took the role seriously.

well with the technology upgrade monarch has in this movie it could happen
in the 2014 movie, monarch and the army use regular stuff thats available in rl.
but in this movie they got a giant airplane that can house helicopters, has missles and machine guns. and some sort of high tech jet engine for propulsion.

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>Hating on King Kong

Filthy scalie.

>bunch of surface-level and shallow references
>muh Mothra twins
>muh Oxygen Destroyer
Fan-film tier and cringe.


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I want Hedorah next, but I don't know how that would fit in, since Earth seems to be regenerating. Maybe Little. Or Kiryuu, if we want humanity to fuck up again.

>Ghidorah's awakening
>Mothra's final awakening
>Serizawa's death
>Mothra in the sun
>Godzilla rising from the water
>Burning Godzilla
>Radon chase
>Antarctic fight
>bow to the King

giant angry gorilla that got knocked out by a napalm bomb vs the king of all monsters (titans) that eats nukes for breakfast

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Judging by the post-credits scene we will get Mecha Ghidora soon

Anyone like my poem, Anons?

"The King in Yellow

Behold the great Yellow Titan;
King Ghidorah, the Golden Demise!
May our souls forever frighten,
For unto Ghidorah our fate lies.

O' Gilded King of Terror;
Blessed are Thy Wings of Death!
Deliver us from our accursed error,
And take from us our last breath.

We exalt Thee O' God of Destruction;
Ghidorah, Yellow King of Monsters!
We willingly succumb to this deduction,
May our sacrifices to Thee be honors.

Triumphant shall Thy Kingdom come;
Grand Dragon of the Eternal Void!
Into despair we are overcome,
A doom we can not avoid."

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or a frankenstein like hybrid monster. ghidorah as the base with dna of several other titans added.

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Wait, there was a post credits scene? What was it? I stopped after that awful 90s music video with all the blooming flowers begna playing at the credits.


scene of charles dance character and his band of merc visting a fisherman to buy the severed head of ghidorah (the one godzilla bit off in the ocean fight)

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Mexicans dredged something out of the ocean and sold it to Tywin. There was also mention that everything was still dead as shit.

i like how they made the giant eyes on mothra's Wings resemble that of godzilla. to show the bond between them.

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>Mecha-Godzilla, Gigan, King Caesar and Biollante are among the director's favorites not in the film
The man has taste, I'll give him that

It was annoying when all the redditfag plebs in my cinema started sperging and clapping like retards at those two parts, but Toho did the same type of shit in all of their post-Showa movies too. If you want a Godzilla movie that's embarrassed of the source material, watch 1998 or 2014.

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Not bad

I thought they went into hibernation because the Earth's radiation levels subsided or something.

Heres mine

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Where's your god now?

its cool user. not as cool as ghidorah.


you are a bad person

She didn't get enough screentime bros...
Whenever she was on screen though was amazing.

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gigan isn't that much smaller than godzilla is he?

2014 isn't embarrassed of the source material. Hell, it felt like a legit Godzilla movie, and the homages that were there were hidden.

There's nothing wrong with homages but when they're shallow and whorish they become cringe. An example of a good homage is GMK's opening credits, which mimicked the opening credits of Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster and other 50s/60s Toho movies, which it sought to emulate the spirit of throughout.

I hope it's Battra because all that Godzilla shipping weirds me out.

she's cute

>yfw zilla suddenly shows in GvK and makes it a 3 way brawl

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That's the Heisei/90's Godzilla in that comparison chart, which is way bigger than the Showa Godzilla from the 50's to the 70's.

2014 was a movie titled "Godzilla" where Godzilla doesn't appear until 40 minutes into the whole thing, and he doesn't drive the plot at all. He's essentially a Deus Ex Machina who saves the day at the end regardless of the actions taken by any of the other characters in the movie.



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There is nothing wrong with using Godzilla movie staples in your Godzilla movie

Or a clone. A clone seems really likely


Fucking saved!

So heard there's a leak going around for GvK, and it doesn't sound too good in a spoiler sense

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>Written by Terry Rossio (Pirates of the Carribean, Small Soldiers, Shrek)
>Directed by Adam Wingard (You're Next, The Guest, fucking Blair Witch and Netflix's Death Note)
>Maddie is back and so are the twins Dr Ilene and Dr Ling Chen in apparently a "pivotal" role (Mothra's return?)
>For newcomers we got Alexander Skarsgård, Rebecca Hall, the black guy from Atlanta, the fat kid from Deadpool 2, Jessica Henwick and Lance "based nig" Reddick.
>Principal photography began on November 2018, had to take a break, resumed in January 2019 and finished in April 2019.
>In 2017, Wingard gave his thoughts on his writing, saying: "I really want you to take those characters seriously. I want you to be emotionally invested, not just in the human characters, but actually in the monsters. It’s a massive monster brawl movie. There’s lots of monsters going crazy on each other, but at the end of the day I want there to be an emotional drive to it. I want you to be emotionally invested in them. I think that’s what’s going to make it really cool."
>Wingard also expressed his desire for the film to have a definite winner, stating: “I do want there to be a winner. The original film was very fun, but you feel a little let down that the movie doesn’t take a definitive stance. People are still debating now who won in that original movie, you know. So, I do want people to walk away from this film feeling like, Okay, there is a winner"
>Michael Dougherty (writer of KOTM) did rewrites.
>Dougherty spoke about the differences in writing Godzilla and Kong. With Kong, he would have "those very unique, and even warm, bonding moments" between Kong and humans since they've been a staple of the character since the 1933 film. For Godzilla, his connection to humans would be "more implied" as his softer side is rarely shown.
>Scheduled to release March 13, 2020 (less than a year after KOTM)


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Oh so kind of like Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, then?

There is if they don't serve any purpose except for to make retards clap.


Of all monsters they could possibly chose, I'd hope it's not him

Well we know the twins are planned to be in Godzilla Vs Kong and the Oxygen destroyer was pretty important to the plot

Why can't Americans make good or memorable monsters? Is it a lack of connection to ancient traditions and history?

refer to when it came to spoilers, especially on the who wins side of things.




>so you're saying this is some kinda Godzilla vs. Mothra: The Battle For Earth?
Idk seemed kinda clunky for a reference


>not behemammoth
one fucking job

I think the mammoth kaiju has a lot of potential


Solo films for Mothra and Rodan first


This is how it happened right

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I thought the Antarctica fight was the most kino, simply because it was the first one, and it was very clever how they'd moved it to the edge of the continent.
Also felt a slight bit nationalistic because it's located at my country's Antarctic research base.

zilla is pretty small compared to kong and godzilla
i like zilla's design, but he is not a good monster to add to this

What would Rodan even do in his own film? Mothra can always fight polluters and shitters from other worlds but Rodan is just cheeky and blows shit up.

Then add a pack of Zilla

>ham scraps

i agree
It was also kinda jarring when Ghidorah stood on the Volcano and exclaimed to the world "Now I have become Godzilla: King of the Monsters"

Honestly I don't know if we will get any non-godzilla or Kong standalone films.

The movies are already preforming just good enough as it is. I can't help but feel like a Rodan film would be an instant flop and Legendary knows that.

>ghidorah established aliens
>godzilla's lair established a lost undersea civilization
>so godzilla and kong fight
>until gigan descends from the cosmos and megalon rises from the depths
>suddenly, skull island becomes the site of a kaiju tag team battle

He had his own solo film before but my idea is make a film based on him when he was worshipped, have him fight another giant monster


>Oh so kind of like Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, then?
Nobody ever claimed that was a good movie. It was supposed to be a King Kong movie based off a popular King Kong cartoon at that time, but Toho lost the rights to use Kong, so they just replaced him with Godzilla without modifying the screenplay at all.
>There is if they don't serve any purpose except for to make retards clap.
The Mothra twins part was kinda corny, but they had to establish them for the next movie. If they didn't include them, it would have been a big letdown, since Mothra isn't Mothra without the twin fairies. The Oxygen Destroyer kind of comes out of nowhere. They could have done a better job of foreshadowing it during the conference scene at the beginning of the movie, but I think the payoff of it leading into Serizawa's sacrifice was worth it. Neither of those two things were just goofy cameos or references thrown in simply for fanservice that have no bearing on the plot like they always are in Marvel and Disney Star Wars movies.

>they all die horribly
Picture is less cute all of a sudden.


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>what is King Kong

I literally had a guy behind me get up as the credits were rolling and say there's no way the guy singing in Serj Tankian or whatever

>Nobody ever claimed that was a good movie
Well I'm here to do just that.

>ywn never eject into Rodan's mouth
I didn't even know I wanted this bros....

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>Or something else


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>mom dies
>fucks the daughter
truly he is the chadzilla

>Rodan is just cheeky and blows shit up
That's what he does in his original debut movie from 1956, except that's actually a mystery/horror movie.

Is IMAX 3D even an option? I can't find it anywhere.

The most kino moment was when Ghidorah bit the big ass electricity transformer and supercharged himself for that massive burst

Why is EVERY Godzilla poster so god tier?

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Didn't a character even point out that Godzilla and Mothra have a thing together and that it was kinda fucked up

>tfw no fluffy moth wife to give radiation to

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I don't care how the fuck they explain it, I want Mothra to come back and have more screentime - whether it be in GvK or something down the line. Also

Also if anyone can answer: Did the dust mothra put on zilla when she died stop him from dieing when he went "nuclear". They said he was going to explode, which he did when he killed G, but did they mean he was going to die untill that happened?

I'm putting my money on someone obscure like Gigan, that or MechaGoji.

If that post credit bit really was teasing Mecha King Ghidorah they won't put him in the next one so soon.

This film was boring shit, why the fuck would you call your film Godzilla King of the Monsters to have a grand total of 15 minutes of monsters fighting and 2 hours of people on boats and helicopters talking about monsters

camrip WHEN

>>doesn't even have his fearsome roar
From what you guys are saying I'm sad to hear they fucked up Ghidora's cackle.

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Mad she died so soon after doing nothing, but glad you could hear her cry whenever Godzilla released a wave of energy/spoiler]

>get the license

u wot

Destoroyah is owned by Toho idiot.


Toho licenses out the monsters piecemeal; it's why we have the big 4 but they can't call the big spider Kumonga

If he was really dead it could have been a teaser for Destroyah too.

>Dr Ilene and Dr Ling Chen in apparently a "pivotal" role
Let them sing the song, cowards

Ghidorah's Showa bell noises are recreated, but his Heisei screeching isn't really there.


Nah nigga he ain't comin

I rewatched Godzilla 1998 some days ago.
It's not nearly as terrible as people love to claim.

A lot of japanese Godzilla movie were mediocre.

And the Zilla design is pretty neat

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I hope Adam Wingard comes back on RLM to talk Godzilla with a disinterested Jay.

I know

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It's not bad, it just doesn't really feel like Godzilla, especially with the zillaspawn near the end.

Fair enough, that does make sense.

See going in I knew it wouldn't be Destoroyah, he's not normie enough to market on this early on.

But man when the Oxygen Destroyer showed up I got myself excited for a second

I feel the same way. Late 90s New york is comfy, and some of the camera work was pretty good

Counterpoint: Yes, its actually really bad. Every character is obnoxious, Zilla is a pathetic threat, and the raptor shit is terrible. Its amazingly boring.

I wanted to hear the vocals to Mothra's song so bad, but they kind of fucked the lore by putting Mothra's nest in China rather than the South Pacific. The lyrics to the shobijins' songs are all either in Tagalog or Japanese.

as cool as it would be to get Ultraman, his appearance would instantly make the monsters a non-issue unless they seriously nerfed him. It would be insane if we get Jet Jaguar.








Trully K I N O movies compared to 1998 indeed

No Mothra godbeams bummed me out

Mammoth boi was best

It's a fun monster flick, but it's as bad as it can get as a G movie

Maybe. I was honestly expecting a meltdown, like in vs Destoroyah.

Yeah, Mothra seemed really nerfed in this one. She had no beam attacks, and she didn't use her yellow dust either.

see and tell us 1998 movie was not better than that.

It's not a good movie, but better (or less worse, as you prefer) than some Japanese ones

Can I get uh TEXTLESS

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I hope someone will make a gentle persuasion edit at some point with Godzilla and King Ghidorah.

Those clips are literally the reason I love Godzilla so much.

>wanting '90s Mothra beams
Really, bruh?
Anyway she got to do the cool stinger attack on Rodan, which was really surprising. Mothra sick of taking everybydy's shit.

Late Showa cheese is still better than soulless coward iguana

so youre basically showing how much of a pleb you are. the godzilla dropkick is the most kino moment in the entire franchise you fucking SWINE

Why don't the fighter jets in monster movies just use the missiles that can hit shit a hundred kilometers away instead of flying within slapping and biting distance of every monster?

>They announce Jet Jaguar is being added to the Monsterverse
>It's a giant mecha built to kill Titans
>It's actually not ready for combat yet
>Godzilla is getting his ass beat by at least two opponents
>"Godzilla saved us now it's our turn to save him."
>Gojira to Jagaa de panchi, panchi, panchi

Love these sound effects

Soundtrack was great, but the music was mixed waaay too low. Godzilla's theme and Mothra's song should have been blasting during their emergence scenes. The sound effects were too obtrusive.

When they discover the undersea civilization was honestly fucking beautiful, you can tell Dougherty wasn't bullshitting when he said those old kind of adventure movies don't exist anymore because clearly he put a lot of effort into that whole location

>Being so deep in the denial
Hey, it's ok buddy, a lot of japanese movies are still (much) better than the 1998's one

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i dont think the west can handle ultraman, they can barely handle power rangers and ugly westernized mechs

The movie was a HUGE disappointment because pic related did not happen

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Go be a contrarian somewhere else dude. 98 is always going to be viewed as bottom of the barrel.

Wait for the next movie where a new Mothra larva jizzes silk all over Kong's face.

Hope this happens in GvK

>zillaspawn near the end.
Hol up.

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I've never drawn Godzilla fanart but I kinda want to draw the main 4 all in casual clothes doing like a script read or something

What am I seeing here?

Zilla is basically a big chihuahua
She isn't big enough

I'm not a contrarian.
I'm willing to say Destroyah's movie, 1984 and a lot more are better than 1998.
But saying 1998 is the worst is wrong.

I enjoyed it but I felt it was lacking something but I have no idea what it was.

We also need the Rodan+Godzilla flying tackle from Invasion of Astro Monster.

>we will never get a sequel to shin with these things running around tokyo

that can be fixed somehow

Female humanoids too.

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Kong is skull island is about 30 meters.
Zilla is around 50 meters.
Monsterverse Godzilla is about 120 meters

>it's actually a huge ass mecha jaguar
>literally an animal

I thought it was strange how almost every shot of him was him turning and his face all crumpled up
Still though I think the humans in this movie were completely serviceable, I honestly thought Coleman was going to be the most annoying but he didn't bother me, even Stranger Things goblin didn't grate on me as much as I thought she would though her acting was still terrible and she survived so much shit that should have vaporized / crushed her.

>tfw no kaiju gf

I watched Shin for the first time last night and, believe me, seeing those things at 3 am in a completely dark room made me shit my pants a little.

>mfw Miles Dyson out of fucking nowhere

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do it and post

>dedications in memory of Yoshimitsu Banno and Haruo Nakajima
>forgot Emi and Yumi Ito

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I loved it, the silly wiggly heads ghidorah we know and love is great of course, but I though it gave him a boost of personality

Well it’s a good thing I don’t watch marvel movies because I could barely take that.

Please don't.