naowitenz edition
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First for Stannis is Azor Ahai.
Which GoT girls are the biggest size queens?
I liked that scene. Fite me fgts.
Arya is the reincarnation of Lyanna, hence why she wants Chad Jon Snow cock, even if she doesn't realize he's a Targ yet. Gendry will be left seething the rest of his life over what he lost when he chose the brotherhood of cucks over going with Arya
>"OI, I LOOKED FER YA ON DA TROIDENT", yelled Ned incoherently
>"We weren't there. Woe to Robert Baratheon, the Usurper, who was the King in Season 1, and also married to Cersei Lannister, if we had been," Responded Ser Arthur
>"RHAEGAR IS IN DA MUD INSTEAD" Ned screamed back
>"And now it begins," said Ser Arthur Dayne, Sick Duel Wielding Twin Swords of the Morning, unsheathing the twin swords Dawn and Dusk, which were perfectly average looking swords except for one had a little yellow sun drawn on it
>"NOHHH. NAW IT INDS" said Ned, with a chavvy accent and no emotion in his voice.
you know how nobody posts Dr Who generals any more?
it's just a matter of time, got tards.
Why does the young Ned actor have such a derpy face? Something looks off about it but I can't quite pinpoint.
Exactly. That's why I liked it.
Good, I pray for release from this suffering.
Is it a family tradition of the Reeds to be present in very important moments, and then just fucking disappear?
Howland is the only living survivor of the tower of joy, and thus the only one who can personally verify that Jon is a targ. And Meera is the only one who saw Bran get his powers, and thus the only one who can back up Bran's claims for having said powers.
Bravo, Dabid.
Nth for Brienne is best girl, and Azor Ahai reborn
>Arya is the reincarnation of Lyanna
Score some fukin kills Ned ya dopey cunt
damn, this is probably the best summary of everything that went wrong with GOT
D&D never understood the nuances of the story, leaving out Northern Conspiracy and Lady Stoneheart shows that. Stoneheart is going to be kino in the books, my guess is that she'll take the place of The Hound showing Arya that a life based on revenge isn't worth it
I forget, did the document that Sam (Gilly lol) very conveniently found mention that Rhaegar/Lyanna had a baby? Or just that they were married and that annulment asspull?
Arya will probably mercy kill her, would be kino. But in that case I wish GRRM had given them a bit more set-up because Arya doesn't share a single scene or line of dialogue in the show or books with her.
I can't believe they never addressed Nymeria again, I'm sure there was even an episode where Arya has the dreams
>best you have a new face as well.” He cupped her chin, turned her head this way and that, nodded. “A pretty one this time, I think. As pretty as your own." - kindly man
leader of the faceless men is objectively saying she's attractive, in addition to all the Lyanna comparisons
D&D just fucked up casting a goblin
>pedo cult buttering up their newest acquisition with compliments
D&D cast an awkward looking little girl as described in the books, puberty didn't do its wonders for her like it did for Lyanna
they'll probably run into each other in the riverlands while Arya is trying to get revenge on the Freys.
CGI budget, in the books she'll no doubt join up with Nymeria and her army of wolves to fuck shit up. Arya is a strong warg, she uses cats to see when the Faceless Men blind her in the books
What was the name of his bf again?
>strong warg
Skinchanger, warging only applies to canines, cats are supposed to be difficult
have sex
was thinking the same shit. he has really expressive eyebrows. something about his chin too
Nth for the damnfic fore i piss meeself
Didn't she warg into a cat while fighting with blindfolds on? She managed to control both herself and the cats bodies at once.
Stannis the Hammis
Has anyone got the rarely posted meme thats like
Loras: "you fight like a man"
Brienne: "you fight like a faggot"
Loras: "at least i dont look like a man"
Brienne: " dont"
I need it
Like I said, warg is only used for dogs and wolves, skinchangers can do quite possibly anything, even killer whales if the Farwynds are to be believed
Cutest psycho!
yeah in 5 minutes ill be having sex and you'll still be retarded
He doesn't exactly look like young Sean Bean, but I'll let that pass.
danyfags can fuck off
yeah, he's just pointing out the technical differences
in the books it's explained that pack animals are easier, independent animals like Cats are harder to control than dogs or non-predators. The fact Arya can control a cat while also controlling her body implies she's very strong
Same chapter also gave us a hint that Jon will use Ghost as basically a container for his soul until his body is revived, called a 2nd life by skinchangers
RNG can really deliver some special moments
Maybe his facial features are too small for the amount of surface area his face has.
Sean Bean in Sharpe is quite possibly the chaddest chad to ever be put to television.
wrong one user
I never get that lucky with descendents
I'm confused, isn't warging and skinchanging exactly the same?
I still can't get over the fact they change main villains within just six episodes and none of them are properly developed (or in case of Cersei, completely useless).
Shame really this show used to have some really solid villains (Tywin, Joffrey, Walder Frey, Roose, Mance, that crazy night's watch dude).
mance was never a villain
If only they have more budget, maybe HBO could de-age Sean Bean and bring him back for GoT flashbacks or prequels.
know what the plural of pussy is? pussi
>redirects your lightning
>dabs on your grave
Warging is the term used for skinchangers that claim a wolf or dog, that's established by whatever Varamyr "6 Skins" teacher says
Villains don't necessarily need to be evil.
Why is it that no matter the outcome of Robert's Rebellion, somebody's gotta get cucked?
See this? This if for you, McNulty.
based and dare I say, redpilled
it's like a venn diagram, all Wargs are skinchangers but not all skinchangers are wargs, the ability is the same on a general level but not everybody can enter all types of animals or multiple animals
I'm pretty sure there is somebody who could only enter a squirrel, basically useless
From the Night's Watch perspective he is. He brings thousands of wildlings, giants and mammoths and will obviously kill anyone who stand against his and his peoples survival. That's exactly what made him a great villain, his motivation is sensible, noble even. Even though at the end you still root for Jon, you can understand why he did the things we see in the story.
Seduction focus makes cucks out of us all user
>only enter a squirrel, basically useless
This could still be good for spying on shit, maybe stealing small items.
If they had electricity it could be fucking devestating
sansafags are worse
I think the three eyed raven, as in the entity that is the three eyed raven that's lived for thousands of years, will play prominently in the prequel series.
I think the twist that'll be revealed is that this entity is actually a malevolent and omniscient force. the ultimate evil.
Marriages are Robert/Lyanna, Stannis/Cersei, Ned/Ashara, Jaime/Catelyn, Jon Arryn/Lysa (cucked by Littlefinger)
Some Targs are still around. Aegon, Rhaenys, Viserys and Rhaella.
Remember when this guy feels like he is going to be a legitimate threat and most likely the final threat to be dealt by the protagonists?
Yeah, me neither.
>Emperor title Eddard
I have several questions
Reminder in the books he will play a crucial role in stopping the others
You forget when they made the Night King the leader of the four riders of apocalypse?
Accuracy in that case
Reminder Sweetrob aint no Arryn
Decided to separate the seven kingdoms and become Storm King. For some reason, while all kingdoms declared independence as normal, the Reach still haven't. Neither have the Iron Islands.
I honestly don't even remember where we last saw him in the books. Last I remember Petyr was scheming to marry Salsa off to some nobody Lord named Harry or something to gain the support of the Vale in case Robin succumbed to his constant sickliness.
I have thought about this kind of stuff a lot... but to me it seems like they’re making a deeper point in some places.
Arya is the example I most agree with. I think they tried to show her in settings where the true face of her pain was visible, but they didn’t catch it that well.
With Ned, though? I would argue strongly that the show goes above and beyond merely affirming his philosophy. Where the traditions of the past got him killed in a new and changing kind of world, he died when he gave up his honour for love. Meanwhile, the values he espoused were the ones that drove Jon to be who he was. Rather than simply looking back and saying “oh he had it right”, it’s passed down for a new generation to interpret that cultural memory. It’s an affirmation that makes sense in our world today as well - many traditions of the past can’t survive as they are, but there is still wisdom to be found in them.
the Night King is just another example of D&D's shitty fucking writing ability. They needed a big bad as the face of the threat. In the books the Others have no apparent leader, it's just an ominous force of nature coming to crush everything. I like that idea more than the tropey shit we got with NK staring down Jon
D&D are hacks and constantly have to create new bad guys, once Joffrey died they made Ramsay into a genius, then Cersei and NK
>in case
LF is slowly poisoning him
this probably won't work though and my boy sweetautist will survive everything
Based or cringe?
So is she Queen now?
>In the books the Others have no apparent leader, it's just an ominous force of nature coming to crush everything.
To be fair we aren't sure about what's their true endgame and motivation for bringing about the long night. George did say we are supposed to learn more about them in the sixth book if it's ever finished.
>Arya chewed her lip and said nothing. She would not betray Jon, not even to their father.
>“You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle
>She would have given anything if Jon had been here to call her “little sister” and muss her hair.
name a purer relationship in the series
What was the costume designer trying to achieve here?
>typing all this shit out
what a nerd lmao tl;dr
Yes, Bran needs someone to rape him.
The scene when he crushes the Martell fleet is based. Everything afterwards and his motivation for doing it is cringe. The writers just aren't sure what to do him so they turn him into Ramsay but bigger, who in turn is Joffrey but more degenerate.
A cross between Jack Sparrow and that dude from the Stardust movie.
Stylish pirate attire
That's fitting. Tyrells have always relied on the Iron Throne, no matter who sat on it, to keep their power. If a Tyrell declared himself King they'd get BTFO the next day by Hightowers, Florents, Tarlys and however many other claimants to the Gardener dynasty there are.
>name a purer relationship in the series
radmure and his freyfu tbqh
>she prays for a girl
The actor should be cast in a proper cheesy action pirate flick.
>Documents of the Nightfort indicate that the Warg King ruled Sea Dragon Point. He was allied with the children of the forest, but they were defeated by the Kings of Winter of House Stark. The Starks killed his sons, beasts, and greenseers, but took his daughters as prizes.
is there anything more based than killing your enemy and then using his daughters as breeding sows to hijack his warging ability?
fridge body
you can tell he has gyno as well
Extremely based.
How is he anything like Ramsay or Joffrey? He's not an insane psycho. He acts like that in battle, but who wouldn't? I mean holy shit, he even treats his prisoners well to the point Yara managed to escape as if she was under house arrest (ship arrest?)
oof look at that big valyrian cock just looming in the background
I am disappointed we never see her again. We need more Riverrun episodes.
>Wanting to fuck the queen was quite the Game of Thrones, they'll be singing our Song of Ice and Fire for our Clash of Kings, the Storm of Swords that happened on the battlefield, the Targaryen pretender doing her Dance with Dragons, the corpses on the field, quite the Feast for Crows, their stench being carried away by The Winds of Winter, all I hope is that we can get A Dream of Spring...
Very compelling...
>That New Valyria
Jesus fucking Christ, how did this even happen?
We move forward, Stannisbros, only forward. No turning back.
That's the De Jure empires map mod, as in, empire-level titles that can be formed. Since all kingdoms declared independence from the Iron Throne, there's no de jure Iron Throne outside of the Reach, which never declared to be King for some reason.
New Valyria is just a formable empire in Essos, along with Ghiscar and Yi Ti.
>He's not an insane psycho
He is slightly more controlled than Joffrey or Ramsay, but at the end of the day his sadism always get the better of him. He is not a jobber at least so long as dragons and Jaime are not involved.
imagine being such a Chad that your wife who's known you for a few hours is already in love with you, not to mention impregnating her the first time you had sex with her
It looked like the political map, I thought some real ridiculous shit had happened and wanted an explanation, should have known because the AI is too retarded to colonise ruins
somebody post grey worm with his head far forward i miss that meme
Superior version
John Snow didn't give Danny the D because if fuggin your Aunt was OK then so is fuggin your niece u feel me
Unironically who fits this criteria
Burger King
Jon Snow because he dun wan eet
So why exactly Joffrey pointing at Tyrion in his last moment? Did he to believe Tyrion is his killer or he just want to point at the poisoned wine?
Tywin himself, this was his point. He doesn't need to be on the throne to control all Seven Kingdoms.
Rob Stark
He wanted to say that Tyrion was innocent so his retarded mother doesn't fuck anything up. Sadly, it didn't work.
>Calling himself the young wolf. How is that for pomposity? Well... here's to the young wolf awwoooo!
of course he thought tyrion was the killer, everyone did cause he poured the wine
cousins technically, but Jon's Targ blood makes the little sister roleplaying irresistible
In Robb's defence, he didn't actually ever call himself that
I imagine that will be cringey as fuck. Going around saying your name is the young wolf and you howling like a maniac as your bannermen keep screaming 'NORF NORF NORF!'
Norfmen are a bunch of retards so it makes sense
If he says this to imply he’s the king, does that mean he’s claiming to be the king and is therefore not a true king?
It is cringey as fuck. We have an example of that in Dany. DUH MOTHA OF DRAGUNS
regular westeros chapters > dorne chapters >>>>>>>>> essos chapters
That's why true leaders like Stannis don't name themselves anything and he doesn't have hordes of fantasy snowniggers screeching and screaming, but loyal troops who out of their extreme loyalty repeat the name of their king, the rightful king
this and I think we can all agree that the biggest pleb filter PoV is catelyn
This is true for the show as well. I'm planning on a rewatch and I wish there'd be some edit that cuts away all the Dany in Meereen shit.
lf will try to kill him and rule the vale through salsa and harry the heir. salsa will get mad and kill lf, and hopefully also harry. then she marries robin at the end. screencap this
one of the cool things about the books is you get to see what people think of the North. There's all sorts of rumors in Harrenhal about the Starks that they can turn into wolves or control armies of wolves. There's a major intimidation factor because the Northmen are so reclusive and different from the south, they are basically myths
>ck2 game
>killed all Greyjoys and took the Iron Islands
>Boltons still rule the North
>their bloodline is shit, Starks are one generation away from extinction
>give Bran the Iron Islands
>rebellion springs up the next month
>he's the first one to pledge support
Born amidst salt and smoke, amirite Bro?
>Robyn cucks
keep seething
The way Jaime describes Ned is great. He sees him as a more powerful version of Roose in some ways, dude is spooked
>name is blackfish
>joins night's watch
how do ravens work exactly? how do you instruct a raven to travel from king's landing to winterfell?
Yeah, but you died amidst the cocks you smoked
>he killed baby Aegon and Rhaenys out of jealousy
There’s layers to this shit
>There's all sorts of rumors in Harrenhal about the Starks that they can turn into wolves or control armies of wolves.
IIRC that is mentioned in the show too. Season 2 to be precise. Tywin and Arya discuss about how Robb can turn into a giant wolf to kill all his enemies, while Lancel Lannister spread false rumors about the NORFmen being a bunch of cannibalistic sociopath who act like wolves.
>Play for 50 years
>Have 200 sets of armour
lancel looks like a gay baby
They all have trained routes
Lancel is very girly in season 1 and 2. He is almost unrecognizable when he turns into a fanatical skinhead in season 5/6.
pretty based. if people are being nosy about your friend you tell them to fuck off
Shouldn't the media have the right to know though?
Why did no one complain about the scene where he threatens a Summer Islander store owner with a machete because he didn't fight in the War of the 5 Kings?
Did they even show how he changed from his earlier character? I wouldn't have realized it was the same person without his name being mentioned, maybe he needed a bit more screen time in between his 2 forms.
No. And journalists should all be shot.
Drinking all that seawater really fucked with Aeron's face
super cringe
What else to say? He doesn't want to talk about it. Kit's alcoholic problem is probably less due to the final season of GoT and more due to some other personal reason.
>the right
granted by what? dude is an actor, we’re not entitled to all his deepest darkest secrets because he was in a tv show once. madden was being a loyal friend
The raven was originally from winterfell, you never seen Homing pigeons?
Wait what? I thought that was the kid from highgarden
His first scenes in S5 is acknowledging that he spent his times between season to recover from his injuries during the Battle of Blackwater (caused by Cersei if you forget). He seems a lot calmer and confident in his way of talking. Sometime after that, he probably undergone some more 'faith militant training' well... brainwashing that turn him into the nu-Lancel we see for the rest of the show.
was oberyn based? it’s cool that he has six links of a maester’s chain, and sarella/alleras seems like a kid you could be proud of, but he’s got zero sons and all his other daughters suck
He probably has sons but doesn't give a shit about them
They look similar, but no they are different. Pic related is the Highgarden dude (the gay one) along with his hot sister.
He is great. Died too early IMO.
Rank them from the most based to the cringiest one
user, thats what human used to do since monkey times. There is a reason humans have some neardthendal blood. You killed the men and took the women as breeding stock and you integrated that new blood into your old blood. At least until the "pure race" brigade came and now people are just pussies.
Fun personality and his character made things in King's Landing more interesting. Would have been more fun if he was kept alive longer and Dorne wasn't such a shitshow.
was the only good dorne related thing in the show
Stannis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joff > Robb > Renly > Balon
1. Ham
2. Faggot
4. Tired boy
5. Literally who lol
Based how? Renly didn't have a claim and was gay, I also personally found his attitude annoying. But he would have made a good ruler.
he is in dire need of a good neckpilling in that first pic
Damn, Sean looked like a huge faggot back then
Gptta say, she aged pretty well
according to book canon he’s never fathered a son and it isn’t contradicted in the show so i’m assuming it stands
Journalists should get pic related.
I reckon 10-15 more of these threads left
based king
Eh? I give it another 2 weeks at least before mods ban it. Plenty more than 10-15 in that time.
he looked like arya when he was younger lmao
Young Robb would have been perfect for a Dune adaptation
he should have had longer hair in the show, and they should have made him gain like 15lbs to really get the look right. otherwise he was great casting for ramsay
i have never seen a person age worse
as long as you don't go bald or let yourself get fat, men look better at 30-50 than they do in their "prime"
>just don't go bald m8
wow how did i not think of that
>Book Lem is a revenge-driven gigachad who’s seven feet tall and fiercely loyal to Lady Stoneheart
>Show Lem is a squishy-faced uggo who murders priests
top kek
Talk about aging too much
Iwan a cute
>as long as you don't go bald
heh, yeah...
Lem looks like he enjoys a good Californian champagne inspired by French excellence
just take finesteride, Trump's been on it since the 70s, same for Musk. You really have no excuse at this point
>as long as you don't go bald or let yourself get fat
Pretty much most men in ASOIAF go bald and lots get fat.
doesn't it only last for like 5-6 years even if it's effective with no sides? elon definitely has some far more expensive transplant shit going on
I wanna cum in her Scots ginger minge tbqh
>eating wildling pussy that has been marinating in sweaty furs, period blood, and your own semen for months
Would totally have cave sex with her, both in character and as ourselves
>cave stank
please delete
I want to put my penis inside her vagina, if you catch my drift
just write it off as an investment, going bald is horrible for your career. Form an LLC and say you got a hair transplant because it helps you run your business more effectively
I miss Osha.
So what's the best promotional poster from this show?
she was based but ultimately bluepilled
now dany... there was a real based and redpilled lass
we needed more tywin-arya scenes
I bet Theon does as well had he survived.
no we didnt redditnigger.
>1:1 animated adaptation of the books literally never ever
And I mean literally, the books are never getting finished and animation is super expensive
also if you want to dodge side effects of fin, there's a topical version now that reduces side effects, not quite as effective as pill but basically 0% chance of side effects
more effective if you start using it before you go bald like the dumb cunt above, but still regrows hair to some extent
Why did Rhaegar rape Lyanna? Was it autism?
there was no rape user, they loved each other
>carving an ice block
>Arya walks in
>you WILL kill the Night King
damn, and to think this flew by us all
>Rewatching this thinking it's a comfy grandpa Tywin scene
>mfw realizing he is using Arya as food tester and has zero qualms about giving her to Gregor fucking Clegane.
WTF I hate Tywin now!
We'll get it in the next 10 years, AI is getting very good at voice synthesis and doing the grunt work involved with CGI
I'd bet within 10 years the only aspect humans will really have to do is make the original model and AI will be able to take care of most of the rest. This will make animation very cheap and actors voices can be replicated with AI as well so you won't have to worry about recasts
And why would I believe a cripple mind controlled by Brynden Rivers?
>19 POVs still alive (20 if you count Jon)
>ADWD was 73 chapters, so let's say TWOW will be 80
>that makes 4 chapters per POV
>Barristan and Arianne already have 2/4 chapters wasted
What does that tell us?
I think Bran would know if there was rape or not
You do realize if such technology exist, it will be very expensive and you won't get to use it easily just to animate Sansa The Raped/Jeyne Poole wedding night right?
Impossible. This adaptation is the only we will get in our lifetime unfortunately.
He sees rape as beautiful, so naturally he equaled it to this.
he doesn’t have to have every single pov in the book and some of them will die
That a lot of POV chars are about to die, and that not doing the timeskip was a huge fucking mistake.
Um excuse me Game of thrones has ended. This thread is illegal now.
Everyone please exit the thread calmly and in an orderly fashion
Sam gets killed by Euron, Jon only gets chapters half way through presumably, JonCon probably dies of greyscale halfway through
manlet in the middle
give me the TL;DR
Dany says it multiple times in season 7 and 8
this image seems so unreal, just the fucking difference in frames it's like two different species
tl;dr it was shit, if I had to guess.
They drop any sense of complexity and logical impact of character's actions and deaths from the previous season. Instead reducing it into traditional good guy vs bad guy narrative and lost the charm that made peoples love the story in the first place.
If I have to make it shorter: D&D fucked up.
Anyone got any of the black faceapp versions of the got characters. Specifically Stannis?
Elio and Linda have said in the latest video george is likely gonna do a timeskip in the next two books he pretty much has to
>rewatch the scenes after reading ADWD
>The "Say m'lord instead of 'my lord' when you're pretending to be lowborn" scene was stolen from a scene between Roose and Reek
>was going to give her to Gregor
>told her to keep him from drinking
He really was an evil old cunt wasn't he? Or was he legitimately in denial about how much of a monster Gregor was?
I see we've got leaks from the new LotR tv series.
>He really was an evil old cunt wasn't he
He unironically is. He might be a competent ruler, but fuck he is still one the most evil cunt in the entire story. He definitely know what Gregor is, he commands him to set Riverrun on fire in season 1, obviously giving him his 'free-to-rape & murder' license.
He was being sarcastic.
Always looked like a single mom.
To the average Westerosi, Ironborn and Northmen are all psycho blood sacrificing maniacs. Dornishmen are just degenerates though.
Someone post fan art of shota Jaime in Cersei's clothing before I piss myself
t. soft hearted little babbies
Maybe you should stick to rooting for Robb Stark, he seems more up your alley.
This is exactly what I understood about the show back in season 2. This is why I loved it, and especially characters like Jon Snow early on.
This is also what Lord of the Rings was about. Gandalfs persistence and vigilance and his kind heart was at the centre of everything that eventually went right in the war of the rings. Nature favors honor in the long run. These are stories about nature more than they are about characters. But most people, the fans, the showrunners, they dont understand, because they are like the Lannisters
>kindly man
I don't think so, user
>He might be a competent ruler
A lie
Everybody hates him and is planning to undermine him
Arya, you will marry me and put an end to these disgusting rumors between you and the Mountain at once.
Super TL;DR - The show went from a show with no main character, but many characters that you can identify or empathize with to "jon and dany are the main characters now, please cheer for them."
Slightly Longer TL;DR:
Pic related. They stopped making things, other characters, the society as a whole, and the boundaries of society and culture actually matter in favor of having our heroes do cool shit and never be in danger. Most notably how none of the main Starks died after the Red Wedding, and the most unpopular episode until S8 was the one where Sansa was raped.
Also, just look at how some random fuck on the internet can write better scenes for S8 than what we actually got using language more in line with what the earlier seasons had:
I miss him bros... the show just isn't the same without his ridiculous accent and wacky schemes.
Would you watch it Yea Forums?
>rewatch season 1
>he sounds completely normal
What the fuck happened
You just can't write it as good as George. The fatman maybe slow, but at the end of the day it's his world and few, if not no peoples know it as good as him. The show runners never stood a chance without him.
They did though, in Season 7 Arya meets Nymeria in the riverlands but Nymeria leaves her.
>Arya, you will marry me
>We will never see Slutty Arya exploring her sexuality with Tywin
>We will never see Arya under his table while talking down his children
>We will never see him growing fond of their babes
>We will never see her pup riding atop Nymeria
I unironically will if they rewrite season 5 onwards to be closer somewhat to the first four... and if we can get more anime Jaime & Cersei doing what they do best for the flashback episodes.
I honestly don't remember this happening
>What the fuck happened
>B-but m'lord you are too old
Blaming season 8 for something they did in season 6 is really unfair. All of the complaints normies have about season 8 were just as clear in seven but they let it slide because they are Danyfags. But it’s really evident in season six as well they were just better at hiding it and there was still some interesting things going on.
Tywin is definitely a competent ruler. He did such a good job as Aerys' Hand that people didn't really start to figure out that the man was a nutjob until Rhaegar married Elia and Tywin fucked off to Casterly Rock.
She was so cute, bros.
>Littlefinger: Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. Remember that, Sansa, when you come to play the game.
>Sansa: What... what game?
>Littlefinger: The only game. The game of thrones.
>Thanks, Lord Baelish. I'll keep that in mind. Now I must hurry back and practice singing A Song of Ice and Fire or Cersei will be upset with me.
no this is shit
Why is singing Tywin so based bros
>Lady Sansa, we have news from the south. There was A Clash of Kings near the capital.
Charles Dance can only do based, there is no other option
>2 weeks ago we got S8
What the fuck happened?
Is Alt Shift X dead? Did the finale finish him?
>the Cersei part
>we hit first and hit hard and leave A Feast for the Crows™
The weather has been changing lately. I hope we don't run into A Storm of Swords
>he sneaked in Stannis going aaarrghhhh
Does the guy who made it frequent here?
forgot pic
>we make it hype
based sparrows
Ok? I'm not here to spoonfeed you, go look it up.
found it
how do the wildlings far north of the wall know who ned stark etc are? are they sent ravens?
Give me an episode number cunt
They kinda forgot that they didn't know
If anyone here has read the books (even just the first three) can you tell me where it picks up? Was gonna ask on Yea Forums but completely dead board.
I’m currently on the first book, quarter to 200 pages in, and I find it very tedious and a drag to read for some reason. I’m already familiar with some of the characters we’ll get introduced to later on, so as it is the lack of action and the lack of some of my fav characters being there just bothers me. Should I just keep on reading and wait till it gets better in the later books?
What's a Storm of Swords? Would that be like a Sharknado where swords are all just flying around, cutting shit up?
I think it's like a 5th level spell in d&d
Now that I've seen it I remember, guess it didn't really matter anyway though
Jon Snow executed our sweet prince, Janos Slynt, simply because he got triggered. What a faggot.
It picks up near the middle-end of the first book. There's a few climaxes at the end of the first book that should hook you into the universe and what it's all about.
A Storm of Swords is the best book
>are they sent ravens?
once monthly they get the "southerner magazine"
>How to steal a girl
>Top seven ways to carve up kids
>Tho's single handedly the hottest knight in Westeros?
>Who's Jon Snows mother? It isn't who you think it is
>Why spears are better than swords featuring Grey Worm
I watched that "Minds of Wolves and Robins" youtube series and it's amazing how he can take a perfectly reasonable fan theory and turn it into something completely insane. Starts with
>Maybe Bloodraven isn't a nice guy
and finishes with
>Sweetrobin used the Force to throw a bowl of porridge
Book 1 is basically an extended version of season 1
Book 2 made up for season 2 with some differences on Theon, Dany and Robb's story (Talisa is an OC for the show)
Book 3 made up for season 3 and 4. The differences are bigger, but the biggest one was Tyrion & Jaime's last meeting.
Book 4 & 5 made up loosely for season 5. The rest of the show is original material + GRRM's outline.
If you are waiting for Stannis he is in book 2.
that's why he's the best
now watch his winds of winter winter on alayne
>Why spears are better than swords featuring Grey Worm
>Not featuring Oberyn Martell
Fuck off dickless loser.
>Maybe Bloodraven isn't a nice guy
>and finishes with
>Named BLOODraven
>good guy
The first book is just a more detailed version of season 1. If you enjoyed season 1 I'm not sure how you could find AGOT boring, it's the same story and dialogue only with more detailed descriptions of literally everyone and everything.
>Mind Blown
the intro is long but i still found it interesting. end of book two is completely excellent, and storm is entertaining from start to finish
>sweet robin
>blood raven
>robert arryn is destined to murder bloodraven and free the realm from tyranny
based autist
everyone has edgy names in asoiaf
It’s not really the book itself, but more Martin’s writing style/prose, his occasional tedious overdescriptions, the constant introducing of new characters (which I actually don’t mind that much, but still) and how long he takes to really get to the point. From reviews I’ve seen on the later books, his flaws in writing are a lot more prominent as a lot of the pacing is very slow and some books are almost entirely without action. You have to drag through hundreds and hundreds of pages even in the first book before anything really exciting happens.
Maybe I’m just impatient but I’ve seen other people say the same.
Episode 2 you dense cunt.
Fucking thanks cunt
>>Why spears are better than swords featuring Grey Worm
Surely you mean Oberyn? Not only is he actually competent with a spear, he actually has a chin and a penis.
If you've already seen the show and you have a really short attention span then you could really skip to like halfway through and not miss much. The first season and the first book are so similar, but the book gives you a much better description of the battles than the show (which was limited by budget constraints for battles), and a much better sense of the internal monologue/situation of the characters. Especially when it comes to Ned's imprisonment. He was absolutely physically/mentally broken by his time in the cells and I don't think the show really portrays that. He was begging for food and water, nearly starved to death, pissing and shitting in the same pile of straw he was sleeping on.
How far gone do you have to be to come up with such retarded theories?
>From reviews I’ve seen on the later books, his flaws in writing are a lot more prominent as a lot of the pacing is very slow and some books are almost entirely without action. .
>Maybe I’m just impatient but I’ve seen other people say the same.
You're not completely wrong, pacing is an issue especially in Dance which can be an absolute slog if you don't give a shit about how Dany rules Meereen. But this part
>You have to drag through hundreds and hundreds of pages even in the first book before anything really exciting happens.
Maybe it's because you already saw the show, but stuff like the Queen and her brother fucking, said brother trying to murder Bran, and the obvious implications regarding the children, and the letter to Catelyn saying the Lannisters killed Jon Arryn, that all seems pretty exciting.
>good guy
Name a single member of House Targaryen that wasn't fucking insane.
>Tho's single handedly the hottest knight in Westeros?
Pic related
I mean, they had a pretty good run until Aerys II, Maegor was an asshole too
>I think Bran would know if there was rape or not
Literally who? Looks like John Cena.
>falls in love in a day, for some reason betrays his people
He started off a big war on the basis of prophecy memes, which turned out to be false and mean nothing either way. The dude was so egotistical he read some prophecy and instantly thought it was about him.
>Literally who
Young Griff
What's with the black hair? But yeah, Young Griff seems fine, hence why I don't think he's a Targaryen (or Blackfyre) but some kid Varys genetically engineered and played off as Rhaegar's son.
t. JonCon
Rhaegar was a fucking nut