Webrip when?
Webrip when?
Hopefully never
Home/digital release date in the US is July 23, so probably won't see much before that.
July 9th user!
korsub when?
>user why are you looking at me like that!
>not buying the 4k
one torrent link for alita bluray rip thanks
July 9th. Almost there
Just hold on a little bit
>you will never oil alita and her joints
why live.
Alita is not for lewd.
this thread has been reported.
you have been deported. nigger.
a month to go
fuck the freemasons
Which law enforcement agency do I call about the availability of Captain Marvel preceding Alita: Battle Angel? Is that a federal crime or does it require UN intervention?
>announcing a report
Enjoy your ban, faggot. Better luck next time on r*ddit.
Alex Jones is the only one that can help you
Fuck off faggot
Announcing a report is a bannable offense. Enjoy your ban, faggot. Nothing of value was lost.
>Newfag didn't read the rules
Every time.
Cry more
Seeth more baby dick
Why do porn artists struggle drawing different body types? Alita looks awful here. Sad.
i cycled my router immediately after that post, and will do so again after this post
7 to 8 weeks max.
>Captain Marvel comes out months later
>Stays in theaters longer
>Makes way more money
>Already has a webrip
Literally how the fuck? It goes against all logic, usually movies that bomb should go to video faster not take this fucking long. What the fuck is going on?
I've been meaning to watch this for months and it still only has cam rips.
Okay but you're still a newfag.
The last DVD I ever purchased was the LOTR extended box set. I would wait for the Alita box set to release one day but I want to support her. So ill buy the steel book when I'm on vacation in July.
I already bought the deluxe edition box set for the books
cheeky cunt
It literally didn't bomb but you already knew that. You just wanted a (you) well, here you go, user.
general fags get the fuck out. your kind fucking ruined Yea Forums with your bullshit years ago. go away
The answer is disney. Disney controls hollywood and critics now
F for banned flopitas
I stayed the fuck away from that cancerous general so you can go fly a kite, user.
Evading bans is against rules little kid
Because Captain Marvel is based while Alita is weebshit no one likes.
Debatable, especially if you factor in advertising costs and the domestic/foreign split being pretty bad, but it didn't make a billion dollars either which is why this is so puzzling. Movies that do worse typically come out on video faster, while movies that do well have long legs and make tons of money take longer to come out on video.
someone needs to shoop heavy bangs on her
General? What general?general
There is no a general here, have you gone mad?
I read it ended in the 40M+ raw profit zone. Although I can't confirm that since there's so much shilling and anti shilling on the internet with this movie.
cus they don't have enough blood in their fingers
that's SIR GENERAL MAJOR for you, son.
Damn, u rite
Go back to sucking your father's cock.
Just like the cans of Arizona tea were sold out everywhere, right?
That's all you need for a sequel, right?
Why waste your time grasping at straws when you're thoroughly BTFO with no way out? Kek
get a life you cuck
Oh hey there copy paste user. Almost thought you wouldn't post today but I'm glad you're here. Here's your (you) :)
Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Remember to keep sending this to hiro on twitter and "rapeape" on irc/discord/whatever the Yea Forums staff uses now
What is it about this movie that makes newfags rage so much? Do they really hate anime that much?
>not to mension the streaming sales too
What? We're not the ones taking the time to post in a thread about a movie we don't like. Sounds like an unnecessary effort. Passionate almost. Are you sure you're not the one seething here?
fuck off lefty faggot no wonder you want your general
Hey I hate anime but I loved this movie okay?
So? So what you useless ass wart? Alita posters may be the most unobtrusive posters on the Yea Forums and I doubt I have ever actually seen one outside of their general.
What is it about this movie that makes its fans larp as oldfags, but when questioned about old Yea Forums they go silent?
Oh dear, Jerome is sub 80iq.
>July 23
Wut? Why so late? I have missed it in cinema so I still keep an eye out for official home release. BluRay confirmed?
stay mad you obsessed faggots lol
I don't know but it would be cool if you shared your thought process with us, newfag kun. What makes you tick?
>newfags getting mad
too cute
will these nongenerals also continue to be troll shitstorms? oh the ironing....
flop song
flop song
>i cycled my router
Goddamnit, you trannies just cannot help yourself to not post about your degenerate bodily functions, can you?
probably to cut losses and release in lower numbers with no competition in new releases
Who says lol except teenagers and twitter normalfags? Jesus you fucking tourist
>Disney controls hollywood and critics now
Considering what they did to How to train your dragon 3, I 100% believe it.
Nice discussiom about the movie guys. These oosts seem quite off-topic and worthy of deletion in my eyes :)
I unironically stayed to listen to the end credits song every one of the 45+ times I saw the movie in theaters.
I'm still waiting for John Carter's sequel. Get used to it alitafag, you're never getting a sequel.
Alita trolls are sexually obsessed with the men that worship alita.
They get rage boners from posting in here. They are aroused by trolling alita threads
yes we are. im mad about no tron legacy 2 though.
What did they do?
If there was one movie I could travel back in time and inexplicably make into a hit it'd be John Carpenter's The Thing
umm yeah that’s gonna be a big BASED from me dawg
Alita needs to be seen in HD. Do NOT just watch it on your laptop
based raging Yea Forumsartan
/bb/ soon my nigga
I'm going to watch the camrip on my phone, streaming.
his best movie is pic related tho
Best movie that unfortunately suffered the fate of flopping in cinemas. It deserved more success.
web releases usually come out two weeks before blu-ray
They Live actually was a financial success, mostly because it was dirt cheap to make, made like 3 or 4 times it's budget back unlike the thing.
Which is usually how Robert Rodriguez movies eked out large profits on rather small box office because he was such a frugal and cheap director they only needed 50-100 million to be profitable.
go back to sneeding your fathers chuck
>desperately trying to prove how oldfag you are by playing knowyourmeme quiz games
>desperately trying to prove how oldfag you are at all
holy fucking newfag
>John who?
>250 mil budget
>grossed 280...
Bruh Alita actually made some money, and has a very active fanbase behind it.
>he doesn’t know about ironic intentional cringe mode
holy fucking desperate you just get more pathetic
its impressive
Yeah but John Carter was actually a good movie.
>active fanbase
yeah a bunch of faggots on Yea Forums
same case here.
kek good post
That all you got man you general faggots are truly sad
I don't know about other places, but in my country it was Captain Marvel top to bottom in kinoplexes, in six cinemas, twenty times a day. HTTD3 released at the same time, and as another Disney franchise, it play only once a day, even during a premiere, even during a weekend, only between 12:00 and 15:00.
based and thruthpilled
>Thinks only people that exicts and watch movies live on Yea Forums...
Never seen it, but so was Alita
Alita has some nice things in it but it's just not a good film
>im being a retarded normie twitter fag but IRONICALLY
Each to their own I guess, but try telling that to the thousands of rabid worldwide active fans the movie's gained....
I can’t speak for Jerome but I know that I use it specifically because it pisses people off lol
see: your post lol
Marvel capeshit has millions of rabid worlwide active fans and there's like 2 decent films in there
I never watch movies below a 70%.
but rodriguez fucked up with the happy overly hyper Hollywood boulevard tourist crowd he used as alita extras. god he better fix that for the sequel or I swear to god im gonna mail him a severed penis.
dude hes crazy don't make eye contact
There's a difference user...
>New that IP capture's people
>The capshit money factory they have over at marvel studios.... churning out the same shitty movie since 2012.
real subtle cropping out the 94% user score
Anyone who would rather watch Captin marvel over Alita deserves the rope unironically.
Whats wrong with the extras?
Some of them are obviously wearing beats by dre and look like they picked them up right off a the street.
2 out of 3 are all dressed like slouchy americans in flip flops picked up from the street outside the studio cus that's what they literally are, and they were all told to talk too excitedly and smile too much in the case of street extras, or to act like theyre having seizures constantly at the motorball stadium. there, you can thank me for ruining alita for you next time you see it cus you cant unsee it once you do.
Pretty sure it was filmed in Texas not Hollywood.
That's part of the charm, you're not supposed to be focusing/staring on them anyways....
stay stockholmed, friend
Stop it. It's a legit complaint and can take anons right out of the movie during the Iron City scenes.
Like the mexican punk guy with the two mohawks?
>Those eyes
please give me clear example's of where the extras look shit, I have the camrip and skimming through it, I dont see any out of place extras, what are they supposed to look like??
Nobody believes you, user. She looks hot as fuck
>implying they don’t both deserve the rope
cringe and partisanhackpilled
There is a latina chick with long black straight hair behind alita during motorball that always ruin it for me. Shes a really bad extra.
And theres a fat guy next to her too.
I honestly dont mind any of the iron city extras but the motorball extras are retarded
oy vey
the two ladies babbling excitedly behind chiren and ido early on, the blonde lady that skips around in the background that's been posted on the old generals, every fucking motorball fan. come on, dude.
do nips really eat cats??
IMO they were a bit too happy and lively. Clean clothes, nice cafes and shops etc. It just doesn't have any of the grit the Manga and OVA had. I'm not saying I wanted a 1:1 conversion of the source but it completely abandoned the sense of oppression the source material had. Plus the fact that most of those scenes are all filmed on one tiny corner (of an admittedly well made set) made the city seem a little tiny.
me on the left
??? what do you want them to look like!? that seems perfectly normal for a civilization 600+ years from now.
I really dont know what you want these extras to look like? are they not supposed to look like normal people going about their daily lives?
Or just some chad and stacey extras that have been hand picked, because they suit you're guy's standard?
I thought Austin was just discount LA
I heard there is a discord! Whats the link?
Yo, check your Gmail, Jerome. I just sent the link!
Thanks lad
How do I stop loving Alita? I can't wait for the sequel, and it burns my soul knowing it will not be out for many years to come.
>Boat shoes
The absolute state of Iron City normies.
>Bruh look at this dood, he actually looks like a normal guy going about his daily life...
Robert must be a hack
how about you make them switch their cargo shorts and flip flops for something a bit more serious, and tell them that not everyone smiles constantly when theyre out in public?
severed penis, rodriguez you hack.
this picture makes me mad
keep to your containment discord faggots
I didn't even notice since I filter your cancerous generals but loled when I found out your cancerous general was banned.
No :)
Be nice
this is just some random Yea Forums thread, you sperg, what you on about
>People should be sad all the time,
>And they should wear woolly clothes and wrap up warm...
Why? That just means the tumor has popped and the cancer is spreading and will be harder to filter. You guys are weird.
I hate to say it but since iron city is poor they would wear sandals a lot
Dude read the source material or at least watch the OVA. The Iron City set dressing was a misstep.
anything other than what you get at the mall of America or a chili cookoff
Yeah but Cameron or RR said I cant remember which one is that they wanted to get away from that depressing vibe, less BR49 and Altered Carbon and more of a different more lighter cyber punk world that hasn't been portrayed as much.
And I'm glad they did, who wants another depressing cyberpunk world to be all gloomy in?
They wanted to get away from cyber punk
Yeah, it does seem deliberate but it just doesn't work IMO and probably contributed to fewer than expected sales simply because new fags thought it was some YA shlop and oldfags though it was nothing like the original. That's why I think it was a misstep on their part. They could have easily split the difference.
Bad move desu but that's just my opinion.
Thats also why the soundtrack has no synth in it
Meh, maybe. I get what you're saying about the grittiness of the source material. But they have some creative freedom and the ran with it.
It may not be the best, but its what we ended up with. There's some good stuff about the world and how they went about creating it in the Art book they sold, and I'm sure there will be lots of stuff's in the extras that will give you/us some more insight into why they did.
Yeah and I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little salty about that
BR extra's that is..
Look, as a boomer, I'm just glad it exists.
I like good synth as much as the next guy but it doesn't have to accompany everything in the cyberpunk ballpark.
See, there we go. That's the spirit!
Just be glad that JC based enough to create something like Alita.
It's more about the era it originates from and slight hint of nostalgia for the oldfags but I liked what they did with the OST and Junkie XLs reasoning for it was sound. He basically said that Alita was already mostly machine so he wanted to bring out her humanity through classical instruments more. Pretty based.
I wished robert rodriguez would have made some songs with his guitar playing and synth on top
Is there anywhere i can listen to the soundtrack online?
Spotify or YT as far as I know. Pick your poison.
im not him though. severed penis I swear to god.
You're really that mad about it!?
God are these same subhumans freaks that actually MET irl to discuss their CGI monster? holy shit you idiots look like abominations
Still weird seeing people appreciate Alita after all these years but it's really nice. Based Jim indeed.
I mean't BluRay Extra's user.
meetups are for fags and roasties, but to be fair they looked pretty normal, especially with their faces shooped out
I'll be honest, meet ups are a little gay but /Alita/ absolutely MOGGED Yea Forums. They all look pretty Chaddy compare to all other pics I've seen uploaded here.
too bad
Out of 50 people only 8 met.
Take medicine for your schizophrenia
Dubs never lie. CHECKED
I searched on youtube but didnt see it. What channel has it?
Double dubs, Yea Forums mogged ONCE AGAIN...
Kek I literally just checked YT and it's there. Check Orion Of The Galaxy, I think or Jfravixthunder22, user.
Thank you good friend
They still trying to advert their discord...
They are gone leave it be. Dont make those fags come back. For fucks sake get a hobby or something. Those fagots are gone and you are still in love with them or something
Well the user's who were in /alita/ might want to know whats going on...
Seriously so so fucking obsessed its so cringey and sad, you really need to get a hobby or have sex, either or works.
Who made this thread ? Not me. Check the pictures. Stop pretending your not an alifags yourself
You pretend to talk about your movie but it barely to advertise your /soc/ shit. Everytime
The generals gone... do you see the same sort of general type posting... no
This is a thread talking about a movie's webrip date, now move on with you're life, for you're own sake...
I see one post doing that, out of 205.
Please S E E T H more.
Yesterday at least 4 guys said they would NEVER touch discord.
They said they didnt trust it.
They even said they were from the early days and would never leave Yea Forums.
Not all the alita people went to discord.
You must have an IQ of 70.... literally third world IQ. Is english your second language?
Fuck of liar, theres a discord link in your memes. You talk about just keeping to talk aobout your favorite scene to keep it movie related and you spam your pictures with your discord link. Did i complain about talking of the movie ? no
>This is a thread talking about a movie's webrip date
You don't need a thread for that. Fuck off
Have sex
Yes that one post I was referring to, dumb ass.
looks like is right about you're subhuman IQ.
>Being this mad after the generals were nuked
Your tears are delicious
Kill yourself
Kill yourself spic
>Posts degenerate shadman sonic
Yup, checks out
Theres one picture.
Look you middle school kid with the intelligence of a 11 year old.
You are buttblasted over one picture. The generals are gone MOVE ON.
M O V E O N.
Cut your moms grass or get a job ealking pets or something..
You sound like a young child
He's just here for the (you)s because he doesn't get them in other threads. Many such cases. Sad!
So comfy. YOu keep focusing over one unimportant detail. You say im buttblasted over one picture, yeah yeah, theres nothing more being it, no reason to make an alita thread, clearly they are all gone and now all the oldfags want to talk about this shit movie
The point is the discord people said they dont wanna bother with this place and a bunch of alita old fags said they would never ever touch discord.
You are so mentally challenged that you think everyone is the same person......
You literally cant understand the concept that different people are doing different things.
Your brain is like an 8 year old
I think the best way is to starve him of you's, then It just looks like a deranged unhinged user. Who's crying even after he won. To any normal user on here.
Hes just bumping the thread by now
What a fucking loser. Bumping a thread he hates.
my god you guys are so fucking fun lol
HAHAHAHAH your fucking general finally got NUKED. Awww poor little babies are you gonna have to use discord to be autistic faggots now?
Nah, you seem to have that covered.
>general gets iced
>still making niggas boil from beyond the veil
how did we get these powers bros
I never though everyone is the same person, i now all people on the discord dont come here, butyou can go there if you like and see how they dont want to go to another space and the discord is temporary. Whatever you call "old fags" are just those who dont want to fuck off to soc. Stop pretending im so stupid, i may be shitposting but i dont have to pretend i know whoever post what, i dont know you, never assumed it either
Whatever you have to tell yourself alitacel. You lost. We won. Couldn't even make 600 lol
>we won
what are you a mod?
Congrats. But its like victory in a Special Olympics. You're still a cripple afterwards. In your case, it's severe brain damage.
No, something stronger...
They were in your head rent free for 3 months....
They tormented you with generals for 3 months.
Looks like they won. Have sex.
Even if the discord is temporary they are still not coming to Yea Forums. At least not a lot of them. The closing of the generals fractured the fanbase and they are all over the place now.
Congratulations, they left for a discord and there are still alita threads.
When people say temporary it means finding another board besides Yea Forums
But if you keep spying on their little discord and taking screenshots of what those guys say you are only adding to the reddit faggotry.
You are literally bringing discord content here in screenshots. You are gayer than discord trannies..... think about that. You out gay the gays.
Fuck off, lot admitted theyd prefer to stay on tv, theyll keep trying to make not so hidden generals
bad anons
lol, unironically
Yikes and shizopilled
Lmao all the seething alitafags in this thread. Wish I wasn't travelling the last few days, I can't believe I missed the day of the rope for them
Who gonna get the 4K HDR?
It was beautiful
I will get 4K 3D steelbook
Last meetup had 11 people actually and four were from out of state but yeah anyone upset by this has issues beyond the fact that the movie has fans
>Alita banned before a good rip even appearing
Please take your bipolar meds and leave them to be at discord.
Httyd is Dreamworks, user. Disney doesn't own it.
I don't think a world like iron city has to be depressing. It's been 300+ years. Generations of people have grown up in that world. It's normal to them.
People who haven't seen it upto this point are probably never going to see it unless it's free, at that point if they do they could become fans of it. When you have more fans there is more chance of sequels because they could buy the blueray or merch.
You people are so short sighted.
the Disney / Fox merger thing held it up, is the official line
The fewer people subjected to this shit the better.
Why is GOT and other shit generals allowed then?
They will be gone soon newfag.
>people seeing a movie willingly for free
>subjected to shit
are you seriously this triggered
they didnt get spammed by sneeds. Which goes to prove that the sneed gore posters were marvel and GOT fans.
1080bluray when?
Because they're still on-topic.
When they devolve into "goodnight fren" "hello new bread" "blessed digits" and similar off-topic posts they'll get nuked too.
July 9th
Where can I find /alita/ general now? Yea Forums or Yea Forums ?
there is none you retard
lol ops, i didn't checked that
A fair amount of anons migrated to discord until they decided what the fuck to do...
Discord is here: GO THERE AND STAY OUT!
Be nice
Oh god not that little boy again