He thinks breaking bad deserves to be in the same category as the wire and the sopranos

>he thinks breaking bad deserves to be in the same category as the wire and the sopranos

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Yes they are all dramas

>He thinks the Wire is as good as the Sopranos

you're right, breaking bad is way above soap opera shit

this the wire is overrated

>he thinks the sopranos deserves to be in the same category as the wire and breaking bad



I don't understand why people rate Breaking Bad so highly. Maybe they just can't tell the difference between good and mediocre.

Sopranos is a rehashed Godfather and Goodfellas. Pleb show.

BB is just Macgyver with meth

Breaking Bad definitely is the most overrated show of all time.

You just like to be contrarian, and seem patrician liking more underground shows, it's pathetic, i can picture you on a damn bar telling your friends "yeah breaking bad is alright but the wire and sopranos are far superior series" sitting all happy and shit with your goody ass thinking people now believe must really be knowledgeable about screenwriting and shit lmao

>the sopranos

wanna know how i know you're under 18?

you don’t get (you) from me you baiting faggot

It's more underground than BB by a fucking kilometer dumbo

it was a phoenomenon back when it came out. It just happened to predate social media and all that garbage that propped up breaking bad during its release

Paulie Walnuts was a good capo, prove me wrong
>inb4 he goes to Jew York

have sex but unironically

Patsy was the best capo

Explain why you think this please

Seen Weeds?

no but six feet under does I don't care how gay it is

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just how retarded are you


Go fuck yourself cocksucker

so what's the second greatest show after Sopranos?

it does, they're all shit.

old good new bad etc
If you don't understand what makes Breaking Bad so great you're just a pleb, name dropping shows from IMDB too 100 won't make you a more tasteful person.
And yes, The Wire and Sopranos are great and some of the best TV ever made, but the circlejerk from people who didn't even get them is getting old.

>thinking the Wire is good

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imagine watching the sporanos unironically
fuck boomers

What makes the Sopranos good?

only 1 thing, nostalgia

>in other words, its underground now.

I'm watching it for the first time ever and enjoying it, so it's clearly not that.

Enjoying it is not the same as fellating it in nonstop praise. I also enjoyed it, but it's only a good show, not the greatest show of all time.

You're right, it's a tier above

Zoomers pls go.

>publicly admitting you're retarded
you're a brave boy user!

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you on the bottom

this is correct. you also have to remember that BB was shown on AMC.....and they have a very shitty audience

>says weeds is overrated
>has to be rated for something to be considered overrated
what did he mean by this?

>thinking old equates to underground

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>being this retarded
you must go back

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The Terror w/ Jared Harris

Watch it, user

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Pissed of Reddit Sooner that is and that is refilled millions on the nigger and jew (hesh) scourge

Only mad men is in the same category as sopranos