This is your Triss Merigold


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Other urls found in this thread:

Dead before release

The actress may not fit the characters description, but is at least somewhat attractive. From what saw, the rest of the female cast fails in both aspects.

She looks like she fucks white boys.

This but unironic

Why does (((Hollywood))) hate redheads?

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With a red wig shell be fi-



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Why should white men support white women when white women don't support white men? Can a white person explain this to me?

A literal goblina...
This is worse than Fringilla Niggo

Welcome to Muttsville. Purebreeds not allowed.

I totally understand hiring "women of color" but why cant they ever give them the proper hair?
Why is it so hard to give them the correct hair?
Look at domino or MJ from the new spiderman
What the fuck is their problem

>Ewww brown people

lmao good one, Yea Forums.
Cutting and original commentary, as always.

>Why does (((Hollywood))) hate redheads?
They're unequivocally Caucasian, which makes iconic redheaded characters problematic.

same reason they hate asians

What are you talking about? There's no images from the movie yet. That's just a normal picture of the actress.

There do exist things called wigs, you know. They'll probably put a red one on her.

>brown people MUST be included in stories written by white people about white people
>access to white people is my right

>I totally understand hiring "women of color"
I don't. Either adapt it properly or make your own fantasy setting with nog sorceresses.

Nice strawman, fag.
But please, tell me more about how including a nigger or two into a fictional setting made for entertainment oppresses you.

Nice strawman, fag.
But please, tell me more about how access to white people is your divine right.

>Copies my reply, can't formulate a good counter argument
>Still strawmanning
>Still seething at niggers
>Muh "white" people

Very cringe desu.

They honestly couldn't even get a more attractive meow mix?
jfc the demand for diversity is insane.
it's like substituting chocolate for shit, just because everyone thinks its PC

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>But please, tell me more about how including a nigger or two into a fictional setting made for entertainment oppresses you.
Why do they need to replace white characters

>Why do they need to replace white characters
They don't.



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I don’t see this as a issue of oppression. It’s an issue of ruining good source material. Black people are gross and I don’t want to have to look at them all the time.

>openly admits native European people are not allowed to defend against their genocide

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Because the setting is a celebration of Polish culture and Poles arent niggers.
It also cheapens niggers regardless. It implies or shows that producers have no faith in original nonwhite characters so they have to take white characters and turn them
Make a traveling nig, original to the show, from furthest south or some shit

>People of poo

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>celebration of polish culture
yeah, djinss, succubi and golems are all intrinsic parts of polish culture

>is at least somewhat attractive.

Aside from her tits, no. Acquire some standards.

>Because the setting is a celebration of Polish culture
Culture isn't tied to skin colour, try again.


>Culture isn't tied to skin colour, try again.

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Yes it is

They shrivel up in the sun.

How so?

Those arent, but tons of other monsters are, and the setting itself in terms of the culture of the kingdoms, the empire being a stand in for the HRE, etc

That's a bit unfair when people in general are cow'ed.

People of the west are in this weird state of being kept comfortable so they don't have the enthusiasm to stand up for themselves as they are slowly drained of all vitality.

Oy gevalt

it's an anagram

"White women" you are mostly talking about are jewish women in hollywood.

>They'll probably put a red one on her.
that will look even worse.

What did she mean by this?

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>ayo wy wolf you want summa this

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10/10 kino

lol at the preceding tweet, does that mean she's casting new poles?

I can't wait for them to release new covers that are updated go Netflix standards.

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I doubt it, these are tweets from last year

>when they blackwash my favourite male character

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>story comes first
>hmm so how many new parts are we going to add to this story to incorporate as many new zerrikanian characters as possible?
>oh, and by the way, this character and that character and, oh, this character as well, wasn't really THAT set in stone appearance-wise, so we got a lot of creative freedom
>also, those characters are now central to the plot

>when they blackwash my favourite male character

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trannies get out pls


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who will play eredin?

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based noncis sister smashing the toxic patriarchy


Idris Elba

ugly negress, jew-fiend and ayylmao. great job


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Imagine if Ciri was raised properly by the King of Elves

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You know she was modeled after a tranny, right?

>m-muh diversity

There are way more fugly niggers in television than redheads

and that's a good thing

>61 seconds apart
You need some help, buddy?

Why admins tolerate scum on this board?

I would that mutt

Cast them.

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>character description
I just don't get it. Rowling said she never wrote about Hermione being white (despite evidences) and so, Hermione actress could be black because she is the author and says so.
But we have clear descriptions about Triss having red hair and they still give us a nigress?

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who could even be cast as adult Ciri?
Keep in mind that she's 5'10 barefoot and 125 lbs lean.

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white genocide is real and happening right now

I just hate non whites. Fuck them and get their dirty mud forms away from shit I like.

and an original movie/tv show with only minorities and lets see what happens

>mfw she's bigger than me
being a manlet is shit


bro this isnt about yew

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suicide is the only solution as a manlet. dont succumb to a life of pain and hatred. Everyone that sees you on the streets secretly laughs about you

Do non whites watch TV all that much? I assume they do. If it was aimed at them and well done then it would likely do well. Also 'Minorities' the mud people are literally 2/3rds of the planet. They're a horde

mayb she wuz lyan?

just do it. make an all non white movie and lets see how well it does. the audience will be all trannies

fuck trannies

And you're first in line

all of the women in witcher 3 are fucking annoying bitches. atleast Kiera was honest thot.


>medieval world without blacks
>turn it into an all black TV show


not a big deal

Whiny annoying cunt.

Powerful, liberated, Elder bloodline Princess slaying the patriarchy one incel at a time.


Wow, like wow. They are really destroying this glorious world with the PoC quota agenda when it has the most B A S E D patriarchy smashed of them all?
Alright. But hey as an incel this is a win for us =^]

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Here's your (you) now fuck off

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This is what Sapkowski deserves.

Moorcock sends his regards.

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I want to FUCK Ciri so hard

what's their endgame with this? I mean, obviously this generates a lot of negative PR, and we all know any PR is good PR, so that doesn't really matter. They know very well what they're doing with the casting choices and that it's getting talked about, but ultimately they'll piss off every fan and pretty much everyone watching this trainwreck.
Why do they care so much to ruin everything this hard on purpose?

Why didn't they just cast my turkroach waifu?

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t. Henry

Because their goal is to destroy anything that white people enjoy

>we have clear descriptions about Triss having red hair
Chestnut hair, not red, if they go by the books. That still looks nothing like Triss.

fucks sake

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This, but unironically.

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Why are americans like this? They also wanted to make metro and move the action to USA

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>i-it's just americans that are into blackening shows!
Nice try Anglo scum.

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but I am slav

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What's the difference between anglo and amerimutt?

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I'm a brazilian northeast mutt and absolutely hate this

Nothing, they're both out to kill us all even if it means their own death. Only Fingolia and Estonia can save us.

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If they did justice (they won't) to Yennefer and Geralt's relationship and Yennefer's relationship with being Ciri's mother I would have maybe cared. But now I'm just hoping it gets cancelled ASAP and all the grrl pwr jews fuck off forever.

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>Yen and Geralt

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They already ordered second season

I hope this succeeds. Fuck /pol/niggers

Jews are white larpers

>Cast eye candy hunk for Geralt
>All of the females are ugly mud people.

Why is this shit allowed? I thought objectification was wrong?

You want the trashy hooker look they were going for Starfire to be put on Triss?

I saw you in the other thread
Yes Ciri and Geralt is cannon but not THAT way

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this is netflix we're talking about
the company that loses money every day it operates and wonders why

and i saw yew in the other thread as well. yes in that way. Yen is just a distraction.

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>who would be cast as adult Ciri
Are you unironically retarded? Or is it some recurring bait I've missed?

Yennefer is the waifu
Ciri is the daughterfu

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>blackwashing my european characters
vomit inducing

>misquoting "could" for "would".
lol. he only chases after Yen to find out where Ciri is.

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triss and yen are side chicks admit defeat

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Spot-on casting all round, can hardly tell the difference.

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You think the casting is bad, wait until you see what the costume department has been up to...

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Literally isn't a thing no matter how butthurt you get. Whitewashing is white people using their power and influence to exclude People of Color, Black people don't have that power and influence, it's not the same.

He chases after Yen when he gets his memories back.
Then Yen tells hims about Ciri.
Games are also fanfic.

Games are better than the books tbqhwyf

she is an ugly porchmonkey

Games and books can't really be compared directly but the games are great and I've only read the Last Wish but it was great as well.
They're both good in their own right but the events that happen in the games are not canon.

this is going to be such a clusterfuck of a show I can't wait for the threads

Just gonna call it The Wizzer now.....

>chases after Yen
only for a little. then he spends 10x more energy chasing Ciri.

wait, didn't she die a month ago?

witcher gamefags should die
just finally accept it that the game is not fucking canon

holy shit heebey kikeburger, tone it down a notch

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I win. Games are canon.

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this is beyond blatant

>casting a literal chimpanzee

you post the same thing in every thread
she looks like shit bro

>Black people don't have power and influence

you're God damned right they don't.


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they know their show is shit, they havent released a single teaser ever since that shitshow ith cavil

Thats what happens in the books too, though.

In some of the early short stories he's all about Yen's lilac scented hunchback, then in the novels he's all about Ciri. Probably because he sees her as a daughter and his parents were utter shit. Then, at the end, its back to Yen when Ciri takes both of their dead asses to that magical Deus Ex Machina dimension.

>I mean, obviously this generates a lot of negative PR, and we all know any PR is good PR
That has never been the case about anything. Why do they do it? Because Netflix and jews and they have bigger goals than a dumb tv show. This tv show is nothing more than their platform for their propaganda.

>costume design is absolutely fucking atrocious
>botched circumcision of a casting job
>this is the writing team
I literally cannot comprehend someone who isn't some rabid Toronto feminist defending this.

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>that pic
they better be damn good actors then

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You can just change the definition of something to fit what you want it to kike.

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Triss Merigroid

I don't understand how this series will be released in the form that it has taken. Does ANYBODY actually think it's going to be good?

me. despite all my rage im still gonna watch

Well leddit is safe bet

cry more incels

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>Black people don't have that power and influence
So how many more years is it going to be before people stop saying this shit?

>It's the jews fault women find me repulsive

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Would be accurate if the girl had a dick

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maybe her redheaded self was an illusion all along.. disgusting witch!

>Black people don't have that power and influence
literally everything blacks do is considered hip or cool
a single crying chimp can end entire movie studio

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