Tfw your father drinks gin

>tfw your father drinks gin

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Gin so disgusting what idiot bong decided putting sticks and berries in booze would make it taste better?

>TFW your father DOESN'T drink gin

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Gin is a real man's drink you pussy.

>tfw you drink gin

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>tfw there is only gin

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Does your dad drink gin, does he drink it out the bin
Does your mum drink wine, does she drink it all the time

>They made a drink derived from a planet

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>tfw your father punished you as a boy

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Gin tastes like the smell of cologne

Bourbon is a real man's drink

I'm drinking it right now

it's a good breakfast drink

>t. Zoomer
Stop drinking shit gin

>tfw your dad drinks gin and tonic

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>not a superior single malt
Absolutely shameful

>tfw dad invites you to taste the newest additions to his expensive whisky collection

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>Childhood is pretending to enjoy alcohol neat, to show your manliness
>Adulthood is admitting they all taste like shit and need to be mixed with soda/tonic, to be enjoyable

Based and redpilled

Balvenie and Macallan are good but overall I prefer Kentucky Straight Bourbon, small batch being a plus. The low price vs single malt is a bonus.


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Being 16 doesn’t make you an adult, faggot. Buy proper alcohol

Like Gin?

>scotch is aged in used bourbon barrels