Guys I'm not a söyboy and this is only the fifth marvel movie I've ever seen...

Guys I'm not a söyboy and this is only the fifth marvel movie I've ever seen, but did anyone else think this was unironically fucking kino? Why was this so good?

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Attached: captaincuck.jpg (1600x800, 393K)

You posted this earlier today and it rightfully got no replies

Fuck off MCUck

I hate leftists probably more than anything but I don't really give a shit

You really don't need to be so hostile

wew how come only people with this mindset work on hollywood

I wouldn't call it fucking kino, the visuals went a bit hard on the "gritty spy thriller" thing to a point that I felt it neglected the sort of fantastical, grandiose visuals that the genre is capable of. Especially the overly hectic cuts in some action secenes made it hard to watch.

The story itself was pretty strong though, the idea of Nazi's having infiltrated the American Military Industrial complex was fantastic and probably the closest thing a relatively conservative franchise like the MCU has ever come to social awareness.

This sequence right here is one of the best in the entire MCU and while I think the Infinity War/Endgame duology is the best thing to come out of it I still like it very much. It feels like it came from one of the better Metal Gear games. Which, of course, are also basically super hero stories trying to pass themselves of as spy thrillers.

op responding to himself

the others that do get review bombed

What are your thoughts on this scene?
Personally this is my favorite scene in any MCU movie I've seen so far

Attached: 1408780841394.jpg (1125x1381, 245K)

Not him but it leans a bit too hard on the shaky cam for me. Preferred the elevator scene.

Unironically their best movie, but also not Kino.

None of the MCU reaches Kino quality. All the potential is watered down.

how the FUCK did marvel get away with this lads?

Attached: basedcap.webm (720x300, 388K)

Because it's essentially MGS: The Movie, masquerading as capeshit
>genome super soldiers
>hostile AI
>Deep State information control
>Cold War wunderwaffe
>Tanker Prologue

Because they're the only ones the Jews will hire, as they push Jewish interests.

>Based GSP

Attached: comfy gsp.png (512x503, 291K)

>muh jews
Unironically kill yourselves you schizo /pol/cucks

MGS is capeshit, masquerading as spy fiction.

>this is your brain on söy/mcu

>MGS is capeshit
it's anime, it predates capeshit

How can someone take Yea Forums seriously when they say shit like this?

Easily the best marvel movie, tied maybe with Iron man 1

What? It features characters with nicknames like "Vulcan Raven" or "The Pain", Cyborgs using katanas, and powers like shooting lightning or controlling bees. Plus, all sorts of wacky super science, hamfisted political commentary and a convoluted continuity that changes whenever the writer feels its convenient for the story.

Of course Metal Gear has more in common with superhero comics than with something like a Tom Clancy novel.

>I'm not a söyboy
Using that word unironically makes you it instantly.

right wing actors get blacklisted
right wing actresses don't exist as women physically cannot be right wing

i liked it because it was naruto & sasuke love story but with capeshit instead of ninjas

>right wing actresses don't exist as women physically cannot be right wing

Attached: margaretthatcherPA280611-1.jpg (900x600, 87K)

Still the best marvel movie desu

That's actually why I like Winter Soldier so much. It feels like what if Captain America was crossed over with Metal Gear Solid?

Anime is based on manga
Manga is based on American comic books
It’s all the same shit