Movie set in Brooklyn

>movie set in Brooklyn
>everybody sits on their stoop

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The north american pavement ape is closely related to it's southern neighbor the porch monkey. Due to lack of porches in large cities, the pavement ape congregates on stoops or in front of bodegos.

fuck off, chilling with your neighbors instead of being alone playing vidya is based as fuck.
Those kids will be having kids at 15 y/o and you will still be virgin at 35.

Have sex.

I live in manhattan and random people sit on my stoop every damn day

This is a very american image. you see it in movies and music videos. I don't think I'll ever see this in real life. It's Kino. Die Hard III and Michael Jackson's Bad come to mind.

How can these apes afford to live in New York?

Do they start taking photos for instagram too? Why don't you call them out?

are you a richfag

It's probably that Louis Rossmann guy.

Attached: louis.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

people actually do this though

I went to NYC in 2013 and her hotel was in Brooklyn and honestly I was told by you faggots that it was a shithole and that just wasn't the case. Even harlem which I thought would be the hood was very calm and clean enough and dare I say comfy. Even the subway was clean (although it's a fucking nonsensical maze). People are rude af though and I say that as a Frenchfag.

Do Americans really call a step a "stoop"?

yes, but only that type of steps to a brownstone or townhouse in the picture is called a stoop, any other steps to a house are just called steps

what's his rent like? i swear he talked about it once. it's like 27k? maybe it was 17k

that's kinda where u can hang.

yes, when you are disgustingly fat everything is a verb.

obscene, just looked up where his shop is. He absolutely should move

rent control/stabilized

Best Brooklyn movies?



this was before whiteoids gentrified it and skyrocketed the rent prices

Most films and series make NYC look like a really comfy and nice place, is there any truth to that?

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, unironically good film for the core Yea Forums audience

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kek'd out cloud

I visited NYC once, it was really fun. Full of culture and life, not what I expected America to be like. Also, the Swedish family standing next to mine gave the Black people break dancing in Central Park $50 lol.

>tfw those houses now cost like $3M+

Dog Day Afternoon, Once Upon A Time In America, The Godfather, Saturday Night Fever, Moonstruck, Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War

Its a shithole

Post 9/11 zoomer detected

>full of culture
I hope you're underage

absolutely not, the ones that make it look dirty are more realistic. I'd say the best portrayal of nyc (any neighborhood) is Paid in Full. The director, producers, etc must have all been from the city

do people weally shpeak like thish in new york

you cannot type it, only certain nationality still talk like that

>Even the subway was clean
What exactly are you comparing it to? Because it looked like shit to me compared to euro subways

yea, theres no way it was clean unless he was the first person on that new line on the ues

i mean like thesh

>movie set in Vietnam
>Americans are winning

anyone here like sitting on the floor or on their stairs at home? feels better than a chair or lying down

Well well, look at the city-slicker pulling up in his fancy pavement stoop

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yes its a good accent. But you will never here TH for a word that starts with T. Alot of TH words actually have a D sounds

The less intelligent races are more prone to socialization, and thus spend a great deal of time where they can sit together and let eachother's words fill the void of their empty minds. Why do you think the Jews tend to stick to themselves?

he will move to LA like every other youtuber

>implying rent is reasonably priced in LA

Well I am sure you can live on the outskirts of LA and have a car. In new york you could do the same. I live in the bx and have a car

Rent control. Most states in the USA have requirements where each neighborhood must have a % of low income housing. Places like New York will use rent control and pay to keep the buildings not shit holes so rich white people will still want to live there

That logic is why it takes 2 hours to cross LA. Some people even drive up and down a mountain everyday for their commute.

yes, at least it was during summer 2013, very comfy

yes, per building, even if they renovate the whole building they have to keep a certain % rent controlled or stabilized. Stuy Town is like that. Very cheap but you can only pass down an apt to your kid

Well, new york is small, so while the traffic is terrible, it really never takes too long to get somewhere. Maybe 1.5 hour from bronx to brooklyn in rush hour. like 15-20 miles

London is cleaner but unless you're counting

Of course it's comfy and clean compared to fucking Paris. Mogadishu is more comfy and clean than Paris.

london underground is unironically great outside from the heat

Comfy rn in nyc

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>oh look at these innocent little kids playing outside and having a good time.

Yeah in your bubble it probably looks like that. But it's also a sign of poverty. The kid you see outside wondering around is 9/10 times usually looking for trouble to occupy his monkey mind. So fuck your bluepilled libshit take on this. These kids always advance to looking into car windows and testing door locks.

is there a/c? nyc has some train without it and it will get to 100+ on the platform and that, so 38c

d-don't be mean user

no a/c but you can open the windows which helps a tiny bit
a/c by 2020 apparently, has wifi though

Very advanced. The New York City subway is fucking disgusting, old, and just all around bad

What city isn't Mogadishu according to a certain subreddit?

Dallas, Texas.

>move set in NYC
>everyone is either a foreigner or a Jew

sounds about right

Yea the city no longer has many Italian or Irish

Those are foreigners too.

They moved to NJ mostly.

my entire family is italian/irish white trash

comfy as fuck

italian cannot be white trash the proper term is guinea or gindaloon

People do that vecause there is no AC in New York. It's a garbage city. Pay over a thousand a month for a small room with roommates with no AC or washer/dryer. Get out while you can.

It is if you're mega rich. Otherwise it's a complete shitshow

How many people are proud of you user?

Clean your damn windows, you pig. I thought it was raining again until I looked outside.

>The kid you see outside wondering around is 9/10 times usually looking for trouble to occupy his monkey mind
So if it was white kid you would still be thinking that?

they don't anymore, they have to move to Newburgh

No, because white kids are significantly less likely to commit crime

You need to make 150k for it to start being really comfy, even then, you're still working and dont have time for all the shenanigans you see in tv and film

Don’t you guys just hate when black kids in a fictional movie are sitting on a porch? Fucking annoying

t. triggered redditor

Says who? The white men who told you those statistics?

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Harlem reporting in. What everyone says is pretty correct. Can be super comfy, especially summer. Lots of culture, at least clash of cultures. Lots of loud annoying black people. Super expensive and the subway is dirty dogshit unless its newer line or station. Only rode the metro in Italy but it was waaaay cleaner.

Im gonna make it bros

So you hate black people but live in area where there nearly the majority? You must be broke. Can’t relate

I haven’t laughed at a Sneed post on principle in months but this got a hearty chuckle

Not when they are white trash.

you know thats not true statistically

I think the movie's all wrong but I love the book.

Jesus, what a thread. I always assumed if I mentioned being from Brooklyn it'd mean getting shit all over by people pretending to be from that other place across the bridge.

Maybe but if you have lived with white trash you know that they are same as your average hoodrat at least in terms of trying to steal shit.

I grew up in the poorest county in my state, they still behave like people which is more than I can say for their darker counterparts.

>italian cannot be white trash the proper term is guinea

I know you're not my dad but on the strength of this statement you could be.

mfw live in the best part of brooklyn
mfw no niggers sitting on stoops
mfw nobody sitting on stoops at all

Attached: manhattan-beach.jpg (635x423, 61K)

Then i don't know where i lived but in here white trash teenagers are the worst.

there's nothing romantic about being poor anywhere in america. poor people in america are fucking hair-trigger angry, other people's problems are funny, but anything that happens to them is the worst disaster emergency to ever exist and makes them cuss God Himself up and down for creating the earth. they bitch about authority and the government constantly while disrespecting every institution established to try to protect their dumb asses. they go out of their way to make anybody nearby not wrapped up in their bullshit as uncomfortable as possible just so they can feel human. i could go on, but you hopefully get my point. really, talk that shit, tell me about the "noble savage" like you know.

>Be white supremacist
>Be friendless loser
Really makes you think

Idk if you’re from here or not but there is a culture. There’s an overarching one which is the “muh freedom” and “apple pie” bullshit. But each region of the country has its own sub culture. If you’re not from the States you probably don’t see it because American culture is so global it’s become a part of yours.

>everybody in a black neighborhood sitting on their stoop in the middle of the day

>nothing to do but they refuse to work entry level jobs to fund their own lives instead of relying on the government dollar

>working folks now have to work into their 70s because of the economic burden stoopsitters represent

Philadelphia here, New York smells eternally of transvestite hobo piss.

>everybody in a black neighborhood sitting on their stoop in the middle of the day
I would not say everybody. It was mostly teenagers or young adults that were too lazy to have job.

For the most part it’s a cool place to live there’s always something to do. Some neighborhoods are trash but that’s mostly in the Bronx. Crime here compared to most major US cities it pretty tame though. Most of the people that trash it aren’t from here. And you don’t need to make 6 figures unless you’re trying to live in downtown Manhattan. You can live comfortably with an average middle class salary or with roommates.

>it’s a cool place to live there’s always something to do
tfw live in NYC
tfw stay indoors and live the neet life while shitposting on Yea Forums
I wish I had friends

Smaller cities are better, all of the perks but you can live like a king in comparison or even live rural and be $20 uber away.

I concede the point about smelling of piss, which only a feebleminded person or one with an underdeveloped sense of smell could fail to acknowledge during summer, but how are you specifically able to identify the piss of transvestite hobos?
Also I doubt any place on earth looks more crushingly depressing in winter than Philly.

>but how are you specifically able to identify the piss of transvestite hobos?
he's from philly, what do you expect?

Smells more like the liquid that accumulates in the bottom of a garbage can, but new yorkers wouldn't know because they've never used one


Standing around a garbage fire with his buddies trying to form an a capella group.

don't be afraid to use your nails boys!

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eat a dick

Despite being only 13% of the population, blacks make up over 50% of the crime committed in the USA.