Whats the most an actor had to do to train for an action role?

Whats the most an actor had to do to train for an action role?

Attached: John Wick 3 training keanu.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Why are all those women there? Is John Wick 3 some sorta feminist bullshit?

Based retarded doubles doubles.

>sees women
>goes on anti feminist rant
fuck off incel

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Have sex

stop posting

I love him so much lads

Literally how do I get me a girlfriend like this? What the fuck do I have to do?

why does Halle look so flat there?

you dont want taran whoretical thots

He’s just asking a question Stacy. Why are you there?

Obviously wearing a sports bra retard

Based incel seething over women in a film set, without any context.

Have sex

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Keanu with the John Wick series i'd say is easily near the top, but every actor that was in the Strike Back Series I'd say is number 1.

Not sure about the new cast of actors they've had on the series but at least through the Scott and Stonebridge seasons they ran everyone that was holding a gun in the show through weapons training, tactics, etc. with large chunks of the extras exmilitary and such, with the actors playing Scott and Stonebridge going through new training every so often to learn shit like deactivating bombs, tying off and being flown out of combat, parachuting into hotzones, stealth, etc.

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lol so is that a yes? I ask a simply, genuine question and you incels lose your minds.

gosling had to live with whats her name for blue valentine for a few months or something

No, retard. It's a "they're there to be noticed by Keanu Reeves", obviously. Get out of the house.

my wife on the left

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this board really has become reddit incarnate. I blame that shit show got

>Whats the most an actor had to do to train for an action role?

Daniel Day Lewis lived in a cabin without electricity or plumbing for months while preparing for Last of the Mohicans. But Lewis is a mad man.

Leo DiCaprio was repeatedly raped by bears for 6 months while preparing for his bear scene in The Revenant.

Jeffery Jones and Jone Ligmazamo hunted a man on a private island while telling jokes to one another in preparation to make The Pest

Brandon Lee had to die

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Mel Gibson had to spend a lot of time with women for What Women Want.