He kirred mirrions...
He kirred mirrions
Damn, time to reinstall Rising Storm 2 I guess.
tzu seibu biryonzu
to buyru mcdonards
day and night
He always looks like he’s smiling? Is he or is that just his face?
time to bust out the napalm
why is the vietnam war in particular so kino?
>well if it weren't for the politicians the US army would've never lost in Vietnam! They never lost a battle!
Battle of Dong Xoai - Soon after American combat brigades arrived in South Vietnam, the NVA attacked this large, strategic base defended by ARVN units supported by American Special Forces and airpower. The base was overrun with hundreds of casualties while two dozen Americans died in combat and helicopter crashes, with even more wounded or missing.
Operation Spring High - President Johnson authorized a punitive strike on two new SAM sites in North Vietnam considered the likely culprits behind the downing of a USAF F-4. On July 27, 1965, Operation Spring High was launched as 46 USAF F-105 fighter-bombers attacked SAM missile sites 6 and 7. Six F-105s were lost to ground fire during the mission while later bomb damage assessment photos showed that neither site had missile systems installed.
The Battle of Ia Drang - This was one of many disastrous airmobile assaults, when infantry helicoptered into a remote area and encountered a larger enemy force with ample ammunition. On Nov 14, 1965, 450 soldiers from the 1st battalion of the 7th Cavalry landed at LZ X-ray and found itself surrounded with little ammunition and no heavy firepower. It was nearly overrun while suffering 79 killed and 121 wounded, and survived only by diverting all available air support in Vietnam. The 7th Cavalry left the area after declaring victory, while survivors pondered the wisdom of an attrition strategy using American foot infantry.
>Marine Roger Harris (Vietnam 1967) recalls calling his mother to tell her not to believe what she reads in the newspaper or sees on TV. “We’re losing the war… everybody in my unit’s dying. I probably won’t be coming back.”
>“You’re coming back,” Harris says his mother responded. “I talk to God every day and you’re special.”
>“And I said, ‘Ma, everybody’s mother thinks their son is special. I’m putting pieces of special people in bags.”
>Harris survived the war
The virgin marine vs the chad ma
Battle for LZ Albany - The 1st battalion of the 7th Cavalry barely survived its now famous 1965 battle in the Ia Drang valley. After saving its 1st battalion, the exhausted 2nd battalion headed for LZ Albany for an aerial extraction. It was in a long column in open terrain when it ran into a concealed NVA battalion, which attacked and shot it to pieces during a bloody battle that claimed the lives of 155 Americans, with 124 wounded.
Battle of Ap Nha Mat - On Dec. 5, 1965, the 2nd battalion of the US Army's 2nd Infantry Regiment was searching for an NVA regiment and found it, dug in bunkers all around them. An intense firefight erupted resulting in 43 Americans killed and 119 wounded as some soldiers fell back leaving dead and wounded behind. The NVA withdrew and Army Generals later claimed that 301 NVA were killed, although few bodies were found.
Operation Utah - On March 4, 1966, the 2nd battalion of the 7th Marines helicoptered into an area near Quang Ngai to investigate reports of an NVA regiment in the area. They found it dug into fortifications around Hill 50. Their attacked failed and the Marines fell back, but were surprised when the NVA counterattacked. The battalion was in trouble and more Marine units were flown in to join the battle. The enemy withdrew, but only after the Marines lost 98 dead, 278 wounded, with several aircraft destroyed.
Battle of Ho Bo Woods - On July 19, 1966, Company A, 1st Bn, 27th Rgt, 25th Division helicoptered into an LZ with 92 soldiers on a search and destroy mission. There is no account of what happened next, except that 25 were killed and 32 wounded as the company fled aboard helicopters, leaving 16 of their dead behind.
fuck i laughed
He's happy after BTFO'ing the entire mutt army and then BTFO'ing the Chinese.
...of americucks
I agree the "no lost battles" meme is stupid, but come on that site is cope as fuck. "Nearly overrun" isn't a defeat, that's like saying the Soviet Union lost WW2 because it came close to collapse
>In 2017, Vietcong Le Quan Cong was asked what it felt like to take human life, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Americans"
Operation Beau Charger - This was part of a larger operation near the DMZ. The Marines launched 14 helicopters from ships offshore to deposit 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines into LZ Goose. Unfortunately, the NVA were there and opened fire on the helicopters as they landed on May 18, 1967. Half were damaged and only a few dozen Marines landed. This quickly became a complex rescue operation that cost the lives of 85 Marines with hundreds wounded.
Battle near Vinh Huy - During Operation Union II, six rifle companies from the 5th Marines swept the Que Son Valley in search of the enemy. They located a large enemy force 1000 yards ahead across an open rice paddy. After some air and artillery strikes, three companies were ordered to charge across the open ground, and were shot to pieces. The bloodied Marines fell back during this June 2, 1967 battle with 71 KIA and 139 wounded.
Kingfisher Battle - In 1967, "Operation Kingfisher" was launched to destroy NVA forces just south of the DMZ. On Sept. 21st, the 2nd battalion, 4th Marines began a "search and destroy" mission and quickly encountered the entrenched 90th NVA regiment. The Marines lacked tank support because recent rains limited road mobility, while the dense vegetation and close proximity of the enemy restricted air and artillery support. After a day-long battle, the Marines had suffered at least 16 dead and 118 wounded while trying to break out of the enemy's kill zone. The battalion withdrew at dusk, although flee may be a better term since 15 dead Marines were left behind. Details are sketchy, but the battalion didn't return to collect its dead until three weeks later. Veterans of the battle state they lost 34 KIA that day.
everyone enjoys killing americans desu
even americans call for civil war now
>tfw reading about how female conscripts in the Sino-Vietnamese war weren't issued underwear and only had ropes to hold their skirts or rarely issued pants up
holy mother of BASED
>Nearly overrun isn't a defeat
Yet when the NVA withdrew orderly from almost every engagement it had with the US army amerimutts proclaim it a "victory". Nice double standards burgers. I guess y'all never lost the battle of khe sahn either, which was abandoned and left for the enemy to overrun after the army couldn't cope with the amount of dead GIs being produced there.
As an American, I'd buy this american killer a beer. Americans understand that one must be humble even in defeat.
>ywn shoot chinks with your semi nude vietnamese gf
who's shooting bigfoot?
But I do have a Vietnamese GF
>Its not a defeat because they didn't end the battle fleeing blindly for their lives!
How's the parents situation when dating viets?
Not him but in my experience they are very accepting of white Americans if they are the kind of Vietnamese that came to America from Vietnam during or post war.
They're pretty crazy but very hard-working and reasonable too. Gotta be honest they're not that nice to my GF (it was like that before I met her too) but their family is very close. Her dad bought her mom which is pretty weird but that's just how dowry works I guess.
only the previously cucked can be cucked anew
Don't listen to that user, post more viets
Got paid $10k to marry my neighbors cousin for her to become a us citizen
How does it feel that you little gook shit skins died in the hundreds of thousands and thought you won only to become a sweatshop for us? Fucking arrogant faggot do you realize how cucked gooks are in 2019? Your women worship the BWC. Keep clinging to the past because it's all you have, 2019 gooks are pussy beta males who can not physically or sexually compete with WHITE BVLLS. Stay mad as I bust in another azn qt and pop out hapa babies that you'll have to raise, cuck.
It's ok friend, we're here for you
that sounds like such a weird story. are you vietnamese or viet-american?
How does that work?
*Defensive Counterattack Against Vietnam
This is delusional gook cope at its finest. Keep clinging to the past, meanwhile white men are taking all the Asian women in the west and use your shithome country as a sex tourism vacation spot where we breed even more of your women with potent Aryan seed. Imagine all the cucked gooks being forced to raise hapa babies in Vietnam LMAO. You literally ended up being a bitch to the west either way. Have you been to Vietnam? We still run that dilapidated poor shithole. COPE FAGGOT
No it isn't OK.
First day of work yesterday and I sperged out totally. I'm sure one of the girls there hates me now. She didn't even say hello back to me when I went in the staff room when she happened to be there. I didn't even interact with her at all since we work in different areas. Like she just hates me on sight. I did alright with a few people but mostly just awkwardness. I spent years too scared to leave my home and I've gotten much better. I like walking places now, and can use public transport to an extent. But not when there's lots of people. For many reasons, but one of them that more and more becomes a thing is the fucking women.
Yesterday I walked home behind this sexy girl with a high ponytail and lycra leggings. I'm sure you can imagine what an amazing sight it was. But it just made me depressed. I will literally never ever get an ass like that shoved in my face or get to touch her legs or even hold her hand or anything. She might as well have a big sign up above her head that says "NOT FOR YOU INCEL".
Going out more and more just makes me realise how fucked I actually am and I can't stop seeing sexy women everywhere and it drives me nuts.
>Asian girls literally pay thousands of dollars for white American chad dick
holy shit gooks utterly btfo! Lmao! Hope (((winning))) your shitty little war was worth it ahahahaha
Stop being mean to Asians. Cuckolding is disgusting you deranged perverts. If you have an Asian gf then fine, I want one too in fact, but rubbing it in Asian mens faces is so Jewish.
Anyone else ever seen those videos where white tourists literally just steal Asian girls from their beta cuck Asian boyfriends? Like literally just stealing their girlfriends as their forced to watch helplessly like the 5 ft 2 cuckolds they are. Theres so many of these videos on on YouTube too ahahaha how will Asian """"men""" ever recover?
>gooks make thread laughing at dead hero GIs and claim superiority to whites
>"reeeeee dont set them straight even though they're laughing at dead white soldiers reeeeee"
Butthurt gook detected desu.
>go on Asian tinder
>half the asian girls want white men only
>go on American tinder
>all the Asian girls want white men only
What did Asian girls mean by this? How do gook cucks feel about this?
lol just rape a woman retard if they're dressed like that in public they are one of the 45%+ of women that would like to be raped. not joking, look it up. the rape fantasy is among the highest ranking female fantasies across age/race/nationality/etc. they like it. they like being degraded. they dont particularly care if you're a fat sperg shutin when its not "consensual" (even tho it implicitly is)
Fortunate son intensifies
They get mad and raid Yea Forums with their VC worship. Even though they themselves are weak spoiled video game addicted beta males that would never have the grit it takes to fight a guerilla war like their fathers did. The gooks just cling to past victories because they aren't shit today
Yeah I hate seeing women dress like sluts, it's improper. Sucks about your workday man but we're all spergs so what can I say other than that girls sounds like a bitch. How are you other than that?
they unironically spam Yea Forums with blacked memes and the same 10 AMWF pictures they scoured the internet for
It used to be men fought in a war to protect their women and homelands from being raped by foreign men. What's the point of fighting if you """win""" but your women still willingly give up their pussies to the enemy 40 years later? Theres literally nothing more cucked than that. That gook killed GIs only to see his granddaughter get breededs by some 60 year old American expat
Whole lot of butthurt gook cope ITT. Someone dump their WMAF folder and cleanse this shit bait thread
based and vietpilled
Daily reminder OP is a gook or hapa incel who posts these threads to get back at the white man whose fucking his oneitis
Uses my retired mother's aa standy flight status with neighbors mom and himself. Me with eh family who provided the paperwork and embassy appointments. Flew back home with fake wife got divorced in 09.
I'm white as fuck a true blooded American
getting better i guess
ill start the gym hopefully next month as soon as ive taken care of some medical things
its just volunteering anyway, think ill quit and try and find somewhere else
place nearby needs volunteer gardeners ill try that i think
>a literal muh dikk argument
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
>yeah nigga whites did own all of afrika at sum point but now their wiminz are slobbering all over that BBC mang
>asian masculinity cucks now worship a terrorist organization which set up a kill quota on southern civilians for their cells
the funniest thing is that vietnam has to beg america for protection now because china keeps encroaching in its southern sea ports
>meanwhile the gook opened up the thread laughing at dead American GIs and implying gooks are superior
Butthurt gook detected. Cope. Niggers are just inferior no amount of muh dick will solve their low IQ and animalistic behavior. The meme that niggers are cucking whites is a Jewish porn fantasy. Dating statistics prove white men are preferred partners for women of every race. Did you know that from dating sites, it's been proven that Asian women prefer white men to men of their own race? Lmao cope chongwu
ITT : r/aznmasculinity talks shit and gets hit HARD
Keep coping.
>wearing the title VC as a badge of honor when it literally translates to "communist traitor of vietnam"
He's not the one coping here, friend.
lmao I can feel the ass pain second hand
The sad thing about these threads is that the one thing every gook Male is insecure about is the fact that even they know that their women hate them and prefer white men. Dealing with gooks just become so funny when you realize that deep down every single one of them feels sexually inferior and resentful towards white men. Anytime you look at a gook just remember that your mere existence makes him feel like a cuck. That's why r/aznmasculinity exists. That's why they post these threads clinging to the Vietnam war as if that makes them our equals. That's why they spam BLACKED to get back at whites. Just remember to defeat a gook in any situation remember to always remind him that he is a cuck, it immediatly shuts them down, they can't defend against it, they cant deny gook dicks are tiny and their own women would choose a white Chad over him anyday. They really are the most pathetic, beta, coward, subservient race.
Coping gook detected Ahahaha notice how the gooks ITT are so seething over being revealed as cucks that they've entirely lost focus on their bait and stopped bringing up the Vietnam war
>"win" war
>Asian women fuck white men anyways
What did asian women mean by that
The average Asian dick is 4 inches hard. That's what they meant. Gooks are inferior males and Asian women were made for white cock.
Notice how the r/aznmasculinity spammers are no longer posting. They literally have to abandon the thread because being faced with how cucked they are is too painful. Learn this lesson, kids, next time you see a gook shitpost thread you know how to shut it down, just start mentioning the prevalence of WMAF
How is that funny? Why would you hold grudges 50 years later?
I dunno you should ask the zipper heads why they cling to the Vietnam war as if that makes them superior to whites?
Because vietnam is a little bitch who is going to get power fucked by a rising china and if america had won there would be an american military base there. But oh look, you wanted communism.
Link me nigga
This. Vietnam is a bitch country with a lazy low IQ useless people destined to be the bitch of some stronger country. They've been bitches to a superior country for their entire history. They won one war, mostly due to leftist propaganda turning the American public against the military, it's the only accomplishment they'll ever had. Hundreds of years from now when Vietnam is still a bitch to a stronger nation they'll still be clinging to the Vietnam war. Good job retards, hope it was worth it, we could've made you like South Korea or Japan but you chose communism and fake independence. Now white men breed your women and you're STILL our bitch. Jesus christ the state of these gooks.
because you deserve it, your granddad massacred southern civvies by the thousands and all his evil deeds amounted to nothing in the end, because you're still just another sweatshop for western companies
OP got BTFO and will never spam this anti-white bait thread ever again
>defeat US in war
>get billions in handouts from the US
>succeed in business and US has a trade deficit with them
>popular tourist location
>b-but at l-least fat old b-boomer americans pay to fuck their w-women!
Why did they even fight against America? They could have been the next south korea with their own Samsung and used eastern euro peasants as their industrial slaves, so fucking stupid.