Other urls found in this thread:
>not watching the superior podcast
does he hit the dab?
>bill burr
he's audio only. This is a video board.
>JRE no longer live
What a shabbos goy faggot. He embarrassed the CEO of Twitter and his diversity hire attorney so Joe got threatened by his jew masters into taking the shows off live air.
I like the podcast. It's a good window into the life as a bald redheaded cunt.
sauce or conjecture
It was the Adam Ruins Everything episode that completely canceled the live podcast stream. Seriously look it up.
You can't get close to leftist topics without fear of getting suspended from YouTube.
I'm not gonna argue whether it was Twitter or Adam Ruins Everything, it could be both. Either way you're dead on about the leftist topics thing though, that is definitely the reason.
No it's not. Stop trying to make everything about politics.
Joe has mentioned it a couple times, he is freaked by the copyright guidelines. They recently started to crackdown on streams as well.
It's not like he's changed his opinions on anything and he certainly hasn't stopped talking about the 'leftist' topics (i.e. abortion / trannies competing in the female division) since that podcast.
Wrong. Get a grip
is wiz a total retard? don't know much about him personally, but based off his music he seems like it.
He's always high on marijuana.
>washed up dude weed lmao rap artist
wew lad must be hard trying to make a couple more millions in 2019 with softcunt drug music
You are clueless.
wtf? he's the only one making a logical, coherent. you're just a generic alt right sperg pretending to be victimized
I'd care if I was still 16
>logical and coherent
>believeing every official explanation without question and at face value
>believeing every official explanation without question and at face value
The only person doing this is you. You are literally retarded.
Wake me up when the GOATs are together again
Asking here because there's no sub for podcasts.
I'm looking for some intellectual podcasts that are moderate to conservative. If you Google intellectual podcasts nothing comes up but (((npr))) shit bitching about white privilege. But I'm also not interested in any rush Limbaugh btr ghost type shit where some fat retard screans at me about how we're all going to get ebola or whatever. I want actual intellectuals having conversations.
I recommend:
The Art of Manliness:
Harvard lunch club:
Walk-Ins Welcome w/ Bridget Phetasy:
The financial anecdote podcast:
The daily signal:
Tim Ferris:
Problematic Women (female Republicans):
In Our Time by the BBC. No bullshit podcast, just a group of experts talking at length about their area of knowledge and moderated by a host who guides the conversation well.
I'll check it out.
What the fuck? Is this actually true. Fucking dropped.
One of my favorites on Eric Andre, a truly superior interview format
>people like alex jones literally are banned by youtube
>hosting them live on your youtube show does not put you at risk of being shut down
Pick one
H3H3 did the same. Evil conspiracy theorists in the live chat.
Why even mention it? You're an alt right pretend victim so when JRE goes on and on shitting on leftism into the future and never gets banned, you won't admit you were wrong. You'll just pretend it never happened while latching onto a new victim fantasy.
this episode fucking sucked.
hit or miss
Imagine crying that joe rogan isnt liberal enough
cum town
holy shit this picture