Prove me wrong. (Pro tip: you literally cannot)
There are no funny comedies. No funny comedies have ever been made
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic related looks like a redditor faggot, he also looks like a destiny sub
Dude Where's My Car
kys , faggot
Ghostbusters 1.
Fuck every single nigger that says 2 is even good.
I will personally skull fuck them after the race war.
i did check my digits
>lol I'm so sophisticated nothing can please my taste
Fucking kys you cringe nigger
>what is Tommy Boy
my beard actually doesn't grow in on the bottom and looks like that should I keep going bros?
I came into this thread prepared to call you a massive faggot and prove you wrong. But actually going through the list of comedies released in the past 20 years, I can't actually find any that was funny.
Sure, they had a few fun moments, but so does every other genre.