There are no funny comedies. No funny comedies have ever been made

Prove me wrong. (Pro tip: you literally cannot)

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Pic related looks like a redditor faggot, he also looks like a destiny sub

Dude Where's My Car

kys , faggot

Ghostbusters 1.
Fuck every single nigger that says 2 is even good.
I will personally skull fuck them after the race war.

i did check my digits

>lol I'm so sophisticated nothing can please my taste
Fucking kys you cringe nigger

>what is Tommy Boy

my beard actually doesn't grow in on the bottom and looks like that should I keep going bros?

I came into this thread prepared to call you a massive faggot and prove you wrong. But actually going through the list of comedies released in the past 20 years, I can't actually find any that was funny.

Sure, they had a few fun moments, but so does every other genre.

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>a goatee and a neckbeard

Why? Just grow a full fucking beard

Not funny.

It's lowbrow, but it's the only comedy that did it for me. Mostly because Paul Rudds character is almost an exact fucking replica of me.

Attached: i love you man.jpg (1280x720, 729K)

Daddy Daycare

Unironically one of the funniest movies ever made.

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Dude thats a little overkill

That looks very funny and not reddit at all.

death at a funeral

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You sound very funny and not like a faggot at all

2 wasn't only good, it was even better than the original. Vigo the carpathian shits all over Gozer you fucking faggot.

year one was alright

Talladega Nights. You know this to be true.

Attached: The Based Guys.jpg (338x500, 56K)

Top Secret

was the left autism?

Not autism. Pure unadulterated alpha.

Blades of Glory, The Other Guys, Semi-Pro.. Will Ferrell had some pretty funny movies back in the day.

since comedy and laughter are fairly subjective, there is no proving you wrong.

You're just a faggot.

tropic thunder

It's not.
>He likes the movie for "muh horror"
Stupid boomer, I'm glad your kids will kill you.

Ghostbusters 1 isn't funny. It's a romantic comedy and not even a good one. The supporting talent is entirely wasted and the premise of the movie is only ever explored through montages.