Goslings best work and better than american history X. Prove me wrong

Goslings best work and better than american history X. Prove me wrong.

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isn't Gosling kind of doing the same thing in every movie. he does it well but nothing stands out

His cringe and kikepilled shirt ruined the fucking movie. What skinhead fucking wears that.

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This is the one movie he actually acts in though
Based brainlet


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. And even though you're right and that other user has never seen what we're talking about, drive ruined gosling and he'll forever be typecast as the quiet autistic guy. Doesn't mean his old work should be thrown out the window though.

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This is years after Drive.

Truly am over looked gem. Its unfortunate that this and the United States of Leland get no notice over his Goose eyed films.

His most underrated movie is actually Stay. Ebert was one of the only critics who recognized its genius before it achieved a small cult following on the internet.

I would've chosen the place beyond the pines but this works too.

I have seen The Believer you raging faggot. Actually you're worse than because you're actually trying.

Gosling isn't even playing autistic in Drive. He's never played autistic. Not even in Lars and the Real Girl or The United States of Leland. Autistic doesn't just mean "emotionally distant and aloof"

Yeah well ur dumb

Never heard of Stay until now. Thanks for the lead user.

If you want a movie about skinheads, go watch Romper Stomper or This is England. This isn't a skinhead movie, it's not even a movie about neo nazis, it's a jewish movie made by a jew for jews. It's all about their faith, apostasy and self hating jews.

And then there's also La La Land... that one Terrence Malick movie... First Man was the only character arguably similar in that Neil was a very reserved guy.

I feel like this happens to every single major actor who doesn't do crazy body transformations. Ryan gosling is A+ list, so every time you see him you already know he is Ryan Gosling, which makes people think "oh, that's just him being Ryan Gosling." Same is said for Leo, Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Wahlberg... I think I've heard it about nearly all of them now. It's the effect of fame.

It would be very fair to say that Lars was on the autistic spectrum.

Also , Stay is a fantastic movie. That being said his best performance was certainly in The Believer.

That ending is pure kino.

Watch it with an open mind, and also be aware that there is NOTHING magical about the movie. Everything can be explained and makes sense (a lot of critics missed this). Only read after it once you finish watching, and look for all the details you surely missed. It'll then seem obvious, that's what makes it brilliant.

I never knew he has such a weird shaped head.

Yeah it was, disturbed me a lot too. Purgatory is scary as fuck.

It's not suppose to be a skinhead movie, you missed the entire point because you wanted stormfront fapfuel.

uh, yes? that's exactly what i was trying to convey. it's not a movie about skinheads, it's a movie about jews and their religion.

Yeah the movie isn't very good and not nearly as entertaining or captivating as AHX but the ending is why I remember the movie.

American history x was good but it doesn't hold a candle to skinhead incest.

what's with the weird fucking soundtrack though

Gosling is a pureblood

..playing a jew, in a jewish movie. made by a jew, about jew things, for jews. i'm not saying that's bad, it's a good movie and a very interesting topic. but it's not about skinheads or racism or whatever, yet somehow people often call it a skinhead movie on here

It's as much about jews as it is about nazis. You're being idiotic. It's a character movie where the main conflict is his own obsession with power and how it corrupts him. He begins to hate himself because he feels he jews should've "fought back harder", basically, so he retaliates by giving them violence. His warped sense of morality and how his idea of what would be "correct" translates into evil is the main point of the movie.

I saw it different. And it's much more about jews than it is about skinheads, it's getting into some theological stuff. The skinheads are just in it as the symbol of ultimate anti semitism and violence, the main theme is Judaism and apostasy. It's almost a religious movie. It ends with him ending in purgatory for leaving his faith ffs

That's a very narrow view of the movie. There are many intricacies in the way the character is created, and a "jewish nazi" is probably one of the best, and quickest, ways to illustrate a conflict of personality - it's two things that are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, they couldn't be further apart.

His agony, his unreasonable need for power and to feel "strong" and all the other tiny elements of his psyche are the strong points that differentiate the movie and make it memorable among all the other skinhead dramas. His situation is applicable to many other conflicts in life, you just have to understand it. I have zero religion and I loved this movie.

I thought it was about him being a literal cuck that decides to alah akbar himself instead of waifuing that skinhead queen.

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It's made by a practicing Jew. As a practicing Jew you don't make a movie with that much Jewish content just to use it as a vessel for a more universal topic like your interpretation says.

It's like, if he was a practicing Skinhead he wouldn't use the topic of being a skinhead just to set up an allegory about violence and power

The only imperfection in the movie, it was really irritating.

She was a cheating slut, he had his fun with her, no point in sticking around.

The way you have literally zero nuance in your discourse really says everything. For you it's two sides of a fight and you already knew which one you were on and which one would piss you off before watching it. Your only interpretation of the movie is

>jews and nazis: who are they promoting?

I tried, but there's really no point debating.

this, its themes aren't straight forward "nazi bad, jew good" it's specifically about him being a self loathing jew and his conflicting beliefs, he wants to be a jew but because of his childhood and questions never really answered that were left to "lol faith" he looks to rebel. Basically him coming to terms with his faith is the core theme of the movie and you're a faggot.

>jews and nazis: who are they promoting?
I never judged, dude. I just said that his struggle around his faith is the main theme of the movie.

I never even said your interpretation would be wrong, i'm just saying that the struggle about his faith is the more important theme in the movie.

I love how it's impossible to mention jews around here without people either calling you a stormfag or kike.

Yeah, and the movie covers a lot of grey areas. The coffee scene with the journalist where he goes on a huge rant about the jews is pretty famous, and a lot of people see truth in it, and even in the scene where a survivor is telling his traumatic story it's never played as sappy or "this is what you must think", Gosling actually questions why he didn't do anything, didn't fight back. He says he'd die, but the main character would be willing to die to not be enslaved, basically. It's a question of morality.

The movie has a lot to think about in terms like these and it's a shame when people reduce it to its most basic elements.

>i'd die for them
>lol no you wouldn't you weren't there
>*explodes half an hour later*
Get dabbed on 19 gorjillion survivor

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link? can't find it on youtube

Can't find it on jewtube. But here's a stream of the movie.


This thread has made me watch this scene again and it just confirmed to me this is a great, great movie.

There are many questions at play here not dependent on religion at all; would you allow yourself to be victimized? How far would you go to defend yourself? Can you even judge someone who has been in a situation you've never experienced? etc etc etc., but it also goes beyond in the terms of story progression.

Gosling gets mad at the man for, essentially, not standing up for what he believes him, not standing up for himself, but he's doing the same by nurturing this duality - notice that he snaps at and questions his friend at the same time. Also, when she says he wouldn't have done anything she strikes an essential chord that causes a change in him, because she's right. He's basically already submitted to the nazi in the story and is doing his work and perpetuating his ideology; for all his "actions" he is just as submissive. His enemy is just himself.

So what was with the purgatory scene? It seemed out of place maybe? It was great but it didn't really click with me and make sense.

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Only the first 1/2 of American History X was any good

i used to think a Jew being a nazi was preposterous and it ruined my view of the film.

Come 2019 and after seeing most 'alt righters' are actually Jewish and fuck their mothers in law or run Jewish scams, and I think I have to raise this film up a few pegs.

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My favorite part was how they frame his relatively insight monologue on Jews and their relationship to nations with a rambling rant on oral sex to make sure the viewer knows that you shouldn't take what this guy is saying seriously. Reminds me of another movie about Neo-Nazis where instead of addressing points raised they resort to painting the protagonist as unstable and crazy with non-sequitur actions.

worst decision of his life was leaving that class, which represents him leaving the jewish faith. so in afterlife, after all the bad things he's done, he's forced to hang forever in that moment, trying to get back up the stairs, but can't

there's nothing insightful about it, it's astrology. you're supposed to recognize that he's speaking in fallacies and generalizations. all extremist/racist groups repeat the same shit.

nazis cant even understand charles murray's book , they might as well make them appear like sexual deviants in movies.

Sorry guys, you're all wrong. This is his best film.

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>he's speaking in fallacies and generalizations
Welcome to rhetoric. It's an insightful look into the character's worldview and why the ideology has weight and attracts people. Instead of giving a real cutting look at it and showing the allure in it's naked form, it's poisoned by the writers by having the lead in take the form of a bizarre sexual tirade. It's artistically and intellectual dishonest, presumably because the various persons involved in the movie's production didn't want to present a view that wasn't perfectly transparent in what is and isn't correct or didn't trust the viewers to recognize it as such.

This was really good. Man crack would be baller if the high didn't last 5 minutes, so iv'e heard.

But it's self sabotaging, he obviously barely believes what he's saying as the skinhead facade deteriorates throughout the movie. He clearly starts losing his shit in the conversation obviously under pressure and pee pressure. I thought the goose did a good job being subtle, there's nothing kikey about it behind the scenes or written, it's just well acted.
