Is this the ultimate dad kino?
Is this the ultimate dad kino?
isn't this just japan saying "wow yu arru thotto oldboy wassu good? WE DU OLDBOY BETTA"
I mean outside the fact it centers around a father/daughter and the father is a very sloppy violent man, they have literally nothing else in common.
I dunno the structure was kind of similar
the staggering trek through the seedy streets in pursuit of the girl
the kind of slow-reveal of the past
the accelerating spiral out of control
I felt like there were parallels worth drawing. A really fun watch though
She was too pure for this world, he almost saved the day.
The director peaked with Kamikaze Girls.
But Oldboy is japanese
True but the movie is fairly different from the movie
I thought oldboy was korean
isn't it korean?
I mean the manga is fairly different from the movie
It's a korean made movie based on a Japanese manga
oldboy's korean
It is
>>It's a korean made movie based on a Japanese manga
She is the girl in those japanese """acting"" webms?
I watched this once and thought nothing of it. Not as good as I'd hoped it'd be.
>As former detective Akikazu searches for his missing daughter, Kanako, he soon learns she has a mysterious secret life.
sounds like a terrible movie
and a terrible movie that has been done before several times too
I can just watch pic related and get a much better movie with much better acting
Ultimate father daughter kino right here
>Unironically trying to pretend this is even near the top 50 most used premises in film
why is this so melodramatic
Who are you quoting?
Not even memeing but surely it must be someone else since I haven't said that at all.
What I did say was that this is hardly a original premise and it was not great when Hardcore did it in 1979 and it it's not about to get any better by japanese acting
>this is hardly a original premise
and I'm pointing out that's retarded to even say considering original premises don't exist anymore.
So to say that for one that isn't even in the top 50 most used is fucking retarded
>Kamikaze Girls
Where can I watch this?
Most Korean flicks are. I don't know, you just get used to it
based and hostpilled
No this is.
You're once again trying to derail this conversation into some other bullshit you want to discuss by misinterpreting what I said
I'm not going to stand in your way if you want to argue with yourself, so have fun with that
Learn English.
finna download this on a whim
pie rat bae
Brazilian here.
Have a hot white dude, of black or blond hair, tall, fit, many times shirtles, having sexual scenes, kissing, and marrying her?
I'm sorry but I can't take Asian males seriously in anything. The women can stay but recast all the male parts with white men if you want me to care.
Asian men is so fucking boring to watch, these kind of asian chicks are so pretty and looks better with a hot white dude.
White man here, no one gives a fuck about what a BR has to say and even your average herbivore neet asian male has contributed more to the world than a thousand BRs
Do all those RCT gameshow videos count?
"""""white men"""""""
Looks more like a butthurt asian boy, if you are white, you are pathetic white knighting for the asianmasculinity incels who shill against white dudes in american internet at least since 2015 taking advantage of the bias against white dudes and around white women in the political power strategy of Democrats corporations, websites, baits, propaganda.
Yea Forums webms
>In 2015
>Links about other threads with pics and things that i will not post again
Why don't you oooh ooh aah aah back to the zoo you came from Brazilian ape? No one asked for your opinion and no one cares.
This Chinese Japanese co-production moved me.
I'm saying a monkey is a monkey. I'll accept the Nobel prize by email.
>Some rich japa from sao paulo fucking muh waifu
it's okay my nigger, once she's preggers he'll dump her and come crawling back