I wouldn't listen to a single thing that comes from Kennedy's mouth
Trust. The. Plan.
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
>hey guys, shitting on you and SW lore was planned from the start, not a big deal
Have you looked at her genealogy? She’s literally royalty. She didn’t get the gig based on years of paying her dues in movies.
Surely, if you were going to be writing and producing the next instalment in the most valuable franchise on Earth, you’d hope that a bit more than ‘much’ of the story was already planned before you started filming? Surely even the admission of ‘much of’ the story being planned is extremely embarrassing?
anglos arent white
But slightly less embarrassing than admitting they just made it up as they went along.
JJ wanted to kill Snoke in ep 9, but Rian decided to fuck the promo queen.
The scent of faggot incel lingers as he walks on by
It is *I*.. Finn.
The Last Skywalker.
Would be better than anything we have gotten so far.
Such a fucking joke that they made him hold a lightsaber on the TFA poster and 2 movies later all he got to do was be the sidekick of an ugly chink in episode 8 and his sheboon sister in episode 9
Perhaps the problem started when Disney Evil Corp basically rushed out the films. They bought SW in 2012 and in three years released the trilogy. Anyone who knows about film knows this is a stupid deadline for something so complex. And I don't fucking care how Marvel go about their shitpile either
Except they literally admitted that they rewrote a ton of RoS so that it would fit the stock footage they had of Carrie Fisher. Unless...
My gods. They killed Carrie Fisher to keep her relapse from causing PR issues. It all fits together!
Isn't she jewish?
In that they're clearly recycling old TFA concept stage material?
>Finn suddenly matters
Sure, whatever.
Doesn't that actually mean that they didn't have it all planned out? Just "much" of it?
Isn't that kinda the problem?
She's seriously looked fucking awful apart from TFA. So fat in TLJ
What is going on in the left pic? It looks like she got caught on fire or something.
All you have to do is watch TFA and then TLJ to see that no, it wasnt planned out.
Coke is bad for your looks folks
Uh huh.
It means that they're lying. Rian Johnson already confirmed that they had no set arc for this trilogy.
Sure, that's why the middle one had no plan whatsoever.
sorry mauskikes nobodys going to watch your shit nuwars anymore
fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me
fool me three times? I don't think so
>what about plan b?
>that WAS plan b
You just know some guy who bullied him high school told him this line and it's stuck in his head ever since. He had been waiting forever to use it on someone else
"Hey user, I hope to see you at my movie."
>planned from the start
You think they mean that this arc was intended but they really mean that this movie includes ideas they decided to not do for the first one.
Yeah George Lucas said the same shit too.
I have no idea what that's from but I feel like I should
She's grown on me. Would bang.
Would absolutely bang. Shes barren so i can cum inside her every time.
>JJ abrams claims its all planned
Nope, never heard this before.
He's such a comical looking fucker. I wonder what he looks like shirtless
Wow dont be racist bro, not cool!
It broke my heart when he didn't end up being a jedi. I'm not even sure how he lasted as long as he did against Kylo.
The Rock
I'm pretty sure there are quotes from JJ Abrams in a Empire magazine article that make it clear that it wasn't planned out at all
>what is lighting
Don't be retarded
they had it planned out to be shitty? That I can believe.
Will rey die or become a sith? if not i'm not interest not gonna see
Two giant Hershey's kisses baby
He reminds me of Paul Feig.
Everything about Rian screams "peaked in high school",
Del Toro might be a better director, but he is a bigger cuck (at least before the tweets)
Carla was the prom queen
Rian was based as fuck back in the BB days.
fake news. never trust the lugenpresse
>I'm cool like the boys too
April Fools passed.
If this was planned then holy shit Disney/Lucasfilm writers are fucking hacks
don´t be naive you flying fool of a took