Matt Smith's acting career thread

He was pretty decent in Crown as Prince Philip, but why does Matt Smith look like he's wearing someone else's face as a mask? Its quite unsettling

Attached: smithy.jpg (450x450, 21K)

There’s an acting career inside all our hearts.

Eyes too deep in the skull

He also has a monster dong

He doesn’t have eyebrows.

Are they fake?

No, some people just have a condition where their eyebrows are either really thin or completely gone.

Have sex

Have sex

he'd make an excellent Frankenstein's monster

But he does

Attached: 1520550893031.png (500x398, 125K)

Sex, have it

I would if I could, buddy.
Preferably with someone with a dick as big.

frankestein was the inventor you idiot

lack of eyebrows

Fuck off fag

He is proof that Neanderthals interbred with Modern Humans.

He'd look normal if he had eyebrows. That's really the only issue.

Really? The pics ive seen he seemed average. Is that big for the UK or just your area?

is he the biggest forehead in hollywood?

average penis size in the uk is 7.5", what is where you are?

Not as big as Ellen page

fuck off

Attached: skeletor.jpg (1710x900, 568K)

Even weirder

Attached: sketch-1559255724308.jpg (1080x1080, 80K)


What did you mean by this?

Mogged by 8 yet again

Attached: mogged FUCK new who ctfuuuuuu.jpg (785x800, 100K)

Prominent skull structure and a unusually youthful visage despite the quite visible signs of skin ageing create something of a "waxwork" look. He's got a caricature face for a normal Matt Smith in another universe. That's not at all helped by his lack of eyebrows, which almost makes him look unfinished, like an NPC off in the distance in a GTA game that hasn't finished loading.

The hairstyle too, is very flashy and swept up despite the noticeably latent signs of a receding hairline, something of a comic-book look really. A young hairstyle for a maturing person, you could say, it feels almost uncanny. I suppose you could also mention the Tie, evoking memories of his younger Doctor Who days, a very dandy choice and perfect for a "Waxwork Caricature".

Of course, that's just for that one image. I'm sure Matt Smith looks perfectly normal in just about any other frame. But I'd caution anyone approaching the man with candle.

Because his not real and his skynet.

Attached: reddit spacing.jpg (866x475, 69K)

which monster

I enjoy writing posts with neat paragraph spacing my friend.

In regards to your post, and its faulty suppositions, I must confess I've never even posted on Reddit, for the sites layout and circlejerk based post-voting system has always put me off bothering.

Ah, there we are, a breather. A space between the last segment of text and this, a mental note signifying the end of one point and the beginning of another. Perhaps? Or perhaps not sometimes. But at least I don't allow my points to merge and intertwine in all too unsanitary ways and wander ahead of themselves.

Does the mere presence of spacing disturb you? Does it even frighten you perchance?

Does one line,

Followed by a gap,

Followed by another line, and then... another gap,

fill your bleak, shrivelled heart with...

irritation, my friend?

If it does. Then you've only served to make a fool of yourself. Feeling resentment at something as insignificant as post structuring.


A shame.

At first I thought he was decent as the doctor, then I saw him in other stuff and realised he wasn't really acting, he was just playing himself and now I think he's pretty shit desu

>He was pretty decent in Crown as Prince Philip

Best thing I've seen him in.

Attached: Claire-Foy-The-Crown.jpg (1074x1613, 73K)

Centimeters? Christ

Based retard

Any footage of him playing Patrick Bateman or was that play a meme

This. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed that show, considering I thought it looked boring. Very well acted and well paced, a true hidden gem of kino.