He deserved to win the Iron Throne. Watch as he assaults Kings Landing, he's the only true hero of the series

He deserved to win the Iron Throne. Watch as he assaults Kings Landing, he's the only true hero of the series

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What could have been this pairing

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The virgin Stannis
>middle child
>literally autistic
>married to crazy bitch he doeant even love
>cucked by his rhllorfag mistress
>doesnt even have a male heir
>only daughter has a fucked leper face
>his seat is literally the smallest and shittiest in Westeros
>even his own bannerman would rather support his little brother, a literal fag
>only friend is a degenerate boomer smuggler
>gets BTFO at Blackwater
>doesnt even have a kingsguard
>never sat on the Iron Throne
>killed his daughter like an autist
>died to a lesbian stronk woman

The chad Bobby B
>unironically the best king in the entire series
>almost all of his dialogue is endlessly quotable
>a charismatic bro
>was the fiercest warrior in Westeros
>ended the targaryen dynasty
>get a to fuck hot af Cersei
>eats and shits and piss and fucks
>troll lannisters all day
>had baristan as his lord commander
>commanded the respect of all the kingdoms
>the one time there was a rebellion he BTFO them hard
>was redpilled on the targaryens and knew Dany was crazy since the beginning
>does whatever the fuck he wants
>gods he was strong then

Stannis is a faggot. Bobby B for life

Daenaerys doesnt deserve such a good man

No roastie deserves Stannis but Dany was the only one who came close.

Do you think that Stannis would bend the knee to Daenerys?

Not but his sheer virility would have broke Dany and make her bend the knee to him, in both ways, forming the ultimate power couple

>Chaddy Bobby
>A litteral cuckold


Other way around.

Book Dany (who was ruined latter just like Stannis) actually fucking hates being queen and dreams about being the model tradwife she once was and the house with the red door.

No he wouldn't and she would most likely kill him on the spot

>killed by a pig after bankrupting the realm for 17 years

>Going to BTFO Roose and the Frey shits before dying a hero's death at the end of TWOW, will forever be remembered as the King Who Cared

Some people live as chads and die virgins, some people live as virgins and die as chads

How is Stannis going to react to Aegon taking Storm's End. He's all about justice (supposedly) so is he going to see Aegon's superior claim and bend the knee?

Robert was a cucked fag.

She would bend the knee or be destroyed

Fuck off and eat your crayons dabid

Nobody but delusional Connington believe that bullshit explanation of Varys, not to mention that Tyrion states the kid is 15-16 years old at best. Also going with this logic he should have support Daenerys from the beginning

If he receive news about the landing would dismiss Aegon as yet another invaders, but with the Winter i think the North storyline will be isolated from everything else for a while

All Robert needed to do was rule for a couple of years until the realm settled down after the end of the rebellion. Then he'd be able to go to Essos and form a sellsword company like he always wanted and life a life of fighting and fucking, while handing over the boring task of ruling to Stannis who was always better suited for it.

Stannis and Robert are both uber chads. Its Renly thats the virgin you seething femcel.

I dont think it would have been that easy but it would have been better than what ended up happening



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>Nobody but delusional Connington believe that bullshit explanation of Varys, not to mention that Tyrion states the kid is 15-16 years old at best. Also going with this logic he should have support Daenerys from the beginning
Plus, Targaryens are a relic of the past. They already lost the throne and any claim to it. The only claim now they do have is the right of conquest.

Renly was chad af
>looks like young Robert
>impeccable fashion
>charismatic and loved
>was able to get the support of his bannerman despite having a shit claim
>had based smirkfu as his wife who dgaf he was gay and was down for threesomes
>had the hottest knight in Westeros for boipussy on the reg

Just accept that Stannis forever will be a virgin and the worst Baratheon

Exactly. Right of conquest is a legal way to obtain stuff in Westeros. As long as Stannis has a fighting change and does not die/flee from the continent Tommen, Aegon and all the others are just pretenders

Lmao you got absolutely btfo in the other thread you delusional renlyfag take your head canon somewhere else

Actual birthright still trumps right of conquest and Stannis has done nothing to sever the feudal contract like Aerys did. Its forgotten but not only did Robert claim the throne by right of conquest but also for the fact that by murdering the warden of the north and his heir and then calling for ned and bobbys head he completely severed the feudal contract from king to vassal and it was entirely legal to depose him.

>a faggy Robert wannabe who has never been near a battle
>"popular" because the other lords know he's the ideal puppet king
>used his Tyrell masters and Lord Paramount title to get the Stormlands on board, they immediately defect to his enemy after his death though
>marries a literal whore
>is a fag


>Ywn see Stannis with his fire crown and lightbringer crushing Lannisters and white walkers while riding Rodan, the fiery creature R'hllor send to help him

why live is so unfair

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