Unpopular opinions thread

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sure hope nobody posts anything that could derail this television & film thread

That's not unpopular opinion, it's the true but this board is filled with capeshit/got/söywars what can you expect from them?



>John Wick earned $14.4 million from 2,589 locations on its opening weekend,[180] compared to the $7–8 million most analysts projected the film would make.[181] By the end of its theatrical run, John Wick grossed $43 million in North America and $45.7 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $88.8 million, against a production budget of $20-30 million.[3][4]

It has better fight choreography and less wasted potential than capeshit.

here's an idea: take your shitty memes back to facebook

its finally a capeshit that tv normies can talk about unironically and unashamedly.

>everything that becomes and is popular is capeshit
Why are zoomers like OP so cringe?


Came here to post this, OP is a contrarian Twitter user who needs to go back.

never seen john wick, is it 90% cgi with quips?

Sneed's Feed and Seed is just repackaged Chuck's Fuck and Suck


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A daring synthesis

yikes and moepilled

The writing for GoT S8 made sense

>save muh world
>be a good guy
>bad guy do bad thing
>dont kill bad guy or you bad guy

John Wick
>no good guys
>contract killer killing contract killers
>no world to save
>selfish revenge that won't change anything

Yeah i can see how thats easily just cape shit in a different form.

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If you took away, cunny, sneed, GoT, & capeshit posts this place would be a Ghost Town.

>save muh world
>be a good guy
>bad guy do bad thing
>don't kill bad guy or you bad guy
this is very reductive reasoning

Baneposting is dead.

Every single one of you at least lurk if not actively post on reddit no matter how much you like to shit on it.

Verhoeven makes shallow schlock that film geeks enjoy because picking up on obvious subtext makes them feel smart.

so show me his bofy

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lmao, no. It's consumer entertainment (at least the second and third) but the amount of time put into set pieces, effects, and choreography make them genuinely compelling.

James Cameron's movies are the soulless predecessors to capeshit.


I've never posted on reddit, and I've probably been there a total of four times.

Vinceposting was peak Yea Forums


>make a thread on 80's action movies and why Hollywood can't make good action flicks anymore
>reddit floods the thread crying about how John Wick, Fury Road, and Dredd prove this wrong

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Sneed is just repackaged bane posting

What are quips?


I can see were you're coming from but to me Capeshit is just repackaged action movies. So it seems full circle to me.

John Wick 3 is Fallout 2 of movie world.

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No I don't.

The Night of the Hunter and The Third Man don't deserve their classic status and are completely overrated.

The original Frankenstein is far superior to its sequel The Bride of Frankenstein.

Star Trek 5 > Star Trek 3

Memento is Nolan's worst film

Cinema Paradiso is an enigma, and may possibly be one of the worst films of all time among those that has ever been called great by critics. Complete cheese and sentimental rubbish that tries to manipulate the audience's love of movies in its own direction without earning it. Real fucking piece of shit.

With the exception of the first Terminator, you’re absolutely correct.

alright ready for a hot take that will send the entirety of Yea Forums into a raging conniption?_________sneed_________

Because they don't want to get mentally challenged so they stay living as ignorant brainlets

>every action movie made after 2010 will be compared to capeshit rather than the standard of testosterone fueled 80s/90s actionkino
I want to go back.

Unlike capeshit women hate John Wick though, which is a good thing.

yes, still gets the argument right though. and when you want to be ultra gritty, kill bad guy.

Woman and redittors love John Wick, that is a FACT

Are you retarded? I know a shit ton of women who love John Wick. John Wick is a normie's wet dream. Wake the fuck up, desu

Also it is very right and on the point

Until a few years ago I used to smash notebooks with my hands when they were having any kind of malfunction
Destroyed at least four,as I can recall

Pulp Fiction is responsible for the cinematic environment which allowed capeshit to achieve its current status.

Imagine being triggered by a Yea Forumsntrarian on Yea Forums, after you've clicked on a thread literally named "Unpopular Opinions"

Imagine remembering Dredd in 2019.

Capeshit isnt synonymous with stupid

The new godzilla is closer to capeshit than john wick

Neither of you explained why. It's easy to shit on something but it takes effort to actually explain something. Oftentimes, people on the disagreeing side rarely provide any actual criticism of the thing in question beyond "it sucks lol" "reddit!" type of remarks. When evaluating something you need to examine both the good and the bad, then come to a conclusion. I am aware that the genre have a far from perfect quality to them and I will not deny any of it, but I will still be vocal about people exaggerating this reality in lieu of gratuitously shitting on fans and/or the games every 10 minutes if I see it happen (which does often). I don't understand why everyone has to be overly negative on this rotting corpse of a website

Not anymore than a Schwarzeneggar movie from the 80s child, you're just comparing it to capeshit because your tiny brain and limited experience equates that with anything slightly popular.

That's capeshit too user.

The Lord of the Rings is capeshit

John Wick is essentially a superhero.

So yeah he is the capeshit among action movies.

powers include- sheer determination and will

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yeah right, zoomer, tell us all about the complex philosophical subtext of the Spiderman movie

>tell us all about the complex philosophical subtext of john wick


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Might as well say the same thing about The Matrix if that's the case.


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deranged cape-shitter posting. Marvel is not good

I never said or implied that. I'm just saying that's it's reductive reasoning. Storytelling doesn't have to be deep or complex to be good.

Ain't wrong tho.

You could say the same about all the incredibly blockbusters that beat you over the head with their so-called subtext that have come out in the past four decades. Verhoeven, Carpenter, Tarantino, Scott, and the Wachowskis all made nothing more than pronto-capeshit.

no matter how shitty it is, at least it's something original

All Batman movies suck. Capeshit is ridiculous but a dude dressed as a bat flying around and fighting crime is just retarded.

By this stupid argument every action movie is capeshit. Wick is nothing but 70s style shoot ‘em up revenge movies.

there is none
it's simplistic dark revenge story and capeshit is simplistic childish good-fights-evil story
only zoomerboy here is implying capeshit is more complex than that

Imagine watching John wick for the story. It's just a decently choreographed action movie, action has been so shit for 20 years that even something like JW is refreshing. Capeshit seems to have taken over the action movie bucket these days, and capeshit movies are fucking horrible in terms of action choreography. It's all just cgi and lasers. I want kung fu movies back.

Well yeah
People have said that here since the first piece of reddit trash came out

You just gotta do it right. You gotta go all in on the bat stuff. Nolan is too self aware, puts too much effort in having Bruce justify being Batman to himself.

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