Other urls found in this thread:
Never stopped Marvel from making their films 99% identical to one another.
What the fuck is wrong with this movie?
So is this on top of already reshooting the whole movie?
Wtf lol
Biggest bomb of 2019, when will Sophie learn?
Another reason I could never work in filmmaking. For me, a film is ultimately a story. The most important part of a story is its ending: you can change how you introduce characters, take subplots in and out etc, but ultimately the movie is about what happens, which is how it ends.
How do you substitute on a completely different ending from the one you had in mind? Surely it would be like losing the nose of a plane and figuring if you weld on the front of a combine harvester, nobody will be able to tell the difference?
what about new mutants?
What's the point, we already know it's going to flop
ill watch it anyways for slagfu
Actually this, originality is vastly overrated.
But the entire film was literally done 13 years ago.
Not gonna come out until 2020 if at all
the ending doesn't matter in these movies because the story has already been told at that point and the ending is simply a CGI shitfest
>brainlet still believing in central conflict narrative
>already seething before the thread gets going
oh you dear sweet seething dc sucker
>99% identical
Yeah bro, Black Panther was totally identical Doctor Strange. Guardians of the Galaxy was identical to Ironman. Infinity War is identical to Antman. The Winter Soldier was identical to Deadpool. Age of Ultron was identical to Spiderman Homecoming. :^)
Based reasonposter
Only because the Sanic kino got delayed for reshoots
They should reshoot with another actress.
B.. Buh M..Marvel bad!
>worried about the ending being too similar to another movie when the whole movie is just a remake of X3
Rebooting X-Men was a mistake, although Logan was a great movie.
Not him but the boring formula, filled with quips in between, is not something to bait.
fucking cringe.
So the article says that the ending was reshot because it was too similar to Captain Marvel, but that literally came out two months ago, and the reshoots were finished in October 2018...
>xmen movies are either considered amongst the best in the superhero genre (xmen 2, DOFP, logan) or some of the worst (xmen 3, wolverine, apocalypse)
what the FUCK
>formula, quips
Lots of movies have these, it's not inherently just Marvel ones. It doesn't mean movies are all identical to each other.
I like how they don't even advertise it as an X-Men film anymore and just call it "Dark Phoenix", this shit is going to bomb so hard.
>get blown the fuck out
>has no rebuttal
Does anyone actually like Jean Grey?
Black Panther was identical to Thor, user. And Doctor Strange was identical to Iron Man. Ultron was identical to Avengers 1, with the same Hulk fight and everything. I didn’t see Antman and Deadpool isn’t MCU, but this was a rather weak defense
Its true, Marvel films all run on the same formula.
>unironically defending marvel for reasons beyond shitting on DCucks
indeed they were
I like the original Dark Phoenix storyline from the comics (and in the animated series) but holy fuck it's been so overdone at this point where I now get annoyed anytime I seen Jean Grey.
It does when they only change costumes and actors. It's like a "hero's journey" distilled from all originality. Good for you to find amusement in the inane though.
Sophie turner has no value aside from being an anal receiving cum slut
They unironically are
dear god, your comment reminds me of Blazing Saddles:
"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons."
now i know why Donald is president
I'm actually convinced that this movie will do well purely because enemies respond positively to logos they recognize like Marvel/X-Men, and as this summer shows other blockbusters of comparable, if not better quality (Alita, Detective Pikachu, Shazam) that don't have those brand connections falter
Tell me how they're identical then. That is, if you know what the word identical means.
>Deadpool isn't MCU
It's a movie about a Marvel character interacting with other Marvel characters. Forgive me if I forget about labels. But still genuinely curious as to how those movies are identical.
The only time she's been portrayed correctly is in the 90's cartoon imo.
Singer's X-men was a milf already and very blank slate. Salsa doesn't do a good portrayal either and she gives the character a baritone voice, reminds me of that crazy Theranos chick. It's so dumb. She's probably the easiest character in the entire crew to cast; just get a red-headed Stacy (similarly like Cyclops, who's an average chad), but they always decide to go weird instead.
It follows the same narrative
Evil Sophie with powers makes my dick hard.
That’s all women.
what are they gonna do when they realize there's a billion capeshit out there and xmen alone has been rebooted half a dozen times
Explain how they're identical.
well I've seen every x-men movie in theaters besides the wolverine stand a lone movies so I'm gonna see it regardless of reviews
I'm hoping this is the first x-men movie that makes good use of cyclops
>follows the same narrative
That's not what identical means.
>Another reason I could never work in filmmaking.
>Logan and the Japanese one were written and directed by the same people
Try to make sense of this.
The difference is that capeshit isn't filmmaking. You're adapting an endless series of stories that regularly reset and render all stakes and consequences pointless, so it doesn't matter what the ending is. As long as your audience of mouth breathers gets to see enough people in funny costumes shooting laser blasts at each other, they'll clap and come back for the next one, so why bother caring about the ending
How is Civil War identical to Guardians of the Galaxy again?
>I'm hoping this is the first x-men movie that makes good use of cyclops
considering they're still using that literally who charisma void they had casted since Apocalypse, with a similarly puncheable face as the fag from Whiplash, I wouldn't keep my hopes all that high
Actually, the original Dark Phoenix arc in comic books had its ending changed too. Originally Jean was to have no chance of redemption for her murders whatsoever.
Based. BTFO all the haters.
>completely miss the point on purpose
>"umm ur wrong lol xdD"
Why does that even matter? People who watch capeshit aren't there for the story, they are there for the colorful flashing lights from the magic powers of the protagonists.
What IS the point, shitposter? You literally can't name any similarities between these films other than "uhh they both have quips".
>acchully the comics did it too so its okay
Deadpool isn't part of the MCU you dumb piece of shit.
They're not even adapting. The stories in the movies are never completely accurate, sometimes completely changed on purpose to the source material. Some characters did die permanently too. I know you're desperate to be seen as a woke intellectual but your arguments have to make sense first.
Why do people think this? If this was the case, all cape movies would literally be 2 hours of non-stop CGI fights with no dialogue whatsoever.
DoFP is the best X-men movie though.
Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't look at wikipedia and looked for the mcu label you nerd. A movie about a Marvel character interacting with other Marvel characters in a movie that's all quips and over the top action. My bad.
I'm not saying it's okay, I just thought it was a fun fact to point out. Also considering that in the original comic it was a matter of the writer (Chris Claremont)'s intent, while here it's a matter of PR.
I can't see this moving being successful. Superhero hype has been steadily declining, and after end game I really think people will want to move on from the genre.
Xmen has been pretty shitty lately, especially the last trash they shat out. I don't hear anyone talk about this movie at all.
DoFP is really good but Logan is a stronger film altogether
The action is Deadpool is pretty tame though.
Why do superhero film haters say quips? what's the difference between a quip and joke?
>The most important part of a story is its ending
imagine being this retarded
capeshit is made by committee. thought, creativity, and artistic integrity are seldom found there.
You're only saying that because Logan is edgy.
he baste
Do you really think these movies would be successful without magic powers and fights? Capeshit fans wouldn't be there without it. The stories are vastly secondary, that's why they are generally very hollow because they just aren't that important other than to set up the next flashing light fight.
Oh no how will this remake of a rehash ever hold up artistically after it changed its market driven ending? I sure how the test audiences don't notice, and I really hope the critics cash those fat checks
>Superhero hype has been steadily declining
Yeah, that's why people got beaten up for spoiling Endgame. Because the hype has been declining. Of course. For hiw many years have you been telling yourself that?
logan was fucking boring, yeah all the soys and the media loved it because oh so brave mature rating and dying beloved character
Fuck yeah because he's based
If it's in a Marvel movie, it's a quip and thus BAD.
Name a single great movie with a shitty ending.
logan isn't an xmen movie it's a wolverine movie
It is, only in the sense that the scale wasn't as grand with aliens and gods. But it was still retarded superhero action type stuff. Some Marvel comics don't have as much action as others.
they have spies
Breakfast Club, we have a thread sbout its shitty ending right now
the ending in a lot of these modern spectacles is as alien to the story as most of the foreign talent. they mostly want to hit on the main trailer beats and make sure people don't get bored with extensive non-action sequences. if the ending isn't some happy fanfare or unexpected twist, it's not even a modern movie.
The VVitch
Not only that but marvel needs to throw in a ton of jokes during the "boring" story parts to keep people's attention. That's the reason marvel films are more successful than other superhero movies.
the opening is also identical to Shazam
Is this just another origin film?
I'm saying that because the focus on Logan and Charles led to actually interesting character dialogue, Dementia Charles was actually my favorite part of the movie because we get to see him slowly becoming more insane before he finally remembers how he destroyed the X-Men and how Magneto was right.
You know what would obviate this issue is if not every single movie was cape stuff.
Both identically boring
Seriously fuck the ending of Psycho besides that great shot of Norman smiling
>if a movie has magic and action it's bad
We're reaching critical levels of contrarianism.
>stories are vastly secondary
I wish. If you actually watched those capeshit movies, they're mostly dialogue. Action takes up way fewer chunks of the runtime.
All of these movies ended the same way in my memory: I fell asleep and then shut it off 15 minutes before the closing roll.
Anyone else not really remember any of the "young X-men" movies despite seeing them all?
The major problem with marvel movies in particular is the complete lack of stakes or any kind of narrative flair. The characters don't seem to give a shit 90% of the time until it's an overly sentimental moment that feels contrived.
Quips immediately diffuse all tension. If the villain is a joke, then why do we should we care at all?
And this has permiated into every single genre. It's like films cannot take themselves seriously anymore. It's boring to me. I get why people find it fun, but I want a believable world. I can suspend disbelief, even with stupid shit like dinosaurs and superheroes, but the characters to believe in the world they're portraying
Boring and exciting are subjective. And you still didn't explain why the movies I listed are identical.
first post, best post
there will be blood
Why is part of her ear missing?
Actually yes they were very similar to each other. But as you probably spent most of the running time of those movies sucking off your trannie boyfriend you didn't notice.
The Shining
Nice anecdotal evidence dude. Now explain how they're identical again? Oh wait you can't.
When are we finally going to get good x-men films already? What's taking so long?
Great ending, Satan wins, Christcucks btfo
Very similar doesn't mean identical. See >115830550
>suddenly talking about trannies
Imagine being BTFO so hard you start making shit up. lol
You can have the same moral and the same "story," but opposite endings. One where the character learns from their mistakes and overcomes, or one where they succumb to their flaws and loses. The audience is still aware of what the story is about, and we still get a cathartic experience regardless of how the character ended up, because we understand it. All that can change from a single choice.
I think the world would unironically be better if every mardisneyvel fag died right now.
>dis nigga just pointed out every unique Marvel flick
You just played yourself.
Unironically Nolan. It was so disappointing how in the previous movies Logan always needed someone's help to beat the big bad. And then they did it in here as well. Of course, it's not like it's his final story, no, we gotta give those epic kids we know nothing about the time to shine!!!
>complete lack of stakes
How so? You're not actually elaborating on anything. You're just saying broad statements and cowering away when someone asks you to go into detail.
>Marvel flicks
Wait I thought they were all identical? Now you're admitting they're unique. Congrats, you just played yourself.
Let me guess, the last MCU movie you watched was GOTG?
Not what I said. You said the story is the reason people go to these instead of the magic fights, but without those these people wouldn't be showing up to these movies, because to the people who go to these movies that is all that matters. How similar this story is to another capeshit makes zero difference to their target audience.
>Another reason I could never work in filmmaking.
Totally believe that every filmmaker in Hollywood was approaching you and you declined the offers. Imagine being this delusional
The Wolverine was pretty good, at least compared to the irredeemable clusterfuck that was x-men origins.
Must've been a Freudian slip
Yes, same.
I've never seen a single supahewo film in my entire lifetime except for spiderman 2 in cinema when it came out but do all of these go somewhat like this
>there's a bad guy
>there's a good guy
>there is a middle ground morally grey guy
>there is a big or penultimate battle against big bad guy(s)
fuck off, it's a cheesy ending for a cheesy movie
You can slip this too
*unzips dick*
Why can't they just adapt the comic story instead of just copying other movies?
It was depressing as fuck.
Yeah dude, this is totally exclusive to superhero movies and not most action/fantasy/sci-fi movies.
>copy/paste movie quote
>lol u dumb
>Donal Trump
What a fucking pleb
>You said the story is the reason people go to these instead of the magic fights
First of all, direct me to which post I said that. Second, you can't know why every individual person goes to these movies. There's nothing wrong with watching movies for action either, not everything has to be arthouse or something else. Magic fights inevitably happen because they're superheroes fighting villains. Magic powers aren't necessarily bad, what matters more is execution.
>story to another capeshit
Some people care about the stories, some don't. Normies constantly discuss the plot to the movies.
So it was going to end exactly the same as Captain Marvel? lmao, these fucking hacks
>there's a bad guy
>there's a good guy
So, you mean movies in general?
>there is a middle ground morally grey guy
>there is a big penultimate battle against big bad guy
You're not even describing supahewo film, you're just describing most movies in general.
Yes but withou the morally grey guy
Oh jeez, its like in the ending of a movie the point of the whole thing is revealed
The ending was the best part you fucking retard
Congrats you watched the only good superhero movie
I usually disagree with this asshole but I do agree with him here
Capeshit is simply for children.
Calm down shill, there’s more than one user in this thread. I was just making a QUIP about how all marvel movies are shitty snorefests.
Spiderman 1>Spiderman 3>Spiderman 2
Prove it.
>3 better than 2
>So, you mean movies in general?
>You're not even describing supahewo film, you're just describing most movies in general.
Nice ad homs brainlet. Care to explain why they're identical or are you gonna run away again?
Stop watching children's movies you low IQ apes
>So, you mean movies in general?
No I don't, faggot, where's this belabored dichotomy in films like Twelve Angry Men? Ikiru? Such a lengthy et cetera it'd be tedious and arbitrary of me to pick out just a few. Kill yourself fucking virgin freak.
TL:DR, Does it end with Dark Phoenix killing half the people on Earth? Because that sounds really badass and should leave it like that.
t. brainlet with 0 imagination who wants everything spoonfed to him
they all free on torrent sites, go watch them faggot
>good guys, bad guys, morally grey guys, penultimate battles only exist in superhero films
Are you actually retarded?
>Watch the movie goiym, we did a reshot, It totally wont be like every other cape movie
She fought Mike Tyson that time
>The most important part of a story is its ending
Not in these shitty cape flicks because they never end.
I completely agree. The ending makes or breaks the movie
>penultimate battles
The fact that they all unswervingly have this common thread is indication of poorly thought out stories.
I never quite grasped the timelines / shared universe status of the 3 X-Men series.
>spend the entire thread claiming they're identical
>gets destroyed whenever you try to make a point
>cower away when asked again
>resort to just blurting out edgy anecdotes with no rhyme or reason
My work here is done.
Came to post this.
Watch good films you smelly aspie, grow some taste.
>you can't know why every individual person goes to these movies
Generally you can and these companies know it. They market the movie in the trailer with the action sequences and more intense music, they aren't advertising their story much in these other than "superhero has an uphill battle because a new magic monster emerges". These movies wouldn't have the same draw if it wasn't about magic fights, the "story" in these is just the filler to get you to the next battle. Also some normies discussing the general plot of something doesn't mean anything.
Sonic fighting academy graduate, fighting shadow and sonic is the final exam.
Are you a bot or just a non English speaker working on a shitposting farm? Neither of the people you responded to claimed that the films were identical?
>bad guys win
Yawn... Oh, so edgy...
>spend the entire thread claiming they're identical
Not him, but they are identical in structure, not in plot you silly dingus.
>introduce villain or hero
>hero encounters difficulties
>final act the hero defeats the villain
>rinse and repeat
Dont @ me, you just irrevocably destroyed.
>everyone who isnt me is one person
based schizophrenic person
No, but those are the only good ones.
They didnt even bother making a pheonix movie before a dark pheonix one
If you consider Avengers IW and Endgame different films, youre delued.
Infinity War should have been the end of the avengers series.
Actuallym there is a very clear dichotomy in 12 Angry Men. Juror 8 and 9 are the main protagonists, Juror 3 and 10 are the main antagonists. 8 and 9 are "the reasonable folk", while 3 and 10 are "the prejudiced and angry". Juror 10's character is particularly 2-dimensional, since nowhere it is explored WHY does he hold his racist views or WHY is he always so loud. The movie treats him as "lol just don't losten to this loud racist guy because he's obviously evil for no reason". Seriosuly, this is your go-to for character depth?
you could never work in filmmaking is because you are an untalented stupid fuck.
so make a movie that is about the ending. there's planty of those.
I never watched those shitty movies but now it seems funny that you watched them and are shitting on them even knowing they have always been shit.
true it was a bad example, still plenty though, especially ones that don't even consider anything other than the protag and just deal with individual "stories"
Or maybe the opposite? People use cliches because they work.
Oh look it's a postmodern talentless pseudfaggot
>I never watched those shitty movies but now it seems funny that you watched them and are shitting on them even knowing they have always been shit.
And yet here you are just the same. Arguing the same thing despite your intellectual detachment and moral highground. Just as ready as the next Disney shill to promote a film that came out months ago.
The kid did it. The movie dealt with the problem of criminal minorities walking free because christianity.
Generally, the ones invested in the action ARE normies. Geeks and wannabe-geeks will probably stay for the story, but they don't make up the majority of the audience.
imagine being this much of a brainlet
jesus christ user
the movie dealt with the problem of how showing partial and biased information to the viewer can affect their judgement
>How do you substitute on a completely different ending from the one you had in mind?
Do you really think that the writers have only one specific ending in their minds the whole time?
it's not an xmen movie because it really only has wolverine fighting people even with professor x in it
it's like calling stand a lone iron man or captain america movies avengers movies
Not the same as you, you are seething I'm lauging lol
we're reaching peak pleb
>For me, a film is ultimately a story. The most important part of a story is its ending
An idiot pleb like you would be perfect for Hollywood.
iron man 2 had black widow, rescue, war machine and agent coulson
You're damage controlling.
Super Hero movies are inherently meaningless ,they're just products ,there is no message no meaning you can sleepwalk through the whole movie.
WTF DCucks are BTFO for ever now?!
Point and laugh at the fool
2001 is not a great movie exactly because the ending was shit.
i second this.
I'm going to miss Fox Marvel, I'm not into capeshit but I liked their attempts better than those from the mouse
Yes, they were. What's your point?
yeah, it's before Professor Charles used his power to suppress her full capabilities
>theres a protagonist
>theres an antagonist
No proof DCuck.
>Smurky relatable hero origin story where through some unfortunate events are encouraged to doing justice for society and must stop the supervillain that is seeking to better the world in their own twisted image or are doing so for someone else.
I don’t even watch these films. How accurate is this?
fucking brainlet
what other movie? X-men 3?
captain marvel
the differences make up the 1%
They are, you absolute manchild
fpbp top kek
black panther is identical to doctor strange tho
Just end this and get Bryan Singer away from these kids before Sophie goes full JUST.
Fpbp, lucky dubs & seething capeniggers confirm
Black Panther is not even an origin story, try harder.
Fpbp, lucky dubs & seething capeniggers confirm
I imagine it's not much of a stretch for you dumb Georgeposter
>bud dis moobie has blueman punching ruskies! Id no same as redman punching terorist! Or moobie of blueman and redman punching ruskie teroirost! 3 special mobies for special viewers like me!
All these DCucks absolutely SEETHING
Cyke was the best in the cartoon, ever since they started making movies I've hated how shitty they've treated his character.
>muh Wolverine
>muh antiheroes
Cyclops was pretty much the MCU Captain America of the X-men and I can only hope next go around we get to see wolverine crying like a little girl while Chadclops goes to town on Jean
stupid fuckin asshole
Agree, after everything she went through, and certainly realizing that she'd been right/figured it all out, saying fuck it and selling out to Satan seemed wrong
How can Robert Downey Jr use the star rocks if even the goddamn Hulk had trouble putting them on
>all these replies
Strange used his magic to make sure Tony died using the Snap.
>>introduce villain or hero
>>hero encounters difficulties
>>final act the hero defeats the villain
>>rinse and repeat
You just described the hero’s journey archetype
>good guy vs bad guy
>explosions and gunshots
>100 quips sprinkled in throughout the movie
>generic music throughout the movie
>cliffhanger or sequel bait ending
holy BASED
>trash in both movies
>trash in marvel 3
what the fuck is wrong with that character
x men is marvel you fuckwit
It’s weird they do it like this because they specifically imply in apocalypse that she’s already Phoenix but then just use the original origin again without attempting to use her original death
Im surprised people don't know that this is actually very true. In Hollywood people work on multiple films and it's very easy to find out what happens in those movies.
Maybe for the first half or so but the second half is just another run-of-the-mill capeshit.
Ghost Rider
Black Panther is literally the same story as Thor: prince ready to become King, is rash and impulsive, his evil brother comes and plots against him, evil brother defeats him and takes the throne, he rallies with the help of his friends and defeats his evil brother
Dr Strange is literally the same story as Iron Man, an arrogant genius gets humbled and severely injured, his injury leads to him developing superpowers, an evil guy with the same powers attempts to take over and the still somewhat arrogant but now tempered hero stops him with a meme from earlier in the film
Avengers 2 is the same as Avengers 1, people are playing with science they don’t understand, a bad guy uses the good guy’s science experiment to threaten the world, the hulk freaks out and the other avengers have to fight him, and then they all fight together against nameless, faceless mooks before they hit the win button that destroys the entire enemy army
Was this post really so difficult for you to parse?
Unbreakable and signs
Fpbp and checked
>shitty ending
The original ending of x-men 3, when it was a Singer film and focused on phoenix was jean transcends human form and fucks off into space
Kinberg also wanted to keep this ending in dark phoenix, she becomes good, but still fucks off into space.
This is the ending of captain marvel, she gets god like powers and fucks off into space. They say in the article its captain marvel, but this is the ending they are trying to avoid.
Based Detective Pikachu poster blowing Marvelfags the FUCK OUT
..as a fellow Cyclopsfag... No.
These movies are still shit even if Scott finally gets a decent role in one. It's still a shitty movie.
None of these X-men movies were good. Funny enough Logan was the only good one, but that served as an endcap for the characters. Plus Deadpool had the best representation of an X-men team and that was only a spot on Colossus and some OC Donut Steel with Cannonball's powers and the cool sounding name of a Morrison mutant.
Dedicated to the gallant people of Mexico.
The Wolverine wasn’t a great movie, but Jackman was on point as Logan in it. The director got the best performance out of him.
As a capeshitter and deep-lore connoisseur, I confirm this is a true statement.
The ending of arrival was changed because the ending was the same as interstellar.
The ending of Goodfellas and Sunset Boulevard were changed cause of test audiences.
The Mist changed the ending of the book.
Fight club changed the ending of the book.
Jurassic Park changed the ending of the book.
This nigga ended the thread on the first post
fuck capeshit
I must go now.
My planet needs me.
this, sadly
You are an enormous faggot. But you amuse me with your retardation. Please don’t kill yourself yet nigger
>there’s a conflict
>the conflict is resolved
So cookie cutter, all da mooviez is da same!
Unbreakable is a shitty movie with a great ending
>incels BTFO
i just wanna fit in
yeah more or less
based moobie poster
i fink weka be fwens
Completely true
Black Panther and Doctor Strange are actually very similar.
How did their ending become similar to the other superhero movie? Do the writers in Hollywood all hang out at the same bar or library, or attend the same writer's retreat? Why not just save the money and stick with the ending they originally shot instead of putting another couple millions of dollars into shooting an entirely different ending?
>all movies are about good guy v bad guy
>marriages end because the wife throws herself at the husband for sex and he turns her down
that's how you know he's talking out of his ass.
Idc that it's capeshit and they can change the ending all they want, nothing's going to stop me from watching my favorite slag.
>278 posts
>not one about Mystique looking like fucking THIS
Wait a minute.
The movie that stole their idea is obviously Captain Marvel. Jean would have flown into space and destroyed the fleet of alien ships
I don't buy Sophie as Jean Gray, it's so fucking sucky.
fucking normies when will you learn
FOX =/= marvel cinematic universe
all the charc are marvel licenced but mcu =/= marvel
so spiderman movie
x men day of futur past first class LOGAN deadpool are kino not marvel flick from mcu it doesnt matter if they are all marvel licence marvel cinematic universe is trash deal with it fucking normies trying to hide their shitty mcu
It took the mcu 20's something movie to get one good movie (infinity war) this is the shittiest ratio i ve seen considering they had infinite budget
genetically speaking we are over 60% identical to bananas
Now that the mouse owns it I'm kinda surprised they don't pull it tbdesu.
Well it's obvious they're trying to sabotage it in any way they can to make way for MCU
She's going to off 90% of all the mutants, like Scarlet Witch did.
cape niggas on suicide watch
Yeah, just saying if it's bad and they don't think it'll be good for the brand in the long run they could just either cancel or direct to DVD it.
I want to fug Salsa
you are gay? she looks like a tranny and she only 23.
You know you just don’t have to watch and or talk about this stuff right? I don’t like top 40 radio so I don’t listen to it. So what if it’s popular who cares. I like Capeshit and it’s great escapism. But you people acting like anyone wants to spend 11+ bucks on your 2deep5me bullshit is so fucking laughable. Please do what the image I posted says. Please!
While you are right that its scummy and anti-artistic I suppose you figured already that capeshit is a commercial product. Not an artistic one so your complains are eh.
Finally, Im sad to inform you that you are a big pleb. A film is not about a story. Ever. A film, or at least the artistic part of it its the -Images in movement-part. The plot is just an excuse to have images moving on the screen. How you tell the story is where the art happens, not the actual story.
Most of Akira Kurosawa movies have paper thin plot yet they are kino. Just to name a more modern example, Se7en plot is crap, a rehash of serial murderer fbi plots like Dirty Harry or Silence of the Lambs yet its one of the best movies of the last 25 years and elevated Fincher to the status of genius. You should start wondering why.
If the plot would be the endgame or the art, a wikipedia plot summary would be as artistic as a full book. Its not. Its the prose of the author what makes something high literature. For "plot" you read Stephen "supermarket literature" King. For actual literary merit you read Borges for example.
Now extrapolating that to films, the film language is not poetic description of film art. Its an actual language. With its own grammatic. Good movies, just as good literature, are movies that excel or push forward the filmic language.
Stop obsessing over pleb worries like plot and plot holes and start reading about film.
It’ll get buried and go straight to streaming when Disney plus happens.
How did a superhero movie ended being about an alien invasion and the destruction of the spaceship/drone fleet? Jeez I wonder, it seems such a novel idea it must have been stolen!
>good guys win bad guys lose every movie
lmao this capeshitfag spent a couple of hours replying to everyone that attacked his god the mouse