“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler...

“Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.”

Attached: george-rr-martin.jpg (620x413, 31K)

never seen the problem with this. it describes a horrible situation, exactly as it should be described.

Sounds like fapfiction.

This, how would you describe diarrhea instead of like that?

'shat'? really? absolutely no reason not to use 'defecated'

typical american writing

there's no reason to describe such banal ugliness in the first place

this a consequence of leftism and its inability to see beauty and the following resignation towards ugliness

defecated is a modern word. doesnt fit at all, retard.

>there's no reason to describe such banal ugliness in the first place
it absolutely does serve a narrative purpose in this case as she's been treated like a god by everyone around her for several books, it's a humbling reminder

actually suffering diarrhea atm and its not like hes described. a 'bowel movement' is more like pissing through the asshole and if theres a fart in there it explodes the liquid everywhere, its also a yellow green not brown, which is presumably bile.

When was the last time you guys shat on the ground? I did it a few weeks ago

>art shouldn’t explore x idea
You’re anti-art

Have poo shitcel

>eww don't remind me that we make poopies that's l-leftism ;(

If it weren't for toilets diarrhea would feel great. Just spraying shit wherever you want and not worrying about the cleanup...Why does Georgey write it like it's a bad thing?

>if theres a fart in there it explodes the liquid everywhere
don't shout dracarys next time you sit down

your mental gymnastics are astonishing

Attached: FMBAi5c.jpg (700x612, 69K)

The fact this wasn't this in the show is the only proof needed to show that Dumb & Dumber are hacks.

>Just read the ASOIF books bro!
>Oldboy is so good!
>King of the Monsters has way too much monster action!

I won't ever let this board fool me again.

>If it weren't for toilets diarrhea would feel great.
This is the high level intellectual discussions I come here for

Lets be honest. Who doesn't enjoy the smell of their own shits?

The problem is the manner in which he describes the scene. It's supposed to sound bleak and desperate, but it comes off as fucking hilarious. His tryhard, faux-poetic verbiage like "sunset found her" is paired with blunt phrases like "shitting brown water," which creates a silly juxtaposition. "The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew" sounds out-of-place because it's sing-songy, like a pastiche of a children's storybook. And just try saying the sentence, "Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler," without laughing.

>when you were told you were 'gifted' as a child but never amounted to anything so now you watch Jordan Peterson videos

Yikes, I prefer not to write about icky topics like diarrhea.

You've got a parasite, m8.

Been drinking a lot of alcohol and not eating?

She has Cholera. It's him describing a disease in terms Dany would understand and use. She doesn't know WTF Cholera is but we do, and we know the symptoms.

And you're pro diarrhea, evidently


I would have used, "blasted" or "assploded".

I've never been to India.

So this is the power of Tolkien fanboys.

>A girls poop

god I wish I had some of that right now.

unironically a better thought out post than any of the pseuds ITT defending GRRM's writing.

Who mentioned anything about Tolkien?

Poop is funny, user. Last time I had the necroshits, I was in a lot of pain and wanted to die. It didn't stop me from laughing at the "fplphpffplfplfpf" as I shotgunned nature's foul pudding out of my burning sphincter like Pinocchio out of a whale's blowhole.

Semi-related; look up fecal transplants. It's exactly what you think it is. By having another person's dook inserted in your chute by a doctor, your gut flora is altered, and it can cure some problems you're having. But there are side effects such as taking on characteristics of the dung donor.

>sunset found her
This is the part that irks me. It sounds tryhard