Has Yea Forums bowed to the King yet?

Has Yea Forums bowed to the King yet?
RIP Mothra

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Mothra was pretty sexy ngl

I wish the fight scenes were better. Only THAT scene with Ghidorah stood out to me, the rest were meh. And good lord stop with the annoying humans and the capeshit jokes.

I wonder how big his cock is.

>implying you didn't smile at the Rodan barrel roll or the Ghidorah sushi

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We should have had more scenes of Rodan swatting fighter jets. The shot panning over Boston with him in the sky picking off jets was a brief moment of Kino.

Joe Rodan

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I haven't seen it yet, but I figured there would capeshit quips once I saw that fucking kike from the Verizon commercials. Why can't people make a serious blockbuster anymore? It's like they aren't confident with the tone. LOTR is the only franchise to get quips right, just enough to show comradory between the main characters

>tfw you will never have a reincarnating psychic moth bf
>tfw no loli moth cunny

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There was a lot of Christian imagery and symbolism. Sacrifice for rebirth. The speech about faith in natural order. The evil wrought by human knowledge.

Do you think the chinks will ban it?

Don't get my hopes us user

>N'oh my gawd
I laughed

No there isn't. The sacrifice was for someone, not like Jesus reviving himself. The natural order here is based on Eastern philosophy of harmony with nature and balance in all things, pretty different from the "natural law" of the Bible. It's pretty on the nose with the coexistence with other orgasmisms scene. The only Christian imagery is the cross near Ghidorah.

>"it wants to be born"
>G and Mothra recognize each other instantly
>They're implied to have a relationship
She's be back and better than ever. I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her

user, it's tracking to make a 60 million debut in China. They love this shit.

save Mothra

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>China saves Alita AND Godzilla
The absolutely bugmen

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will there ever be a godzilla vs robot movie like a crossover with pacific rim perhaps?

when mothra sacrificed herself to help godzilla i teared up not gonna lie

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RIP. You're gonna carry that weight, giant lizard.

>bring kid to facility
>kid is able to just do whatever she wants
>parents jeopardize everyone else for that kid
>Dance doesn't beat the shit out for her or lock her somewhere
>kid knows how to work the orca
I really had to suspend belief for her

You just tap the thing and spin the circle, it's that easy

I love how we're still shitting on the idea of Thundercats Go, like that idea wrecked itself from the second they released footage.

It was a fucking cringe-fest. When the scene came up where she explains her motivation is to save the planet from humans, I asked the cassier for a refund. I didn't get one and had to sit through it.

Didn't she see how it operated before though?

any torrents bros?

Why am I hearing so many conflicting opinions about the fights?

That cashier is a fucking hero.

>When her theme played as she emerged from her cocoon

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The fights are all about big gratifying moments, but because there's no filler between it kind of falls flat. Like there's very little of just two monsters grappling or playing around the ring it's just straight to the People's Elbow and suplexes.

>Dramafags can't into the fights
>Showafags love the fights
That's how it seems so far. Like a big-budget showa shlockfest.

>Like a big-budget showa shlockfest.

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>straight to the People's Elbow and suplexes

I'm sold

You think this is why critics didn't like it?

That's going to be in Godzilla vs Kong