>missed out on some of the greatest performances of your lifetime
movies for this feel?
Missed out on some of the greatest performances of your lifetime
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I have Autism its not funny
Not funny
I can't get into Chris Chan it's like for every funny thing that happened, a dozen(probably more) horrible or sad things happened. I guess I'm just a pusy that way.
It was funny when it was happening but it's kinda sad in retrospect
He kind deserved it, he was an asshole to almost everyone around him, ignored everyone who tried to help him.
And every time he fucks up he pulls the autism card.
Maddox's fall from grace was way more entertaining than Chris has been in years.
Maddox is an unfunny cunt and everything related to him is shit
CWC is practically a god
I think people went to far with chris when they didn't need too, his shenanigans were funny on their own.
some people made him do wacky stuff but some people were outright malicious
Chris was unironically one of the first victims of Social Justice.
It tells a lot when the secret cabal of gay/trans/otherkin trolls manipulated and ruined several aspects of his life because "He deserves it for being racist and homophobic and disrespects women!".
Quick rundown?
Trolls were going to torment him regardless. "He's racist" was just a convenient excuse for them at the time.
Same. The first several episodes of the Chris-Chan documentary are funny and entertaining, but when it devolves into recorded phonecalls of people intentionally goading him it's just uncomfortable to watch.
Chris, due to his upbringing and autism, behaved very awkwardly and sometimes insultingly to minorities and girls. Even though there were instances where his behaviour was unacceptable, in no way he was a nazi hillbilly wifebeater.
However, back then people desperately needed a good reason for trollling an awkward autistic redneck, so they settled that he deserved all the shit he got for being racist/sexist/what have you.
Playing on his insecurities and paranoia, a group of trolls effectively controlled the massive income of trolling and several times they made themselves known to him. This group even had secret a chatroom and a forum, and to make a long story short they ended up a circlejerk.
Some years ago, many former members explained that the oldest trolls of that group were as autistic, even more so as Chris, ie NEETS, trannies, schizos, etc.
highly recommend this documentary series. its extremely detailed and well made.
what if you're the asshole, user?
This is just some autistic guy who got bullied online
This. Maddox shows that the facade of faux confidence and macho behavior is often just that, a facade. Chris is just a punching bag at this point.
I fully believe that one user who said the Sonic movie was a meta-narrative about the culmination of over 2 decades of sanic autism.
That seems totally plausible to me actually.
Chris wasn't even really a racist. Even classic era Chris was much different than the kind of stuff you would find on /pol/ or Stormfront.
Agree. I was there on Yea Forums for the very first CWC threads. Came off the tail-end of the "____ the hedgehog" memes, where Yea Forums people were actively looking for the more colorful Sonic enthusiasts. The early videos of him giving a lecture outside his home, entering the Parappa (spelling) contest, and shooting a printout of Adam Stackhouse with a toy gun were priceless. The deeper people dug though, the cold realities of life just ruined the fun. I still think CWC was best when he was just some eccentric guy that made vidya rants on youtube. Many of us could see a little bit of our childhood selves in him. The times when obsessing over vidya characters was a big deal in our lives.
He was better as a writer in 2003 than a YouTuber in 2015 (or whenever he made that cuck video)
I came in here to post this and was pleasantly surprised to find it already here. This is a must watch/listen to for anyone who wants to fully understand Chris-Chan. It makes for a good entertainment during commutes.
>The early videos of him giving a lecture outside his home
Easily one of my favorite Chris vids.
>Hello ladies and dudes of all teenages and uh, the girls, I am HERE and y'all are THERE
Yeah, I think Maddox's shtick only really worked when you didn't see him or hear him talking. When you're reading something, it's much easier to accept the fake bravado. Though his first couple videos were actually decent from what I remember.
I always suspected you'd have to be part retard yourself to abuse retards.
So good. After seeing those original videos you thought to yourself, "wait, is this real or a troll??". Then you saw the Sonic Says video, had to be drawn out of a hat, and just won.
Vaguely remember those too. The worst that comes to my mind was that talk-show format where he didn't look at the camera once. Simple tv-host skills that he didn't have had a huge impact.
only if you do it on your free time at school or on the workplace it's based
Everyone should know Chris-chan. It's an important lesson about internet and new media. We have to learn from it.
I mean I agree but I can't feel bad for him. He's had ample opportunity to stop but he just continues
What part of him being retarded don't you understand?