*thug* *thug* *thug* *thug* *thug*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that if you are pro-choice you are a degenerate in the full sense of the word.

Based medieval mom and baby abortionists.

Also, call it pro-murder.

If your mom got raped would you insist she keeps it?

Getting raped isn't a sin, murder is.

If you live in the western world it's most likely that abortion is legal at the very least in some cases like rape

So, if you really believe abortion is murder, you live in a genocidal country and do nothing against it? Your mother should have aborted you

Yes and she has to marry the rapist

>let's make all abortion legal because of this one rare exception

Yes, and put it up for adoption. It sickens me that people think they can treat genuine human life like it's an empty can of beer. Pathetic degenerates.

If you don't want children then why do you have sex?
Take some responsibility

Also, I've just sort of learnt to ignore this pathetic, degenerate, brainlet tier argument.

>policing other people's bodies
>cries about nanny state

Pick one brainlets

They're only mad because it means women are having sex, but only with guys who aren't total fucking losers

>all abortions are due to rape

Have not sex

>putting someone through a shit life which they'll most likely curse everyday for your pathetic moral faggotry
nah you are the degenerate, kys

>My body my choice
>Murders people

Um guys? Are you even aware that she was LITERALLY killed on the set? I am not joking rn.


Because we live in the 21st century, sex and reproduction don't necessarily go together

It's like saying you shouldn't be allowed healthcare if you crash your car because you chose to drive

>>policing other people's bodies
Nice attempt at strawmanning faggot. Does the women suddenly own the baby? What about the father? You fucking idiot.

Then why can't men abort a woman's baby if it's not a human being anyway

>Allowing the opportunity for a life, whether its good or bad
>Murdering the child taking ALL OPPORTUNITY away.
Pathetic, honest to god I hope you change your view. For the lord's sake.

What about the father? He had his choice when he fucked her.

>I will ignore this argument so I win

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Does a stillborn baby have a legal identity or is it still part of the mother's body? If you have a natural miscarriage you need to fill defunction acts?

>>Moralizing about human life on Yea Forums

Nice strawman. You know they're fucking different you mong. Your comparing INTENTIONAL murder, with a accidental car crash.

A baby is a human being

A fetus isn't a human being

How many unwanted kids have you adopted?

Men do abort babies. They're the doctors.

I just don't care about fetuses.
None of you do either.
You just want excuses to hate women other than they won't have sex with you.

Not all lives are important

I know you agree with that sentiment.

>a collection of cells is a living human being

Stop eating bread with yeast then you absolute fucking troglodytes

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No one cares what happens in Europe lol

>be 9 months, 2 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes old
>I'm just a clump of cells

>be 9 months, 2 days, 12 hours, 46 minutes old
>I'm suddenly a human being



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I've already replied to it, so I didn't ignore it in this case, but I usually do. Nice meme though, but I'm anti-abortion and that onion boy represents pathetic degenerates.
And heres my answer.

No, I'm comparing an accidental car crash to an accidental unwanted pregnancy

Parent's life is more important than the fetus' life. They should be allowed to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy and plan their life

It sickens me that so-called people think it's ok to force someone to carry out a pregnancy. May as well get rid of all laws and let everyone live in anarchy.

I do, but babies are innocent of the original sin. Thats why they shouldn't be murdered or they enter Limbo. They should atleast have the opportunity to live and be baptises in the name of our Lord.

Uuuuuh i am triggered
delete this?

FPBP. Women who kill their own unborn children are the scum of the earth

I've adopted none, because I know I couldn't take care of them in my current state. If I marry, then maybe one day.

They should make it so that everyone is sterilized and only through proving that you’re capable of providing a good environment for a child can you be unsterilized

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Why do leftoids always try to set up gotchas like these by assuming others' opinions? They seem so out of touch with their memes. Don't chapofags call people "chuds"? How many people is that? 10? 100?

Mate, no one is asking to interrupt a 9 months pregnancy and no one would allow that

Before you say a 8 weeks fetus is a baby, why can't it survive outside the mother? An 8 months fetus can survive just fine, so it's a baby and it's independent from the mother

Most pro choice people agree that third trimester abortion of healthy babies is immoral

Yes. Why should the baby be punished for a rapist's crimes? The guy who did the rape should be executed or locked up for life with no parole but the baby should be accepted as part of the family, even if it was the result of rape.

>can't post in one
>scattered thoughts and multi schizoid posting

Oh I see it is mental illness from being an angry incel who touches himself so much. Carry on

Abortion is murder but what's wrong with a little... Blood?

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>assume the conclusion that i believe in is correct because [reasons]
the question of whether it is part of the body of the pregnant woman or whether it is the body of an independent person is precisely the question we are trying to answer you halfwit

>people think it's ok to force someone to carry out a pregnancy
In the case that they did it to themselves, because they were degenerates who did not use protection, then fuck them. You shouldn't even have sex unless you are prepared for risk of pregnancy. If they are raped, which is btw very fucking rare, then they should still give birth.

Not a single one of the Democrat presidential candidates are against up-to-birth abortion

I'm all talk too.

>policing against murder
>cries about nanny state

Pick one libertards.

>If they are raped, which is btw very fucking rare, then they should still give birth.
Ok, tell me why I shouldn't be allowed to shoot you in the head then.

I was adopted and beleive me when I say this, the adoption world is worse than never being born.


It's the rapist's fault, not the baby's. Why punish an innocent life for doing nothing?

Because that is murder, you idiot. My whole argument is against abortion, which I view as murder. You fucking idiot, of course I'd be against another form of murder. God, why are you such a brainlet.


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Are "pro-lifes" just a bunch of NPC bot spammers? 3rd time in only this thread I get quoted and what he's saying doesn't even relate to my post kek

When the fuck did I talk about American politics

I'll never get why you'd keep a baby you didn't actually want. Like whats the fucking point, i know thats the case with most of you miserable fucks knowing dman well your parents resent you for being strains on their lives, always complaining "WELL I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE BORN" well guess what faggot you can't choose to die either so its up to the mother and only the mother

>all this question talking

Open ended talking is so brainlet tier that Socrates would heckle and encourage shifting faggots like you to be beaten.

Make your point, refute the point or stfu

Maybe it goes without saying?

>b-but what about r-
*bang* *bang*

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It doesn't have a life yet.


>Because that is murder, you idiot.
How is it any different from forcing someone to carry out a pregnancy?

being anti-abortion is a faggy boomer stance

Not all life is human life. A fetus is alive but isn't an human

Bacteria are alive, if you are so "pro-life" you shouldn't take showers. Wait, you actually don't

>Exceptions to the rule should be the basis for lawmaking

>"I want our baby to live!"

That's not very progressive of your Cersei. It's not a baby. It's a clump of cells.

>Letting a child live
Yep, you've clearly got two braincells.

>guy shoots up a mosque killing 50 people
>roastie wants to get rid of unwanted baby


there's medication you can take after
you're a collection of cells too


>Bacteria are alive, if you are so "pro-life" you shouldn't take showers. Wait, you actually don't
You know what "pro-life" refers to you semantic cunt, grow up.

Not him but that exception is a great example

The whole anti-abortion argument is that it's morally wrong to interrupt a pregnancy because it's killing a human life. Then why are you ok with aborting a rape product? It's also killing "someone"


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What gives you the right to force someone to carry out a pregnancy, but other people don't have the right to kill you? You have no answer to this. You are just a goddamn narcissist.

You didn't say late term.

Reminder that nobody cares about your shit opinion and you can only SEETHE in anonymous Sri Lankan cumming grounding forums about it because you would be made a mockery off in the real world

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Why do leftist degenerates think that if we allow it in outlier cases such as rapebabies and birth defects, that automatically means we should not only allow it for everyone, but also promote it as a healthy, positive choice for all women and make it taxpayer fundable?

If concieved by rape = abortion allowed
If baby puts mother at medical rist = abortion allowed
If mommy is an irresponsible roastie = abortion banned and both roastie mom and the doctor performing should go to prison for premeditated murder and accessory to murder

What if you learned you were the child of the rape, she decided to keep and rise? Would you kill youreslf to uphold your principles?

I don't give a fuck about your buzzwords lmao

So self-defense is now the primary motive of homicide by firearm, huh? ABOLISH STAND YOUR GROUND DUUUUUR

Then read the first half of my post, you lazy cunt

If you crash dog with your car you don't go to jail. You kill a life but it isn't homicide, since it's not a human life. Same if you kill a fly. Now, in countries where abortion is illegal, if you do one, the charge isn't "homicide" either

It's impossible to say a 4 weeks fetus is a human life

NOTHING GIVES ME THE RIGHT IN MY NATION, THIS IS JUST MY VIEW YOU MONGS. Holy fuck. I am against abortion, I think if you carry it out you are a degenerate. BUT I CAN NOT FORCE ANYONE AS IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. Why the fuck do leftoids not understand this.

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Oh you're trolling

Reminder that being anti-abortion = being pro-criminal because every single one of these shtis that doesn't get aborted will grow up to be a criminal nigger since no one wants to raise them properly.

>mentally ill shutins angry about others having sex and believing the world is built on illuminati and ritualistic child murder while denying science of climate

The strongest cases for abortion are going to @ you m8

Not the user you were replying to, but what makes you think that all pro-lifers are opposed to abortion on religious/ethic grounds? Maybe I just don't want to pay higher taxes because some roastie wants her fourth abortion? Maybe make abortions not covered by health insurance of any kind (with rape/birth defect exceptions) so the roastie whore has to fork over however many tens of thousands of dollars to have one? Why should I pay for her irresponsibility?

why do anti abortion fags want more humans in the world?

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why would you want to keep rapist genes in the genepool?
it's not the baby's fault for what their father did but most of who we are is based on genetics so over the millions of rape babies worldwide keeping them in the genepool is going to create a net increase in rapists on average.

The mosque shooter was a criminal piece of shit scumbag. He should be executed or locked up for life. I'm a Christian and I'm against ALL killing of innocent people. Stop grouping pro-lifers with Zionist nutjobs like /pol/tards, who incidentally also support abortion because they think it kills black babies

You arguing for forcing women to carry out pregnancies completely against their will, yet you think people shouldn't be allowed to murder you. You can't explain that.

> Why the fuck do leftoids not understand this.
Show me a single post where I've made myself out to be a leftist. Protip: you can't.

Don't you know that the value of a fetus is dependent on the circumstances? Kill a pregnant woman drunk driving and you've just committed a double homicide. Scrape the fetus out of a woman in a clinic and you've just removed a bunch of cells.

Because you just became pro abortion. It makes people like you look like total retards

They hate women for not having sex with them so find any excuse to hate them and make their lives harder.

Do you want a Jezebel article instead?

>Maybe I just don't want to pay higher taxes because some roastie wants her fourth abortion?
But you want to pay a gorillion more taxes to give welfare to all the niggers that didn't get aborted? kek

>pro-choicers are also racist

Thanks for proving you're scum

>why do anti abortion fags want more niggers in the world?

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Give me a single reason why a woman (presumably pro-choice) would be raped and then not immediately seek some method to terminate a possible pregnancy before there's any real formation, instead waiting months until there's a heartbeat or potential for survival, just so they can scrape it out and murder it. And no, kidnapping isn't a valid reason. Getting kidnapped and raped, then tied up for months and forced to carry a baby to term is not something that happens on any sort of regular basis.

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So it's not allowed only in cases that trigger your bitter virginity? Got it.

MY fave spice yum

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It pays itself. It's been proved at legalising abortions lowers crime

Less money spent in crime prevention and jails, more money for abortions

Nope. Welfare should be abolished as well, but just because the one we can't easily abolish isn't gone yet doesn't mean that the one we have a chance of getting rid of should stay.

Fuck abortion and fuck roasties.

>it's not the baby's fault for what their father did but
No. The child is innocent and that's where we draw the line.

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>forces you to pay for its abortion without a choice to opt out

Why should there be more criminiggers in the world? Give me a single argument as to how I directly benefit from it. The government should flat out pay people to have abortions or to get sterilized, it'd attract all shit people that shouldn't breed in the first place.

Also this Maybe you should read the law projects, they explain how it gets paid. I don't think any of them asks to rise the taxes

I agree with you, we should sterilize all poor people
Glad we're on the same page

>everything is one extreme or the other

Fucking retards

If it's "free", then it's payed by taxpayers.

so you're saying that you want more rapists in the gene pool or what?

I don't get the whole deal, It's so simple if a woman doesn't want to carry out a pregnancy it means she's going to be a shit mom and raise a degenerate fuck. It's a lot easier to give them the opportunity to not reproduce and start getting rid of degenerate genes and behaviors like that. Christfags can go to a shithole without abortion and kill themselves.

A fetus isn't a child

Are you baiting or you seriously couldn't understand my sentence?

>Welfare should be abolished as well
More junk people (the only kind of people who would get aborted) = more voters for welfare policies.

Yeah. What kind of naive baby thinks they pick and choose what their taxes go to?

this is just sad

>Implying I'm not a fascist

>Stacy gets knocked up by Tyrone/Chad
>Tyrone/Chad dumps her at 8 month mark
>suddenly she doesn't want baby anymore

What's the fucking difference if it's plan b the morning after, or two-three months after conception to you?
The fetus isn't even the size of an apple for christ's sake, and the vast majority of abortions are NOT late term.
Besides, you can't even tell if you're pregnant for the first couple weeks, and anyone who's had an accident won't suspect they're pregnant until a couple weeks after they miss their period, aka at least 6 weeks. Use your fucking head

The child is violating the NAP, it is not murder, it is an eviction
If the child can make it on it's own outside the body all the better, I wish him the best
Better get working on that artificial womb really fast pham

Ah, but they don't want just first trimester abortions. Their stance is that as long as the baby is inside the mother, the mother has a right to murder it.

>Article quotes a person saying something dumb
>"I don't like the website the article is on so the quote isn't real"
Go back to your safe space

All women who have abortions literally and unironically should be executed, I'm not even memeing or trying to be edgy.

then instead of paying for her abortion you now pay with your taxes her single mother welfare, and then little mutt's jailtime

>The child is innocent
no it's not, the sperm impregnated her against her will.
That makes the resultant child half guilty of rape.

All humans are a collection of cells you utter fence post. If there's a heartbeat, and it can feel, it's alive for all intents and purposes. Vagina traversal isn't the demarcation line for life and non-life.

Not enough desu, abortion should be legal until the child is 18.

Safe spaces are for the right.

Despite making up only 0.1 percent of reasons for abortion, rape make up over 50% of shitty pro choice arguments

Every single doctor performing abortions should be indicted and convicted of premeditated infanticide.

Ok, then why shouldn't people be allowed to murder you?

It's either $600 bucks for an abortion or tens of thousands of dollars in system costs from birth to jail.
You can't avoid both, you have to pick one.


It's 600$ for a tax-subsidized abortion.

>kill a baby
I don't see where you're confused

I feel the same for incels

I still don't understand why you want to force trash people to breed more. Ah yes give me millions of unwanted nigger/junkie/slum babies that's all I need to improve my quality of life.

The only "argument" to be against free choice is being religious. You are free to think the way you want, but public affairs and general healthcare shouldn't be decided by individual beliefs

If abortion is legal you religious people are still free to not abort. If abortion is illegal you are forcing everyone to act the way you want, just because your moral compass says so

That's pretty much fascist and theocratic

>Hello sir should women be allowed to abort a 9 month old "fetus"
>The decision should be between the woman and the doctor
>So that's a yes?
>The decision should be between the woman and the doctor
>I'll write that down as a yes
>The decision should be between the woman and the doctor
>Thank you for the interview
>QThe decision should be between the woman and the doctor

I'm anti abortion but pro sterilization for exactly this reason

>Dude it's not even that big
>It's totally an acceptable killing size
>Why would a woman suspect being pregnant after a dude busts inside her?!?!
>Use your fucking head!!!

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Abortion should be legal but it should not be subsidized by taxes and should not be covered by medical insurance.

Yea, because the vast majority of late term abortions are done out of medical necessity, keeping the option as a right is fundamental to women's health.
Almost all abortions done out of simply not wanting to be a parent are done in the earlier stages of pregnancy.

This is the only acceptable view. Quads speak truth too. I'm against abortion and believe it is murder, however it's absolutely fucking retarded to legislate this based on your morals.

>an accident

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>and should not be covered by medical insurance.
What does it matter to you?
did you mean public healthcare?

No, I meant all healthcare, public and private. Fuck you roastie whore, pay for your own abortions.

Nobody can explain why it's ok to force a rape victim to carry out pregnancy, but not ok to go around randomly killing people or commit any other crime.

How do you think you were born son.


Oh wow, that really changes the point I made lul

So only middle and upper class could have them? That means only unwanted pregnancies amongst poor people, that means more crime, that means more state money

Again, if your argument is money, it doesn't make sense

>forcing someone to go through pregnancy and childbirth

Okay cool, we can reinstate the draft then since you're all about forcing people to go through a dangerous and potentially fatal experience for your moralfagging. HSTKYS

I am super pro-abortion. I believe there are millions of people in America walking around today that deserve a late abortion.

>for all intents and purposes
No, sentience and ability to survive outside the mother is the point. Heartbeat fags need to follow through and stop eating meat and dairy and participating in industries that hurt things with heartbeats. Fucking idiot

You're right, so we should make all murder legal because sometimes you're in a self defense situation where you have to use lethal force

Honestly, this is Robert's fault. He betrayed the Freys after long shunning them and didn't uphold his promises until he was backed into a corner. And then to add insult, brought the woman he had betrayed the Freys for to their home.

Are you retarded?
Do you not know how insurance works?

>b-but you can't tell if you're pregnant for the first couple weeks
Okay. So you've just been held down and had a penis forced into your vagina. That penis then ejaculated all up inside it and you lie there as the undesirable discharge dribbles out your baby-maker like a leaky faucet. You're telling me that because the woman doesn't immediately have a preggers stomach, that she would just simply dismiss the possibility that she's pregnant? That's quite a low bar you've got there for female intelligence.

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Forcing someone to go to jail because they murdered someone is bad

>implying the main reason abortions happen isn't financial inability anyways
Only the lower classes get abortions anyways, middle class and upper class people have enough money to raise children.


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>I'm an expert on rape!
>Rape is a systematic process where the gentleman finishes inside the madam and says 'all finished, m'lady, better go flush out the ol' vagoo'!
>Truamatic events are always clearly remembered, certain parts don't ever get blocked out, and women never get beaten unconscious or anything!

>Acceptable killing size
Implying a fetus is a human

Nah, imagine you are rich and you have a 16 years old daughter and she gets pregnant, would you want her to ruin her life, preventing her to go to college and have a career just because the contraceptive failed when she had sex with her boyfriend?

Is that you? Cute pic!

I am becoming more and more convinced by the day that we should literally place all leftists into concentration camps, and then proceed to kick them in the head, starve them and work them to death digging pointless ditches only so the next batch of leftists fill those same ditches in.

>Birth control is 100% effective

Still no answer from anyone.

Rape is rare and rape pregnancy is even rarer. And yeah, if you're worried about carrying a rapist baby you should probably take a morning after pill. That's on you.

>Fetus isn't a human

Yeah, just keep telling yourself 4 inches of birth canal is what makes a human being a human being, roastie.

What if a nigger raped your daughter and got her pregnant?

>Hello doctor I am nine months pregnant but I lost my job so I cant afford to take care of a baby, let me abort it
Wat do


Daaamn, what a drag. Should have her aborted and try for a boy instead XD

So only racists are pro abortion, got it

Fetus isn't a human.
Also, if you had to make me choose between the life of a 9 month old fetus and a fully grown woman, I would pick the woman every single time.

Niggers aren't human either, and yet if I kill one I'd go to prison. Hell, fucking animals like dogs and cats are protected by laws, and yet babies aren't?

Your late for that m8, either keep it or give it in adoption

Not the guy you quoted but a fetus in the first trimestre can't suvive outside the mother, so it's not a human individual. But just part of the mother

What about a 1 day old baby and a grown woman?


Rape excuse is just a shield for needless abortion. In reality only like 0.1% of abortions are because of rape in the 1st world countries. The only reason you brought it up is to be disingenuous. In actuality you don't care. You'd allow every abortion even when the other side would've agreed that rape abortions should be legal.

And im sure most people wouldn't mind you being post birth aborted either

Try America

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>Niggers aren't human
And yet you advocate for a policy that would do nothing but dramatically increase their numbers.

Fine, then ban abortion for whites only.

Men should have the sole authority on whether a child is a aborted. If the child is a product of rape, then the rapist decides if it's aborted or not. Either way, the rapist is killed for his crime after he's consulted on the abortion. If the baby is born, then it's killed afterwards to eliminate the rapist genes.

A fetus is a baby

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>man accidently kills a baby in pregnant woman
>he gets prison time
>woman intentionally kills baby in pregnant woman(herself)
>she's a hero

>Look, just listen to these extreme cases that are almost non-existent that really don't matter because I support abortion no matter what

Oh you libtards

>200 posts

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What the fuck does veganism have to do with this? Humans eat other living animals because they taste good, and because we're omnivores that want some easy protein without smelling like a fucking soi bean latte 24/7.

That aside, it sounds to me like you're trying to agree with me, that a heartbeat and the ability to feel is a pretty good demarcation line for life. I mean, you're applying it to other animals of varying awareness, why not humans?

>a fetus in the first trimestre can't suvive outside the mother, so it's not a human individual
a toddler can't survive either, what's your point?

You can get pregnant without being ejaculated in, dipshit.
Pre-cum gets you pregnant, so any form of rawdogging instantly presents a chance of pregnancy.
And what if the woman in your highly specific scenario doesn't have access to birth control, or plan b?
Low income individual living in a planned parenthood defunded area, would be totally fucked.

Rape is very rare, but you are ok with abortions for rape victims? Then you do accepts some "murders"

>If the child is a product of rape, then the rapist decides if it's aborted or not.
No he doesn't.

In an ideal world, brainlet.

>highly specific scenario
getting raped is already a highly specific scenario you mongoloid

I'm morally anti-abortion but still support it because otherwise the hoards of undesirables would take over.

It's a means justify the ends kind of deal with me.

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>a fetus is alive but isn't a human
So just because it's not on the other side (the birth canal isn't that long by the way) it deserves to die?

Notice how this post has still gone unanswered.

But he can? If the mother dies during birth it means the baby won't survive? kek, other people can take care of the baby, because it's a baby, and individual

Now if you remove a 10 weeks fetus from a pregnant woman, it can't survive a second

Too bad women consider everything rape. That includes looking at the nude photos they took of themselves. Rape is rare.

Yea Forums is just a clump of 1s and 0s

Sounds like some sexist, victim blaming bullshit to me.
Dismissing rare cases like they don't exist doesn't make them invalid bud, you can't just avoid things that don't fit your narrow world view.

Prove objectively that a fetus is a human

Rape is defined by the emotional impact on the victim.

See A 8 months fetus, even when it's inside the mother, it's already a baby and a human life. No one would ask to "abort" it, you can only abort a potential baby (fetus), not an actual baby

>abortions for rape victims
Yes. If she was actually proven to be raped. Obviously a morning after pill should be the first solution. If a woman is raped she is not at fault. If a woman was willing to have sex then it's her responsibility.

>Then you do accepts some "murders"
I support capital punishments if that's what you're asking.

Then who did Tom Hardy fuck in Taboo?

Still, deafening silence.

>murder people
I masturbate and throw away the jizz, never to reach female ovum.

>I'm so pro life I wish you'd DIE!
Ok lol

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Then you have made up morals that only you have. You sound straight like a sociopath

Not in an ideal world, brainlet.

>liberals unironically using if you ban abortion
wow i guess they really are the real racist huh?

this is a weak argument, you know what happens when ban abortion among shitskins? they use coathangers and home made shit and ultimately endanger themselves and probably end up going sterile and That's a Good Thing!

My emotional impact says you should swing from a lamp post.


Jesus christ. People like you are the reason rapists get away, and why there are people sitting in jail cells who are completely innocent. Only in an abortion thread do you get the biggest dumbfuck liberals.

Fuck off schizo

We would not need abortion if niggers were never brought over as slaves by jewish slave masters.

No you're wrong, I'm pro choice
My choice is that you have got to go
Sorry pal, your clump of cells have got to go

Luckily not everything it's about fragile white manchildren

t. Moloch worshipping tranny

You sure are smart aren't you?
The ONLY people aborting a fetus at the 9th month mark are doing so because the fetus is a direct threat to their health.
If they've been carrying it for that long, they've already decided that they want to have a baby.
If the fetus is already out of the womb and is now a 1 day old baby, there's no longer a health risk, is there?

Couldn't she just take plan B?

depends what skin color it is. i'd say push for pro choice in black regions and pro life in white and basically all other expect poo's.

You're right.
I'm currently eating a fetus right now.
You should try it.

Yes, murderers should die. No mercy for murderers is a little different than wanting mercy for unborn life. Try to use your brain next time.

The morals of all major religions say abortion is bad, regardless the type of pregnancy. So I would respect you if you said "I don't like abortion because I'm an orthodox Jew"

But if you are ok with abortion in case of rape it means you don't consider abortion to be murdering a person, or you wouldn't be willing to kill a person just becasue his biological "father" raped his mother

If you believe it's the mother's choice, so they should be allowed to abort in case of rape, you should be ok with women aborting whenever they want

Niggers aren't human so it isn't murder.

Yea Forums, A Site for Christian Boys

i dont understand the pro-abortion stance of "its not even human yet!"
once the process has begun it will inevitably become a human being anyway, no?

Only bad people rape so rape doesn't need to be illegal

america is about 50% white so it makes sense proportionally

>Things that conflict with and challenge my world view should be called statistically irrelevant and promptly ignored
Nice cognitive dissonance

take your meds

>it was invented by eugenics operatives
Dude, inducing abortion has been around since hunter-gatherer times. Not everything is a conspiracy, sometimes people just want to deletus the fetus.


Could be me popping out, so yes.

If you get cancer you shouldn't be allowed treatment because you'd inevitably will die

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Good post but it wasn't made up by "eugenic operatives". Abortion is ancient. In the Book of Enoch the fallen angels taught people metallurgy, jewel crafting, makeup, astrology and abortions.

>And the fifth was named Kâsdejâ: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away

Reminder that these people are literally defending post-birth abortion
>"It rarely happens so it should be legal"

Why is Yea Forums full of cringy neo-conservatives now?

>You can get pregnant without being ejaculated in, dipshit.
>Pre-cum gets you pregnant, so any form of rawdogging instantly presents a chance of pregnancy.
We're talking about rape sweetie. Not late night cuddling with your favorite hole.
>And what if the woman in your highly specific scenario doesn't have access to birth control, or plan b?
>Low income individual living in a planned parenthood defunded area, would be totally fucked.
First of all, this isn't my scenario. I asked for a scenario and it was provided. Secondly, if they don't have access to birth control or they're too dumb to acquire free shit, they're either niggers or they don't live in America, so I don't give a fuck when they kill each other.

based anime

>killing a baby is okay, as long as it's brown

You sick fucks actually call yourselves christian.

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I know, I prefer reddit, let's go back there together

>Implying a fetus is a human

Abortion is killing. Sometimes killing is justified. If you trespass on my property I can kill you.

>so they should be allowed to abort in case of rape, you should be ok with women aborting whenever they want
No. If she is raped she is innocent. It wasn't her choice and is now not her responsibility to carry a rapist's child.
If she slept willingly with a man then that was her choice and she made it.

its part of the body of a pregnant woman. dipshit

People here have so little personality they'd just try to be contrarian for the sake of being different

It happens in all boards and about all topics

being alive doesn't make you a human, no.
There's a reason why pulling the plug on someone who's a vegetable is deemed acceptable.
The birthing is not where you become a human either, obviously a baby gradually grows from a fetus so we have to draw the line somewhere.
Obviously immediately after conception isn't a problem, morning after pills are readily available.
And sperm on its own will die regardless.

That's the crux of the argument, pro-lifers are prescribing human traits on living matter way too early in its development to be reasonable.
It's like how people project traits and personalities on their pets, it's only to make yourself feel better rather than built on anything more than that.

It should be evident that an early pregnancy is less important than a late term pregnancy.
An early miscarriage is treated as far less of a big deal than when a baby dies during childbirth non-premature.

The real shit behind all this is that conservatives feel like prohibiting abortion somehow punishes roasties and liberals think making abortions free and cool is somehow pro-sexual liberation and anti-religion.

So abortion in reality isn't about science or human rights or philosophical implications.
It's a proxy argument between two sides that will never even have abortion affect their lives.

Yea Forums: kill all niggers

Also Yea Forums: but think of the poor innocent babbys ;-;

Admit it, you just want to tell women what to do. Will you stop masturbating since you willfully waste your seed? Exactly. Case closed. Christfags: 0.

Still waiting for someone to argue why they're allowed to force rape victims to carry out a pregnancy but people aren't allowed to freely commit murder and other crimes.

Because dude, like if the mom is helping it to live, she should be able to kill it. Plus, it's like 4 inches away from the outside world.
That's not cognitive dissonance, libtard roastie. And yeah, the fact that it's really hard to get pregnant using birth control should most definitely be a factor in whether or not most women are allowed to get an abortion. Not to mention, there are condoms and other things that add to the effectiveness of preventive measures. So no, that .000000000001 person shouldn't be the deciding factor.

>post birth abortion
You mean palliative termination in infants too sick or disfigured to live very long whose parents would rather put their child out of its misery than watch it struggle in pain for weeks or months just to assuage your non-existent conscience.

>You magically transform into a human once you leave the body
You sound like a religious person that believe in souls

Your rules not mine. If value lies at the heartbeat then the argument extends ergo that animals are just as valuable. And no what is defined as a heart by you faggots is equivalent to electric signals in your semen when you nut.

Stop masturbating and eating meat then you will be consistent. Then we can have that talk

Don't put words in my mouth.

If you believe abortion is killing then why are you ok with abortion in rape and not just giving it in adoption?

Your "moral" is a bit weird

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>You magically turn into a human once the sperm touches the egg

No one said that. Stop trying to conflate nigger subhumans with all non-whites. Indians, latinos, polynesians, etc. are all obviously human. It's only niggers who are subhuman vermin.

I also think eugenics is awesome.

how is denying a human being a chance at life in any way comparable to saving someone's life

Killing you would be moral

>inferring shit that wasn't implied

Nice try brainlet

I even added the frog picture so you realise I was being ironic, but it wasn't enough

Kek. Check any compartive stat and see how low educated people tend to be against legal abortion and vice versa

Sustainable life doesn't happen at the moment of birth, you'd know that I'd you weren't a failed abortion

well said fellow BLM ACAB comrade, I prefer the left wing politics myself found on /r/politics, /r/socialism and /r/chapotraphouse. you should join us there comrade. wakanda forever and protect trans rights!

lol wut? That's kind of exactly what happens.

>indians, latinos, polynesians, etc. are all obviously human. It's only niggers who are subhuman vermin.
fucking no.
all those groups are just as bad as niggers.

Because carrying a rapist's baby is torturous and something that mother didn't have a say in it.

>Your "moral" is a bit weird
You're yet to voice your own about the rapists getting awarded by having their genes pass on in an immoral way.

Good one prolifer very cool and smart

Human > animal
Nigger dick sucking herbivore faggot.

>Pre-cum gets you pregnant
People still believe this?

How retarded would you have to be to get pregnant?
>birth control pills
>if you do none of these, you can take plan B after you have sex

If you're such an idiot that you still get pregnant even with all these options, you deserve to get pregnant

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I was talking about a process in general. Just proving, by ad absurdum, that just because a process starts it doesn't mean you shouldn't stop it

Your logic is the religious logic that you shouldn't "play God" or interupt the "divine Plan"

Imagine the level of consistency involved in believing the "my body my choice" line of argument.

To make that argument you'd also have to defend the position of a woman who wants to cut the fingers off the fetus in her womb but also give birth to it. After all, I'd rather be alive but without a finger than to die in the womb. So to cut the fingers off the unborn is in no way worse than killing the unborn.

How do pro-murder enthusiasts rationalise it? On what grounds would they object? Denying a woman her right to cut off the fetus' fingers is denying her a right to do with her body as she chooses

>can't read

You sound stupid and obsessed with dark gentlemen. Is this the famed Cuck I have been told much about?

What are you talking about?

So the whole reason you believe abortion is okay is because stupid people are against it? You know how fucking dumb that makes you. It's also why most people are waking up and turning their back on the left. You wear your politics like a fashion statement.

>moving them goal posts
Sorry nature won't let you survive long enough to reproduce with congenital brain defects I guess.

Cognitive Dissonance:
>The state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
>My belief is valid if you ignore certain factors that make my belief invalid!
>Like .000000000001 percent of all cases!
Yes, I'm sure that number is very accurate and totally not you just trying to obfuscate conflicting data

You forgot one more choice to avoid getting unwanted pregnancy: Abstinence.