What was the point of the serial killer subplot?

What was the point of the serial killer subplot?

Attached: plinkett.gif (639x505, 192K)

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these clowns dont know wtf theyre doing but scheming dosh from suckers on reddit

Big fat Jew tits was the point.

it was funny

how old is this screen shot?

It wasn't a subplot, it was real footage.

Juxtaposition of a film reviewer and a serial killer for comedic effect

To break the pacing between too much star wars talk and for bizarre humour.

To deflect criticism.
Fans of the prequels would insult movie reviewer Mike Stoklasa and drag his name through the dirt. They obviously didn't do the same for the fictional old hermit that kidnaps and tortures women.

It's funny + it's Mike poking fun at himself by acknowledging that you'd have to be as crazy as an elderly serial killer to spend your time making hours long videos about star wars

It was something to break up the monotony of an hour long review.

bro it was epically devliish

Edgy was fashionable and cool in the 00s. See also: James Gunn.

one of those things where it was probably funny to redditlettermedia itself but not at all to most of the fans

they want the reddit audience


>future plinkett review
>starts doing live action skits again
>one of the girls tied up in his basement is jessi

Attached: 1530662376711.png (788x599, 322K)

Because only someone who was so obsessed over something he hates has to be a serial killer

She was a relatable human being who reacted to things in a way that made sense, so the viewer became more emotionally invested in her story than anything that happened in the prequels, illustrating and reinforcing what Plinkett is saying in the review.

It feels crazy that I have to say this, but I would pay good money for a version of Red Letter Media’s reviews that didn’t feature all those added scenes where, you know women get kidnapped and murdered.

It’s like you sit down in front of these feature-length reviews of Star Wars and Star Trek films and you think, hey, wow! Here is some really well-thought-out commentary on the structure and content of narratives that’s incredibly entertaining, insightful AND funny, I’m gonna share this with my mothe– oh wait, no, here’s a scene where we watch the reviewer gas a kidnapped woman to death and here’s one where a prostitute tied up in the basement begs for her life and here’s one where he shows us how he murdered his wife.

There’s some great filmic insights here, all baked together with scenes of women (it’s always women) about to be murdered that do absolutely nothing except to maybe make you laugh? Because look that one woman is begging that her life be spared and saying she’ll do anything! Hah hah hah that IS a good one!!

It’s so frustrating because the actual review parts verge on brilliant, and I keep thinking “oh, they’ll definitely cut out the violence towards women played for laughs in the next video” but noooooooooooope.

tl;dr: internet, what is wrong with you

>I’m gonna share this with my mother!
thats autism, Mike did you a favor
have sex

Exactly this.

There's a similar explanation for why Mike even puts on the slack-jawed fatass dumb drunk persona at all. It's to prove that even an ingrate like that operates on a higher level than the Prequels do. i.e. if this human scum can target every flaw of these films and understand why they are so bad, then that must say how truly low quality the films are.

Old Plinkett was a masterpiece on multiple levels, made by a man who really understood what he was doing and did it for a purpose. Nu-Plinkett seems to just be going through the motions, and the NuWars review failed to satisfy because Mike lost the touch.

Wisconsin is full of serial-killing retards. This is normal behavior.

casually or inadvertently revealing that you're some sort of weirdo deviant was the height of internet humor in 2009. see also: james gunn


>those tits

>after the Space cop fiasco they stopped doing skits

>tl;dr: internet, what is wrong with you

I don't think you should be posting here
