Fuck Niggers

Fuck Niggers

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um mods, why is this stickied??

I want you to know it's 3AM and this was the first thing I saw as I visited Yea Forums today and I laughed like a madman.

holy fucking based

It’s not stickied you fucking idiot. The pin is part of the image. Fucking retard.

Your regular day in Yea Forums.

I thought the new twilight zone ep was bretty gud

*Dabs respectfully*



Fuck /pol/ and redditors

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You are the fucking idiot here

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b-b-b-b-b-b-but... poc's are oppressed, you're punching down, a-bloo bloo

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Basé et rougement pilulé

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*Dabstikas in your direction*

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How can you be so fucking stupid you absolute troglodyte?

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fuck nooks and fuck crannies

Look at this guy.

um mods, why is this NOT stickied??

Impressive,very nice.


holy chucking cringe!

Can he do that?

Everyone but me is cringe.

Racists? Fuck 'em

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It's stickied for me. Yea Forums must have scanned your cookies and detected that you post on reddit.

yes yes, fuck niggers, fuck niggers indeed.



Wrong. Have sex.

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fuck cunnies too, but sexually


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MODDDDDS, please give this man a medal

Mods ban this madman

>Blatant unmoderated /pol/cel racism!!!

Holy goddess. Yea Forums is literally becoming the worst board these day!!

>wanting to ban an absolutely based madman

Back in my day, trolling was an art!

>he just did


you'll never find them

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>the only meme reddit couldn't steal because we made him a symbol of white supremacy

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I honestly don't understand how can someone hate a group of people just because they act like fucking apes

Joke tho, I ain't no racist


I just jerked off to sissy bimbo hypnosis porn while fingering my prostate and rubbing my nipples.

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If I owned a bowling alley I'd make this play on the TV when you got a strike.


You are one lit mother fucker, but next time, start a new thread so it can be stickied.

I once jerked it to some asian tranny riding some huwhite guy while the trannies cock rubbed on his abs until it came. I came as well. It never would have happened if someone from 4channel didn't link to it. True story, other than the once part.

Basiert und rotgepillt

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Jannies must be at the unemployment office collecting their pay for being a jannie

>when a movie has niggers

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I once (twice actually) put out Craigslist ads asking to be topped, and then got fucked on two separate occasions by overweight hispanic guys because, even though I'm straight, I was desperate for cock. I got fucking slammes missionary, doggy, prone; yelping with each thrust and begging for cum. I ended it by greedily sucking both off and swallowing the load. Sometimes I get hard thinking about it, but I have a fiance now so I can't fuck guys anymore.


>they actually stickied this thread
Since when was tv pol?

how do you have three hands

absolutely based, and based af mods for stickying this post to put stupid niggers in their place

damn, mods are based today

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based prostate massager

At least it gave you a break from posting have sex

Uh oh there goes smartly dressed Pepe saying the N word again haha that mans a riot

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based and sissypilled

Trolling - the lowest form of wit!

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Fuck jannies
And fuck chinks too

Why is this pinned?