
Who the fuck unironically watches any movie dubbed in another language.
Give me some legit arguments on why you'd watch something dubbed other than 'I cant read'.
It' the ultimate degeneracy.
Watch english movies in english
Watch russian movies in russian
Watch swedish movies in swedish

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Italian dubs are overall based since Fascism times, and sometimes better than the original. Dunno about other dubs aside some memes that Spanish ones are incredibily bad

Because I’m not a fat retard like you I only watch movies with women.

>hasn't watched Kung Pow

>Better than the original
Literally impossible, I've watched many dubbed scenes in many languages to compare and the sound almost never syncs up and the expression of the dialogue is only a shadow of the original.
A dub may be good but it can never surpass the original.
Maybe matching some nobrain capeshit dubbed I can understand since the dialogue doesnt even matter.
An actual kino though should never be dubbed.

Old Hong Kong and Taiwanese movies were shot without sound so in their case it was all dubbed.

>Italian dubs are overall based
Have you ever watched a Giallo you retard?

>syncs up
Passable with the right timing and a language with a vocabolary large enough to found the right synonymous. I agree perfect sync isnt possible but i dont consider it fondamental as long as is not that bad sync

>expression of the dialogue
depend on the language. Italian have 300 gorillion of synonymous for words that English have only 2-3 at best

Rubik for example was well know here for being a personal fan of the italian dubbed version of his movies. Take a look at this and dont tell me is that bad (non necessary better than the original this time, simply good)


Agree user. On all points. Dubbing is fucking retarded.

>not watching Brotherhood of the Wolf in English

Yes and it was done by the same production company with the same actors as part of the original product, that's not a dub.
By that logic all silent movies are 'dubbed' with music.

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Kung fu movies with English dubs are fucking kino though

All those cowboy movies

Some action movies, especially ones with “quick” or frequent vocals, really need to be watched in a dubbed version.
It’s not that I like dubbed films, but trying to watch visually heavy and intense scenes while reading subtitles, really fucks up your viewing experience.
You’ll either miss important visuals, or kino action, or you’ll forget or miss the subtitles, and then wind up having no clue what’s going on in the film.
This seems to be especially true for action heavy films from places like Hong Kong.
Slower movies, like ‘Heaven’ 2002, work fine with subtitles.

My take on that video.
Jack nicholson has a lot of dialog in this scene and it sync pretty good though the feel of it is unnatural. You can clearly tell just by looking that nicholson isn't and couldn't possible make those sounds and speak like that. Just because there's no slight echo of his voice as you would expect in a large room.
Both voice actors have a good expression especially the woman, im probably biases because I really like the scene and shining in general: For a dub this is ok but how the fuck is this supposed to surpass the original. It could never do that.

>not watching Brotherhood of the Wolf in English
Not watching ‘The Crimson Rivers/Les Rivières Pourpres‘ with both dubbing AND subtitles, and realizing the translation for the dubbing and subtitles was done by two completely different companies, with completely different translations and slang.

Yea the original is better, i was simply poiting out that a dub can still be more than decent. Also italians are so used to dubs that often "normal" echo dosent sound drammatical or loud enough to them

I feel like this is a legit argument for people who aren't used to watching stuff with subtitles especially native english speakers.
Im not a native speaker myself and have been watching movies/tv with subtitles ever since I could read.
Any movie and I mean ANY movie is comfortable for me to watch with subtitles because they've become a second nature to me.

I could be wrong but I think hong kong movies dubbed in english are enjoyed so much because of nostalgia. I personally didn't grow up with them so I have no sentimental feelings towards it but a niche dub like this I can understand.

if the dub is good, I can enjoy the movie/show more than watching it subbed. I mean if it's a show that is centered around dialogue, who cares subbed it is. but when a show has amazing animation/visuals and a good dub, why the hell would I ruin that with looking down at subtitles every other second?

>dub is good
Why would you have some scrubby C-tier actor that never managed to have onscreen success instead of Nicolas Cage?

That's where you are wrong. Dubs are made by A-list actors.

In which country?
Honestly most of them are simply not good but what can you expect from dudes in a room vs. real actor chosen for the part...

Spanish speaker here

In the last years more and more movies come dubbed, the answer is that people wants them. It's mainly because our education system is going to shit and people can't read fast enough, or get distracted if have to read the subtitles

Didn't read any of these posts, they weren't dubbed. stay mad subfags

>people arguing over subs and dubs again
>they're still too stupid to realize they don't have to choose between the two

Just because a show is dubbed doesn't mean I can't have subtitles on the screen.

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I watched some dubs, mainly only movies that aren't that serious like anime or steven chow movies

Sounds retarded.

Learn to read subtitles.

People often fail to realize that there is usually a third option between two polarized stances you can select. A common one is prolife/prochoice. I bet no one in this thread could even name the third option available to people to select.

The world is not as binary as extremists would have you believe.

Anime is as serious or non-serious as anything else.



I watch English language films with English subtitles in case I don't understand some words

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You have to be a literal brainlet to prefer dubbing for films.

Actors prepare for months and months to fully understand and deliver their lines properly with the right inflection, the director fine tunes it, maybe even rerecords some parts if the director is not entirely satisfied in post, while your average "dubbing" guy reads the lines on the same day he records them.

I think its a cultural thing. Dubbed movies are basically nonexistant in my country outside of childrens movies because kids are too dumb to read subtitles.

I bet my balls most of the people hating on dubs ITT love the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

what's the third position? pregnancy is rather binary .

Dubbed movies are for people who don't know the language (meaning 70-99% of its audience depending on the country). Simple as that.

Have subs

Only children's stuff gets dubbed in my country.

Just because pregnancy is binary doesn't mean your opinion must be so.

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I didn't really explain myself, but what I meant is that it isnt a serious genre where you need to emote, hear emphisis in the actors voice to get the feel of the scenes. It's a static image most of the time too. Of course there are serious stories.
Steven chows dubs are well done too plus I think he does his own dubs himself as he speaks english.

Ever noticed how only countries with long history and rich culture dub their movies? Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Russia do it because they try to protect their cultural heritage and national identity. Language is an instrument of power, a way for the neoliberal new global order to infiltrate a country's collective consciousness. By allowing its population to watch movies in foreign language a country basically allows to get their minds cucked.

You know most actors dub themselves, right? The voices you hear in films aren't the ones recorded straight from the action

Good dubbing actors can do the same and you don't lose shit. Unless it triggers your autism when you see the lips don't match the sound, that's the only explanation to hate subs: you are autistic

yet you are missing the point of one side completely. the subtitle side watches with subtitles because dubs are terrible, not because they like subtitles so much.

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>actions and even a sense of identity stem not from what they enjoy
>but from what they despise


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Or maybe you're just dumb and can't read subtitles and deal with foreign cultures.

anglos may be plebs for not watching foreign movies, but at least when they do they preserve the original language
imagine being a german and having every other character in a movie having the same distorted voice over and over again

yeah I guess none of those countries are cucked at all by american pop culture just because they dub their garbage over

right now i unironically want to punch you, you fucking pseud.

>german dubs are bad
>so i watch the original
>english dubs are terrible for anime
>so i watch the original

thats all there is to it, you insufferable twat

>You know most actors dub themselves, right?
Yes, but under the instructions of the DIRECTOR you dumb fuck.

A dubbing guy just records the lines in one afternoon

>Taking an anime poster seriously.

It's just one of many illogical things people do. No reason to get upset over it since you can't do shit to change their mind.

I watch dubbed so I can post threads while I watch and dont miss any lines

While i do agree that subbed is superior, sometimes when a new kino comes out and i want to watch it at the kinoplex i must watch it dubbed because it's very unlikely that the subbed version will be screened aswell.

Both prolife and prochoice sides are wrong in their extremes.
Prolife is wrong to imply that once you "ban" abortions they are not going to happen, that's just silly. Abortions will be done no matter what, be it in other countries or simply illegally, that can't be escaped and just banning and ignoring it won't solve anything. The point should be reducing those abortion only to the extreme cases.
Prochoice side is wrong in the sense where they sell abortions almost as if it's the same as using a condom with no further physical or mental side effects for a woman. Abortions should be reserved for those extreme cases of rape, which actually only make the minority of cases who go through abortion. Education is key and every teen should be aware of the severity and the risks of such a procedure, not to think of abortion as just a yet another harmless prevention step. And the people that think that abortion should be government funded are absolutely insane, that way you end up financing someones preggo fetish where his wife goes through 5 or 6 abortions in a row.

Arguing whether it's a clump of cells or a human being ends nowhere since we don't have concrete answers to that spectrum so you just end up yelling opinions at each other, but we do know the dangers and risks of going through abortion and people, especially young people, should be very aware of that not to prefer fucking raw literally anyone just because "well there's abortion teehee"

Czech dub is considered to be one of the best

Stop going to mall theaters and go to your local independent theater, they always screen the original.
This goes even for Germany, which dubs ltierally everything.

My country is having the legalisation debate right now and no one claims neither of your positions. No prolife says all abortions are killing, that would mean we should close relations with countries with legal abortion because they'd be genocidal countries
And no prochoice person says having an abortion is just another contraceptive method

The only ones that don't want sexual education are "pro lifes", they are just conservative people that hate sex

I think you're wrong, anything can happen in a relationship leading to an undesired pregnancy and being an unwanted child can lead to a lot of suffering for a lot of people.
When you say that people "buy abortions" as if it were condoms you're proving your ignorance about how tough it is for both men and women to experience an abortion. I'm not saying some women don't use it as a "day after pill" but it's not something that you go buy at costco like it's nothing.
But you're probably a dude so you can't know much about it, that's why you're memeing the "extreme cases".
Your "preggo fetish" rant is absolutely stupid and you should spend less time on /d/ it's showing.
And /pol/ as well.
Abortion has to be government funded or else only rich people will access to it and you'll end up with poor women doing the coat hanger trick in dirty basements and it is not acceptable.
Go to a planned parenthood center and you'll see that your vision of dumb "thots" getting their "free abortion yay" is very false.

You cannot watch a movie in 3.5x speed in dub... Only sub


Also, if you want a selfish reason to be pro choice, it's proved that legalising (and better if made free) lowers crime rates. Keep in mind most people in jail are unwanted kids. Growing in poor conditions makes you more violent

I do go to the indipendent theaters, mall's ones don't even screen anything i care to watch. The problem is that there's only one theather in my city that screens subbed movies constantly and they screen only few new releases so at times i'm forced to watch dubbed.

Yes I watch dubbed movies.
Once I was like you. But then I learned to respect the voice actors. Despite all the flaws they are my fellow countrymen.

If you let it, their voices can bring you new understanding of the movies. Hearing the dialogue in your mother tongue always make you think about it.

Not necessarily.

Hongkong movies, both old and new ones, aim for the greater Mandarin market. Their mandarin dubbing are done with better supervision from the original studio but it's dubbing alright. And they are often not dubbed by the original actors.

>When you say that people "buy abortions" as if it were condoms you're proving your ignorance about how tough it is for both men and women to experience an abortion.
The vast majority of people who go through abortion are uneducated people. The vast majority are not aware of any short or long term side effects, only the fact that they can go through abortion.
>you should spend less time on /d/
I don't even know which board that is.
>Go to a planned parenthood center
user it's simple statistics. 75% of women who obtain abortions are low-income, with nearly half living below the federal poverty level

>dude I respect Ivan recording the lines of 12 different characters in a single afternoon, not the actual actors and director spending months on perfecting the right inflection and delivery of every single line both during the shoot and in the post production process

Not the guy you are quoting but your stats may be right, so what is wrong with that?

Poorer people are less educated and dumber, dumber people commit more mistakes, ergo poor people have more unwanted pregnancies

The only "logic" between being pro life is morals and religion, don't try to cover it with other stuff. For a reason the USSR were one of the first in leaglise abortions, they had no religion. And by pure logic it makes sense to legalise it

Dubbing is a tradeoff. The sound effect and music inevitably suffer loss. Even when the original movie is dubbed (Japanese anime for example) the original will always have better sound.

But if the dubbing is done with acceptable quality (not great just acceptable) you gain your mother tongue. Your native language can reach your heart. That's why dubbing feels awkward and embarrassing at first. You have to let it in.

I can't read.

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Except you aren't watching Russian movies in Russian. Or Swedish movies in Swedish.

Because you don't speak those fucking languages, you absolute casual.

People who consume dubs are at least getting a finished product. When you read a translation of a novel, is every other line the original text so you can compare? No.

Now, there are obvious complaints to be made about the quality of many dubs, but what's far sadder is considering yourself "superior" for watching subtitles. Why can't you just learn Russian? It's not fucking hard.

Oh you are talking about the one guy dubs them all system. My bad. I was thinking about the case with 6 persons. Males and females.

>poor people can't suffer morally
>poor people are dumb
Do you even leave your basement or are you tendies-fed?
Also :
>75% of women who obtain abortions are low-income, with nearly half living below the federal poverty level
What does it have to do with anything? Everybody abort and not just poor people.
Stop pulling opinions from your ass and presenting them as facts

I try to concentrate more on my native tongue because years of isolation and surrounding myself with english media has given me a speechimpedement
i am not kidding

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Fuck right off if you can't imagine any reason. I'm a huge fan of watching things in the original dubs but many American movies and especially TV shows have ATROCIOUS sound management. You literally can't hear the dialogues properly very often and sometimes, when I watch with subs, I can't even hear some of the things that are supposedly said in the scenes. I have actually resorted to watching German dubs for a few TV shows because no matter what the audio system, the sound quality of the shows are shit. That and often enough, German dubs actually mask the horrible acting skills of some actors

Look here you moron. When we were kids we could only watch those Saturday kungfu movies dubbed

>not wanting to hear the original language of your movie.
Do every movies in burgerland have Cali accent?

so, you are all day inside your house and shitposting on Yea Forums? who cares if you develop a speech inpedement, it's not like you are talking much

For movies from countries I am familiar with (countries whose movies I often watch ) I can watch the subbed one, even when I don't understand the languages.
But for languages I rarely hear I am ok with dubbing

>using the subject field
why the fuck do newfags keep on saying this instead of legitimate? it sounds so niggerish

>Not the guy you are quoting but your stats may be right, so what is wrong with that?
The point is that the phyiscal and mental effects of abortion should be common knowledge, that even the dumbest poorest person is aware that an abortion is not just a yet another contraceptive method.

I care because I'm clearly uncomfortable with not being able to talk properly
I am a talker in nature, I get pissed every time I fuck up a sentence and forget words
also a dot of idealism is my reason too. I have to be perfect out of principle, I want to talk correctly even if I dont talk to anyone for months

I don't follow you. Who would want to make dumb people believe abortions are something nice? Are just just suggesting there is an abortion lobby that wants to make money out of this indvidual liberties movement? come on

Subtitles are superior, that's a fact.
You would rather listen to fucking Mitch who recorded all the lines of all the characters in a single day in comparison to lines and emotions from actual professional actors which are meticulously pinpointed rehearsal after reherseal take after take through the directors vision?

And your novel comparison is dogshit. When a character says "I love you" in a film, the actual content of what the character says is not as important as the way the line is delivered and executed. With dubs you're merely getting plot points

Watching dubs is distasteful and disrespectful of the original work. You claim to respect culture yet support the globalist bullshit dub culture.
Have some self respect and watch cinema how it was meant to watch

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I'm saying no one is telling them the facts of the effects of abortions, that they simply aren't aware of them at all. They just know it as any other procedure. No I am not implying there is a le conspiracy lobby, I'm saying they simply aren't told about it until they finally decide to go through abortion.

This. If you understand the original language you can watch it without subs for an arguable better experience.

Dutch speaking Belgian here. Whilst I can agree movies should be watched in their original language, cartoons are the exception.

The Dutch have a strong and rich tradition in dubbing cartoons and they do an excellent job.
Superseding their counterpart colleagues more often than not.

A few years ago, it became a thing for the Flemish to dub the movies in Flemish, which is basically Dutch, but different. It adds nothing of value and the Dutch version always remains superior. Such a small market and they felt like they had to go and diversify it even more, cutting profits basically. It created jobs for an already incestuous small community of actors, which I feel can be the only reasoning behind i.
Having one or two Flemish speaking actors in an otherwise Dutch cast is fine. It adds colour. But to force this shit of entirely 'Flemish speaking cast' is ridiculous because the Dutch do it better and it costs less to leave it as is. I can't imagine kids taking offense when it's literally the same language safe pronounciation. So yeah, it was done to create jobs for a small club of degenerate soap actors who needed jobs.

Our actors are paid pretty much paid the same as a normal wagecuck here. And it's a very small pool. I don't think we have one professional voice actor.

tl;dr : Dutch Dubbed Disney Cartoons are very well done. Real movies you watch in the original language.

Well, these poor people neither receive proper sexual education to prevent unwanted pregnancies

For me everyone should get that education, but also legalise abortions and educate about the consecuenses of an abortion. Even if you are educated and all you can have an unwanted pregnancy, contraceptives aren't 100% accurate, and you should be allowed to plan your future and have kids when you want them

It's quite of a cunt move to be a guy and be against the legalisation of abortion, if you are against it just don't talk about it. Women are the ones who suffer from not being allowed to stop unwanted pregnancies. A man can do it everywhere, just walking away



If it's subbed I can't look at my phone and post here. Marathoning kinos is hard.

I have been trying to tell you
The original actor's voice will be loss. That's a trade off.
But you get to hear I love you in your native language. It's supposed to mean something.

The only films that I have watched with a so-called "dub" are Fitzcarraldo and Aguirre, German dub specifically.
Both films recorded English audio on set (since the cast and crews came from different countries with English as the only mutual language), but due to it being filmed on location in the Amazon all recordings become unusable. So basically they have to dub the whole thing, a version in English and the other in German.
I guess because it's still under the guide of the director it didn't count as dubbing and Herzog also said he prefers the German vers, but the audio sync was truly horrendous

And going to the kitchen to grab me something to eat. The dubbing is for housewife thing is real I get it now.

Sometimes I just wanna hear how my american horse cartoons sound in Nihongo and Hangugeo

anime needs subs the most, japanese is just too different a language they will never get a dub to sound right

>But you get to hear I love you in your native language



killing babies after they are born

Given the baby up for adoption or putting the embryo on ice. Surrogate mothers do exist, some women are more willing to see through a pregnany than others. And again, yoy can just freeze the embryo

I only watch German dubbed movies.

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some are legit bad

>Nicolas Cage


>reddit spacing
>cringe meme
>not cagepilled

I aint learning no other language just to watch tv.

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Polish dubs are awful because they just dub over the original audio without any volume adjustment. I watched blues brothers in Polish with my ex and all the spoken parts were Polish dubbed on top of the English and they were just as loud as each other

I mostly preffer original for live action, but can go either way with animation, sometimes the dub voice actors are even better than the original, like in wreck It ralph, i would gladly watch a 10$ budget estonian dub if It means i can avoid Sarah silverman's disgusting voice

I just want to hear words such as oxygen destroyer and underwater empire in English. Sounds cool.

if the only thing you're getting out of films is for something to "sound cool" you should probably first finish high school and then come back here

I honor my own language more than the others
simple as