does she have a career in television & film
Does she have a career in television & film
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I have never been fooled by any tranny. If you get fooled by one, you are a gay.
is that ezra miller? isn't he the flash?
No. She's ugly, has a awful voice, and is nowhere as smart as she thinks. Just another annoying lib retard who gets attention because the left alternatives are even more repulsive and "cis" males
>these people are bad cause racism is bad mmmkay
the """"""intellectual""""" left
>that moment on the Joe Rogan podcast where that Adam faggot from Adam Ruins Everything gives a shoutout/plug to Contrapoints
because of course he fucking did
Fucking zoomers.
I like the video where she hypothesizes that incels fall into racist memes and fear of immigrants because of deep seated sexual fears about their own possible inadequacy :)
>a bloo bloo she enemy tribe. Me smart cuz she not what I desire.
>people that say that Peterson and Harris are dumb think this average IQ person is intelligent
What the hell is kiwifarms even? Seems like a gayer version of any given chan
how does (s)he manage to make perfectly coherent points in one sentence and then immediately result to strawmanning and complete fabrications the next without a single hint of irony? the level of selective bias (s)he has in those videos is next-level. it's baffling.
Is she kino?
peterson, harris, and trannypoints are all dumb
Literally the most redpilled woman on the planet
I'm seeing this lad everywhere lately.
they all have the same folder of pictures to post to own the "discord trannies"
If the retarded Yea Forums (the lowest IQ board of the site) poster said it, then it has to be true.
I just saw a shill thread on /pol/
God I hate you people
And the worst part is that contrapoints has a habit of stalking people who talk shit about him online
You see him literally replying to kiwifarms threads with like 2 replies, probably while being his usual alchoholic self
I mean, just look at how disgusting he is next to the other women in the car. None of them are attractive, but you can still just tell by the build, forearms, neckline, and hands that its a disgusting weasel-faced freak pretending to be a woman. It's genuinely disturbing to look at
i identify as an attack honklecopter amirite my Yea Forumsros?
Kill yo self nigga lol
Based and redpilled. Makes stormfags seeth
That guy is the ultimate beta. The basedest of boys.
Quick rundown on this particular tranny?
How do you know you haven't been fooled?
He has certainly put a lot of effort in to rationalizing his meaningless, degenerate existence. I'd put money on him committing suicide before age 35.
/pol/ favorite e-celeb shit, not Yea Forums
In other news, trannies still considered fucked up in the head by normal people.
Basic knowledge of anatomy.
threadly reminder: this is a rightwing website
talk fast and hope the zoomers won't notice
branch out into the big corporate and make dosh while they silence any notion of criticism
become thought police
The owner actually uncucked himself by calling New Zealand an irrelevant country after they tried to get him to take down the you know what video.
who is this beatiful woman
give me your tripcode so I can post when you're not around
But if you were successfully fooled, you wouldn't know it. How do you know that every single person that you have ever interacted with is not trans?
well they are all on discord with you
He's an alcoholic already, and dropped out of his PHD program due to mental issues
I dislike Jordan Peterson, but at least he's qualified and well educated
Contrapoints failed at going through literally a 13 month program for psychology, which just pathetic
Basic knowledge of anatomy
Saudi Arabia is also on the UNHRC. Honk honk.
>E celeb political tranny shit
I haven't read a single word of the thread but I'm certain all of you need to have sex.
I'm being bamboozled aren't I?
>reposting Plebbit everywhere
maybe 40% of a helicopter
The rate of suicide attempts is much lower with treatment
What if your knowledge of anatomy is flawed?
its true
but you're going to get homos who are desperate to pretend they're not gay by tranny chasing replying
Sorry I don't hang out with anglos.
honestly there isn't even a point in trying to have this conversation with them
Then I’d be getting fooled by trannies.
Kiwifarms is hilarious because the vast majority of posters merely give very valid critiques, but the people in question still flip the fuck out over it and act like they're being harassed.
This might not necessarily be because she's transgender. Alcoholism is unfortunately rising across the board among young people in the US.
He was actually a really handsome guy.
reminder that all social "sciences" just got proven to be literally fake with the Replication crisis
Its literally all fake and made up to suit the biases of the women and their beta males who work in the fields.
Yeah it's like administering medicine to the dead. Some people just don't want to listen.
Wouldn't you, though?
Spamming this ugly tranny certainly isn't discussing television or films. So why are you still doing it?
>tfw you're about to become a statistic
No problem.
lol embarrassing
>there are faggots in this thread right now that think a man in a dress is a woman because he says so
lolno I have friends who are transgender and I actually take the time to read the medical research rather than believing everything I hear on the internet
His reply was actually pretty funny to. Fuck NZ