What is the most American film?
What is the most American film?
An American Movie
That pic
Godzilla 2014
Once Upon A Time In China. China will eventually own America.
Space Jam
Reminder that their son will be a turbochad
Schindler's List
Once you start race mixing you can't stop.
i just wanna go back in time
Based hybrid vigor mutt master race, yurocucks can’t compete.
We were robbed.
Angels in the Outfield
so the memes are true
Based jews.
>tfw dating cute and perfect Latina/arab mix
am I a race traitor?
And its beautiful
Team America
Interracial marriages are uncommon in the US. Only 8.4% of all marriages are interracial. Of interracial marriages in the US, 43.3% are between hispanics/latinos and whites. Asian/white is 14.4% and black/white is 11.9% are the two least common. And that’s of that 8.4%... meaning combined Asian and black is 2% of interracial marriages in the US
yes, but if she makes you happy, fuck everyone else
There is no such thing as race
That sounds like a really attractive mix user
you’re kids will be the muttest of mutts
no, you are a conquistador
I don't think I'd want kids with a woman of another race (at least so far) but I've dated enough I realize that race is no big deal. Dated three black chicks, two hispanic, three asian, and a bunch of whites from various ethnic backgrounds. Social and economic status seems to have more effect on the person than anything else. Although my Chinese ex had a cultural stick up her ass, along with her entire family.
Latinas and Arabs are Caucasians (white), it’s not race-mixing and they are superior to western women as well.
remember what they stole from us
>there's no such thing as race
>interracial marriage is fine
liberals baka
t-thanks guys, I think I’m falling in love with her
My girlfriend is a different race than me and we're in a very uncomfortable spot where we genuinely love eachother but are paranoid as hell over mixed kids. It's causing a lot of stress recently.
as long as the latin women is less than 2% native blood
>when you're anti-racist but want to safeguard ethnic diversity and purity
Where did you get those statistics from and how do you know they're accurate?
Can we see some pics please
>Only 8.4% of all marriages are interracial.
Even that is far too many.
>43.3% are between hispanics/latinos and whites
having pretty children is honestly more important
If she's Asian don't, it's not worth it. If she's black, consider where you live and the family you'll be around. Any other race go ahead, it's fine.
sorry but no my friend
Christ what a fucking meds. United Colors of Benetton looking shit
Her family and 100% her parents hate you. Also your kids will prob not be too thrilled with you making them some mongrel mix.
The US hasn't gotten much blacker since then. The major increase has been in mixed-race and Asian Americans.
La abominacion children when?
It's okay, I'm glad you two are happy.
actually her dad is Arab and seems to love me, her mom is Hispanic and I get a more distant vibe from her.
>Asian/white is 14.4% and black/white is 11.9%
that's almost the percentage of Asians and blacks
that's a lot
I know the area we live in wouldn't have an issue with it in public at least, but I'm a realist and know people find it disgusting in private. It's just a really shitty situation we both regret getting into because we did not plan for strong feelings. It's embarrassing to say but it started out as fetish for us when we got involved.
aside from goblin face, arab with hispanic is gonna give weird haired babies
Field of Dreams
The answer is always baseball.
Cute kids desu
>tfw blonde blue eyed 5’ 11” gf
>already talking about having kids together
I’m 6’ 1” and Hispanic
The future is castizo
A 6'1" Hispanic is like a 7' white guy that's amazing. Breed her as much as possible don't let those genetics go to waste.
>he seems to like me
Yeah have with with that
Ugh. You can have her