>"_________ IS CANCELLED!"
"_________ IS CANCELLED!"
hey buddy you wanna talk?
What? Who now?
9 month baby
I'm not a pedo but
*marries hot 20 year old swedish blonde*
I loved the new zealand streams where he continously cucks the boyfriend to the point where you can hear him fucking that hot swedish girl while the boyfriend is on camera making money for him and you can hear the girl moaning in the background while he says he's in a open relationship and he doesn't want to join crying
Wtf you have any links? Surprised he likes women.
That moment was truly some top tier Twitch kino.
Why does he have a girl's name?
Destinys child?
But it's basically true though isn't it? To deny it is to admit that being english is just a legal status and that nation states have no purpose.
Has anyone ever defeated him, Yea Forums?
who is the qt on the right? kinda reminds me of abigaile johnson.
He got defeated by a pro-choice BBC journo because he's too emotional when it comes to abortion.
Is this the left's version of ben shapiro?
the power of capitalism
how did basedstiny smash such a qt bros? and i'm sitting here, a pathetic drumpf supporting anime watching autist, who jerks off to hentai.
I was talking about DesTINY you cuck.
Step aside manlet
I dunno what destiny is doing dating this chick when she literally cheated on her boyfriend with you
Just remember user, hentai will never #MeToo you.
Pretty much but 2x the galloping and whenever he gets cornered he plays "le centrist" card while claiming hes nothing like him he also got btfo by metokur and fucking naked ape of all people
>TYT soiboy
he's taken a page of advice from JF
>he also got btfo by metokur and fucking naked ape of all people
If you watched those debates and actually thought this unironically you need to kys asap. Metokur and naked ape LITERALLY couldn't stop ad homing the whole time.
Yes anyone that knows economics or political studies wrecks him it's hard to find because destiny fans are the most cucked species on the planet and routinely dick ride him
>6´4 tankbuilt commie chad
has 3,189 twitch subs
3,189 x 5= $15945 per MONTH he is making
and thats not even including the sponsorships and donations he gets everyday
to be honest i get the feeling that destiny post on this board
>abigaile johnson
welp time to fap
yeah, so you can share his load with others user
metokur literally got him to say america should be bombing mexico instead of building a wall
he trolling with /got/ spoilers he definitely got some from here
I snorted when I saw the sneed
You can look like pic related but if you work for TYT it literally doesn't matter.
>taking that seriously
he was memeing autist. nice job taking it literally. i bet you think destiny is a pedo too
He literally kicked naked ape of the chat because "hes too much of an intellectual to deal with his stupidity" and metokur pretty much brought him to tears by the end also don't bring without a person's ad hominem without bringing up his dishonest tactics
delete this
Jesus fucking Christ. I was thinking "Damn, this guy is pretty alpha" when I saw that he actually fucked the loser's girlfriend in front of him, but he's just a rich beta and immediately clinged to the ho that he knows for sure have no principles.
>opens his mouth and immediately reveals he’s a fucking moron
destiny is unbelievably cringey
literally a liberal ben shapiro
There's a 10 year age gap.
Is Melina using him for a visa or something?
based and copepilled
>He literally kicked naked ape of the chat because "hes too much of an intellectual to deal with his stupidity"
Have you watched naked ape content? I'd blow my fucking brains out if I actually had to "debate" that idiot. Surpised destiny lasted that long when naked ape couldn't stop acting like a sperg.
>metokur pretty much brought him to tears by the end
lmfao wut? all metokur does is join a call in discord and call destiny a pedo because he ran out of actual original insults.
>also don't bring without a person's ad hominem without bringing up his dishonest tactics
wtf are you even saying here man. are you a metokur fan?
He finna get alimoneyed
>fucking someone actually attractive
>but she's into open relationships so he's also almost certainly getting cucked regularly
l e l
rumor of them getting married so yeah probably
is this image fucking real? kek
you do realize taking something like a joke literal is a sign of autism right?
It's just an endless cycle of cucking
No one here is going to defend you little man.
i realize you're coping, sadly
Kylo ren will remember this
You’re delusional if you think metokur didn’t buttfuck him. Even destiny respects him for it when they are in the same group chats
How you react Yea Forums if your GF was a pornstar?
nice argument
show me the timestamp and i'll lay it out for you.
What's with the losers here defending Destiny
>tf when too smart to debate naked ape
Why are destiny fans such tip riders?
Also not a metokur fan but watching the debate almost made me one
>You’re delusional if you think metokur didn’t buttfuck him.
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha YIKES
>Even destiny respects him for it when they are in the same group chats
Are you joking? destiny fucking hates metokur. it's pretty pathetic when destiny is doing a 1v4 and metokur pops in the call to ad hom. pathetic really
you must be joking, why would i bother going through an hour and a half stream when you already admit he said it. sorry brah, keep coping all you want, i don't mind
Leftists will defend anyone that holds the same agenda.
Fuck off, Hassan.
They're smaller then he is.
>Expecting me to give an argument to a non-argument in the first place
Literally a piece of grass is smater than nakedape.
you know i don't really recall people defending ecelebs that get posted here to the same degree that people whiteknight for destiny. it's really sad
You sound incredibly frustrated behind that keyboard whatever but don't try to act smug you're literally seething
Destiny looks like such an effeminate basedboy faggot though, the boyfriend could probably knock him out with a single punch.
>his reaction
Hey man, it is what it is. First 10-15% was destiny. The rest was all metokur. He had destiny on skates the whole time and made him look like a complete fucking sperg by the end of it. Kind of like how you look now.
/pol/ will defend retards like metokur and nakedape. don't act like you're better.
So you don't have any argument? And you cannot even provide a clip? You're retarded man, stop replying to me
destiny isn't a leftist, unless you also think Sargon is a nazi just for holding a debate where he talks to dicky spencer. hmmm
>Just your average right wing shill
Without a doubt, but apparently that was too much for your lord and Savior destiny
nice ad hom. /pol/ tier intelligence ladies and gentlemen.
also nice ad hom. It's been at least a year since I watched the debate. But I didn't come out of it on metokurs side at all.
is it that time already? is it time we start spamming pics ugly people who disagree with us?
leftists hate him
chapo hate him
resetera hates him
commies hate him
right wing hates him
conservatives hate him
he's the centrist dark knight at this point
holy fuck somebody please shoot that thing before it devours a small child
Have sex
Nice opinion but it's wrong and you should feel bad.
I’m not taking sides you retard nigger. Destiny just fucking lost.
Commie gets what he deserves
I will /pol/tard. One of us has to.
>this literal destiny cultist itt obsessively replying to anyone who makes fun of his eceleb idol
i like destiny, please be nice and respect my choice
>We need to redistribute my wife's pussy to all the black men.
I swear his fans are worse than contra fans
Yes, all sides are retarded in a partisan system of
a republic of representative power, but the left is the system and the status quo, so they can actually act superior and virtuous about their retardness, the right doesn't have that privilege currently and that automatically makes them more likable as the underdogs.
What are some conservative policies that Destiny holds?
holy shit, he's so insecure
based centrist retard
cringe. /pol/ is on Yea Forums bud not Yea Forums
Hi Destiny!
Warning: Dangerous communist lefty on the run!
my mom shared me image that on facebook
Huh? the right has the status quo rn look who's president.
>What are some conservative policies that Destiny holds?
The only thing destiny leans "right" on is he isn't a tankie like hassan.
I thought OP's image was a meme but his head really does look pasted on that little boy body lmao
>I’m a centrist now because he lost
Oh no no no
based qa user who can't handle discussions on a movie forum.
go to bed honey
Destiny and Hasan were destroyed by Nick Fuentes in front of like 30k people
>What are some conservative policies that Destiny holds?
he's basically a mainstream liberal, anti-trump but also does not support medicare for all, federal jobs program, large-scale redistribution or social justice policies etc. But i don't watch him that much so I could be wrong.
>i'm not on anyone's side
also you:
>dude metokur totally won lol xd
Are you retarded?
It's ok Destiny, we know you are behind this thread
>what is being objective
Dude how can you cope this fucking hard
>Nick Fuentes
The President who can't get anything done because of the 'le federal judges' meme?
Shilling for a lefty midget is not discussion.
>being objective by being subjective
Again, are you retarded?
He did this ironically, so it's okay.
>What are some conservative policies that Destiny holds?
he's pro life, very supportive of neoliberal policies since he's a huge capitalist
they don't get the whole $5 iirc it's something like 50/50 at first then if you get big you can renegotiate it to a 60/30 or 70/30
>the guy who wants us to invade Mexico won the debate
I mean the bias is too much man. Just go to sleep
>someone says something retarded
>call them out
>dude stop being a shill
Can you stop using buzzwords at some point?
Keep defending your favorite eceleb online, maybe one day he'll mod in his gamer chat
>he's pro life
Again your autism is showing. If you actually took away from that he meant it literally you're too retarded to be in political discussion and should go back to pol where you can circlejerk
Wrong. 11 companies control 99% of consumed media, all of them have a progressive agenda. Academia has been infiltrated by post modernists ever since the Berlin Wall fell. You will never be fired or suffer negative consequences on your professional, educational or social life for holding left beliefs.
Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean the people that control and influence the masses are right-wing. Any channel you turn, on any hour, has people shitting on Trump constantly. There are no popular artists out there that are outspoken right wing, besides maybe Kanye who was shat on also for his positions.
Not even mentioning the rest of the Western World, which is so progressive it borders surrealism.
The right hasn't been the status quo in like 25 years now.
>just insults and more coping
>calls anyone else retarded
This is sad at this point. Go to sleep
It's literally impossible to say something retarded about Destiny that isn't true. Now run along little one, I think Netflix has a AOC movie out now!
>look who's president
a zionist?
I refuse to believe that bobblehead man fucked that cute girl.
>all of them have a progressive agenda
they dont really, its shallow appeal to the mainstream, if they were progressive they would try and ruin the corporate dems and not support them, look at all the support for retards like Biden and Buttigieg, they are corporate tools and money decides who wins.
Academia isn't overrun by most modernists, if that were the case universities wouldn't exist since post modernists reject materialism, but hey keep up with the memes like cultural marxism etc im sure they will stand the test of reason
No let me tell you why
>11 companies control 99% of consumed media
No facts on this. However I will say that most mainstream media is left wing apart from fox news and some newspapers.
>Academia has been infiltrated by post modernists ever since the Berlin Wall fell.
Academia has always been left wing because in those positions you tend to have smarter people and smarter people are more left wing generally. Look at almost and scientist in most stem fields. Their work proves them right.
>You will never be fired or suffer negative consequences on your professional, educational or social life for holding left beliefs.
Sure I guess. Don't know too much about the data on this.
>Just because Trump is the president doesn't mean the people that control and influence the masses are right-wing.
Since he didn't win the popular vote you're right. However, there is still plenty of right wing people I can think up in my head right now.
> Any channel you turn, on any hour, has people shitting on Trump constantly.
Because trump is retarded however if you remember people shat on Bush as well because he was retarded. People tend to shit on people that are retarded.
>There are no popular artists out there that are outspoken right wing, besides maybe Kanye who was shat on also for his positions.
Kanye is allowed to share his beliefs but that doesn't mean people have to agree with him.
>Not even mentioning the rest of the Western World, which is so progressive it borders surrealism.
Funny huh. Seems like you need to re-evaluate your life. Maybe watch something that isn't spoon feeding you the same agenda. I was right wing altright retard who browsed /pol/ daily like 3 years ago.
>The right hasn't been the status quo in like 25 years now.
You sound like a baby screaming that life isn't fair. It's sad.
Not a huge fan of yours, Shitstiny, but I at least respected when you called out capeshit. Plus you put embarrassing Jewtubers in their place on stream, so that's fun.
>>i'm not on anyone's side therefore nobody cant win anything,
god you are dumb
Still no argument dude. You've providing nothing again. Your posts are so boring.
I'd like you debate destiny. I'd love to watch that and get a good laugh at how retarded you are. Now run along little one, pol has made another anti-sjw post for you!
>its shallow appeal to the mainstream
>dude the elites are trying to appease me by appealing to my ideas
>it's not me who's appeasing the elites by parroting their ideas
yup. that's definitely what's happening here
I'm not even going to waste my time proving the extremely obvious.
Just think to yourself next time you are in an university: "Who am I not allowed to criticize?"
>debate between two people
>hmmm this one guy beat the other guy
>i'm not on his side obviously even though that is my subjective opinion
god you're dumb. stop being a fence sitting retard for once
>No let me tell you why
>it's because smart people agree with me and you're stupid
no user you don't get it, if you're a multi-billion dollar company that shits on its workers and is anti-union, but you make your logo rainbow pride colored, than you're automatically communist.
It's about shallow surface level words, not actions or the overall consequences of corporate policies. That's how a real true intellectual perceives the world.
This he's fucking getting btfo by everyone this thread but still persists it's sad
Its nice to see rhetoric from the 1940s is still fresh in the eyes of today to some idiots
>provide an argument to my insults
I’ll admit I’m not as spergy as a destiny fan but I’m not that bad
Go back to r\chapo
I'm not a right winger because I'm pointing the status quo shifted and the right lost the cultural war, retard.
If that's all you got out of my post. Then you should stop posting. Because having a conversation with you is tiring.
lol nice blog faggot, no one cares. Everyone enjoys making fun of desTiny because of people like you who rush to defend him.
Is this the high leftist IQ and emotional development?
>Academia has always been left wing because in those positions you tend to have smarter people and smarter people are more left wing generally.
Oh my lord
>Because trump is retarded
>Doesn't list what he's done that's retarded
You're not spergy but you are autistic since you take jokes literally.
>dude I'm totally not right wing
Suuuuuure bud
He's a big guy
neolibs and conservacucks unironically cooks the brains of its supporters it seems, its quite sad to see them argue against things that would ultimately benefit them, but hey thats the American spirit™
>e-celeb gamer debaters
we have utterly failed as a society
>Muh /pol/
He's such an ugly, nerd. He even has a pathetic gay voice as well. Why would any girl be interested in him outside of his e-status?
yeah i dont like destiny but he won the debate against jontron
(i like jontron)
are you unironically disabled? reality doesnt always matches with your own opinions
that is what i got out of it actually. sorry your shallow pseud rant could be summed up in one sentence.
Why the obsession with IQ?
Right wingers everyone. Stop consuming oxygen.
>Oh my lord
No argument? Jesus this thread is filled with non arguments.
>>Doesn't list what he's done that's retarded
The wall
>Why would any girl be interested in him outside of his e-status?
You just answered your own question.
I recognize this guy from Starcraft 2 back in like 2011... he turned into some cuck political commentator or something? Weird stuff.
literally who is anybody in this thread?
no dad! im valraven the lich queer and my pronouns are lixx, xem...stop crying dad!
>The wall
he literally hasn't done that
>it was just a joke when destiny was cornered into saying something retarded!!!
Yikes. You sound like exactly like the people who cope when their guy loses to destiny
Destiny is cancelled for being a far-fascist.
I mean /pol/ leaks so goddamn hard it's hard to tell sometimes. But considering a lot of these posts remind me of my /pol/ days I'd say it's safe to assume that they are poltards.
So you took the side that destiny won? Are you unironically disabled?
hi, this is an anonymous message board, did you happen to find us via reddit? please return by hitting backspace
>Keeps trying to put up a wall
>SEETHING Democrats and some Republicans block him
>wtf where's the wall?
Far distance fascist
Yep, maybe read some books or go to college and someday come back to this thread and re-read it because then you'll know what I said.
>he literally hasn't done that
Didn't he run his entire campaign on this wall that still hasn't gotten done?
meh its overrated. Like 40% of the country are dumbfucks, but most people just don't vote at all because they've been alienated by the system. You only need about 3% mobilization to topple a government, incidentally
>t. CANCELLED and mad about it
what were you like as a poltard user? what do you remember from those days?
>I mean /pol/ leaks so goddamn hard it's hard to tell sometimes.
Are /pol/ browsers just suppose to stay there and ONLY there? What if they want to talk about something else?
cornered? destiny said what metokur wanted to hear so he can make 5 youtube vids out of it and how he btfo destiny so retards like you can spew your dumb garbage across the internet.
Not even a Shitstiny fan, but this isn't true. AFAIK he holds an opinion close to mine, where he wouldn't want to abort his own kid but doesn't want the government taking away that choice for others. It serves a pretty good purpose in getting rid of a larger nigger population, niggers including blacks and hard-left retards. Same outcome, different ways of getting there.
You're the one that mentioned how leftists are more intelligent (and IQ is the only form of intelligence measurement we have, even if it only accounts logical deduction) and then immediately starts acting like some sort of rabid monkey projecting joos and /pol/ boogeymans onto nothing.
When I said what you can't criticize I was talking about post-modernist leftist organized ideologies like feminism.
But considering your track record on this thread you're probably 20 and you think you're really woke and smart because you got out of /pol/, so you'd say that feminism totally is a beneficial ideology that only wants equality and that's why it is unacceptable to criticize it in public, am I wrong?!
Good luck to ya, im comfy over in EU land
he didn't get done fucking anything he promised in his campaign, pick something that was actually done in reality to get mad about
>cuckstiny had to fly halfway across the world to get laid
>his fans thinks this makes him cool
> I was right wing altright retard who browsed /pol/ daily like 3 years ago.
Nigga you weren't. You're just a meme loving fuck that hops on the hot new trend, while shitting on your previously held beliefs. Rinse repeat every 5 years. You're a faithless fool who thinks he's above everyone else. Dunning Krueger personified.
i'm sorry it's hard for me to be impressed by a Yea Forums poster who loves huffing his own farts. don't worry big guy, i'm sure someone itt appreciated your 150 iq post
Wow, this thread is proof of how delusional and retarded sneeed are
>H-He lost on purpose!
Holy mother of cope.
>he said what he wanted him to
Rofl what the fuck?
Is the debate even on metokurs channel?
>You're the one that mentioned how leftists are more intelligent
Wasn't me bucko
>feminism is post-modern
>But considering your track record on this thread you're probably 20 and you think you're really woke and smart because you got out of /pol/, so you'd say that feminism totally is a beneficial ideology that only wants equality and that's why it is unacceptable to criticize it in public, am I wrong?!
yes based and redpilled, whats wrong with feminism?
>tfw Into The Badlands was cancelled
feels bad man
>what were you like as a poltard user? what do you remember from those days?
I was very edgy
>Are /pol/ browsers just suppose to stay there and ONLY there?
God i wish. it's a containment board that seems to be not containing.
>What if they want to talk about something else?
They never do. If a new movie comes out they racebait like crazy. You can spot them a mile away. It's annoying
>>feminism is post-modern
Where do you think feminism started? Go ahead, I'll enjoy this.
We must let Destiny's fans known they are not welcome here, unfortunately.
holy crap dude, get off the internet for a while, this coping is on a whole other lever
is it possible you're just a retard who easily falls for memes and can't filter out anything retarded that comes his way?
there are a lot of retarded posts and ideas on pol. it's really easy to just ignore them, if you're not dumb.
his head is too tiny for his body lol
nice projection. tell me more about my life. Because you sound an awful lot like me 3 years ago.
i'm actually cringing at your post. To think an adult actually wrote that shit jesus christ
Gonna need a name.
Mid 1800s when women wanted better rights in terms of marriage contracts and legal deals, soon after they wanted the right to vote? am i wrong? enlighten me
>you're just a meme loving fuck that hops on the hot new trend,
that's literally everyone under 40 who supported Trump. Now they all got bored and make yang memes or yell at twitter feminists, and Trump spends all day sucking the evangelical boomers' dicks like every other neocon loser. You're the one that got played lol
>Are /pol/ browsers just suppose to stay there and ONLY there?
no, but they're not supposed to bring their autistic meme politics into every other board they browse
that goes for fucking commies too
>They never do. If a new movie comes out they racebait like crazy.
>But if Hollywood is doing the racebaiting in their movies, that's ok!
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
father's day
nice cope word again. Keep using it for some reason
>there are a lot of retarded posts and ideas on pol. it's really easy to just ignore them, if you're not dumb.
The whole board is retarded you troglodyte.
Wait, BakedAlaska?
>hollywood makes movie however they want
>dude I don't like it because it has the pesky black people in it!
You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. No matter how many epic reactions pics you post
>Its okay
t. projecting autist
Yes, you are completely wrong, the civil rights activists held virtually no feminist belief.
Feminism began to be formed on the 40's but wasn't consolidated until the 1960's.
The first feminists were ALL socialists and most of western socialists by now were neo-Marxists, which is pretty much identical to what they turned post-modernism into, the two terms are now exchangeable.
>get called out
>n-no you're the projecting one
What are you, tankie? Yanggang?
hey i think i recognize you. are you that "reformed /pol/tard/' american who posts on /bant/ and considers it his cringy autistic mission to protect Yea Forums from the spread of /pol/?
>board for discussing television and film
>why are people complaining about things in tv that they don't like
very odd because women's suffrage took place about 40 years before that
Except I'm not. Autism is literally taking things to literal. This is why they don't understand sarcasm or jokes like you. Sorry you had to find out this way. Schedule an appointment with a doctor.
That's a lot of assumptions my friend. When did I bring up black people specifically?
Woah you almost redpilled yourself there and you didn't even realize! Yes, being English is just a legal status, or a "nationality". Same with being American, it doesn't matter what race you are, that's how it's operated today. But your statement:
>"to deny it is to say that nation states have no purpose"
Is a false equivalence. Nation states can serve their own purpose elsewhere, look at Israel or Japan. Just not here, in a non-nation state. UK & US havent been nation-states in for many of years, lmao.
>destiny said what metokur wanted to hear
What a loser.
Doctors can't cure Autism user
>The first feminists were ALL socialists and most of western socialists by now were neo-Marxists, which is pretty much identical to what they turned post-modernism into, the two terms are now exchangeable.
this is literally the same bullshit peterson spouted, how dumb are you, are you unironically a peterson fanboy repeating this garbage that marxists are subversives in society tearing institutions down?
>Israel or Japan
you shouldn't use ethnically homogeneous states for this argument
Get called out for what?
I don't post on bant.
>why do people bring up race in a board about movies
Do you like minorities?
And the suffragists shared no ideologies to feminists, and they also never referred to themselves, or any other women ever, as feminists, so they most certainly weren't feminists.
SquadW in chat
Yeah, 100% chance he's either BakedAlaska or one of his followers. His main gimmick is that he's a spineless piece of shit. Just like how it's either desTINY himself, or a fanboy that's just parroting shit he's saying. And of course, Hassan shilling himself. What a fucking garbage thread.
>marxists are subversives in society tearing institutions down
Literally yes
They will never get the memo they are destiny viewers after all
And the suffragists shared no ideologies to feminists
they both share the goal of empowering women's rights in society
Have you ever watched metokur? That's literally all he does. "dude just say that you want to bomb mexico" *says it sarcastically* "omfg I can't believe you want to bomb mexicans lmfao gotttem!"
Who said anything about curing? You'll have to live with it for the rest of your life. My condolences.
I think his point is that only ethnically homogenous states count as nation-states, which is of course ridiculous since both of those were heavily subsidized by the US and UK, they are not at all independent or have some weird racial sovereignty enlightenment. It's all favorable trade deals from rich white countries that used them as puppets in the Cold War and now against Chinese expansions.
And when Zizek literally asked Peterson name a single marxist he couldn't.
nice to know im dealing with an idiot that has no clue about marxism, carry on with your day my idw dude
You think I share opinions with bakedalaska? wtf
>lefties using (((Peterson))) as if he's a far-right bastion
Jesus fucking Christ, you loons know nothing about conservatives.
Youtube/Twitch "intellectuals" whose main content is uninformed, academically unaccredited ranting about their brand of politics while also playing videogames as background stimuli for their 70IQ Patreon paypiggy audience
1 - I doubt Peterson has ever said that as he still pretends like feminism had a positive first wave, which never happened since only feminist historians classify civil right activists prior to the 80's as part of feminism and are heavily criticized for doing so.
2 - These are just actual facts that any history book will teach you.
3 - Marxists are just economical illiterates, Neo-marxists have nothing to do with them.
>get invited to go on vacation in nz with a cute grill
>fuck cute grill
what's the problem? his job is streaming, he did his job and he got laid. have sex
>why do people bring up race in a board about movies
because its used as a social politics tool when characters are race swapped for no reason people that don't even browse /pol/ are fucking sick of it, see the Witcher, the recent James Bond controversy and countless other examples.
>Do you like minorities?
I don't judge people based on what group you put them in you liberal tranny. I judge a person based on their individual actions.
No, they do not. Suffragists were not equalitarians. They did not want all women to be able to vote.
marxists in the west today are fucking larpers who just make edgy tweets
>You'll have to live with it for the rest of your life. My condolences.
>political studies
>lefties using (((Peterson))) as if he's a far-right bastion
>Jesus fucking Christ, you loons know nothing about conservatives.
>shills for oil companies
>shills for climate skepticism
>shills for prageru
>shills for conservatives in the US
and then zizek said "name these supposed marxists than" and peterson shit himself and started talking about god instead because he knows there aren't any.
I meant "60's" here, btw.
Whats the issue if that was even true? Isn't having that sort of diverse cast good? Do you like minorities?
Sure you do....
Having sex out of wedlock is degenerate.
Andrew Neil
guys the mod is back, we'll be baleeted soon
Your mom sounds pretty based unlike her faggot son.
what do you get out of defending this fucking hobbit
Cringy marxists detected, kys
fuck off to plebbit, faggot
Discord and re**it.
>Supposedly knows he'll be made to look like a fool
>Accepts a "debate" anyways, makes himself look like a fool
Destiny is a master strategist
Did the big boys tell you that in pol or do you actually have your own oppinion on this? What is the rational behind this oppinion.
what do you want dude? nobody here will disagree that peterson is retarded. yes, he's retarded. you're wasting your time by shitting on him
>meanwhile shills against ethnonationalism
>shills for straight up zionism
>shilling against the far-rights identity politics
Usually they go to autosage if they hit 220+
not only that, hes still getting sloppy seconds.
Yea Forums is disgusting
>Sure you do....
Why even bothering answering honestly if you're just going to think I'm lying in the first place?
Can you name a single marxist that is literally destroying our society.
He probably is him desu
Nigga can you name 5 neo-nazis?
I would like to see this guy get actually violent and see how it turns out for him. On camera preferably.
I feel comfortable knowing il sentence right wing idiots into gulags soon in the future
You asked why race is brought up on a board about movies.
>Isn't having that sort of diverse cast good?
Its not good or bad
>Do you like minorities?
This has nothing to do with the discussion
>>shills for oil companies
>>shills for climate skepticism
>>shills for prageru
>>shills for conservatives in the US
wow what a radical!
>That time Destiny tried to bring up an article that wasn't even published without understanding the methodology used to obtain that data
>Couldn't appeal to authority because the person he was talking to was a PHD economist who spent more than 10 years researching crime
It's like naked ape all over again except he couldn't weasel his way out and got utterly blown the fuck out.
i feel bad for keking
anita sarkeesian. Remember when she criticized game studios for having too many boobs but said nothing about their 100 hour work-weeks and lack of unions? Clearly a marxist position
Id send her to my personal gulag if you feel my stance on unions comrade
CHADstiny debunks the whole incel meme that looks matter, he has the frame of a 12 year old boy and still slays pussy.
based and gulag-pilled
Not even socialists are marxists anymore.
Like, you have to actually be clinically retarded to read Marx's ideals on marginal and surplus value and think "yeah, that's not fucking stupid and childlike at all!"
>What is the rational behind this opinion.
What's the rational behind doing it? For muh dik?
fuck off to /pol/, aspie
Thing is, like all debates, it started off good but eventually destiny gets his opponents so ass pained they resort to using ad hom's and gotchas to make it seem like they won. You know you're fucked when a literal manlet makes 4 other people in one debate stutter to gather information. That's why nobody on twitch even fucking tries to debate him because they don't want to be humiliated.
Because you're the type of guy to say "I don't mind minorities" but at the same time be like "I don't like them in my movies"
because he has money and status (however cringy that status may be)
why isnt this shit thread deleted
>Its not good or bad
So how is an executive suppose to answer that?
>This has nothing to do with the discussion
This already tells me the answer.
Janice Griffith
>Because you're the type of guy to say
You don't even know who I am. Just more assumptions.
How is he Turkish? He looks more aryan than the average Amerimutt. Do all T*rks look like this?
the phd guy even shut up vincent at times because his takes were so retarded
>Thing is, like all debates, it started off good but eventually destiny gets his opponents so ass pained they resort to using ad hom's and gotchas to make it seem like they won. You know you're fucked when a literal manlet makes 4 other people in one debate stutter to gather information. That's why nobody on twitch even fucking tries to debate him because they don't want to be humiliated.
There it is. Okay, you got me. 8/8 b8 m8.
I've already answered your original question of why race is discussed on this board, I don't give a shit about the rest.
>This already tells me the answer.
You must not be very smart then
Because you can weasel out of things and highroad. Considering you called me a liberal tranny I can assume you don't like transpeople. And usually those people also don't like minorities because "they're scary". Am I correct? You don't have to lie.
>twitch streamer debates
fucking zoomers
He married a hot girl and bred her then divorced her just so he could fuck many ethots before meeting this Swedish chick all while being a framelet/manlet. It's impressive to say the least.
Did you watch that 1v4 and come out of it thinking Brittany fucking venti got the upper hand? You got me m8 nice b8 m8 8/8 member that meme?
You didn't. You basically say "it isn't good or bad" what the fuck does that even mean? Is it allowed or isn't it?
>You must not be very smart then
It was a simple question that you didn't answer. You could had just said yeah.
>eceleb shit that has nothing to do with movies
>269 replies and 49 images omitted. Click here to view.
No you are not correct. Just because I don't like X, doesn't mean I don't like Y.
>you called me a liberal tranny
Senpai, you're defending DESTINY of all people. What do you expect?
>You didn't.
see >It was a simple question that you didn't answer
It was a question that has no relevance in the discussion
>Senpai, you're defending DESTINY of all people. What do you expect?
So if you defended metokur could I call you a retard?
You commie larpers know you're getting lined against the wall or gulag'd as well, right? You're most likely rich, white and don't provide shit to society.
hahahaha what a little faggot
>...what are you even implying here, do you think we're dating, or are going to start dating? She's slated to be married to another person already and we live like 7,000 miles apart from one another, what the fuck?
She's almost as batshit insane as the last three girlfriends he's had.
I did see that and asked why would that be an issue anyway?
>It was a question that has no relevance in the discussion
Well I mean you evaded it, it's a simple question.
I guess, but I never mentioned Metokur once in this thread except now. You must have me confused for another poster.
I'd be impressed if he didn't have retards on the internet giving him money and fame. Give any autistic incel money and he'll get laid.
I wasn't meaning you specifically and I can be confused because I was replying to ten different idiots at the same time. It's hard to keep track of all these seething poltards.
>fingering the dogs butt
>I did see that and asked why would that be an issue anyway?
Because it answers the fucking question of why race is discussed on this fucking board you goddamn moron
>Well I mean you evaded it, it's a simple question.
I didn't answer it because its a fucking retarded reddit tier question that again, has no relevance to the conversation
>Give any autistic incel money and he'll get laid.
Not me
imagine putting this much energy into posting on Yea Forums
are you sure it's because they're afraid of being humiliated?
could it be because he's an unlikable person and his debates are low quality?
>my moderately meta board threads get deleted in 5 mins and i get a 3 day ban
>this shit stays up to the bump limit
friendly reminder that he got cucked by some swedish starcraft pro and his wife left him and moved to sweden to fuck sven
you aren't rich enough then. the amount of money required is proportional to the levels of autism
>calls other seething
>worked into a finna shoot and trying to respond to 10 different people
>Muh movies
>complaining about bans
you ain't a real one unless you've had at least 10
>but she's into open relationships
So otherwise a cuck
>Because it answers the fucking question of why race is discussed on this fucking board you goddamn moron
Except it doesn't you inbred? You can literally talk about the witcher without going into how much "hiring minorities is so tiresome". So? who cares some character is fucking black move on or don't watch simple as that. We all know what those threads are about anyway, no shame in hiding it.
>I didn't answer it because its a fucking retarded reddit tier question that again, has no relevance to the conversation
You're not answering because you know I'm right. Nobody who says "yes" to the next goes this far to evade it. "omg it's not relevant" is just a cope.
jontron and mister metokur
god damn
This doesn't take any energy at all lmao. Is pressing some keys and clicking that much energy to you? How fucking fat are you?
>are you sure it's because they're afraid of being humiliated?
Pretty much.
>could it be because he's an unlikable person and his debates are low quality?
Isn't he on a dozen different podcasts and friends with almost all the high tier streamers?
Hey lefties itt, I need your opinion on the jews real quick.
Or maybe it's because using money for escorts if for nerds? Lmao
>doesn't deny it
You must be smart.
You see if you actually went
then sven pumped and dumped her and left her broke in sweden, so desTINY paid for her ticket back to america. lol just lol.
>Isn't he on a dozen different podcasts and friends with almost all the high tier streamers?
You mean all the "high tier streamers" that share the same crazy beliefs that he does?
So he is a likeable person after all?
>Except it doesn't you inbred? You can literally talk about the witcher without going into how much "hiring minorities is so tiresome". So? who cares some character is fucking black move on or don't watch simple as that. We all know what those threads are about anyway, no shame in hiding it.
You are a very good baiter or a very dumb fucking redditor, people are talking about race because the show runner had originally stated that none of the characters ethnicities would be swapped, among many other things.
>You're not answering because you know I'm right
Answer this, are you a redditor?
Anyone becomes likeable when you find a fellow liberal who, again,
>share the same crazy beliefs that he does
I didn't know Hasan was a cuckold.
>You are a very good baiter or a very dumb fucking redditor
Ad hom #51251616
> people are talking about race because the show runner had originally stated that none of the characters ethnicities would be swapped, among many other things.
Can I get a link to that?
>Answer this, are you a redditor?
No I'm not I just don't browse /pol/ I browse /int/ instead. Even though this question isn't relevant to the discussion and I didn't evade it at all. See how easy that was? Now answer mine
So he is a likeable person? You said he was unlikable but it seems he is very well liked by his twitch peers.
>but he isn't liked by right wingers!!!
no shit? did you just make this discovery yourself?
>Spoonfeed me
>he isn't completely alone, so you can't call him unlikable
are you literally autistic?
Destiny is a widely disliked person
Everyone else who likes him is unlikable themselves. Have you seen some of them?
Good god.
>Can I get a link to that?
This proves you don't even read those threads you hate where people "complain about minorities" because its posted in every single witcher thread
>Now answer mine
I don't mind minorities
Sorry based Yea Forums bro was meant for
>are you literally autistic?
Are you literally downs? You made a claim he is unlikable then said he was liked. Why are you doubling down on being retarded? it's ok to be wrong once in awhile. You can't win them all.
>Destiny is a widely disliked person
Again with the mass generalization. I'm sure he is disliked by your right wing youtubers you follow so much but that is understandable because typically the people he debates won't like him.
fucking swedes man, the memes are true!!!
All is good fellow based Yea Forums brother
Maybe that wasn't her decision? Isn't there like 5 writers on that show?
>This proves you don't even read those threads you hate where people "complain about minorities" because its posted in every single witcher thread
I try not to, I skip read through the read but don't stay around because it's a waste of time as it's only people reeeeeing about minorities.
Also you still haven't answered my question even though I answered yours "based Yea Forums bro"
New thread where? It's entertaining watching the Libtards get BTFO
>spoonfeed me
>make claim
>can I see claim?
>nah dude
please don't do debates I can only imagine how cringe that shit is.
>you brought facts?
>nah dude look them up yourself
>republicucks still use libtards
>Comparing an anonymous image board argument to an actual debate
>Can literally find the results in under a minute using Google
literally a teenager with aspergers
this is the Destiny audience
>Maybe that wasn't her decision?
She is the showrunner, they have a huge part in casting.
>Also you still haven't answered my question
which one?
Fucking kek
>>Comparing an anonymous image board argument to an actual debate
I didn't, your autism is showing again.
Why do you support women's rights?
I lost track of how many ad hom's right wingers used in this thread holy fuck. No wonder destiny fumes all the time.
>She is the showrunner, they have a huge part in casting.
And I said there was like 5 writers on the show? Typically one person don't make the decision for everyone.
>which one?
Do you like minorities?
>I didn't, your autism is showing again.
>please don't do debates
Is yelling "AD HOM" the next /pol/ blaming? It seems like you can't go two posts in without spamming it.
Libtard still uses conservacuck
also she is one producer lmfao
did i infer this was a debate? Again your autism is showing and you took something too literal.
>And I said there was like 5 writers on the show? Typically one person don't make the decision for everyone.
Writers don't have say in casting IIRC. Also she wouldn't have made that claim if she didn't have control over it
>Do you like minorities?
I already told you in my last post, I don't mind them. I have friends of many races, I wouldn't say I like minorities because I don't obviously don't like every single one.
I'm glad this happened
Show hog
I spam it because that is all you do until proven otherwise.
>Also she wouldn't have made that claim if she didn't have control over it
I mean who knows what she thought but I would make it out that she would make the claim if given the decision. I can be wrong though.
Okay, I don't know why it took you so long to say that.
I didn't use conservacuck. Get your fucking eyes checked man
>also she is one producer lmfao
and the showrunner
>They're not just writers; they're not just producers. They hire and fire writers and crew members, develop story lines, write scripts, cast actors, mind budgets and run interference with studio and network bosses
>I spam it because that is all you do until proven otherwise.
You paranoid shit, I haven't even posted in this for like, an hour and a half. Calm down and go watch some ContraPoints before you burst.
This has unironically made me snap. Disgusting. Degenerate. Foul. I can't take this shit anymore. I'm going to do something really bad really soon.
I hope you understand now why people would discuss race on a television and film board
>and the showrunner
among like 8 different people from that picture bruh
>dude dontcha remember me?
No i don't remember you insignificant shit. You're all the same to me itt.
>but i'm not that one guy!
Who cares.
>Calm down and go watch some ContraPoints before you burst.
Again responding=seething? Jesus go outside and engage with people for once and realize that having conversations is normal.
Because one "showrunner" said she wasn't going to change anything but it got changed? woah...real hot news and worthy to have a "civil" discussion about race on Yea Forums
also this is my last post, it's been a pleasure discussing with you retards for the past hour. neck yourselves imminently.
>Because one "showrunner" said
Christ, that is not the only thing and you know it. If you really don't understand I don't know what to tell you
Show hog
>No i don't remember you
Of course you wouldn't, because that was the first time I've ever replied to you. When did I ever say REMEMBER MEEEEEE
> Jesus go outside and engage with people for once and realize that having conversations is normal.
We WERE all having a nice convo about making fun of a little Twitch manlet before you stormed in here and took the fun away.