How come we never got a Crank 3?
How come we never got a Crank 3?
its amazing how these absurd action movies are damned refreshing
Who knows. I always thought the idea of having him do psychedelics constantly to stay alive in the third one due to a brain poison was a cool idea.
We did.
It's called Hardcore Henry.
I like hardcore Henry but crank is on a different level.
where the fuck is my strawberry tart?
Fair point. I think Statham got stale, is all. Around the mid-2000's, I couldn't name a single action movie trailer I saw that didn't have him in it.
Happens with a lot of male actors. People just get tired of seeing him, or their handlers decide its time to move on to the next bloodbag.
Third should be him needing to body swap with people or die
more likely he felt ready to become an A list actor so he couldn't keep taking anything that came his way
was he an "a-list" guy during the italian job?
>A list
Dude, he's been doing the F&F movies. Last year he was in that movie about a giant shark ffs.
just watch happy
>F&F movies aren't A-List
yeah ok also its pretty clear after Crank 2 his roles started blowing up
F&F are A-list movies but not because they have A-list talent
If they ever make a Crank 3 what should Jason Statham have to do to stay alive? I'm thinking he's not allowed to touch the ground.
he was 4/5th billing.
He can't use the N word
But it's Law and Order tier sequelshit. It's gonna crash and burn.
He started out with really tasteful shit too, like Lock, Stock and Snatch, albeit I doubt those were major blockbusters/internationally recognized.
Crank is kino, though.
>seth greens name didn't make it
Oh you mean like how Sam Jackson is in literally every other movie
>It's gonna crash and burn.
f&f is a giAnt franchise, very popular in third world
I like my idea better
He must say the N word every 10 seconds
But Sam Jackson wasn't really an action hero. He's also been doing this for what, 40 years?
He's also black too, and probably greases the right wheels.
well yeah thats what the Rock does he bleeds it dry then moves on shame he didn't have better reactions with the main cast and then we wouldn't have this solo hobbs movie
>How come we never got a Crank 3?
Maybe it's better that we haven't. 2 is a masterpiece and they'd have to go absolutely fucking batshit to top it. I'd get away from the "he has to do X to keep himself alive" bullshit. It worked for the first two but they could make a sequel that doesn't need to rely on that. I just want rampaging racism, sexism, homophobia and insanity!!!FACT!!!
we got revolver, that was something.
I don't know if I'd call that tasteful
You're lucky you even got a second one. These movies are so goddamn cringe.
>These movies are so goddamn cringe.
I bet you gargle with semen, most likely your fathers!!!FACT!!!
It should be him having to stay drunk or he'll die. You then have plenty of ways to put him into funny, edge situations and to vary the fighting by his level of drunkenness and chance for rants relating to being sober or not and his other experiences with drugs