Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit. And I can respect that...

>Your king says he betrayed me for love. I say he betrayed me for firm tits and a tight fit. And I can respect that. When I was your age, I'd have broken fifty oaths to get into that without a second thoughts.

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Firm tits are overrated. Love me a pair of huge, soft milkers that my fingers can just sink into when I squeeze em'.

>that my fingers can just sink into when I squeeze em'
that's what ass cheeks are for, you idiot. Big tits is just a synonym for fat

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Some fat is good fat

Ass fat can be turned into fine ass with some work any year of the animal's life
Tit fat will only get worse with time hindering the tits value

My moms tits have sagged a good deal now that she's in her mid 40's but I still think it looks great. I honestly have no problem with big saggers.

If they are the same does it matter what you like then?

It still pisses me off that they wrapped up one of their best villian characters in a quick scene of Arya killing 500+ Freys and never mentioning it again.

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not really. I was just giving a +1 for
butts > boobs

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You being a confirmist doesn't disprove what I said
Post pics of your mom so I can fap

t. Literal virgin

There's nothing more disappointing than taking a cute girl's bra off and watching her sad tits flop out and slap her belly button. Very few tits over C have a any sort of shelf life past 22 and big saggy milkers are disgusting.

D&D weren't interested in coming up with their own material and it showed.

Tits in general are overrated. It's about the legs and butt

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>My moms tits have sagged a good deal now that she's in her mid 40's but I still think it looks great. I honestly have no problem with big saggers.

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>be Walder Frey
>be the head of a minor house
>the only minor house in THE RIVERLANDS with the foresight to build a fortified bridge, in THE RIVERLANDS
>not just any wooden plank mess either, a STONE bridge, wide enough for TWO wagons to cross, that doubles as a fucking CASTLE
>and all you expect in return is a pittance toll, not just for the investment of time, labor and resources that it took your family to build it, stone by stone, literally laid out in the reign of your distant ancestors, but as your due rights to travel across YOUR property
>greedy ungrateful peasants resent you because those lowborn faggots don't understand why everything isn't free and why the gods don't just magically plop a STONE bridge down, as if these things just appear out of thin air
>greedy scheming nobles resent you because their double digit IQ leaders would rather piss money down the chamberpot with knights and sergeant-at-arms (like those faggots are anything but a continuous drain on their coffers), when they ought to have invested in infrastructure like any sensible administrator
>your faggot lord (a fucking TROUT sigil lmao) wants to levy troops from you in a pointless family squabble that you didn't play a role in, whatsoever, and raise arms against the Crown
>the fucking CROWN, by the gods
>he finds every opportunity to slight you because you rightfully called him out on his retarded idea
>all you want to do is chill in your comfy bridge castle and exercise your right of prima noctis on prime Riverland bad poosi
"""""Villain""""" indeed.

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Don't forget getting lied by the "King" in the North

b-but he ate gross and was rude to women!

based freyposter
also this

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The only good Frey is a dead Frey.

Walder Frey turned on the Starks and the North for the same reason that Littlefinger turned on Eddard Stark
it was readily apparent that they didn't have the political acumen to maintain themselves and they were a sinking ship
with both of the Baratheons out of the way, the addition of the Reach's power, and the pacifying of the Stormlands the crown would've gone on an offensive or just waited out the winter for the war torn Riverlands + the North to weaken

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based smokeshow

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It was the most direct route, not that it was stone

>Freya was actually a better deal than the niggermutt Robb ended up with

prove me wrong. you can't

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But he married for love

A dumbass is what he was

Why didn't he just not let them cross?

I thought that was survey corps

Why did area never use her faceless masks again after killing the Freys?

No he didnt, he married her because he fucked her while high on pain killers and felt bad for taking her virginity

out of love for Talisa in the series, out of duty with Jeyne in the books

He literally did nothing wrong, just looked out for his own interests like everyone else did.