I got addicted to this but it's only 7 episodes

I got addicted to this but it's only 7 episodes
is there anything similar out there?

Attached: p13671062_b_v8_ab.jpg (960x1440, 197K)

The Wire

i would say jarhead, because its lampooning war

Not really. Read the book if you can.

No, because David Simon never adapted anything else by what's his name that wrote the book.

No, but there's a couple really kino war docs. Restrepo being one of them

My experience was identical to jar head

Thank you for your service.

I hope your wife that you married after three dates cheated on you while you were jerking off your buddies in the desert, fag.

Hurry up and wait, grunt

I would say Band of Brothers and The Pacific, but the tone is dramatically different. But if you want modern conflicts I suppose Restrepo and its sequel, Korengal, would be a good place to start.

i think we oughta be shootin those dogs

Attached: all dogs go to heaven.jpg (601x338, 77K)

The movie or the book?
>movie: all women are whores, Jake gets cheated on boohoo
>book: Jake fucks women in multiple continents, gf back home is probably cheating but no confirmation

Fuckin Whopper Jr.

>Rey, please shut up


He's not a girl, user.

but if whopper jr did not shoot all of the stray dogs in pripyat then they would spread radiation

reading the book was like reading a journal of my deployment


>I'll tell you what happened
>A certain retarded company commander by the name of Encino man duct-taped his humvee windows shut
>Thought he was being all tactical n shit, and missed the turn off at Bravo
