>"Not him but..."
>actually am him
"Not him but..."
>Pretend to be him
>Not actually him
>Crosspost on reddit but don't admit to it
>Regularly call people with opinions I disagree with "reddit"
>post „i‘m so lonely“ threads 24/7
>actually in a fulfiling relationship since 10yrs
>make actually great meme
>intentionally save as 8bit png
>defend posting on reddit
>never post on reddit
>get accused of namefagging
>don't waste my time correcting them
>look I'm not usually anti-semitic but....
Already in prehistorical times he was talking about pop music
And his hair was made of skin,so it seemed
But in the Stone Age...
I'm gonna kick your ass buddy
>speak in ebonics to trigger incels
>I'm also an incel
And that's the tea!!!!
COPE is also good for this
Thats pretty next lvl
>give a good argument
>retard can't argue and keeps saying nuh-uh
>tell them I won't respond until they can argue the point instead of being 12
>they keep being 12 in the next post, they claim they won
>I don't respond, am still mad
>post an inflammatory and negative opinion that's not far off from my real feelings
>hope someone provides an argument as to why I'm wrong because I'm a depressive and just want to understand why people like things
>see someone take the time to type a mile long post
>tell anons to go back to /pol/
>unironic fascist
The fire rises.
>reply based to my own post
>make fun of incels for being incels
>Currently 35 and had 95% of the sex I've had before I was 18
>call out manlets and phone posters
>even when they're not
>am manlet
>am phone poster
I do this all the time. I larp as a 6'5 body builder but im jsut a 5'6 bodybuilder LOL
>post in Yea Forums
>haven't seen a movie or series in years
All of these are me.
>"Have sex"
>haven't actually had sex
>people are so far up their own ass they think this actually happens
>"all me"
>only one is actually me
I never did that :(
this is me, but the other ones are not
>act outraged and angry in sneed threads
>actually love sneedposting
I have done this serval times. Can't tell you how many arguments I've displaced because I served as the "middle man", and make a argument in someone's place, and the two anons have no clue what they're even arguing about anymore.
very based
>call all "have sex" posters discord trannies
>mean it
>start off topic shit post thread
>5 mins in gets no replies
>*switch airplane mode on*
>begin smfagging it to get the ball rolling
>check back 30 mins later 150+ replies
>do this
>am that
Based. I think most people have posted as both sneedposters and Moe by now.
>think I'm going to make a great post in a thread and get lots of (You)s
>I end up making myself look like a retard
>someone calls me out on it
>Hide the thread and hope that it archives soon
>some user posts the "13% of the population" meme
>reply with: "non american here, is this actually true?"
>the thread turns into /pol/
>I am american
>other poster criticizes my argument
>I admit their point makes sense that I am wrong
>they continue to argue and insult me
>user accuses you of samefagging even though you weren't pretending to be someone else
Is this what happens when you break someone's will?
>Open random thread
>Call someone a fucking failure incel that needs to kill themselves for being a waste and a dissapointment to their family
>close thread
based af
Literally me.
have sex
unironically based
why did all the based threads get deleted but this cringe one is still up?
both me btw
I once told a woman I coined the phrase pardon my French
Based and tuxedofrogpilled
I'm friends with the yanny that's on for this time slot. we chat though IRC
>Reply some retard
>Never return to thread in fear of him winning the argument
>not usually
>someone calls me out for (You)ing myself
>screenshot and photoshop (You)s out
>post screenshot and call them a fag
>Losing an argument with an user
>Reply to myself arguing his point very poorly and like a retard.
>Ignore the user and reply to the retarded post instead to make myself seem right.
I am every poster in this thread
>insult janny
>actually respect his dedication to keeping this board readable
>am a janny
>post tuxpepe
>make a hit-and-run shitpost
>check back a couple hours later
>no replies
actually based
based and (You)pilled
Underrated post.
Most people aren’t that pathetic, even here.
>see two guys arguing
>pick and side and argue like a retard
>reply to myself being even more retarded
>watch both of them get pissy and try to attack both fallacious arguments
Did you get laid?
>make thread pretending to be tranny
>close it
>see it in the catalog 2 hours later
>400+ replies
moderately based
>pick a random post
>reply "based X poster"
based and rainbowpilled
>write out a serious paragraph
>samefag the first two responses agreeing with myself
based dog poster
>see a film or tv show start trending
>go watch the trailer and read the wiki plot
>open up every thread and start arguing with myself
>type "this but unironically," even when they weren't being ironic
>post "have sex" in many threads
>actually have never had sex
based based poster
based based based poster
Yea Forums really is the cancer killing this site
this thread is evidence enough
>call people "discord trannies"
>actually a tranny on discord
based based based based poster poster
>defend trump and Pol
>hate trump and Pol
All in the days work really
this but the opposite
so fucking close
>tell people to stop being degenerates and fapping to trannies
>fuck trannies irl
threads like this are why Yea Forums is the best board
>type out lengthy response
>fail captcha
>close tab
>not him but
>actually not him
>people think I'm him anyways
>make copypasta
>reply to myself like 50 times with shit like “lmao fucking based” or “holy shit someone screencap!”
>it actually works
>shit up a thread
>immediately leave
Hahahaha fucking based
No way lmao
holy shit, screencap this!
>pretending to be a retard while posting
>actually am a retard for real
>tell people who disagree with me to have sex
>never have sex
I do this too
BAsed as fuck
full of win!
You're playing a dangerous game friend
someone put me in the screencap
>make shit post
>reply to myself "BASED"
>after like the 30th samefagging it starts to get real (You)s
>only 3 are real after an hour of samefagging
Time well spent(?)
Ahahahha based as fuck mate
>talk shit about Amerifats
>am actually an Amerifat
People don’t seriously fall for this, right?
>use a vpn to samefag
This blew up!
God. Damn.
>larping about having a vpyikes
fucking kek
absolutely based
Love you man, reading this made my night. Cheers.
based and redpilled
Stellar post and insight into the community?
>post “have sex”
>have never had sex before
Now THIS got people talking!
>had sex with this user while he was sleeping
Redditors beware, here be based!
>post "have sex"
>then reveal that ive never had sex
>which is a lie because i have had sex
>pretend to be a libtard bleeding heart faggot that loves trans people
>actually want to fucking burn them all and am /pol/
>had sex with him right before this user and didn't clean up
Someone lock this guy up! Put me in the screenie
he's still replying to himself lmao
Yeah, I’m thinking he’s back!
So I just made this post on Yea Forums...
he cute
yep, that’s me
>ask title of movie
>retard anons reply with wrong title
>am seething
Powerful post
How many of the replies are actually just him?
Shallow and pedantic.
Have sex, btw.
No! You can't do that! Can you?
Fucking crazy dude
Problem child 2
NOW that’s what I called redpilled
>look, i know theyre only 13% of the population, but
I love you.
Autistic faggot
Holy shit boi
Finna get this nigga in the screencap
>tell people to have sex
>haven't had sex
you aight, white boy
>Be schizo
>Accuse /x/phile of being a schizo
Watch out reddit!
Unreasonably based
My man!
>whine about /pol/ in every thread
>am actually from /pol/ trying to make /pol/phobes seem really obnoxious
non american here, is this actually true??
AHhahaha, relatable and based
This poster is American, we live together
formerly chuck
>actually hate /pol/
>/pol/ post constantly so people will hate them
Looks like I've met my arch-nemesis.
This nigga....
literally me
everyone knows.
I could take down everybody in this thread without breaking a sweat.
this but the opposite
Fucking try me.
I always interject into arguments between two anons pretending to be one of them. I make a really shitty argument and everyone calls him a faggot. It's great
>"i'm not american"
>actually spent 4 days in america once
You're 1000 years too early, kid
>call other anons niggers
>am a nigger myself