"The proof is going to start dribbling out

"The proof is going to start dribbling out.

"The aliens are interested in your ova, your femininity, your reproductive parts, your DNA. They would love to draw blood and fluid and would love to impregnate a woman and produce a hybrid baby, this is what they're up to here."

He adds, quote, "I believe some aliens are here to harm us. There are many that come here with nefarious purposes and want to use us as lab rats."

Attached: Dan-Aykroyd-008_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqYh_8IBLdAWMRn6BKLOqynKISCJilmQGoDZwrXpMQ-co.jpg (442x276, 12K)

He's also a notorious asshole, and quotes of his, like these, are only to spam those who will listen.

Akyroooooid? What kind of a name is that?

If they wanted a hybrid baby, what stops them from abducting some 3rd world woman?

>Ugh I heard he's like an asshole irl

Go back you glowing cia nigger

yes these "aliens" want you and I do mean "aliens" no way you could imply I mean a certain group of people

Truth is we will never hear any reports from the third world. If we do they're easily shamed and discounted. Look at our world man. Buses full of people being blown up are a side note at the bottom text scroller. You think people care about missing people or UFO reports? especially from third world?

Get fucked. It's true. He's one of the most well known pricks of Hollywood. That's why he's not popular anymore.

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mental pathologies are so predicable

That’s my point.

Yes that's totally why. An industry full of narcissists and sex criminals hates assholes

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Women can even get laid by fucking aliens while I get nothing.

too based, too redpilled. honestly worried what this means for the based and redpilled economy.

>missing people or UFO reports? especially from third world?
Yea, good luck with that.

Those dudes don't have maintained roads, hell, they don't even have maintained TRAILS in a lot of places, so it's not like there's a budget for missing persons reports in some of the provinces.

big if true

Trump curse

>just say aliens instead of kikes dan, no one will ever know

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Simple google search would yield that UFO shit happens everywhere.

Travis Walton

Rendlesham forest

Why don't aliens abduct black people?

retards will defend this

He is talking about Kikes right?

>Rendlesham forest
Whilst some puzzles remain, we can probably say that no unearthly craft were seen in Rendlesham Forest. We can also argue with confidence that the main focus of the events was a series of misperceptions of everyday things encountered in less than everyday circumstances.

most be where those missing women in Guatemala are

brits are literally retarded so that makes sense

Although for whatever reason no one ever seems to have anything but a camera-phone from 2008 to record these events when they do. Honestly, it's a conspiracy almost as interesting to me as the UFO shit. You really think it could be a coincidence that all photographic evidence of UFOs is almost completely worthless due to its unbelievably low quality? Don't be so naive. Obviously the government is involved and knows who will be targeted and present at specific sightings of UFOs, and keeps these people not only financially but educationally hindered, so that even their testimony seems as ridiculous and unbelievable as the Motorola Razor footage they use to attempt to prove its merit. Google it. NASA is a state surveillance industry.

Dan Aykroyd is one of those rare aspies who's both a legit genius and literally insane.

You don't seem very informed on what all happened. Are you referencing the light house? The light house everyone on base would know about? Multiple people signed off on going to search where the lights were. It was military chain of command. Not some guys just going and looking randomly. Hours and hours of recordings are still classified.

This base was most likely a nuclear weapon processing base. These soldiers weren't yahoos

Sure Dan. Canadians got the inside dope on aliens.

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This has been a common trope in the alien/ufo community. All the abductions are being done because the aliens are infertile and its part of a breeding program

Akryod is no slouch and has been into aliens for a long time.

Recently even the goverment has been admitting UFOs are real

Full disclosure coming soon?

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How come Trump has not tweeted about it yet.

Trump is a alien , he is one of the shapeshifters Pence and John Titor brought him back from the future, Their mission: to bring back a IBM 5100 computer to solve the Unix 2038 problem

>your reproductive parts
god i fucking wish an alien was interested in my dick bros

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Can't disclose something that you barely understand.
These things aren't extraterrestrials from far away planets, they're something else entirely and they work through deception and manipulation.

have sex

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To name names a really big fan of Dan Aykroyd.

The only answer to aliens is to act erratic and appear completely dangerous.

We need to nuke ourselves from orbit and start firing every missile we have in random directions.

It's a psyop. Ackroyd works for the CIA.

Polish, I think

Worked for David Icke, rite?

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Can you blame them?

giv giant alien gf

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According to the declassified documents in the FBI vault on their website, they are "interdimensional beings"

>tfw cucked by ayy

because ayys want the white women ooga booga go back to nibiru


jews are inside a hollow moon

>dribbling out
Yeah, like cum dribbling out of my puckered hole. Let me tell you a story:
Watching a kino with my friend and we put our hands in the popcorn bowl at the same time. Then we stared into each other's eyes and he brought me to the ground and fumbled with my pants. I didn't want it, but I knew I deserved it. He pulled them down and got on top of me and entered me, piercing deep into my virgin asshole, and roughly thrusting into me. It made my toes curl up, I got a hard on almost immediately. It felt so dirty but so good. I could feel myself getting close to a prostate orgasm, but then he blew inside me, leaving me spread eagle on the ground, going limp but dripping precum, as his load slowly dripped out of my new, yet eager, hole.

I read the whole thing in dan aykroyds voice.

I have noticed that Pence looks out of place like he is from a future ,more evolved humanoid race

>they are "interdimensional beings"
That's extremely vague but something like that yes.
They're not good, and they do not have our best intentions at heart.

Ancient aliens from the future are to blame

You need to complete at least 12 ayahuasca ceremonies before you can speak intelligently about them.

what do these ((aliens)) look like?

>He's also a notorious asshole
The opposite is true. Also I met him 4 years ago when he was promoting his vodka. He was cool as fuck and shredded some blues with his band.