The mad king is dead, rhaegar lies beneath the ground, why weren’t you there to protect your prince?
The mad king is dead, rhaegar lies beneath the ground, why weren’t you there to protect your prince?
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maario naharis
Why didn't you save her, user?
I miss her.
She should have been in the finale
I did in my headcanon
>Bronn is turned into buddy cop singing joke man
Bronn complained of the gloom when he arrived, and insisted on a fire in the hearth. It was blazing by the time Varys made his appearance. “Where have you been?” Tyrion demanded.
“About the king’s business, my sweet lord.”
“Ah, yes, the king,” Tyrion muttered. “My nephew is not fit to sit a privy, let alone the Iron Throne.”
Varys shrugged. “An apprentice must be taught his trade.”
“Half the ’prentices on Reeking Lane could rule better than this king of yours.” Bronn seated himself across the table and pulled a wing off the capon.
Tyrion had made a practice of ignoring the sellsword’s frequent insolences, but tonight he found it galling. “I don’t recall giving you leave to finish my supper.”
“You didn’t look to be eating it,” Bronn said through a mouthful of meat. “City’s starving, it’s a crime to waste food. You have any wine?”
Next he’ll want me to pour it for him, Tyrion thought darkly. “You go too far,” he warned.
“And you never go far enough.” Bronn tossed the wingbone to the rushes. “Ever think how easy life would be if the other one had been born first?” He thrust his fingers inside the capon and tore off a handful of breast. “The weepy one, Tommen. Seems like he’d do whatever he was told, as a good king should.”
A chill crept down Tyrion’s spine as he realized what the sellsword was hinting at. If Tommen was king . . .
There was only one way Tommen would become king. No, he could not even think it. Joffrey was his own blood, and Jaime’s son as much as Cersei’s. “I could have your head off for saying that,” he told Bronn, but the sellsword only laughed.
“Friends,” said Varys, “quarreling will not serve us. I beg you both, take heart.”
“Whose?” asked Tyrion sourly. He could think of several tempting choices.
Is this, dare i say, based and /ecg/pilled
>X is for Xenophobic
Incredibly based
reminder that lollys stokeworth, brons wife, was canonically raped by dozens of rioters
Here's an autism template for anyone who wants to make a house wojak
"Nawh. You promised me ten non-ginger sons, Ashara."
i made a house beesbury one years ago does anyone have it
And the bastard son is named Tyrion.
She's not Bronn's wife in the show for some reason unless he still married her later
She was also fat, gave birth to a son, and had Bronn name it Tyrion to piss off Cersei.
Our Guys
>When the riot of King's Landing begins and the mob goes mad, Lollys is pulled from her horse, and is raped by "half a hundred" men behind a tanner's shop. She is later found by the gold cloaks, wandering naked on the street of Sowbelly Row.
What a slut
Cersei arranged for her to marry ser Willis
How many kids did Ashara have with Ned?
Oh that's right FUCKING ZERO
>She was also fat
And a half-wit. Based Bronn seizing that opportunity no one else would take.
They had at least one
Surly pages and pages of parallel plotlines can't all be leading to this, can it?
Should've been Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Brienne can be Master of War.
She also gave her son the surname "tanner" after the place she was raped.
Turbo slut, bet she enjoyed every moment of it.
never heard of her
It's time
>tfw no plain jeyne gf
Brienne was sworn to Sansa, why did she break her oath?
When did you started liking Dany? Me on webm related
for me, It's Arianne Martell
Punished Jeyne.
day of the rope is coming, filthy tranny kike
>later found on sowbelly road
Gotta love GRRM's perverted sense of humor
Probably this scene when she started going full tsundere
Ned was to full of "Muh Honor!" to have premarital sex with ashara
Jeyne, Jeyne, it rhymes with pain.
It's a shame they didn't actually make her eyes purple on the show. So lazy
Ned only developed his muh honor complex because of how badly he fucked up his one and only pre-marital relationship
Ned got cucked by his own brother
ned wound up marrying his brothers betrothed so other way around
After he was dead, Brandon fucked Ashara while Ned was alive
Can Bran only see shit that happened in Westeros, or can he look back in time and see what happened to Valyria and shit?
>didn't even get to sit on the throne
>never even got to rule
So powerful.
Will we get a Dunk and Egg spin off?
Watching Dunk kicking some Targ fucking shits in the face would be kino as fuck
>or can he look back in time and see what happened to Valyria and shit?
Only if there’s rape
Can he see what happened in places he does not know off? Does he know of the outline of the entire planet? Can he see time before the universe's creation?
In the books he's limited to where weirwood trees either are or where they were before.
In the show he seems to have no limitations, he apparently can see in Essos though because he says he's going to look for Drogon
I don't get the Ashara-posting
no tits
>Narrow hips
>Broad shoulders
No thanks.
where my coddniggers at?
It's probably people mad that R+L did actually =J or who hate Catelyn
fueled partially by love of the Ned, hatred for Tully shits and utter disdain to the nu-Stark children
Pretty badass words for a fucking fish
Wait so she was raped in... Gin Alley?
What was the resolution of Quasimodo anyways? Sandor just told her no and that's it, she no longer want revenge? What fucking shit writing.
I didn't say that he wouldn't inherit the Vale, I said he wouldn't suddenly get a new name you illiterate retard
>What are the odds of every single generation having a male heir who has children?
High. So high that it seems incredibly silly that so few exist after thousands of years of rule.
>Lord Tallhart stated that if his nephew was made heir to Hornwood, he would take the name Hornwood from his Mother.
Fair enough, I only remembered all the marriage proposals which would have ended with the husband inheriting the title since she was elderly with no children.
>Starks are also descendant of a Stark woman who had children with a wildling
That's a theory, not an established lineage. Even if true, no one knows that the children were bastards.
>Maege Mormont's children are also Mormonts.
>Not to mention Dorne, where half of the leaders have been women who passed on their name.
Forgot about Maege. Dorne is weird because they do have females as you say, but Nymeria had her children pass on the Martell line rather than her own
>We know the words of house fucking Codd before house Blackfyre
the fyre rises
How scrawny are you that her shoulders are broad?
Her top is accentuating her shoulders making them look broader than they should be. Dumb broad
the show is over
why do we still have /got/ threads polluting my board?
Moat cailin
Nice projection there user, i was clearly talking proportionally.
>Weirwood trees apparently activated by ritual sacrifice
>faceless men at least have the courtesy to only skin euthanized people
>multiple Maegi use blood for fortune telling and spells
>more blood rituals with the House of the Undying
>dragon eggs de-petrified through human sacrifice
>everything Melisandre does
>Valyria magic entirely based on blood and fire
I'm starting to think the Maesters have the right idea, this shit has got to go.
Magic fucking shits get the rope.
Right here
>believing a single thing out of turbocuck Selmy’s mouth
Honestly Preston's theory that the Children of the Forest manipulated everyone to put Bran on the throne is the only way it makes sense
not that guy but inheritors to great houses usually take the name along with the seat and title. it’s not like naming conventions are that strict in this shitty backwater country
If I'm playing The North in CK2, should I raise a new tower in Moat Cailin, or build a city there?
He forged multiple links of a maester's chain and is a master of poison, as well as being very skilled in other areas.
I can't really think of a maester that can compete other than Marwyn and Qyburn
It only exists for defense
Still better than master of coin Bronn.
poor varys got his dick cut off for this shit and aerea targaryen got impregnated by magic fire worms in valyria. magic is degeneracy
Yeah but CK2 doesn't have forts blocking movement like EUIV, so it's useless for that.
then build whatever provides the best defense and station your permanent army there
Jon and Dany's child will be AA, prove me wrong
i tried to play this but my wife cucked me so i put her in an oubliette and then my smallfolk rebelled. i gave up
Bran is AA
Never give up m8
The GoT mod doesn't have retinues. Unless you have event troops or Unsullied, you won't have any "permanent army," nor would a defensive building help the army there.
Unless the unique building there has a hidden modifier like The Wall does for battles that take place there
>no retinues
why the hell
they were the best addition to ck2
Jon and Dany's child is lightbringer, Jon stabs Dany with his dick and wakes dragons from stone
Because the show even makes a show of pointing out how they have no standing armies whatsoever, just levies and household guards.
"We should have a standing army of men loyal to the Crown, trained by experienced soldiers, instead of a mob of peasants who've never held pikes in their lives."
The Drowned God spared Davos so he could be the instrument of Melisandre’s demise. Screencap this and keep it for as many years as it takes for Winds to come out
but states outside of westeros DO have permanent forces
I mean, you can just leave your demense troops raised in perpetuity if you can afford it
Hence, no retinues
That's just a bad idea in general
Kind of. We don't really know about the really far off nations military structure, and the Free Cities mostly have slave soldiers (which you could sort of represent with unsullied event troops) and mercenaries.
I want a remake of Season 1 where Ned beats the Lannisters and becomes king.
Show died with ned
1st For the purest and most beautiful queen who ever was or will be!
/ecg/ Lad of my Lad, will you protect her smile?
>becomes king.
I duhn wahn it
The finale solution for peace would be a Baratheon male marring a Targaryen female.
Gendry marrying Dany?
Gendry and Jon?
Jon is literally the only person who could have kept the Seven Kingdoms intact
>Cersei declaring herself queen
Yikes this better not happen in the books
Book Cersei is retarded enough to try it but Fake Aegon is going to wreck her shit
Well her husband and all her heirs died so of course it would revert to her
>but Fake Aegon is going to wreck her shit
Based fAegon.
We know that she'll outlive Tommen and Myrcella, and that Dany fucks her shit up because of the prophecy
That's not how it works
That's literally not how it works, not to mention the fact that there's a precedent of NO GIRLS ALLOWED ever since the dance of the dragons.
It's a derivation of the Leon//Claire/Chris meme from Yea Forums
A female monarch literally only happens if that is the only bloodline in the family to the throne. Males always supersede females. If Tommen dies in books it falls to stannis.
See this: If that was to happen they would instead call for a grand council.
Why not edit her eyebrows to be lighter as well?
>*tips fedora
Would it have been better if they cgi'd his face to look more like a young Sean Bean? I hate when they do the young actor that looks nothing like the older dude shit.
>castle is high and has gardens
>"let's call it high-garden"
>castle is built by a guy called Harren and has many and great halls
>let's call it Harrenhal
Yeah, all the Lannisters (and Tyrells) in King's Landing would politely ask Stannis to be their king instead of making up any bullshit to avoid that.
>King is a fag and needs bodyguards
>let's call it the "Rainbow Guard"
I found a bunch of old memes
Chadmure was the best option for king. Fuck chunky Salsa
the mannis!!!
>castle is in a big rock
>let's call it casterly rock
>Grenn dies reciting the Night's Watch oath while slaying a giant
>Sam lives and has broken every single except part of the oath except "now my watch begins"
it happens
>castle that is black
>let’s call it castle black
That's not nearly as easy to do.
But he looked quite convincing as a young Sean Bean?
Are we Aegon IV now?
What are the best fanfics that fix the ending?
I don't know what we are now friendo probably blackfye shits
winter is coming
This made stannisfags so mad...truly a simpler time
>girls are allowed
>King's Landing gets burned into the ground
Eerily accurate. I know it's more recent, but does anyone have that pic of ApuCersei on the Spurdo elephant?
>tfw grooming a fellow Chad
I guess we know where Justin Massey is based from.
I mean, if you want a royal army, you can play with infinite vassals and demesne and revoke all titles in the Crownlands, have it be your personal holding like a Greater King's Landing.
how good is joff's kingsguard??
>Dany... is ready to take what she wants and what she wants is Jon.
Thank god for autists.
What should be Lyanna's fate? Shall it be death, or exile?
Its good, but not as good as Myrcella being Lady Commander of the Kingsguard. Also why wear Renly's crown?
>by Thisismecoping
fucking kek
What timestamp should I play in CK2 lads?
Don't want anything covering the books and don't want anything pre-targ either
make her do the walk of shame and then exile
walk of shame
>why wear Renly's crown?
its the only good one, I hate Robert's crown and the others kings' crowns
>This little weasel played a key role in overthrowing the royal family
Dance of the Dragons as Greyjoy
while all the dragon autists are murdering each other, loot Westeros for all its worth and steal a fuckton of valyrian steel and wives
I always liked playing with Argilac/argella durrandon pre-conquest
After the Spring, play as this mad lass. She's the ruler of Harrenhall
Death, by exile.
my headcannon just shot a big load
Imagine eating Danys shit.
Aerys did most of the job himself by pissing off the three most Chad kingdoms
>When Lord Brynden Rivers, the Hand of the King to Aerys I Targaryen, marched on Whitewalls to quash the Second Blackfyre Rebellion, Lady Danelle was among the riverlords who come in support, marching in great strength.[1]
Really? i don't recall that. Well here i go again to read Dunk & Egg for the hundrendth time
Maesters are barely any more trustworthy. They've got magic artifacts hidden away like the obsidian candle that basically works like the Palantir from LotR.
He spent the twenty years prior to that shitting all over Tywin Lannister while he ran the kingdom super well.
That kid has 50/50 chances of getting Targ madness
I tried to start a Robert's Rebellion game a few days ago and the Tower of Joy was super weird. Me and Howland didn't even get to fight, and I only lost one of my companions.
Arthur Dayne was killed by a pissed off Hill Clansman.
Playing Pokemon with the Kingsguard is the only fun thing to do when you are King. I like freeing Unsullied via plots and then offering them a place on my Kingsguard, though with the last update this makes everyone ridiculously upset with you for wrong religion and non-knights.
don't forget
>literally everything about Euron
>the sword of the morning slain by some guy called Buckets
>GRRM told D&D Bran would reveal Hodor's origin and become king
>Bran literally does nothing except those two plot points
D&D really had no idea what to do with/flesh out Bran, huh?
Bobby B has his own crown? I thought there's only the Storm Crown, which looks closest to his show crown.
If GRRM finished his fucking books on time then maybe D&D wouldn't have shat the bed so hard
>“Dany,” he pinched his eyes closed. Having her close did things to him, things that it shouldn’t.
“>Do you wish me to stop nephew?”
>He looked at her then, eyes wide and saw she was smiling back at him. Her hand trailed lower until she palmed his hardness.
>“It’s wrong.” he pleaded.
“>Is it? Did Ned Stark teach you so little of his own family? Do you really think you are the first man with Stark blood to fuck his own?” she pulled on him, squeezing gently and he held back a groan.
i give credit to the fact that this person loves GoT but christ sometimes the drawings are a bit off
she's freaked out by demon!bran
It’s pretty obvious that D&D were just trying to tick off a checklist of plotpoints
Better than where, where he's been missing since the Tower of Joy thing. There was literally a big Ned-Bobby B fight over Jon Sand and Lyanna, and he missed out on all of that.
It's weird. George's erotic writing sucks shit and is generally pretty corny and it somehow still shines compared to this trash.
I'm convinced that the Stark kids are the second biggest reason why the books have taken so long (Gurm's laziness being the first) . Everyone else has well defined roles to play in Dany's conquest and the Ice Zombie apocalypse plots except these kids with bullshit powers
I don't know, Myrish swamp and fat pink mast are probably on par with this
How do these reforms look?
Unyielding is too broken to not pick
Oh wow, they added reformations to the mod too? Neat.
Looks proper enough. What does Blood Magic do though?
Bran is Lightbringer, Jaime is AA and forged Bran when he pushed him out the window
>Castle is in the east, by the sea, and for watching wildling activity
>Let's call it Eastwatch by the Sea
Gave Stannis an actually good wife along with Storm's End. Plus I need good ties with the Hightowers and BASED Maesters to shit up some (((Valyrians))) and dragonspawn.
I'm so strong no one would ever attack me, so I don't think a morale bonus on home turf would be very helpful
As I understand it, it's the feature that Rh'llor already had. Sacrifice people to build up sacrifice power, spend said mana on different boons, including healing yourself and possibly even resurrection
>town that’s new
>let’s call it newtown
>town built by oxen ford
>let’s call it oxford
Did you mean to give him Jorah's wife? Somehow i don't think it'll go any better.
>Lynesse fucking Hightower
>good wife
Languages evolve over time, GRRM having the Andals all share the same exact language with no dialects or differences between the kingdoms is downright retarded
>What should we call western Australia?
>hmmm how about "Western Australia"
>What about southern Australia?
>let's go with "South Australia"
>And northern Australia?
>I'm feeling creative, let's try "The Northern Territory"
>Hmmm, what does eastern Australia remind you of?
>Why, Southern Wales, of course! Let's call it "New South Wales"
>And north-east Australia?
>meh, I'm feeling lazy, just name it after the Queen
>south-East Australia
>yeah just name it after the Queen again
>What should we call the territory of Australia where the capitol is?
>"The Australian Capitol Territory"
bravo nolan
Not to mention the Northerners have the same language as well
Stannis is unflinching enough to handle that mega-whore and keep her in line.
do you have a single fact to back that up
Wich is very strange for him to do. Considering that in Essos he clearly states that there is different dialects and bastard tongues all over the place.
GRRM said no, never, after this abomination of an adaptation.
who could they possibly cast as Dunk is the manlet-infested world of acting?
Bronn was fucking based.
There's practically zero difference in culture between someone from say, the Stormlands and the Vale, which is odd considering those kingdoms are 1000s of years old and have jack shit in common outside of Andal descent. It's like if modern day Scandinavians and Anglos could understand each other completely because they both come from the same old Germanic tribe
>Ned would behead people, then 'clean his sword' at the foot and root of the creepy ass weirwood tree.
>...whomever gave the order
WHOEVER, you illiterate cunt
Jaime taught her that honor isn't black and white and sometimes you have to break oaths for the greater good of the kingdom
Brienne tried to teach him that there was still good in the world and that it isn't just nihilism, but she failed.
Why did HBO spoil the book ending? The show was going into a completely different direction. What was the reasoning of using the book ending, pissing off both showfags and bookfags?
old gods win.
The new guy they got playing Chewbacca?
A corpse...should be left well alone
I’d kill for Michael to voice Roose in an animated series/video game
honestly i wonder if it would have been better for GRRM to let them do whatever the fuck and say that the book and the show are different timelines altogether.
Bring her back to me, lads. It's too much.
I just have no idea how GRRM could justify Bran being king.
That would be ideal yes. Why did fat man even give them the ending to spoil for us? Why does the fat shit not care about us waiting for his books? Knowing Bran becomes king and Dany goes nuts has killed my excitement for reading on.
Just wait for ADoS when book Jon carts her off to the house with the red door and pumps her full of baby Targs
based and canonpilled
We might as well be Aegon VI desu
it won't happen, since bran is only 8 years old in the books, even with the 5 year time skip he wanted he'd still be just 13 years old
we still have Euron as the ultimate wildcard in the books
>get elective
>put diplomatic skills to work
>dear niece eat your heart out
>Just wait for ADoS
It's easier to wait for the final chapter of Berserk desu
If Bran actually used his powers and got way more focus towards the end as a character, I can see an argument. Human flaws make humans terrible at any kind of governance. Even someone like Ned, he's just too hardheaded and stubborn for it to work in reality with him. Robert was irresponsible. Bran is totally detached and has none of those flaws so with a much better buildup it could have been done well.
I expected both Dany and Jon to die in the war with the Others honestly, so even if one or both wound up on the throne temporarily, I next expected that as endgame. I though Jaime endgame maybe.
Oh Lady Maria....
what are her skills?
Seem low
>King Jaime I
could be either retarded or brilliant depending on how its done.
muh fuehrer
Who still waiting for the Mannis' great comeback in S9?
have sex
>The White Book is kept in the White Sword Tower, the tower of the Red Keep in King's Landing which is home to the Kingsguard.
Did someone steal the White Book or did D&D kind of forget that paper burns easily?
>G*rmany awake with Targ shits sigil
what did user mean by this?
It's weird, wouldn't you normally expect the Maesters to keep a copy in the Citadel?
They never established if they made copies of the White Book but even if they did the original would be one of a kind. It would be about 300 years old by the time of Kings Landing massacre and around for every single King.
Dany dies at Jon's hand.
Jon is forced to rule, even though he doesn't want it, because he feels duty bound to stabilise the realm.
He abdicates and, since he's also a Stark, rule of the Seven Kingdom passes onto the Stark Family and the last surviving male member is Bran.
Too traumatised to continue on ruling and haunted by the calls calling him Kinslayer and Queenslayer for killing his aunt he lets go of the crown to find peace behind the wall. He doesn't talk to the rest of his Stark family ever again as, even in this world, Sansa and Arya played a role in driving Daenerys insane.
Cutest psycho!
linda is hilarious
don't they hate the show? why even make videos about it
poor edmure
1 of them stopped watching during s5: dorne, and the other just laughed her way through the series.
He seems to know unavoidable spoilers. Still, she catches him off guard with "and since everyone in the Reach is dead, they offered the area to the Unsullied" and/or other nonsense.
It's actually so fucking sad that the ending for the books is comoletely spoiled while being shat on like this.
I'm sure it'll make more sense in the books, but it still leaves a sour taste, knowing how something that isn't even finished will end.
Fat man fucked up big time. He sold his work to hack jews and they butchered it.
I'm sad to be spoiled. Brandon the Corpse I would have been a neat and unexpected ending.
>ITT retards
Book ending will have nothing to do with the show ending.
Bran actor already revealed GRRM told them he would be king. And Dabid loves Dany too much to have her go whacko as OC.
I fucking hate this little shit
Remind me again how the hell the lannister manage to equip their peasant levy with armor that havr the same quality as armors wore by the byzantine's Varangian guard or the ottoman jannisaries?
>inb4 gold
>Work 30 years developing your story, ensuring its perfect and no detail is overlooked
>Ruined by 2 jews in 4 years
>work 30 years
Source being your ass?
maybe they have a standing army because gold
Does this look like the face of a psycho?
Gold literally is the reason though
King Brandon is true canon.
we /corpse god/ now
oh no no no
>D&D claim GRRM told them x
yeah sure thing, just like Shireen getting burned by Stannis right? top kek
my new wife
Fucking Chad and Stacey
Emilia Clark said in some interview they told her Dany's arc is like Lawrence of Arabia, where he has a breakdown at the end. Although Book Dany has already had something like that at the end of ADWD where Mereen goes to shit and she hops on Drogon to get the fuck out
who are you playing as? fucking can't tell because of that helmet
shireen is being burned. by who, that was never told to D&D.
queen's men and the fire bitch will fry her up while jon is dead and stannis is cold 200 miles south.
Shireen getting burned is 100% happening. But it won't be Stannis ordering it.
Fuck I’m always reminded why I like Bronn so much.
>asshai's shadow and the Lands of Always Winter connect
Shireen is getting burned to bring Jon back, death must pay for life and all that shit
>30.000 strong army, all of them equiped with armor that would make the elite troops of our world jealous
>because of gold
Not even the Habsburg during the universal monarchy of Charles V can do that, nor the byzantines and the ottomans in their peak strength
that map is utter shite
Higher res version
no wonder, being married to a sad cunt anime prince must be terrible
it's medieval style accurate but inaccurate
Para mi, ella es Cynthia Martel
go away spic
few days ago I played as Daemon, took the throne and killed brynden rivers and exiled all targaryens
>exiling yourself
but why
Depressed because she's married to a Targaryen FUCKING SHIT instead of an Ironborn CHAD