
Jonathan Scott Frakes ediciĆ³n
Is Beyond Belief canon?
Any new Picard Show rumors?
old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


lol what the fuck is star trek even about?

rofl your thread nlows and so do you

pity bump but i think this shit won't even make ten posts

RIP /trek/

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enough with the general garbage ffs
this is /alita/ tier

Seething alitafag

>enough with the general garbage ffs
not this time lol

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Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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I can't even make it through STD s2 without wanting to strangle myself and now that jew fag who also ruined The Mummy is doing the Picard show.

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>jew fag
Ooohh... sss yeeeahh...
That's gonna' be a YIKES from me and a decapitation for breaking Noahide laws.
Tough toenails, goyboy.

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but user how will the janny sabotaging the general do his daily gloat?

I hate this cunt so much. Why is she even on the Enterprise?

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What's he thinkin', lads?

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I'm not gonna lie, /trek/ threads are pretty shit. I just want to have autistic back and forths discussions about the show and all you homos can do is post memes and beg bashirfag to see her tranny tits.

How many Cardassians did you kill?

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>it posts from its dungeon in pittsburgh, expecting attention while contributing nothing

Ro is cute, shut the fuck up. Just imagine hatefucking her.

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Star Trek's pretty gay famalam

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I hope they have catering

She seems like the type who put up a tough front but are secretly cuddly sweethearts who let you do anything to them if they decide they like you but freeze up and turn into raging bitches if you piss them off.

Hi Jess!

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do people dislike lal? cus i thought it was a good ep

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Bajorans have sideways vaginas.


I want to eat her asshole, so I guess I like her.

Can someone give me some headcannon for TOS Mirror Universe Romulan Empire

all of them put the cardies into gas chambers

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Instead of being analogous to Romans, they are Greek, and they are the Athenians to the Terran Empire's Sparta.

Highly isolationist, perhaps they still have an Empress. They are back-room power brokers, secretly pushing the Klingons towards alliance with the Cardassians as a check against the Empire.

Stop Stop! I can only take so much CRINGE

I like this one better than thanks lads

F, Marry, Kill

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Living sans monthly remittance

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>I'm saying I've legitimately fucked a girl who was way hotter than her and had bigger, natural tits.
>I'm saying I knew quite a few chicks in high school who were way hotter than her.
>I also prefer Kirstie over her, mainly because I'm a tit guy, I love big natural tits and Kirstie had the milk truck loaded up back then.
>And lastly, learn to read in context. The emphasis on that was to point out that, yes, she was very hot but not like some all time great legend of hotness.
>That is all.

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Based and redpilled. Love reading old examples of alphaposting.

tfw im 5'4 but i have an 8in penis so girls will make fun of me until they see my cock but then i tell them that im a twink power bottom and force them to watch me fuck men

based as fuck

>he's a tit man and wants a succ from the milk trucc

pretty based

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I too, a different poster, believe that this is BASED


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Fact: Dukat posters are the only red blooded hetrosexual men in these threads who have regular sex.

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all cardies and cardie sympathizers should be put under the guillotine

>have sex
>I've been trying for months now, I'm starting to feel like a real caveman

So fucking based.
As an added consideration, Archer posters should also get an honorable mention.

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have sex

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Found those pics of /ourmod/ "you" were asking for.

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I thought VF was an Asian twink?

Okay Bajewran

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Remember that idea bandied about where we meet up in Florida while BF gets naked in Jimmy's toolshed?

bajorans arent much better than cardies but at least they're not reptilian cucks


No, keep your incel delusions to yourself. Have sex, caveman.


she's cute!

Yes, talking about how she don't take shit from no men because of Kira. Meanwhile anons in these threads regularly push her to the brink of self harm just by calling her a stupid whore anonymously.

I think you should spend more time searching through my old posts and start to build a portfolio.
That'll show me.

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>/alita/ tier
But /trek has been around for years?
Much like the dubsminion.

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Why would she harm herself because a bunch of beta orbiters on Yea Forums are going insane because they can't rape her asshole? I thought she had an awesome husband and a job she loves so I don't get why what anonymous retards say would affect her.

>one of from trips
Silly broken Vorta, let a real clone show you how it's done!

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>stupid whore
You mean by calling her a tranny, right?
So many anons want 'her' dick and boipussy.

>off by 1
just kill yourself already

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Looks like someone's BBC got in the way of repeating digits.

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Chase Masterson has the calves of a veteran nose tackle in the NFL.

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Get friends, maybe then you won't have to creep on discord trannies.

>Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
He lost control to an alien influence and neglected his duties to his country contributing to losing a war

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add two more bodies to the pile.

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>discord trannies
Wait, I thought the documentary "confirmed" it was a real wymyn? It had a chick voice but a guy's neck so I'm still in limbo over that.

She's a degenerate so she doesn't mind being called a tranny. Call her ignorant, stupid, the worst poster, or a dumb bitch and she legitimately gets ass blasted.

Who's thundertits on the right?

BF is nothing if not committed to his female larp.
Lots of voice training.
Does it make him leak?

You're such a cringe little faggot. I can't believe you kept posting in the discord after you sharing those files named "BF being a whore" TO THE GIRL YOU WERE TALKING TO
It's astounding how utterly unaware and desperate you are. She is a thirty year old married woman, you obsessive clown. How do you really see things playing out? Does she forget she loves her husband and decides to show her ass to someone who's been creeping on her for years?
You're so fucking retarded. No wonder everyone in your life has pushed you away.

have sex, pally

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>lol what the fuck is star trek even about?
An optimistic vision of what humanity can become and it's exploration of the unknown (both out in space and within ourselves)

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>the discord

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>girly hands
Go throw a football or do some pushups

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Computer, delete character Vic Fontaine from the program

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kys voyanigger

>Does she forget she loves her husband
She fucks kl*ngers on the side. I heard it at Quark's.

can you imagine janeway telling you "Get out" right as your about to cum in side her and knowing that shes your domme you have to comply or else you'll be castrated. wow it would be so frustrating but goddamn i would love to be in that situation with her

Based, I'm being stalked by a jobless tranny guys.

Attached: BF walks into the thread.webm (420x314, 1.72M)

Looks homosexual

Don't forget

*computer voice* Faggots are not authorized to alter holodeck programs at this time. Please Try again never.

Fucking Morn can't keep his big mouth shut

Just look at this roastie SEETHE.

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Engineering to bridge, meme power has been restored.

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I miss him, bros.

Add in
>repressed homosexual
>overcompensates because of homosexuality


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>Fucking Morn can't keep his big mouth shut
At first, I read this multiple times as
>mom can't keep his

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Wait, is Bashirfaggot 30 years old with no kids?
Suddenly I don't find her all that attractive.

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I love a full bush

I can't remember whether this was BF or someone else but just found like looking for an Attention Bajoran Workers gif. Forgot I even saved it.

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why is she so cute bros?

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Nice kicks, Yeoman.

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FINALLY, the good kind of autism, the productive kind of autism. Most Dukautism is usually just a pointless waste of space. Good job to whoever made this!

kys faggot

Is she borg or something?

I learned a new word here today

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A new one for my collection, thank you friend.
Bashirfaggot really needs to be impregnated.
If she does it now then maybe I can get with her daughter when she's 20 and it won't be too weird.

Last gen standing.

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VF was here just two nights ago LARPing as an anti Forbidden Planet tripfag. I think that thread was filled with names.

dude we literally used to go home smoke weed and watch star trek during long recesses

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For me, the best part of college was luring innocent young girls back to my dorm room with promises of free alcohol, mixing ever-increasing amounts of vodka and rum into their cocktails, and then forcing them to watch Star Trek with me.

Truly the true meaning of frens.

Kineaux and comfy. Best ENT episode and proves that velcro is a (((Vulcan))) mind trick.

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>also a rapist

based satan trip trips, Jeb!'s the florida man though

>amateur hour: letting a drunk girl fall asleep so you can rape her, like the pathetic little weasel you are
>big dick energy: forcing a drunk girl to stay awake and watch Star Trek with you

>and then forcing them to watch Star Trek with me
based and not rapist pilled

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Looks like you were wrong. You can always count on /trek/ when the chips are down.

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>seems like the type
That is literally exactly the type she is, doofus. Keep watching the series, especially the episode she bangs Riker.

Hearty kek.

It's crazy how Burger King actually came out with these ads.

>courage comes in all sizes
this is what my gf says to me when i ask for sex

Imagine fucking a handicapped bitch in zero gravity.

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Is she an amazon or something?

>tfw no amazon gf
>tfw a Star Trek amazon gf will never pick you up and shake you

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Sex is for fags.
No sex for me.

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im 5'4 and she's 5'10

harry caught the space clap from fucking some horned up single mother on Charles Rockets space junket then that somehow lead to people abandoning ship

very forgettable voyager episode

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You goddamn lucky dog.

Fake but living-the-dream-pilled.

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actually factually real
ye i recognize that everyday and im thankful for it, she also supports my crossdressing and is into it too so im like triple lucky

I didn't realize she's six feet tall. Is DS9 always shot to make her seem shorter, or is everyone else on the cast just also fucking giants? Or did I just ignore it because of her steely acting and lack of plot relations and I was more focused on Kira's ass?

it was plot important ep though cause janeway ordered him to submit ejaculation requests to her in writing

Any pictures of you in her clothing?

lmao dude i dont fit in her clothing

kira's uniform is a cinematography illusion, focus the eye on the ass and artificially equalize height.

will the Picard show finally address Janeway and Paris' lizard rapebabies?

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this is what peak performance looks like

That's the point. Unless you mean that you're fat, in which case, ew.

i weigh like 105lbs, and she doesnt really wear the kind of clothes that i like to wear anyway

those rapebabies are on some random shithole in the delta quadrant. no one cares

Fuck that episode was weird.



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she has an even manlier jaw than 7o9


Ruin Star Trek by making a prequel show full of melodramatic unlikable cunts and the laziest writing ever? This one is true. *wink*

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I know who you are.


Actress is Chase Masterson.

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What happened to the trek discord? I only noticed now it was gone lol

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the Picard show is confirmed shit.

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