Daniel Day-Lewis vs Gary Oldman
The Great Debate
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Day-Lewis will spend sometimes over a year preparing for a role and generally only takes one or two roles a decade. Gary Oldman vanishes into roles despite doing 3-4 movies a year with literally no prep time.
Oldman is the superior actor by miles.
Shit thread. See you on page 10.
Oldman easy
Both are fantastic at fully embodying the characters they portray, but Oldman still manages to trick me with how much of a chameleon he is.
Beethoven. Sid Vicious. Winston Churchill.
All played by the same actor 100% convincingly. Gary Oldman is one of the greatest actors of all time. OF. ALL. TIME.
%100 Oldman
Oldman, not only is he one of the greats but he's redpilled to boot
Day Jewis is a kike so is automatically unbased
Based Oldman played the kino terrorist in Air Force One
>blocks your path
This is like Ruth vs Gehrig. Personal preference really. I go with Gary but it's really a toss up.
nah it's more cut and dry than that. like others have said oldman disappears into roles. DDL more often than not feels like he's just peacocking around.
Neither. Michael Parks is a far better actor than either of these try-hards.
I honestly don’t think Day-Lewis is that great. His performances seem very forced and unsubtle.
>yfw Adam Sandler goofs around with DDL
>yfw Ben Stiller is friends with Terry Malick
I read Gary Oldman's imdb once
realized that even though I had seen most of the movies, I had never once seen Gary Oldman
DDL by far and I love Gary Oldman. There is no competition. Lewis makes shit movies instantly kino
>Lewis makes shit movies
i gotta agree with you there user
Oldman. Its not even a fucking contest here. Its ALWAYS Oldman.
DDL is just a retro version of DiCaprio.
tough call Jack
one burns hotter but the other burns longer
He's underrated as fuck.
Old man is more entertaining but also was in tiptoes so about even imo
Oldman makes other actors better
That can't be taught. More based
Name me a film where Oldman carried. DDL carries all his films, he's a LEAD actor. Oldman is good but he can't lead.
Gary Oldman named the Jew, so he wins in my eyes.