>Didn't need no welfare state
>Didn't need no welfare state
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Watching old sitcom shows make me sad because I know that the world will never be like how it used to and I will forever have to live knowing that black muslim trannies are the new norm.
>people unironically like that old racist bigot
They were better times. Fewer dumb faggots like yourself, and the ones that did exist were treated extremely poorly. As it should be.
archies neighbors were black and more successful than him and edith
I couldn’t stand this show when it came on late at night.
Enjoying your gibs are we?
really? i guess we dont have a nigger problem after all!, lets move to atlanta!!!
Atlanta is mostly gay white people
kill yourself, you don't belong you disgusting faggot
I'll let you in on a secret. The character was a masterfully played parody of a lovable bigot. This is one of the most iconic embodiments of Poe's law.
>not understanding that this character existed to mock people such as yourself
Even back in the 70s when this show was filmed your kind was seen as idiotic.
>The character was a masterfully played parody of a lovable bigot
This is revisionist history. Archie was normal and the average person related to him. The reason it worked is because people have always hated leftists and been frustrated by their never-ending perversion of culture.
>This is revisionist history
t. zoomer
The irony of that line, of course, being that from all the references, they are obviously talking about the time of The New Deal, which very much was a welfare state. The New Deal and what we now call "welfare state" were indeed the norm during any period of greatness we might want to return to.
What people dont get is that this show was written by a jew, and makes fun of archie because he is so backwards and stupid and all the women and brown people around him are way more progressive and therefore smarter than dumb old whitey. It was a literal propaganada show and some stupid boomers didnt get it and thought archie was on their side; making them the butt of the joke.
seethe harder
Yes, he was based. Problem?
Anyone see the "re-shoots" they did on ABC with them and the Jeffersons last week? I didn't get to watching yet.
I think that's fairly obvious. But like many characters (((they))) create to be mocked/demonized, it backfired and people genuinely liked him and looked up to him. My dad watched the show as a teen and still quotes him to this day.
Why was that autistic boomer so obsessed with a children's entertainment show character? Was Archie genuinely retarded or something?
Yes, he was genuinely retarded.
>Back when women couldn't vote.
>uppity blacks got the rope
>And Being white was really great.
Many people thought the 1920s were great, and that is what they were referencing.
It’s funny, my boomer dad said I was just like Archie and told me to watch the show. My dad is pretty based though. He is a New York wop who used to be a mall cop and beat the shit out of niggers and terrorize the Jewish neighborhood.
A Jewish man made this to introduce non Christian anti Western Marxist ideas through jokes. It always happens through humor.
First the gay guy is the butt of the joke. A decade later you're a bigot for not worshipping sodomy.
Same thing happened with Ron Swanson.
Holy based
>Archie Bunker, the WASP, based on Hyman Lear
What did Norman Lear mean by this
Ok that is one of the stupidest things I have read in a long time. Archie was very much a parody of a lovable bigot.
I was around when the show was originally airing and most people got that Archie was a parody.
Too bad the last 20 years kids have gotten so dumb they can't figure out anything on their own.
Enjoy a life of shit ya dumb fuck.
Yes, he is endearing. Have sex incel.
>not understanding that Archie Bunker was portrayed with humanity and was ultimately a rough-around-the-edges loving father and decent human being who was negotiating the horrible transformation of culture as well as he could
Also this You're a fucking idiot.
You're a sad old leftist and even you yourself missed the point as it was airing, and I take you at your word. Unfortunately, most other anons in this thread have also misunderstood, as you have. While the Archie Bunker character is clearly a caricature, he also doesn't carry the pat nihilism of, say, a Peter Griffin-different periods. Creator Norman Lear still had to "play nice", to an extent.
>What did Norman Lear mean by this
Strawmanning views held by most whites at the time as cartoonishly offensive and laughable.
dumb /pol/ack
>You knew who you were then.
>Deutsches Herren and Jews were dead
>Gee boy, I wish we had a Fuhrer like Adolf Hitler again
I never got that part.
No. What's this about?
No, they explicitly refer to Herbert Hoover in the dialogue, not the New Deal.
Archie wasn't actually a bigot, he was just backwards. He hated the Klan.
>It's the jews fault nobody likes me
>Boy the way Glen Miller played
>Popular in the late 30's and early 40's... you know the new deal
>Songs that made the hit parade
>Television show popular in the late 30's, throug early 50's... you know the new deal
>And you knew who you were then,
>Girls were girls and men were men
>After the new deal, in 30's and early 40's, women's lib moved backwards as compared to the 20's
>Mister we could use a man
>Like Herbert Hoover again.
>Remembered as a national disgrace... obvious jab at the singers for not getting the joke
>Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
>Car most popular during the 40's... you know... The New Deal
The song, written for the show, that was as points out
>written by a jew
... and in the song, every specific thing mentioned nostalgically is from The New Deal era, except of course Hoover, who is such a national disgrace, the line may as well have been
>Mister we could use a man Like Benedict Arnold again.
It just goes to show that the stance and internal inconsistencies of the casual right hasn't changed in nearly half a century
>Look at that time when The New Deal made us great... let's do the opposite to return to it.
they were all jews on that show, the whole purpose was to show how out of date and racist the white man was
all in the family was early peak kikery
Absolutely moronic
1940s were great for "women's lib" because the men were off at war and women took up factory jobs. Most of what you said is really reaching. They're talking about the Hoover/ 1920s and early 1930s era.
>Even back in the 70s when this show was filmed your kind was seen as idiotic.
By the Jewish writers. Archie was a crowd favorite unlike his lefty son.
>1940s were great for "women's lib" because the men were off at war and women took up factory jobs.
Until the very moment the men came home, at which point the women's lib agenda backslid to earlier than it was before the men left, which was itself a backslide compared to before the depression.
>>Car most popular during the 40's... you know... The New Deal
the new deal wasn't in the 1940s you retard. you are thinking of the 1930s.
Also they sold only 8600 LaSalle's in 1935 and ceased production by 1940.
And the refrences to the "hit parade" is a sly joke that they are at the upright piano singing. Hit Parade featured house singers performing covers of the hits of the week and they sold the sheet music so you could play it at home. Edith and Archie probably spent many nights after dinner singing sheet music from the hit parade at the piano.
This is also pretty much true. They just never expected everyone to hate Meathead so much. People knew Archie was an old coot but Meathead was the 70s equivalent of a smug Redditor.
In Archie Bunker's Place they made him more likeable and also had him come around on social issues. I saw one the other night where Archie quit his Lodge after getting in a fight with the Poo-bah because he said racist things to the black lady who lives with him and his granddaughter.
>the new deal wasn't in the 1940s you retard. you are thinking of the 1930s.
The economic principles of the new deal were the largely untouched standard from the late 30's through 1979. The most radical economic leftists that the modern American left can offer are still economically to the right of Nixon. The general consensus was "the economic principles of the new deal are good, so we'll both generally uphold them, and argue about what to do with the niggers." Regan was the one who convinced everybody that anything to the left of Rand is socialism.... as opposed to the form of well taxed and well regulated capitalism that beat socialism to the moon.
>probably spent many nights after dinner singing sheet music from the hit parade at the piano.
>tfw remember doing fun things with my family when little
>board games, checkers, piano, camping
>those books that were full of puzzles and math problems and stuff with the invisible ink pens attached ("for ages 8 to 88!")
>hanging out on the porch chatting with all the neighbors as they all come by at sunset
>making old fashioned ice cream with a hand crank
>tfw families don't do things like this anymore
>tfw nobody does anything like this anymore
>just smartphones and avoiding eye contact
He was /our guy/ you meathead
The TV guide for the show's premiere literally calls Archie "a bigot" and Norman Lear was a closeted Socialist trying to subvert American mores with his show.
Most people actually don't hate US SocDems for their economics but because they love faggots and niggers and sjw shit.
That's the thing. Modern day Dems is basically two seperate parties. A: SocDems, that don't care much about social issues, but still lean left when pressed, and focus primarily on taxing the rich to feed, heal, and shelter the poor. B: annoying SJW centrist shits who completely ignore the plight of the poor to focus on virgue signaling nonsense, and still count Clinton among them, despite him being even more economically conservative than any Republican before him.
It's similar to how the right is currently a loose alliance between the pearl clutching religious right, who just want christian sharia law, regardless of economic policy, and anarchist libertarians, who just want lower taxes and less regulation regardless of what social policies need to go along with it.
I absolute hate SJW's... but as long as they keep supporting AoC, I don't care, because taxing the rich to feed, heal, and shelter the poor is more important than skubfesting about niggers or whatever.
>not murdering babies is sharia law
Cope harder godless cuck
>supporting an actual communist
>"it'll help the poor!"
You can't be this retarded. This has to be bait.
>economic policies to the right of Nixon and Eisenhower
>New Green Deal
>THIS time, it'll work! There won't be breadlines, and we'll all be card-carrying members of the Worker's Party!
dude, fuck property rights and success and sheeit, we'll just take all the momey from those evil old rich people and give it to the po lil black fowk and migrants who need it so bad! we be robin hoods n sheeit!
it's ok to take other peoples money, cause they'll keep working hard to make more of it for us so we don't have to work!
isn't this and the jeffersons getting a reboot
>The New Deal
>Leads to the greatest 4 decades of economic growth in American History
>Surely it won't work THIS time, because... something something jews...
Sure thing. If you want to define communist as "everything to the left of Rand" than sure. Nixon is a communist. Eisenhower is a communist, Ford is a communist, LBJ is a communist, Truman is a communist, and ever other president who presided over our greatest period of prosperity and greatness was a communist.... damn, by that definition, it sure looks like we could use some communism.
None of those guys supported illegal immigration, faggotry and the other garbage social policies of the dsa.
And I don't give two shits about social policy one way or the other. Fixing the economy is too important, and following the example of America's actual economic policy during its greatest period of prosperity seems like a better plan than following the theories set forth in sci-fi fanfic written by some Russian roastie. If I have to support some degeneracy to do it, so be it: small potatoes. If no like, no look.
>knowing that black muslim trannies are the new norm.
But they aren't my alarmist friend, don't let them demoralize you.
Boomers were the original soiboi sjws though. Their political views would also make some limp wristed millenials look like borderline ancaps in comparison
>being this fucked up in your analysis
The new deal led to an extended depression. Being the only industrialized country not bombed to bits post WWII led to four decades of unprecedented growth.
mormons literally do this. they even have a cultural "family game night" where they turn off the tv and hang.
shame about the silly religion hat stones and whatnot
Germany and Japan.
>maybe we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again
Well at least we have that.
>yes goyim give all your money to the state fo dem programs n shieeeet
To be fair, Republicans are basically the same except they dispense with the facade of dem po lil black chilliuns and just give your money straight to Israel.
There's no actual fiscally conservative party which is really the more important dimension ultimately
>ponzi scheme neokeynesian policies
>we wuz money fo dem programs shieeeet
Want to see my perpetual motion machine ?
Not really comparable. Aid to Israel is 0.01% of the US’ GDP while welfare programs are 70%
I agree whites are low IQ and this identify with low intelligence characters
"Fixing" the economy is what causes it to be fucked in the first place. Stop sticking your dick in the fucking pie and allow the system to come to equillibrium you cryptosocialist nigger
Based non brainlet
Bitch, he's all Calvin Coolidge up in this place.
easily triggered incel
I didn't really mean literally giving it to Israel, but over the top defence budgets to exert force on behalf of Israel. You're probably right about the welfare, considering Social Security alone ears a huge portion.
They are very comparable on fiscal matters though
Not really. Afghanistan War had nothing to do with Israel, Iraq War hurt Israel more than helped it, Syria they beat the group fighting Assad instead of actually fighting Assad
He was right about everything