A 10/10, filthy rich AND hung. Life is cruel.
A 10/10, filthy rich AND hung. Life is cruel
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>mutilated penis
That’s not hung. That’s an average softie. Probably not more that 4 inches in that pic
Who /gay/ here?
This guy literally looks like one of those statues. He's genuinely artwork it's amazing.
He's probably like me, a grower. My penis becomes 4 times it's size when erect
>tfw smaller flaccid but on taller, larger body frame
Even my erect is statistically above average looks small on a big guy like me
Based superfans abandoning the user flag
only (You)
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Looks like the rabbis took a bit too much off the top during the blood sacrifice
good job on being abused by your uncle as a child
it's like you faggots don't know about grower dicks
>cucked by the big bad Harv
Typical white man
are traps gay?
>below average semi
>marked as a jew slave
no thanks
There’s very little bunched skin, so it’s more likely that he is a shower that isn’t packing much beyond a 5
What’s that line on the sack up to the Bhole?
You know we can see you samefagging right
now I want o kick her nuts in
Guaranteed replies
lol keep wishing for the day anons don't reply to me my good little user
Jesus said no
>dicklets need special terminology to cope
You have one too retard.
What the fuck I filtered you
The proto-vagina
>amerigay Yea Forums
It’s smaller than his thumb user. That’s not hung.
>no tripcode
Looks exactly like mine that's pretty cool honestly. Wish I got his face too kek.
Statue of davidmode is peak male
[spoilers]and that's a good thing[/spoilers]
White people grow by at least 300% when erect you dumb nigger.
Motherfucker I’m white and my 5 inch flaccid only goes to 7 and a half. That growth you are talking about is mostly volume. Nobody that’s 4 inches flaccid has a 12 inch dick.
Not hung
jews have sucked your blood fag
so 2 whole inches wow
Dubs checked.
Also who is this?
No, the volume is all in the 6” girth.
s-shut up it is not
Brad "miss me with that trans shit" Pitt
Mine goes from 2" to 7"
how would that make me a fag?
Marilyn Monroe.
Great job, mods.
Is it a pencil dick?
tfw only 2 and half inches flaccid, well at least im 5-5.5 bone pressed hard.
It's hanged idiot
It doesn't matter whether he's super-well hung or not. Look at him.