Why domods allow this to keep going? What did they mean by this?

Why domods allow this to keep going? What did they mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Theyre not even discussing the film. It's just a /soc/ thread.

The guy on the left is a mod.

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They are sofucking homosexual its unreal

It's really interesting how shitposts in those threads get deleted faster than gore or anything outside of it
I heard that the trip named "valley forge" is a janitor(not related to alita as far as I know)

Would you rather the general is shut down and we infect the rest of Yea Forums like GoT, Sneed, or Baneposting?

>10 guys and 1 girl

/alita/ plan of action:
sneedpost if you must
call them faggots if you must
their core posterbase is 3 people. one or two of them banned for even a few days will cripple their garbage

>Thinking Alitaposting will take off even a quarter as much as baneposting or sneedposting
>Thinking a B-rated shit movie no one remembers is comparable to shit popular normie GoT to take off
The absolute delusion of this lad. I'm in sheer awe.
Also a couple anons are coming after you guys.

We discuss the film every thread, seether. Just look at this recent thread when it was graveyard shift and we were uninterrupted and not distracted by any trolls:

the whole thread was pure discussion with a little fresh OC thrown it. Only when loser trolls like you come into to shit things up do we fall into the things you claim we do. Stay mad.
We have no mods in our thread. We have one janny, but he's from Florida and din't travel to that Cali meet. Also, he's since announced that he quit being a janny, so we don't even have anyone on the inside anymore.
Speaking from experience?
I honestly an unironically think the jannies and mods really like us and our thread, whether or not they're fans of the movie. We always keep ourselves contained to one thread at a time, we talk about the movie, we make OC related to the move, and on occasion we meet up in groups because we have the common interest of the movie, and, among whatever activity, w always talk more about the movie, the maga, potential sequels, etc. The first meet-up was Passport to Iron City, literally an puzzle room tie-in for the movie.

Dont act like thats not a milestone considering where we are.

this OP is obviously being paid per post by James Cameron and is trying to keep an income for his hotpockets until avatar comes out

It was confirmed a couple times to be a tranny. Dead serious.

better than the 0 girls that would ever show up for you.

I can't wait for the digital release. TORRENT CHADS will crash this general with no survivors.

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>I honestly an unironically think the jannies and mods really like us and our thread, whether or not they're fans of the movie. We always keep ourselves contained to one thread at a time, we talk about the movie, we make OC related to the move, and on occasion we meet up in groups because we have the common interest of the movie, and, among whatever activity, w always talk more about the movie, the maga, potential sequels, etc. The first meet-up was Passport to Iron City, literally an puzzle room tie-in for the movie.
Or just like with the reylo threads he's a predator getting something from an underage poster

Stop bullshitting like you do everyday and fucking kill yourself right now you worthless sack of fat

they reylos were the weirdest fucking threads i've ever seen. mods actively protected it which makes me think they 4chin was paid to keep them up
this might also be the case with /alita/. some sick form of viral marketing

[sploier]I unironically want to see more alitaposting outside the general[/spoiler]

Leave them to their hate thread guys. Its not worth it.

i just have this to say
if /who/ and /got/ are banned (rightly so) then /alita/ should follow suit
and throw /trek/ in for good measure but that's pretty much dead anyway

I thought the same for a while that they were shills yet the meetup is filled with kids as posted hereUnless the pic they posted is a rando one they ripped from /soc/ or some shit

You will once the rips come out and everyone calls it pleb trash like all movies like this.
then you'll pretend like your reddit/facebook tourist general means "Yea Forums liked it when it came out"

>confirmed to be a tranny
source please

How the fuck can a b-list popcorn flick from like six months ago or some shit really fuck up the board?

He and his facebook tourist friends will organize spam raids on Yea Forums. That post pretty much admit this is what they would do
send the archive link of it to hiro as he probably doesn't even know this is happening

have you been in the threads retard?
it's literally /mlp/ tier with some satanist brainlet pushing "prayers" every thread
also it's c-list at best

lol, wow

I hope you're joking and not serious about this. Our entire community is somewhere between 200-300 people. We're never all on in a single thread or on a single day. Also, we would've been shut down LONG ago if we broke rules that consistently. I mean, go ahead and abuse the report function, if you wish, See how that turns out. But, really, we almost never break any rules. It's always the trolls that break rules. And whenever we do post something too off-topic or whatever, janny will just delete those specific posts. No warnings or bans ever issued.

Give it up. The Moderators and Janitors are on our side, not yours.

Fucking dare us. I dare you. We'll hit every single thread on Yea Forums with Alita and we'll never, ever stop.

Don't fuck with us.

No, she never was. She's a she and always has been. Keep believing the lie if it make you feel better about your life, though.
None of us are underage. What the fuck are you even talking about? We HAD one janny. He's 23, but he's no longer a janny. No other janny or mod is part of our community.
Lol, why u mad, tho? Oh, because you know that I'm right and you're wrong. That's it.

Was confirmed the day it was posted on the general a couple alitafaggot anons said it's a tranny and no one got mad or refuted it and some thought it was cute. I'm sure it was them because the daybof the meetup, the general was slow as fuck becayse most of their posters were gone. They said this themselves too.
T. A guy that hassles them and threatens them from time to time because they're faggot bitches.

>None of us are underage. What the fuck are you even talking about? We HAD one janny. He's 23, but he's no longer a janny. No other janny or mod is part of our community.
No janitors have been fired or quit in the last 6 months.
This post also needs to be sent to hiro, "manager" and rapeape

No you're no. I'm on your gaybass general to fuck with you pussies alot and ALWAYS, EVERY TIME, THEBPOSTER COUNT STAYS FROM 30 TO MAX OF 50 OR 57'ISH POSTERS ALWAYS

As a torrent chad, I'm looking forward to watching it. I've been avoiding the general besides seeing it in the catalog and knowing of its existence. I'm curious to see what this movie that has fueled almost 600 threads worth of discussion is like. I am also fully prepped for disappointment.

It's probably like 5 people who keep the thread alive, they would burn out trying to compete with got and Sneed.

reported for call to invasion/raid

Generals are so fucking reddit. Fuck this place for tolerating this shit.

>boots at the beach

Attached: cunny hunnam.jpg (620x400, 24K)

Dude, reevaluate how you spend your time

Fuck janies you mean. Yea Forums as a whole hates them. They can try their pathetic invasion as one just threatened, we'll just spit them out like we did when the trannies arrived a couple months back and anime thread spammers.

Neck yourself

Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor

If you have twitter then send above to twitter.com/hiroyuki_ni
If you have discord then do whatever it is you do on there and send it to "rapeape"
also DO NOT use /feedback/ or /qa/ as they can stop hiro from seeing it there

Just report their threads every single time.

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Announcing reports is against the rules, fag.

That could easily just be trolling

Lol, don't even compare us to /reylo/. Those freaks harassed Ridley and Driver to leave their respective partners and get with each other just to satisfy horribly fan boys' ship fantasies. None of us has ever come close to bothering anyone who worked on or related to the film. There's no viral/Yea Forums marketing for Alita: Battle Angel. There was hardly any marketing period. Call us all the names you'd like, shills we're not. None of us are paid to be there, none of us are volunteering for free for any company or organization or any of that bullshit. We're all there because we genuinely love the movie and love the threads.
/got/ has had 70-100 threads on the board at once, constantly. We're one general thread, one thread at a time forever and always.
>not understanding irony or jokes or humor or being silly or poking fun at oneself or anything at all

no further comment about that
a couple alitafaggot anons said it's a tranny and no one got mad or refuted it and some thought it was cute.

Not what happened at all. I was in that thread. It was always a troll poster making up bullshit, and everyone immediately called it out. Person said they were at the first meet, never showed proof, whereas the five or so who confirmed to have gone all had proof. A couple queers were saying that even IF she were a tranny that it wouldn't matter, she'd still be part of the community. But, she's not, so it doesn't matter.
Well, he said he hadn't handed in his badge officially, but that he just hasn't been online at all. He said he would officially quit soon, though.
Wow, you're really that stupid. Well, actually, in th really early days it was more like 60-100 people, but I digress. At any rate, any give 50 or so people in one thread is not the same 50 people that will be in the next one and the next one and the next one. That's literally impossible. People need to sleep. Different time zones.

No. One. Refuted. It. It got a bunch of replies when it was said, and no one said it was a girl after.

See He's also admitted more >Well, he said he hadn't handed in his badge officially, but that he just hasn't been online at all. He said he would officially quit soon, though.

He's abusing his powers to protect the threads

Holy fuck, this is big. Thanks lad. Will screenshot and save too. We'll take the general and janny down together.

Is there anything less masculine than being Asian?

There should be a /tvg/. That's basically what Yea Forums is now whenever some big capeshit movie comes out. Miss Marvel and Game of Thrones consisted of like 80% of the catalog.
Yea Forums gets /vg/, /vr/, and /vp/. Why does Yea Forums only have one board (unless you count Yea Forums as an offshoot of Yea Forums)?