Force Awakens and Solo are bad and Last Jedi is shit, but Rogue One is pretty good. It's not a masterpiece, but Felicity Jones is an actual character, the story is mostly coherent, and the action is well constructed. It's probably the third best Star Wars film, tied with Revenge of the Sith.
Unpopular opinion thread
Ok zoomer
This is the go-to "woke" opinion regarding nu-Wars.
It's visually stunning too.
Only brain dead people think Rogue One is bad.
That and boomers like Mike Stoklasa.
Rogue One>Solo>>The Force Awakens>>>TLJ
I've never seen any of the original or prequel Star Wars films. I've only seen TFA and Rogue One. TFA was shit and Rogue One was actually really neat.
Reminder that the director literally left his girlfriend shitting herself in a ditch in Tunisia while he watched the sunset at Luke's house.
It's pretty fucking terrible. Every single rebel character is an insufferable zero-personality NPC token diversity hire with nothing interesting to say or do. How can you seriously compare it to the masterpiece that is Revenge of the Sith?
Maybe Rogue One would have been alright if the director had gotten to make the film he wanted instead of Katheen bringing in her husband and reshooting and re-editing the entire thing.
trips of tuhruth
sorry boomer, were not talking about the old Star Wars films. Just the new ones.
The last 30 minutes of this movie has been the best star wars disney has ever pulled out. The rebels knowing they've lost put one last suicide dive to break the barriers just to get the plans. the death star coming and blowing up the planet to make sure the plans don't get leaked darth vader coming personally to kick ass one last shot of leia knowing she died days before
The new ones are the old ones faggot
None of the Disney Nu War films have been good. R1 especially.
>watching SJW characters all die
I don’t see the problem
Rogue One is probably better than RotJ or at least is the only movie since the OT to come close to that quality. It was made with genuine love for the series.
Revenge of the sith is the third best Star Wars film after ANH and ESB. Ewoks a shit and the second Death Star plot was capeshit levels of lazy repetitiveness
>He's one of those
Rogue One is the definition of a brain dead movie.
>tied with Revenge of the Sith
but user that movie is fucking terrible
Star Wars is for goys desu
>Rogue One pandered unapologetically to my nostalgia and that's why I like it as much as the ones I grew up with
>Ultron is the best Avengers movie
>Winter Solider is the worst Cap movie
>Thor is the best Thor movie
>Ant-Man 2 and Guardians 2 are better than the 1st movies
>RoTJ is the best Star Wars movie
You are correct.
Anyone that disagrees is a faggot.
it's alright but it really drags with the intro to all the characters. Why is it even important that the daughter gets the plans anyways that should have been like a big reveal that she was changing the mission from a pickup and assassinate to a rescue mission or some shit